Exemple #1
def git_receive(config, message):
    """ Git pushes to dist-git

    Including this rule will produce notifications triggered when somebody runs
    ``fedpkg push`` on a package.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.receive')
Exemple #2
def git_receive(config, message):
    """ Git pushes to dist-git

    Including this rule will produce notifications triggered when somebody runs
    ``fedpkg push`` on a package.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.receive')
Exemple #3
def git_branch(config, message):
    """ New dist-git branches for packages

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new branches being created
    for Fedora package git repos.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.branch')
Exemple #4
def git_branch(config, message):
    """ New dist-git branches for packages

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new branches being created
    for Fedora package git repos.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.branch')
Exemple #5
def git_repo_new(config, message):
    New repository in dist-git (https://src.fedoraproject.org).

    This rule triggers when a new dist-git repository is added. This occurs once
    a package has been reviewed and the SCM request has been approved.
    return message['topic'] == _('pagure.project.new',
Exemple #6
def mdapi_repo_update(config, message):
    """ mdapi repository changes

    We have a fancy (new in 2015) service called `mdapi
    <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/mdapi>`_ which provides a JSON api over the
    yum/dnf repos we create and serve.  It updates its cache with a cronjob,
    and that cronjob produces fedmsg messages about what changed with each new

    Include this rule to receive notifications of mdapi repo changes.  Hint: it
    is nice to use in combination with rules that target packages of interest.
    return message['topic'] == _('mdapi.repo.update')
Exemple #7
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fmn_catchall(config, message):
    """ All FMN meta-notification stuff

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `this service <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications>`_.  Those
    kinds of messages include account, profile, and notification-preference
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'fmn'

def fmn_confirmation_update(config, message):
    """ Confirmation status changes (FMN)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Notifications <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications>`_
    whenever the status of confirmation changes.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fmn.confirmation.update')

def fmn_filter_update(config, message):
    """ Notification filter changes (FMN)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
Exemple #8
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def askbot_catchall(config, message):
    """ All askbot events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `Ask Fedora <https://ask.fedoraproject.org>`_ i.e.
    answers to questions, tag changes, moderation flags, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'askbot'

def askbot_post_deleted(config, message):
    """ Deleted Ask Fedora posts

    This rule will let through messages that get sent when either
    a question or an answer are **deleted** from the `Ask Fedora
    <https://ask.fedoraproject.org/questions>`_ forum system.
    return message['topic'].endswith('askbot.post.delete')

def askbot_post_edited(config, message):
    """ Updates to Ask Fedora posts

    This rule will let through messages that get sent when either
    a question or an answer are **edited** on the `Ask Fedora
Exemple #9
import six

from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

                prefix='org.release-monitoring')], invertible=False)
def anitya_unmapped_new_update(config, message):
    """ New releases of upstream projects that have no mapping to Fedora

    Adding this rule will let through events when new upstream releases are
    detected, but only on upstream projects that have no mapping to Fedora
    Packages.  This could be useful to you if you want to monitor
    release-monitoring.org itself and watch for projects that might need help
    adjusting their metadata.
    if not anitya_new_update(config, message):
        return False

    for package in message['msg']['message']['packages']:
        if package['distro'].lower() == 'fedora':
            return False

    # If none of the packages were listed as Fedora, then this is unmapped.
    return True

def anitya_catchall(config, message):
    """ All release-monitoring.org events
Exemple #10
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def meetbot_catchall(config, message):
    """ All IRC meeting events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_.  It
    publishes messages about IRC meetings stopping, starting, changing,.. etc,
    as they occur.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'meetbot'

def meetbot_meeting_complete(config, message):
    """ IRC meetings ending

    Trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes
    messages too!  Adding this rule will notify you when an IRC meeting
    return message['topic'].endswith('meetbot.meeting.complete')

def meetbot_meeting_start(config, message):
    """ IRC meetings starting

    Trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes
Exemple #11
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def mailman_receive(config, message):
    """ Mailing list emails

    Including this rule will trigger a notification anytime
    an **email is posted** to any Fedora Project **mailman3** list.

    If you're using this to send yourself emails, it might make more sense to
    just *subscribe to the list*... think about it.
    return message['topic'].endswith('mailman.receive')
Exemple #12
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'bodhi'

@hint(categories=['bodhi'], invertible=False)
def bodhi_critpath(config, message):
    """ Critpath updates (of any kind)

    Adding this rule will allow through notifications about **critpath
    updates** from the `Bodhi Updates System
    return message['msg'].get('update', {}).get('critpath', False)

def bodhi_buildroot_override_tag(config, message):
    """ New buildroot overrides

    Adding this rule will allow through notifications whenever a user
    **requests a buildroot override** via the `Bodhi Updates System
    return message['topic'].endswith('bodhi.buildroot_override.tag')

def bodhi_buildroot_override_untag(config, message):
    """ Buildroot overrides being removed

    Adding this rule will allow through notifications whenever a user
Exemple #13
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedimg_image_test_state(config, message):
    """ Fedimg: An image test state (started, completed, or failed)

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedimg
    <https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedimg>`_ indicating the *image
    test state* (started, completed or failed).
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedimg.image.test')

@hint(topics=[_('fedimg.image.test')], invertible=False)
def fedimg_image_test_started(config, message):
    """ Fedimg: An image test has started

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedimg
    <https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedimg>`_ indicating the *image
    test* has started.
    if not fedimg_image_test_state(config, message):
        return False

    return message['msg']['status'] == 'started'

@hint(topics=[_('fedimg.image.test')], invertible=False)
def fedimg_image_test_completed(config, message):
    """ Fedimg: An image test has completed
Exemple #14
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def meetbot_catchall(config, message):
    """ All IRC meeting events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_.  It
    publishes messages about IRC meetings stopping, starting, changing,.. etc,
    as they occur.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'meetbot'

def meetbot_meeting_complete(config, message):
    """ IRC meetings ending

    Trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes
    messages too!  Adding this rule will notify you when an IRC meeting
    return message['topic'].endswith('meetbot.meeting.complete')

def meetbot_meeting_start(config, message):
    """ IRC meetings starting

    Trusty old `zodbot <https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes
Exemple #15
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def git_catchall(config, message):
    """ All dist-git activity

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `dist-git <http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit>`_.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'git'

def git_branch(config, message):
    """ New dist-git branches for packages

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new branches being created
    for Fedora package git repos.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.branch')

def git_lookaside_new(config, message):
    """ New tarballs uploaded to the lookaside cache

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new sources being uploaded
    to the "lookaside cache" as when someone runs ``fedpkg new-sources
Exemple #16
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def compose_catchall(config, message):
    """ All compose events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from the `compose process <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/releng-dash>`_.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'compose'

def compose_branched_complete(config, message):
    """ Compose completed for a specific branch

    Adding this rule will allow through notifications published when `release
    engineering <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering>`_ completes
    the **entire** `compose <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/releng-dash/>`_ of
    the 'branched' Fedora pre-release.
    return message['topic'].endswith('compose.branched.complete')

def compose_branched_mash_complete(config, message):
    """ Mash completed for a specific branch

    Adding this rule will allow through notifications published when `release
    engineering <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering>`_ completes
Exemple #17
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def kerneltest_release_edit(config, message):
    """ An admin edits an existing release (kerneltest)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Kernel Test <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/kerneltest>`_
    when an admin **edits** an existing release.
    return message['topic'].endswith('kerneltest.release.edit')

def kerneltest_release_new(config, message):
    """ An admin adds a new release (kerneltest)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Kernel Test <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/kerneltest>`_
    when an admin **sets up** an existing release.
    return message['topic'].endswith('kerneltest.release.new')

def kerneltest_upload_new(config, message):
    """ New kerneltest test results

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Kernel Test <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/kerneltest>`_
Exemple #18
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def nuancier_candidate_approved(config, message):
    """ Approved wallpaper candidates

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Nuancier <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier>`_
    when an admin **approves** a candidate submission.
    return message['topic'].endswith('nuancier.candidate.approved')

def nuancier_candidate_denied(config, message):
    """ Denied wallpaper candidates

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Nuancier <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier>`_
    when an admin **denies** a candidate submission.
    return message['topic'].endswith('nuancier.candidate.denied')

def nuancier_candidate_new(config, message):
    """ New wallpaper candidates

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Nuancier <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier>`_
Exemple #19
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def taskotron_result_new(config, message, **kwargs):
    """ New taskotron task result

    This rule lets through messages from the `taskotron
    <https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org>`_ about new task result.
    return message['topic'].endswith('taskotron.result.new')

@hint(categories=['taskotron'], invertible=False)
def taskotron_task(config, message, task=None):
    """ Particular taskotron task

    With this rule, you can limit messages to only those of particular
    `taskotron <https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/>`_ task.

    You can specify several tasks by separating them with a comma ',',
    i.e.: ``dist.depcheck,dist.rpmlint``.

    # We only operate on taskotron messages, first off.
    if not taskotron_result_new(config, message):
        return False

    if not task:
        return False
Exemple #20
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def all_ansible(config, message):
    """ An ansible action from Fedora-Infra

    The `Fedora Infrastructure team
    <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure>`_ uses `ansible
    <http://ansibleworks.com>`_ to manage resources and deploy services.
    This rule will let through messages *all* the messages related to ansible.
    return ".ansible." in message["topic"]

def playbook_complete(config, message):
    """ Fedora-infra playbook runs finishing

    The `Fedora Infrastructure team
    <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure>`_ uses `ansible
    <http://ansibleworks.com>`_ to manage resources and deploy services.
    This rule will let through messages indicating that a playbook run has
    return message["topic"].endswith("ansible.playbook.complete")

def playbook_started(config, message):
    """ Fedora-infra playbook runs starting
Exemple #21
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def copr_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Copr events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org>`__, i.e. new
    and finished builds, newly spun up workers and chroots, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'copr'

def copr_build_start(config, message):
    """ Copr builds starting

    `Copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes messages
    when a new build starts.  Adding this rule will get you those messages.
    return message['topic'].endswith('copr.build.start')

def copr_build_end(config, message):
    """ Copr builds ending

    `Copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org/>`__ publishes messages
    when a new build ends.  Adding this rule will get you those messages.
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedora_elections_candidate_delete(config, message):
    """ Candidates are deleted from an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever
    a candidate is deleted in an election.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedora_elections.candidate.delete')

def fedora_elections_candidate_edit(config, message):
    """ Candidates are updated in an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever a
    candidate is edited in an election.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedora_elections.candidate.edit')

def fedora_elections_candidate_new(config, message):
    """ New candidates are added to an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever a
Exemple #23
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def logger_log(config, message):
    """ Admin logging and debug statements

    Include this rule to receive notifications of messages being sent by an
    admin who uses `fedmsg-logger` on a host, and doesn't explicitly provide
    a topic for the message to get sent as. This is usually used for testing.
    return message['topic'].endswith('logger.log')
Exemple #24
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def github_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Fedora-related GitHub activity

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `github <https://github.com>`__ (but only the repositories that are
    mapped to Fedora via the `github2fedmsg service
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'github'

def github_commit_comment(config, message):
    """ Commit comments (github.com)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Github <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/github2fedmsg>`__
    when someone **directly comments on a commit**.
    return message['topic'].endswith('github.commit_comment')

def github_create(config, message):
    """ New tags and branches (github.com)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
Exemple #25
    so you get only a *certain subset* of messages from one instance.  You
    almost certainly do not want **all** messages from a given instance.

    You can specify several instances by separating them with a comma ',',
    i.e.: ``primary,ppc``.

    instance = kw.get('instance', instance)
    if not instance:
        return False

    instances = [item.strip() for item in instance.split(',')]
    return message['msg'].get('instance') in instances

def koji_scratch_build_state_change(config, message):
    """ Scratch builds changing state (any state)

    This rule lets through messages from the `koji build
    system <http://koji.fedoraproject.org>`_ about **scratch** build state
    state changes (any state at all:  started, completed, failed, cancelled).
    return message['topic'].endswith('buildsys.task.state.change')

@hint(topics=[_('buildsys.task.state.change')], invertible=False)
def koji_scratch_build_started(config, message):
    """ Scratch builds starting

    This rule lets through messages from the `koji build
Exemple #26
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedora_elections_candidate_delete(config, message):
    """ Candidates are deleted from an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever
    a candidate is deleted in an election.
    return message["topic"].endswith("fedora_elections.candidate.delete")

def fedora_elections_candidate_edit(config, message):
    """ Candidates are updated in an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever a
    candidate is edited in an election.
    return message["topic"].endswith("fedora_elections.candidate.edit")

def fedora_elections_candidate_new(config, message):
    """ New candidates are added to an election.

    Adding this rule will let through elections from `Fedora
    Elections <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/voting/>`_ whenever a
Exemple #27
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def pkgdb_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Package DB events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `pkgdb2 <https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb>`_, i.e. ACL changes,
    new packages, requests for ownership, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'pkgdb'

def pkgdb_acl_update(config, message):
    """ Package ACL updates

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications when an ACL on a package
    is **updated** in the Fedora `Package DB
    return message['topic'].endswith('pkgdb.acl.update')

def pkgdb_acl_delete(config, message):
    """ Package ACLs are deleted

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications when an ACL on a package
    is **deleted** in the Fedora `Package DB
Exemple #28
Fichier : ci.py Projet : mavit/fmn
# Basic building steps

def ci_catchall(config, message):
    """ All CI events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from the `Fedora Atomic CI pipeline
    <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraAtomicCI/pipeline>`_, i.e.
    new build queued, running, complete, compose running, complete, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'ci'

def ci_package_ignore(config, message):
    """ Package ignored by CI

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications a package is ignored by
    the Fedora Atomic `CI pipeline
    return message['topic'].endswith('ci.pipeline.package.ignore')

def ci_package_queued(config, message):
    """ Package queued in CI

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications a package has been queued
Exemple #29
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _
import fnmatch

    # if you update this, don't forget to also update the docstring for
    # taskotron_release_critical_task()

def taskotron_result_new(config, message, **kwargs):
    """ New taskotron task result

    This rule lets through messages from the `taskotron
    <https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org>`_ about new task result.
    return message['topic'].endswith('.taskotron.result.new')

@hint(categories=['taskotron'], invertible=False)
def taskotron_task(config, message, task=None):
    """ Particular taskotron task

    With this rule, you can limit messages to only those of particular
    `taskotron <https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/>`_ task. Some tasks are
    documented on the `wiki <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Taskotron/Tasks>`_,
    and a full list of testcases (on which you can match) is visible in
    `resultsdb <https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb/testcases>`_.
Exemple #30
"""Notification rules relating to dist-git."""
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def git_catchall(config, message):
    """ All dist-git activity

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `dist-git <http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit>`_.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'git'

def git_branch(config, message):
    """ New dist-git branches for packages

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new branches being created
    for Fedora package git repos.
    return message['topic'] == _('git.branch')

def git_lookaside_new(config, message):
    """ New tarballs uploaded to the lookaside cache

    Include this rule to receive notifications of new sources being uploaded
    to the "lookaside cache" as when someone runs ``fedpkg new-sources
Exemple #31
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedoratagger_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Fedora Tagger events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `fedora-tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_, i.e. votes
    on tags, usage count changes, etc..
    return message["topic"].split(".")[3] == "fedoratagger"

def fedoratagger_rating_update(config, message):
    """ The rating changes on a package (fedora-tagger)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Fedora Tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_
    that get published when a user updates the **rating** on a package.
    return message["topic"].endswith("fedoratagger.rating.update")

def fedoratagger_tag_create(config, message):
    """ New tags on a package (fedora-tagger)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Fedora Tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_
Exemple #32
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedbadges_badge_award(config, message):
    """ New badge awards in the Fedora Badges system

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`_ system whenever someone is *awarded a
    new badge*.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedbadges.badge.award')

def fedbadges_person_first_login(config, message):
    """ New people login to badges.fedoraproject.org

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`_ system whenever someone *logs in*
    for the *first time*.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedbadges.person.login.first')

def fedbadges_person_rank_advance(config, message):
    """ Rank changes in the Fedora Badges system

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`_ system whenever someone's *rank
Exemple #33
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def copr_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Copr events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org>`_, i.e. new
    and finished builds, newly spun up workers and chroots, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'copr'

def copr_build_start(config, message):
    """ Copr builds starting

    `Copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes messages
    when a new build starts.  Adding this rule will get you those messages.
    return message['topic'].endswith('copr.build.start')

def copr_build_end(config, message):
    """ Copr builds ending

    `Copr <https://copr.fedoraproject.org/>`_ publishes messages
    when a new build ends.  Adding this rule will get you those messages.
Exemple #34
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def koschei_package_state_change(config, message):
    """ Continuous integration state changes for a package (koschei)

    `Koschei <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei/>`_ publishes
    this message when package's build or resolution state changes.
    return message['topic'].endswith('koschei.package.state.change')

@hint(categories=['koschei'], invertible=False)
def koschei_group(config, message, group=None):
    """ Particular Koschei package groups

    This rule limits message to particular
    `Koschei <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei/>`_ groups.
    You can specify more groups separated by commas.
    if not group or 'koschei' not in message['topic']:
        return False
    groups = set([item.strip() for item in group.split(',')])
    return bool(groups.intersection(message['msg'].get('groups', [])))
Exemple #35
import six

from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

    _('anitya.project.version.update', prefix='org.release-monitoring')
def anitya_unmapped_new_update(config, message):
    """ New releases of upstream projects that have no mapping to Fedora

    Adding this rule will let through events when new upstream releases are
    detected, but only on upstream projects that have no mapping to Fedora
    Packages.  This could be useful to you if you want to monitor
    release-monitoring.org itself and watch for projects that might need help
    adjusting their metadata.
    if not anitya_new_update(config, message):
        return False

    for package in message['msg']['message']['packages']:
        if package['distro'].lower() == 'fedora':
            return False

    # If none of the packages were listed as Fedora, then this is unmapped.
    return True

def anitya_catchall(config, message):
Exemple #36
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedoratagger_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Fedora Tagger events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `fedora-tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_, i.e. votes
    on tags, usage count changes, etc..
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'fedoratagger'

def fedoratagger_rating_update(config, message):
    """ The rating changes on a package (fedora-tagger)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Fedora Tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_
    that get published when a user updates the **rating** on a package.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedoratagger.rating.update')

def fedoratagger_tag_create(config, message):
    """ New tags on a package (fedora-tagger)

    Adding this rule to your filters will let through messages
    from `Fedora Tagger <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/tagger>`_
Exemple #37
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def planet_post_new(config, message):
    """ New blog posts on the Fedora Planet

    Yes, yes.. you could always use an RSS reader... but if you add *this* rule
    to your filter, you'll get notifications when new posts appear on the
    `Fedora Planet <https://planet.fedoraproject.org>`_.
    return message['topic'].endswith('planet.post.new')
Exemple #38
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def bugzilla_catchall(config, message):
    """ All RHBZ activity

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from `Bugzilla <https://bugzilla.redhat.com>`_.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'bugzilla'

def bugzilla_bug_new(config, message):
    """ New RHBZ bugs

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications when a user **files** a new bug
    in `Bugzilla <https://bugzilla.redhat.com>`_ for **Fedora** or **Fedora
    EPEL** products.
    return message['topic'].endswith('bugzilla.bug.new')

def bugzilla_bug_update(config, message):
    """ Updates to existing RHBZ bugs

    Adding this rule will trigger notifications when a user **updates** a bug
    in `Bugzilla <https://bugzilla.redhat.com>`_ for **Fedora** or **Fedora
    EPEL** products.
Exemple #39
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def wiki_catchall(config, message):
    """ All wiki events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from the Fedora Project `wiki <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki>`_ i.e.
    edits to wiki pages, new media uploads, etc...
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'wiki'

def wiki_article_edit(config, message):
    """ Wiki edits

    Fedora's `Wiki <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki>`_ has a fedmsg hook
    that publishes messages when a user **edits a page**.  Adding this rule
    will trigger notifications whenever that event occurs.
    return message['topic'].endswith('wiki.article.edit')

def wiki_upload_complete(config, message):
    """ Wiki media uploads

    Fedora's `Wiki <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki>`_ has a fedmsg hook
    that publishes messages when a user **uploads some media** (like a video or
Exemple #40
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedocal_catchall(config, message):
    """ All Fedora Calendar events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from the `Fedocal Calendaring System
    <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar>`_, i.e. messages about new
    calendars, new meetings, and more.
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'fedocal'

def fedocal_calendar_clear(config, message):
    """ When an admin has cleared all meetings from a calendar.

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from `Fedocal
    <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar>`_ whenever someone clears all
    meetings from a calendar there.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedocal.calendar.clear')

def fedocal_calendar_create(config, message):
    """ New fedocal calendars

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from `Fedocal
Exemple #41
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def fedbadges_badge_award(config, message):
    """ New badge awards in the Fedora Badges system

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`__ system whenever someone is *awarded a
    new badge*.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedbadges.badge.award')

def fedbadges_person_first_login(config, message):
    """ New people login to badges.fedoraproject.org

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`__ system whenever someone *logs in*
    for the *first time*.
    return message['topic'].endswith('fedbadges.person.login.first')

def fedbadges_person_rank_advance(config, message):
    """ Rank changes in the Fedora Badges system

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the `Fedora Badges
    <https://badges.fedoraproject.org>`__ system whenever someone's *rank
Exemple #42
Fichier : mbs.py Projet : mavit/fmn
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def mbs_catchall(config, message):
    """ All MBS events

    Adding this rule will indiscriminately match notifications of all types
    from the `module build service <https://mbs.fedoraproject.org>`_, i.e. every
    time any module build transitions to any state (init, wait, build, failed,
    completed, ready, ...)
    return message['topic'].split('.')[3] == 'mbs'

def mbs_build_state_change(config, message):
    """ Module builds changing state (any state)

    This rule lets through messages from the `mbs build
    service <https://mbs.fedoraproject.org>`_ that get published anytime a
    build changes state.  The state could be anything:  started, completed,
    failed, etc...
    return message['topic'].endswith('mbs.module.state.change')

@hint(topics=[_('buildsys.build.state.change')], invertible=False)
def mbs_build_started(config, message):
    """ Module builds submitted
Exemple #43
from fmn.lib.hinting import hint, prefixed as _

def autocloud_compose_test_queued(config, message):
    """ Autocloud: A compose has been queued for testing

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the
    `Autocloud <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/>`
    indicating the *compose test* has been queued.
    return message['topic'].endswith('autocloud.compose.queued')

def autocloud_compose_test_running(config, message):
    """ Autocloud: The tests for the compose are running

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the
    `Autocloud <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/>`
    indicating the *compose test* has started running.
    return message['topic'].endswith('autocloud.compose.running')

def autocloud_compose_test_completed(config, message):
    """ Autocloud: The tests for the compose has completed

    Adding this rule will let through notifications from the
    `Autocloud <https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/>`