Exemple #1
def compile_home_system_list(num_home_systems, systems):
    Compiles a list with a requested number of home systems.

    # if the list of systems to choose home systems from is empty, report an error and return empty list
    if not systems:
        util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: no systems to choose from")
        return []

    # calculate an initial minimal number of jumps that the home systems should be apart,
    # based on the total number of systems to choose from and the requested number of home systems
    min_jumps = max(int(float(len(systems)) / float(num_home_systems * 2)), 5)
    # try to find the home systems, decrease the min jumps until enough systems can be found, or the min jump distance
    # gets reduced to 0 (meaning we don't have enough systems to choose from at all)
    while min_jumps > 0:
        print "Trying to find", num_home_systems, "home systems that are at least", min_jumps, "jumps apart"
        # try to find home systems...
        home_systems = find_systems_with_min_jumps_between(num_home_systems, systems, min_jumps)
        # ...check if we got enough...
        if len(home_systems) >= num_home_systems:
            # ...yes, we got what we need, so let's break out of the loop
        print "Home system min jump conflict: %d systems and %d empires, tried %d min jump and failed"\
              % (len(systems), num_home_systems, min_jumps)
        # ...no, decrease the min jump distance and try again
        min_jumps -= 1

    # check if the loop above delivered a list with enough home systems, or if it exited because the min jump distance
    # has been decreased to 0 without finding enough systems
    # in that case, our galaxy obviously is too crowded, report an error and return an empty list
    if len(home_systems) < num_home_systems:
        util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: requested %d homeworlds in a galaxy with %d systems"
                          % (num_home_systems, len(systems)))
        return []

    # make sure all our home systems have a "real" star (that is, a star that is not a neutron star, black hole,
    # or even no star at all) and at least one planet in it
    for home_system in home_systems:
        # if this home system has no "real" star, change star type to a randomly selected "real" star
        if fo.sys_get_star_type(home_system) not in starsystems.star_types_real:
            star_type = random.choice(starsystems.star_types_real)
            print "Home system", home_system, "has star type", fo.sys_get_star_type(home_system),\
                  ", changing that to", star_type
            fo.sys_set_star_type(home_system, star_type)

        # if this home system has no planets, create one in a random orbit
        # we take random values for type and size, as these will be set to suitable values later
        if not fo.sys_get_planets(home_system):
            print "Home system", home_system, "has no planets, adding one"
            planet = fo.create_planet(random.choice(planets.planet_sizes_real),
                                      home_system, random.randint(0, fo.sys_get_num_orbits(home_system) - 1), "")
            # if we couldn't create the planet, report an error and return an empty list
            if planet == fo.invalid_object():
                util.report_error("Python generate_home_system_list: couldn't create planet in home system")
                return []

    return home_systems
Exemple #2
def log_planet_type_summary(sys_list):
    planet_type_summary = {k: 0 for k in planets.planet_types}
    for system in sys_list:
        for planet in fo.sys_get_planets(system):
            planet_type_summary[fo.planet_get_type(planet)] += 1
    planet_total = sum(planet_type_summary.values())
    print "Planet Type Summary for a total of %d placed planets" % planet_total
    for planet_type, planet_count in planet_type_summary.items():
        print "%-12s %4.1f%%" % (planet_type.name, 100.0 * planet_count / planet_total)
Exemple #3
def log_planet_count_dist(sys_list):
    planet_count_dist = {}
    planet_size_dist = {size : 0 for size in planets.planet_sizes}
    for system in sys_list:
        planet_count = 0
        for planet in fo.sys_get_planets(system):
            this_size = fo.planet_get_size(planet)
            if this_size in planets.planet_sizes:
                planet_count += 1
                planet_size_dist[this_size] += 1
        planet_count_dist.setdefault(planet_count, [0])[0] += 1
    planet_tally = sum(planet_size_dist.values())
    print "Planet Count Distribution: planets_in_system | num_systems | % of systems"
    for planet_count, sys_count in planet_count_dist.items():
        print "\t\t\t%2d  | %5d | %4.1f%%" % (planet_count, sys_count[0], 100.0 * sys_count[0] / len(sys_list))
    print "Planet Size Distribution: size | count | % of planets"
    for planet_size, planet_count in planet_size_dist.items():
        print "\t\t%-12s | %5d | %4.1f%%" % (planet_size, planet_count, 100.0 * planet_count / planet_tally)
Exemple #4
def name_planets(system):
    Sets the names of the planets of the specified system.

    Planet name is system name + planet number (as roman number)
    unless it's an asteroid belt, in that case name is system
    name + 'asteroid belt' (localized).
    planet_number = 1
    # iterate over all planets in the system
    for planet in fo.sys_get_planets(system):
        # use different naming methods for "normal" planets and asteroid belts
        if fo.planet_get_type(planet) == fo.planetType.asteroids:
            # get localized text from stringtable
            name = fo.user_string("PL_ASTEROID_BELT_OF_SYSTEM")
            # %1% parameter in the localized string is the system name
            name = name.replace("%1%", fo.get_name(system))
            # set name to system name + planet number as roman number...
            name = fo.get_name(system) + " " + fo.roman_number(planet_number)
            # ...and increase planet number
            planet_number += 1
        # do the actual renaming
        fo.set_name(planet, name)
Exemple #5
def generate_monsters(monster_freq, systems):
    Adds space monsters to systems.

    # first, calculate the basic chance for monster generation in a system
    # based on the monster frequency that has been passed
    # get the corresponding value for the specified monster frequency from the universe tables
    inverse_monster_chance = fo.monster_frequency(monster_freq)
    # as the value in the universe table is higher for a lower frequency, we have to invert it
    # exception: a value of 0 means no monsters, in this case return immediately
    if inverse_monster_chance <= 0:
    basic_chance = 1.0 / float(inverse_monster_chance)
    print "Default monster spawn chance:", basic_chance
    expectation_tally = 0.0
    actual_tally = 0

    # get all monster fleets that have a spawn rate and limit both > 0 and at least one monster ship design in it
    # (a monster fleet with no monsters in it is pointless) and store them with a spawn counter in a dict
    # this counter will be set to the spawn limit initially and decreased every time the monster fleet is spawned
    fleet_plans = {fp: fp.spawn_limit() for fp in fo.load_monster_fleet_plan_list("space_monster_spawn_fleets.txt")
                   if fp.spawn_rate() > 0.0 and fp.spawn_limit() > 0 and fp.ship_designs()}

    # map nests to monsters for ease of reporting
    tracked_plan_tries = {name: 0 for name in nest_name_map.values()}
    tracked_plan_counts = {name: 0 for name in nest_name_map.values()}
    tracked_plan_valid_locations = {fp: 0 for fp, limit in fleet_plans.iteritems() if fp.name() in tracked_plan_counts}
    tracked_nest_valid_locations = {nest: 0 for nest in nest_name_map}

    if not fleet_plans:

    # dump a list of all monster fleets meeting these conditions and their properties to the log
    print "Monster fleets available for generation at game start:"
    for fleet_plan in fleet_plans:
        print "...", fleet_plan.name(), ": spawn rate", fleet_plan.spawn_rate(),\
            "/ spawn limit", fleet_plan.spawn_limit(),\
            "/ effective chance", basic_chance * fleet_plan.spawn_rate(),\
            "/ can be spawned at", len([s for s in systems if fleet_plan.location(s)]), "systems"
        if fleet_plan.name() in nest_name_map.values():
            statistics.tracked_monsters_chance[fleet_plan.name()] = basic_chance * fleet_plan.spawn_rate()

    # for each system in the list that has been passed to this function, find a monster fleet that can be spawned at
    # the system and which hasn't already been added too many times, then attempt to add that monster fleet by
    # testing the spawn rate chance
    for system in systems:
        # collect info for tracked monster nest valid locations
        for planet in fo.sys_get_planets(system):
            for nest in tracked_nest_valid_locations:
                #print "\t tracked monster check planet: %d size: %s for nest: %20s  | result: %s" % (planet, fo.planet_get_size(planet), nest, fo.special_location(nest, planet))
                if fo.special_location(nest, planet):
                    tracked_nest_valid_locations[nest] += 1

        # collect info for tracked monster valid locations
        for fp in tracked_plan_valid_locations:
            if fp.location(system):
                tracked_plan_valid_locations[fp] += 1

        # filter out all monster fleets whose location condition allows this system and whose counter hasn't reached 0
        suitable_fleet_plans = [fp for fp, counter in fleet_plans.iteritems() if counter and fp.location(system)]
        # if there are no suitable monster fleets for this system, continue with the next
        if not suitable_fleet_plans:

        # randomly select one monster fleet out of the suitable ones and then test if we want to add it to this system
        # by making a roll against the basic chance multiplied by the spawn rate of this monster fleet
        expectation_tally += basic_chance * sum([fp.spawn_rate() for fp in suitable_fleet_plans]) / len(suitable_fleet_plans)
        fleet_plan = random.choice(suitable_fleet_plans)
        if fleet_plan.name() in tracked_plan_tries:
            tracked_plan_tries[fleet_plan.name()] += 1
        if random.random() > basic_chance * fleet_plan.spawn_rate():
            print "\t\t At system %4d rejected monster fleet %s from %d suitable fleets" % (system, fleet_plan.name(), len(suitable_fleet_plans))
            # no, test failed, continue with the next system
        actual_tally += 1
        if fleet_plan.name() in tracked_plan_counts:
            tracked_plan_counts[fleet_plan.name()] += 1

        # all prerequisites and the test have been met, now spawn this monster fleet in this system
        print "Spawn", fleet_plan.name(), "at", fo.get_name(system)
        # decrement counter for this monster fleet
        fleet_plans[fleet_plan] -= 1
        # create monster fleet
        monster_fleet = fo.create_monster_fleet(system)
        # if fleet creation fails, report an error and try to continue with next system
        if monster_fleet == fo.invalid_object():
            util.report_error("Python generate_monsters: unable to create new monster fleet %s" % fleet_plan.name())
        # add monsters to fleet
        for design in fleet_plan.ship_designs():
            # create monster, if creation fails, report an error and try to continue with the next design
            if fo.create_monster(design, monster_fleet) == fo.invalid_object():
                util.report_error("Python generate_monsters: unable to create monster %s" % design)

    print "Actual # monster fleets placed: %d; Total Placement Expectation: %.1f" % (actual_tally, expectation_tally)
    # finally, compile some statistics to be dumped to the log later
    statistics.monsters_summary = [(fp.name(), fp.spawn_limit() - counter) for fp, counter in fleet_plans.iteritems()]
    statistics.tracked_monsters_location_summary.update([(fp.name(), count) for fp, count in tracked_plan_valid_locations.iteritems()])
    statistics.tracked_nest_location_summary.update([(nest_name_map[nest], count) for nest, count in tracked_nest_valid_locations.items()])
Exemple #6
def generate_natives(native_freq, systems, empire_home_systems):
    Adds non-empire-affiliated native populations to planets.

    # first, calculate the chance for natives on a planet based on the native frequency that has been passed
    # get the corresponding value for the specified natives frequency from the universe tables
    inverse_native_chance = fo.native_frequency(native_freq)
    # as the value in the universe table is higher for a lower frequency, we have to invert it
    # exception: a value of 0 means no natives, in this case return immediately
    if inverse_native_chance <= 0:
    native_chance = 1.0 / float(inverse_native_chance)

    # compile a list of planets where natives can be placed
    # select only planets sufficiently far away from player home systems
    native_safe_planets = []  # list of planets safe for natives
    for candidate in systems:
        if not is_too_close_to_empire_home_systems(candidate, empire_home_systems):
            # this system is sufficiently far away from all player homeworlds, so add it's planets to our list
            native_safe_planets += fo.sys_get_planets(candidate)
    print "Number of planets far enough from players for natives to be allowed:", len(native_safe_planets)
    # if there are no "native safe" planets at all, we can stop here
    if not native_safe_planets:

    # get all native species
    native_species = fo.get_native_species()
    print "Species that can be added as natives:"
    print "... " + "\n... ".join(native_species)

    # create a map with a list for each planet type containing the species
    # for which this planet type is a good environment
    # we will need this afterwards when picking natives for a planet
    natives_for_planet_type.clear()  # just to be safe
    natives_for_planet_type.update( {planet_type: [] for planet_type in planets.planet_types} )
    planet_types_for_natives.update( {species: set() for species in native_species} )
    # iterate over all native species we got
    for species in native_species:
        # check the planet environment for all planet types for this species
        for planet_type in planets.planet_types:
            # if this planet type is a good environment for the species, add it to the list for this planet type
            if fo.species_get_planet_environment(species, planet_type) == fo.planetEnvironment.good:

    # randomly add species to planets
    # iterate over the list of "native safe" planets we compiled earlier
    for candidate in native_safe_planets:
        # select a native species to put on this planet
        planet_type = fo.planet_get_type(candidate)
        # check if we have any native species that like this planet type
        if not natives_for_planet_type[planet_type]:
            # no, continue with next planet
        statistics.potential_native_planet_summary[planet_type] += 1
        # make a "roll" against the chance for natives to determine if we shall place natives on this planet
        if random.random() > native_chance:
            # no, continue with next planet
        statistics.settled_native_planet_summary[planet_type] += 1

        # randomly pick one of the native species available for this planet type
        natives = random.choice(natives_for_planet_type[planet_type])

        # put the selected natives on the planet
        fo.planet_set_species(candidate, natives)
        # set planet as homeworld for that species
        fo.species_add_homeworld(natives, candidate)
        # set planet focus
        # check if the preferred focus for the native species is among the foci available on this planet
        available_foci = fo.planet_available_foci(candidate)
        preferred_focus = fo.species_preferred_focus(natives)
        if preferred_focus in available_foci:
            # if yes, set the planet focus to the preferred focus
            fo.planet_set_focus(candidate, preferred_focus)
        elif available_foci:
            # if no, and there is at least one available focus, just take the first of the list
            # otherwise don't set any focus
            fo.planet_set_focus(candidate, available_foci[0])
        print "Added native", natives, "to planet", fo.get_name(candidate)

        # increase the statistics counter for this native species, so a species summary can be dumped to the log later
        statistics.species_summary[natives] += 1
Exemple #7
def setup_empire(empire, empire_name, home_system, starting_species, player_name):
    Sets up various aspects of an empire, like empire name, homeworld, etc.

    # set empire name, if no one is given, pick one randomly
    if not empire_name:
        print "No empire name set for player", player_name, ", picking one randomly"
        empire_name = next(empire_name_generator)
    fo.empire_set_name(empire, empire_name)
    print "Empire name for player", player_name, "is", empire_name

    # check starting species, if no one is given, pick one randomly
    if not starting_species:
        print "No starting species set for player", player_name, ", picking one randomly"
        starting_species = next(starting_species_pool)
    print "Starting species for player", player_name, "is", starting_species
    statistics.empire_species[starting_species] += 1

    # pick a planet from the specified home system as homeworld
    planet_list = fo.sys_get_planets(home_system)
    # if the system is empty, report an error and return false, indicating failure
    if not planet_list:
        util.report_error("Python setup_empire: got home system with no planets")
        return False
    homeworld = random.choice(planet_list)

    # set selected planet as empire homeworld with selected starting species
    fo.empire_set_homeworld(empire, homeworld, starting_species)

    # set homeworld focus
    # check if the preferred focus for the starting species is among
    # the foci available on the homeworld planet
    available_foci = fo.planet_available_foci(homeworld)
    preferred_focus = fo.species_preferred_focus(starting_species)
    if preferred_focus in available_foci:
        # if yes, set the homeworld focus to the preferred focus
        print "Player", player_name, ": setting preferred focus", preferred_focus, "on homeworld"
        fo.planet_set_focus(homeworld, preferred_focus)
    elif len(available_foci) > 0:
        # if no, and there is at least one available focus,
        # just take the first of the list
        if preferred_focus == "":
            print "Player", player_name, ": starting species", starting_species, "has no preferred focus, using",\
                  available_foci[0], "instead"
            print "Player", player_name, ": preferred focus", preferred_focus, "for starting species",\
                  starting_species, "not available on homeworld, using", available_foci[0], "instead"
        fo.planet_set_focus(homeworld, available_foci[0])
        # if no focus is available on the homeworld, don't set any focus
        print "Player", player_name, ": no available foci on homeworld for starting species", starting_species

    # give homeworld starting buildings
    # use the list provided in starting_buildings.txt
    print "Player", player_name, ": add starting buildings to homeworld"
    for building in util.load_string_list("../starting_buildings.txt"):
        fo.create_building(building, homeworld, empire)

    # unlock starting techs, buildings, hulls, ship parts, etc.
    # use content file preunlocked_items.txt
    print "Player", player_name, ": add unlocked items"
    for item in fo.load_item_spec_list("preunlocked_items.txt"):
        fo.empire_unlock_item(empire, item.type, item.name)

    # add premade ship designs to empire
    print "Player", player_name, ": add premade ship designs"
    for ship_design in fo.design_get_premade_list():
        fo.empire_add_ship_design(empire, ship_design)

    # add starting fleets to empire
    # use content file starting_fleets.txt
    print "Player", player_name, ": add starting fleets"
    fleet_plans = fo.load_fleet_plan_list("starting_fleets.txt")
    for fleet_plan in fleet_plans:
        # first, create the fleet
        fleet = fo.create_fleet(fleet_plan.name(), home_system, empire)
        # if the fleet couldn't be created, report an error and try to continue with the next fleet plan
        if fleet == fo.invalid_object():
            util.report_error("Python setup empire: couldn't create fleet %s" % fleet_plan.name())
        # second, iterate over the list of ship design names in the fleet plan
        for ship_design in fleet_plan.ship_designs():
            # create a ship in the fleet
            # if the ship couldn't be created, report an error and try to continue with the next ship design
            if fo.create_ship("", ship_design, starting_species, fleet) == fo.invalid_object():
                util.report_error("Python setup empire: couldn't create ship %s for fleet %s"
                                  % (ship_design, fleet_plan.name()))
    return True
Exemple #8
def name_star_systems(system_list):
    # choose star types and planet sizes, before choosing names, so naming can have special handling of Deep Space
    star_type_assignments = {}
    planet_assignments = {}
    position_list = []
    for system in system_list:
        star_type = fo.sys_get_star_type(system)
        systemxy = fo.get_pos(system)
        star_type_assignments[systemxy] = star_type
        planet_assignments[systemxy] = fo.sys_get_planets(system)

    # will name name a portion of stars on a group basis, where the stars of each group share the same base star name,
    # suffixed by different (default greek) letters or characters (options at top of file)
    star_name_map = {}
    star_names = names.get_name_list("STAR_NAMES")
    group_names = names.get_name_list("STAR_GROUP_NAMES")
    potential_group_names = []
    individual_names = []
    stargroup_words[:] = names.get_name_list("STAR_GROUP_WORDS")
    stargroup_chars[:] = names.get_name_list("STAR_GROUP_CHARS")
    stargroup_modifiers[:] = [stargroup_words, stargroup_chars][options.STAR_GROUPS_USE_CHARS]
    for starname in star_names:
        if len(starname) > 6:  # if starname is long, don't allow it for groups
        # any names that already have a greek letter in them can only be used for individual stars, not groups
        for namepart in starname.split():
            if namepart in greek_letters:

    if not potential_group_names:

    # ensure at least a portion of galaxy gets individual starnames
    num_systems = len(system_list)
    target_indiv_ratio = [options.TARGET_INDIV_RATIO_SMALL, options.TARGET_INDIV_RATIO_LARGE]\
                         [num_systems >= options.NAMING_LARGE_GALAXY_SIZE]
    # TODO improve the following calc to be more likely to hit target_indiv_ratio if more or less than
    # 50% potential_group_names used for groups
    num_individual_stars = int(max(min(num_systems * target_indiv_ratio,
                                       len(individual_names)+int(0.5 * len(potential_group_names))),
                                   num_systems - 0.8 * len(stargroup_modifiers) *
                                   (len(group_names)+int(0.5 * len(potential_group_names)))))
    star_group_size = 1 + int((num_systems - num_individual_stars) /
                              (max(1, len(group_names)+int(0.5 * len(potential_group_names)))))
    # make group size a bit bigger than min necessary, at least a trio
    star_group_size = max(3, star_group_size)
    num_star_groups = 1 + int(num_systems/star_group_size)  # initial value

    # first cluster all systems, then remove some to be individually named (otherwise groups can have too many
    # individually named systems in their middle).  First remove any that are too small (only 1 or 2 systems).
    # The clusters with the most systems are generally the most closely spaced, and though they might make good
    # logical candidates for groups, their names are then prone to overlapping on the galaxy map, so after removing
    # small groups, remove the groups with the most systems.
    random.shuffle(position_list)  # just to be sure it is randomized
    init_cluster_assgts = cluster_stars(position_list, num_star_groups)
    star_groups = {}
    for index_pos, index_group in enumerate(init_cluster_assgts):
        systemxy = position_list[index_pos]
        star_groups.setdefault(index_group, []).append(systemxy)
    indiv_systems = []

    # remove groups with only one non-deep-system
    for groupindex, group_list in star_groups.items():
        max_can_transfer = len(potential_group_names)-len(star_groups)+len(individual_names)-len(indiv_systems)
        if max_can_transfer <= 0:
        elif max_can_transfer <= len(group_list):
        not_deep, deep_space = check_deep_space(group_list, star_type_assignments, planet_assignments)
        if len(not_deep) > 1:
        for systemxy in star_groups[groupindex]:
        del star_groups[groupindex]

    # remove tiny groups
    group_sizes = [(len(group), index) for index, group in star_groups.items()]
    while len(indiv_systems) < num_individual_stars and len(group_sizes) > 0:
        groupsize, groupindex = group_sizes.pop()
        max_can_transfer = len(potential_group_names)-len(star_groups)+len(individual_names)-len(indiv_systems)
        if (max_can_transfer <= 0) or (groupsize > 2):
        if max_can_transfer <= groupsize:
        for systemxy in star_groups[groupindex]:
        del star_groups[groupindex]

    # remove largest (likely most compact) groups
    while len(indiv_systems) < num_individual_stars and len(group_sizes) > 0:
        groupsize, groupindex = group_sizes.pop(-1)
        max_can_transfer = len(potential_group_names)-len(star_groups)+len(individual_names)-len(indiv_systems)
        if max_can_transfer <= 0:
        if max_can_transfer <= groupsize:
        for systemxy in star_groups[groupindex]:
        del star_groups[groupindex]

    num_star_groups = len(star_groups)
    num_individual_stars = len(indiv_systems)
    num_for_indiv = min(max(len(potential_group_names)/2, num_individual_stars+1-len(individual_names)),

    #print "sampling for %d indiv names from list of %d total indiv names"%(num_individual_stars, len(individual_names))
    indiv_name_sample = random.sample(individual_names, num_individual_stars)
    #indiv_name_assignments = zip([(pos.x, pos.y) for pos in position_list[:num_individual_stars]], indiv_name_sample)
    indiv_name_assignments = zip(indiv_systems, indiv_name_sample)
    #print "sampling for %d group names from list of %d total group names"%(num_star_groups, len(group_names))
    if len(group_names) < num_star_groups:
        group_names.extend([names.random_name(6) for _ in range(num_star_groups - len(group_names))])
    group_name_sample = random.sample(group_names, num_star_groups)
    for index_group, group_list in enumerate(star_groups.values()):
        star_name_map.update(name_group(group_list, group_name_sample[index_group], star_type_assignments,

    # assign names from star_name_map to star systems
    for system in system_list:
        fo.set_name(system, star_name_map.get(fo.get_pos(system), "") or random_star_name())