def color(r): if 1 <= r < 5: return 'green' elif 5 <= r < 10: return 'orange' elif 10 <= r < 15: return 'red' else: return 'blue' html = """<div style = "font-size:large;font-color:yellow;font-weight:bolder,font-family:Monospace">Name: {}<br/>Rank: {}<br/>Location: {}, {}, {}</div>""" map = folium.Map(location=[27.7, 85.3], zoom_start=80, tiles="OpenStreetMap") fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="My Map") for lt, ln, name, rn, p, st, cou in zip(lat, lon, name, rn, p, st, cou): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html.format(str(name), str(rn), str(p), str(st), str(cou)), width=300, height=200) fg.add_child( folium.Marker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), icon=folium.Icon(color=color(rn)))) map.add_child(fg)"Map1.html")
<div>Height: %s m</div> """ def color_picker(elevation): if elevation < 1000: return "lightblue" elif 1000 <= elevation < 3000: return "orange" else: return "red" # Add volcano data to the map for lt, ln, nm, el in zip(lat, lon, name, elev): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, str(el)), width=200, height=100) fgv.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=color_picker(el), fill=True, fill_opacity=0.8, color="black")) # Population map data fgp = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") geo_data = open("world.json", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") fgp.add_child( folium.GeoJson(, style_function=lambda x: {
html = """<h4> City Information </h4> Height: %s m """ map = folium.Map(location=[38.58, -99.09], zoom_start=4, tiles="Stamen Terrain") fgc = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Cities") for lt, ln, de in zip(lat, lon, det): #Cities I have been too function iframe = folium.IFrame( html=html % str(de), width=1000, height=1000 ) #image will be here // Now a circle but expect to have png images// fgc.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], popup=str(de) + " time(s) in that city?", color=color_producer(de), radius=20, fill=True)) #Population of every country in the world fgp = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") fgp.add_child( folium.GeoJson( data=open('world.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read(), #adds segmentation lines
def make_html(raw_path, telemetrystatus_file, pic_path, dictionary, htmlpath, df, pdelta=20): """MAKE TELEMETRY.HTML raw_path: the path of store raw files telemetry_status: the path and filename of the telemetry status pic_path: the path that use to store pictures dictionary: the path and filename of dictionary(use to store the modules data) pdelta: the timedelta of picture file time with emolt data time """ df_tele_status = rf.read_telemetrystatus(path_name=telemetrystatus_file) #### START BUILDING THE LEAFLET WEBPAGE, READ A FEW INPUT FILES, CREATE FOLIUM.MAP including = list(set(df['vessel_n'])) #vessel number eg. 'Vessel_18' map_1 = folium.Map( location=[41.572, -69.9072], width='88%', height='75%', left="3%", top="2%", control_scale=True, detect_retina=True, zoom_start=8, tiles= '{z}/{y}/{x}', attr= 'Tiles © Esri — Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri', ) # map_1.add_tile_layer( name='Esri_OceanBasemap', # tiles='{z}/{y}/{x}', # attr= 'Tiles © Esri — Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri', # ) # map_1.add_tile_layer( name='NatGeo_World_Map', # tiles='{z}/{y}/{x}', # attr= 'Tiles © Esri — National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, iPC',) colors = [ 'red', 'blue', 'gray', 'darkred', 'lightred', 'orange', 'beige', 'green', 'darkgreen', 'lightgreen', 'darkblue', 'lightblue', 'purple', 'darkpurple', 'pink', 'cadetblue', 'lightgray', 'black' ] for x in range(int(len(df_tele_status) / len(colors)) + 2): colors = colors + colors lat_box = [] lon_box = [] route = 0 lat = 0 lon = 0 popup = 0 html = '' lastfix = 1 randomlat = 1 randomlon = 0 mc = MarkerCluster() # CREATE ICONS ON THE MAP for i in range( 0, len(including) ): # LOOP THROUGH VESSELS note: I am skipping vessel_1 since that was just at the dock test print(i, route, popup, lastfix) if i != route and popup != 0 and lastfix == 0 and html != '': #since lastfix was set to 1 before loop, the following lines never get issued?????? iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html, width=700, height=350) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=900) folium.Marker([lat + randomlat, lon + randomlon], popup=popup, icon=folium.Icon(color=colors[route], icon='ok-sign')).add_to(map_1) lastfix = 1 for line in range(len(df)): # LOOP THROUGH EACH LINE OF EMOLT.DAT if df.iloc[line]['vessel_n'] == including[i]: # id_idn1=including[i] datet = df.iloc[line]['time'] if float(str(df.iloc[line]['depth'])) > 10: html = '' meandepth = df.iloc[line]['depth'] rangedepth = df.iloc[line]['rangedepth'] len_day = df.iloc[line]['timerange'] mean_temp = df.iloc[line]['temp'] sdevia_temp = df.iloc[line]['stdtemp'] lat = df.iloc[line]['lat'] #get the latitude lon = df.iloc[line]['lon'] #get the longitude vessel_number = including[i].split('_')[1] for ves in range(len(df_tele_status)): if str(df_tele_status['Vessel#'].iloc[ves]) == str( vessel_number): vessel_name = df_tele_status['Boat'].iloc[ves] pic_ym = datet.strftime('%Y%m') picturepath = os.path.join(pic_path, vessel_name, pic_ym) try: dic = get_moudules_value(filepathname=dictionary, vessel_name=vessel_name, dtime=datet) doppio_t, gomofs_t, FVCOM_t, clim_t = dic[ 'Doppio'], dic['GoMOLFs'], dic['FVCOM'], dic[ 'CrmClim'] except: doppio_t, gomofs_t, FVCOM_t, clim_t = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan #set the value that need display, for example temperature of modules, observed and so on. content = datet.strftime( '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M' ) + '<br>Observed temperature: ' + str( round(c2f(float(mean_temp))[0], 1)).rjust(4) + ' F (' + str( round(mean_temp, 1)).rjust(4) + ' C)' if not (math.isnan(doppio_t) and math.isnan(gomofs_t) and math.isnan(FVCOM_t) and math.isnan(clim_t)): content += '<br>Modelled temperatures:' if not math.isnan(doppio_t): content += '<br> DOPPIO: ' + str( round(c2f(float(doppio_t))[0], 1)).rjust(4) + ' F (' + str( round(doppio_t, 1)).rjust(4) + ' C)' if not math.isnan(gomofs_t): content += '<br> GoMOFS: ' + str( round(c2f(float(gomofs_t))[0], 1)).rjust(4) + ' F (' + str( round(gomofs_t, 1)).rjust(4) + ' C)' if not math.isnan(FVCOM_t): content += '<br> FVCOM : ' + str( round(c2f(float(FVCOM_t))[0], 1)).rjust(4) + ' F (' + str( round(FVCOM_t, 1)).rjust(4) + ' C)' if not math.isnan(clim_t): content += '<br> Climatology: ' + str( round(c2f(clim_t)[0], 1)).rjust(4) + ' F (' + str( round(clim_t, 1)).rjust(4) + ' C)<br>' content+='<br>Sdevia_temp: '+str(round(c2f(float(sdevia_temp))[0],1))+' F ('+str(round(sdevia_temp,1)).rjust(4)+' C)'+\ '<br>Observed depth: '+str(round(meandepth/1.8288,1)).rjust(10)+' Fth'+\ '<br>Rangedepth: '+str(round(float(rangedepth)/1.8288,1))+' Fth'+\ '<br>Haul_duration: '+str(round(len_day,1))+' hours' for aqu_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(picturepath, "*.png")): fpath, fname = os.path.split(aqu_file) filename_time = fname.split('.')[0].split('_')[2:4] dt_fnt = datetime.datetime.strptime( filename_time[0] + filename_time[1], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if abs(dt_fnt - datet) <= datetime.timedelta(minutes=pdelta): link = '"' + '' + ( '/' + os.path.join('/lei/all_pic', fname)).replace( '//', '/') + '"' icon = 'star' if html == '': html=''' <p> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <body> <font size="5"> <code> '''+content+\ '<br>Click <a href='+link+'>here</a> to view the detailed graph.'+\ '<br><font size="4">C: Celsius F: Fahrenheit'''' </code> </body> </p> ''' if html == '': html = ''' <p> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <body> <font size="5"> <code> ''' + content + '<br><font size="4">C: Celsius F: Fahrenheit Fth:Fathoms' ''' </code> </body> </p> ''' icon = 'ok-sign' lon_box.append(lon) lat_box.append(lat) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html, width=700, height=350) # popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=1500) # iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=45000) randomlat = random.randint(-3000, 3000) / 100000. randomlon = random.randint(-2500, 2000) / 100000. mk = folium.Marker([lat + randomlat, lon + randomlon], popup=popup, icon=folium.Icon(icon=icon, color=colors[i])) # mk=folium.Marker([lat+randomlat,lon+randomlon],popup=popup,icon=folium.Icon(icon=icon,color=colors[i])) mc.add_child(mk) map_1.add_child(mc) lastfix = 0 route = i folium.LayerControl().add_to(map_1), 'telemetry_version2.html')) with open(os.path.join(htmlpath, 'telemetry_version2.html'), 'a') as file: file.write(''' <body> <div id="header"><br> <h1>   Realtime bottom temperatures from fishing vessels in the past month</h1> <ul> <dir><dir> <li>Checkmark icons denotes latest reports color-coded by vessel. <li>Numbered icons denote multiple reports in that area color-coded by density of reports. <li>Starred icons denote actual reports posted within 10 miles of actual position. <li>Starred icons denote actual reports there have detailed graph, ok-sign icon denote there have not detailed graph. <li>Layer symbol in upper right denotes other basemap options. </dir></dir> </ul> </div> </body>''') file.close()
def show_objects_on_map(input_df, tpu_data, obj_size=1000, marker_size=2, zoom=10, obj_as_marker=False, display_districts=True, display_tpu=True, translit=False): """ This function builds a map with markers of objects on it. If location contains many objects - it groups it with the summary of the location. (Total objects and number of objects from all avalible class) Description is added as HTML-tagged text. Can be converted from Cyrillic. See opt Be advised: can be slow on large datasets. Param 'translit' transliterate Cyrillic symbols. :param pd.df: input_df - Full or slice :param int: marker_size - [Dafault=2] (Optional) :param int: zoom - [Dafault=10] (Optional) :param Bool: obj_as_marker - [Dafault=False](Optional) :param Bool: display_districts - [Dafault=True] (Optional) :param Bool: display_tpu - [Dafault=True] (Optional) :param Bool: translit - [Dafault=False](Optional) :returns moscow_map """ def style_function(feature): feature = feature['properties']['NAME'] obj_count = tpu_obj_count.get(feature, None) if isinstance(obj_count, type(None)): obj_count = find_area(feature) return { 'fillOpacity': 0.5, 'color': '#A9A7A7', 'weight': 2, 'fillColor': '#ffffff' if obj_count is None else colorscale(obj_count) } # Map initialization global tpu_obj_count tpu_obj_count = input_df['object_district'].value_counts() input_df = input_df.head(obj_size) geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="demo") address = 'Moscow, Russia' location = geolocator.geocode(address) latitude = location.latitude longitude = location.longitude moscow_map = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], tiles='Stamen Toner', zoom_start=zoom) # Add map types folium.TileLayer('cartodbpositron').add_to(moscow_map) folium.TileLayer('OpenStreetMap').add_to(moscow_map) # Display area boundaries if display_districts == True: municipality = json.loads( requests.get('').text) color_max = tpu_obj_count.max() color_min = tpu_obj_count.min() global colorscale colorscale = branca.colormap.linear.YlGnBu_09.scale( color_min, color_max) layer_name = 'Area boundaries' area_bound = folium.FeatureGroup(name=layer_name, show=True) folium.GeoJson(municipality, style_function=style_function).add_to(area_bound) moscow_map.add_child(area_bound) # Generating Marker with HTML description for unique location layer_name = 'Trade places' shop_obj = folium.FeatureGroup(name=layer_name, show=True) for address_name in input_df.object_address.unique(): info = {} obj_counter = 0 tmp_obj_df = input_df[input_df.object_address == address_name] info['lat'], info['lng'] = tmp_obj_df.iloc[0].object_latitude,\ tmp_obj_df.iloc[0].object_longitude # Creating Dictionary with location metadata divided into classes for curr_obj_size in tmp_obj_df.object_size.unique(): curr_obj_data = [] for name, descr in zip(tmp_obj_df[tmp_obj_df.object_size==\ curr_obj_size].object_name, tmp_obj_df[tmp_obj_df.object_size==\ curr_obj_size].object_type): curr_obj_data.append(f'{name} - <i>{descr}</i>') obj_counter += len(curr_obj_data) info[curr_obj_size] = curr_obj_data # Generating HTML-tagged description using dictionary with metadata size_names = {1: 'Small', 2: 'Medium', 3: 'Large'} description = f'<p><b>Objects total: {str(obj_counter)}</b><br>' description += f'<p>Closest TPU: {tmp_obj_df.tpu_name.iloc[0]}' description += f' in {round(tmp_obj_df.distance_to_tpu.iloc[0],0)} m.<br>' description += f'<p>Nearest station: {tmp_obj_df.tpu_near_station.iloc[0]}<br><hr>' for curr_obj_size in np.sort(tmp_obj_df.object_size.unique())[::-1]: if curr_obj_size in info: description += f'<b>{size_names[curr_obj_size]} objects total: ' description += str(len(info[curr_obj_size])) + '</b><ul>' for obj_info in info[curr_obj_size]: description += (f'<li>{obj_info}') description += '</ul><hr><br>' if translit == True: description = transliterate(description) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=description, width=600, height=300) popup_description = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) # Choosing color accoring to top class of objects in the location colors = ['#006699', '#339900', '#cc6600'] icon_shapes = [ 'marker', 'circle-dot', 'rectangle', 'rectangle-dot', 'doughnut', 'circle' ] obj_icons = [ 'shopping-basket', 'shopping-cart', 'shopping-bag', 'building', 'institution' ] for i in range(0, 3): if i + 1 in info.keys(): marker_color = colors[i] icon_color = colors[i] marker_icon = obj_icons[i] icon_shape = icon_shapes[i] if 1 < obj_counter <= 10: marker_icon = obj_icons[3] if obj_counter > 10: marker_icon = obj_icons[4] # Marker generation if obj_as_marker == False: folium.CircleMarker( [info['lat'], info['lng']], radius= (marker_size + np.log(obj_counter))*2, popup=popup_description, tooltip=transliterate(f'{address_name} - ' +\ f'{obj_counter} мест(а)')[14:], color=marker_color, fill=True, fill_color=marker_color, parse_html=True).add_to(shop_obj) else: folium.Marker(location=[info['lat'], info['lng']], popup=popup_description, tooltip=transliterate(f'{address_name} - ' +\ f'{obj_counter} мест(а)')[14:], icon=BI(icon=marker_icon, icon_shape='marker', border_width=2, border_color='#ffffff', text_color='#ffffff', background_color=marker_color )).add_to(shop_obj) moscow_map.add_child(shop_obj) # Display tpu data on map if display_tpu == True: layer_name = 'Transport hubs' tpu_obj = folium.FeatureGroup(name=layer_name, show=True) tpu_lat = tpu_data.tpu_latitude.apply(lambda x: x['center']) tpu_lon = tpu_data.tpu_longitude.apply(lambda x: x['center']) for lat, lng, tpu_name, tpu_stat, year, transfer, slots in zip( tpu_lat, tpu_lon, tpu_data.TPUName, tpu_data.Status, tpu_data.YearOfComissioning, tpu_data.AvailableTransfer, tpu_data.CarCapacity): description = f'<p><b>TPU name: {tpu_name}<br>' description += f' ({tpu_stat})</b><br><hr>' description += f'<p>Year of comissioning: {year}' description += f'<p>Availible transfer:<br><ul>' for option in transfer.split(';'): description += f'<li>{option.lower()}' description += f'</ul><p>Availible parking slots: {slots}' if translit == True: description = transliterate(description) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=description, width=600, height=300) popup_description = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) folium.Marker(location=[float(lat), float(lng)], popup=popup_description, tooltip=transliterate(tpu_name), icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon='train', prefix='fa')).add_to(tpu_obj) moscow_map.add_child(tpu_obj) # Add colorbar and LayerControl if display_districts == True: colorscale.add_to(moscow_map) folium.LayerControl().add_to(moscow_map) return moscow_map
def offset_location_lon(lon): ln = float(lon) + (random.randint(-5, 5) / 300) return ln """Create Icons for appropriate Feature Group based on year """ for lt, ln, dt, arm, nm, rc, tl, flee, bc, mod in zip(lat, lon, year, armed, name, race, threat_level, fleeing, body_camera, manner_of_death): if lt != 'Latitude' and ln != 'Longitude': if '2020' in dt: iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, nm, dt, rc, arm, tl, flee, bc, mod), width=200, height=100) fg20.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[ offset_location_lat(lt), offset_location_lon(ln) ], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), radius=5, fill_color=fill_color_selector(rc), fill_opacity=.8, color=color_icon(arm), opacity=1).add_to(cluster)) if '2019' in dt: iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, nm, dt, rc, arm, tl, flee, bc, mod),
def get_colour(integer): if integer < 1000: return "green" elif integer < 3000: return "orange" else: return "red" data = pandas.read_csv("Volcanoes.txt") latitudes = list(data.LAT) longitudes = list(data.LON) names = list(data.NAME) elevations = list(data.ELEV) html = """ <h4><a href="" target="_blank">%s</a></h4> Height: %f m """ map = folium.Map(location=[39.7392, -104.9903], zoom_start=5, tiles="Stamen Terrain") fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for lat, lon, name, elevation in zip(latitudes, longitudes, names, elevations): iFrame = folium.IFrame(html % (name, name, elevation), width=200, height=100) fg.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, lon], popup=folium.Popup(iFrame), color=get_colour(elevation), fill=True, fill_opacity=0.5, fill_color=get_colour(elevation))) map.add_child(fg)"volcanoe_map_heightgradient.html")
def save_map(): A = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\A.csv') B = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\B.csv') C = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\C.csv') D = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\D.csv') E = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\E.csv') F = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\ev\F.csv') a_place = ['한경면', '한림읍', '애월읍'] b_place = ['추자면', '연동', '이도2동', '오라2동', '해안동', '아라1동', '건입동', '노형동', '영평동', '삼양2동', '오라1동', '도남동', '일도2동', '용강동', '외도1동', '봉개동', '아라2동', '아라동', '도두1동', '이도1동', '화북1동', '용담2동', '오등동', '도련2동', '용담1동', '삼도2도'] c_place = ['조천읍', '구좌읍'] d_place = ['대정읍', '안덕면', '하예동', '중문동', '대천동', '상예동', '색달동'] e_place = ['하효동', '남원읍', '강정동', '서홍동', '법환동', '동홍동', '토평동', '서귀동', '보목동', '서호동', '회수동', '상효동'] f_place = ['성산읍', '표선면'] date = int(request.form['month'] + request.form['date']) day = int(request.form['day']) times = int(request.form['times']) city = request.form['city'] gu = request.form['gu'] for i in a_place: if i == gu: test = A.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times aa = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_a.predict(aa) apred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(apred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) break for i in b_place: if i == gu: test = B.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times bb = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_b.predict(bb) bpred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(bpred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) break for i in c_place: if i == gu: test = C.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times cc = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_c.predict(cc) cpred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(cpred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) break for i in d_place: if i == gu: test = D.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times dd = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_d.predict(dd) dpred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(dpred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) break for i in e_place: if i == gu: test = E.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times ee = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_e.predict(ee) epred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(epred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) for i in f_place: if i == gu: test = F.drop_duplicates('cid') test['week'] = date test['day'] = day test['time'] = times ff = test.drop(['use', 'sid', 'gu'], axis = 1) pred = model_ev_dt_f.predict(ff) fpred = pd.DataFrame({'dt': pred}) test['DT'] = list(fpred['dt']) test = test.sort_values(by=['gu', 'sid'], ascending=True) test = test.drop(['Unnamed: 0', 'cid', 'week', 'use'], axis=1) break top5 = [] t_len = len(test) test.reset_index(inplace=True) for i in range(t_len): if test['gu'][i] == gu : if i == 0 : top5.append(test['sid'][i]) elif test['gu'][i-1] != test['gu'][i]: top5.append(test['sid'][i]) if len(top5) <=5: for k in range(t_len): if test['gu'][k]!=gu : if k == 0: top5.append(test['sid'][k]) elif test['gu'][k-1] != test['gu'][k]: top5.append(test['sid'][k]) top5 = top5[0:5] df = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\충전소추천c_add\제주도_통계_수정.csv', sep=',', encoding = 'euc-kr', usecols = ['sid','week','time','use']) for i in range(0,len(df)): if df['use'][i] > 2 : df['use'][i] = 2 df['카운트'] = 1 df = df.groupby(by=['sid','week','time']).sum() df['확률'] = round((df['use']/df['카운트']/2),2) a = top5 day_check = test['day'] df_add = pd.read_csv('D:\workspace\web\project\ev_project_web\static\data\충전소추천c_add\c_name.csv', sep=',',usecols = ['c_name','sid','c_add']) df_add=pd.DataFrame(df_add) name = [] sid = [] add = [] for i in range(len(df_add)): if i == 0 : name.append(df_add['c_name'][i]) sid.append(df_add['sid'][i]) add.append(df_add['c_add'][i]) elif df_add['sid'][i-1] != df_add['sid'][i]: name.append(df_add['c_name'][i]) sid.append(df_add['sid'][i]) add.append(df_add['c_add'][i]) charger_dict = {"name": name, "sid": sid, "c_add": add} charger_recommend = pd.DataFrame(charger_dict) dic = {"sid": a} input_charger = pd.DataFrame(dic) charger_chk = pd.merge(input_charger,charger_recommend,on='sid') charger_chk['위도'] = 0.000 charger_chk['경도'] = 0.000 b=[] for c in range(len(charger_chk)): b.append(charger_chk['name'][c]) day = ['월요일','화요일','수요일','목요일','금요일','토요일','일요일'] for i in range(len(df)): for j in range(len(a)): df_cid=df.loc[a[j]] for k in range(7): plt.cla() df_week=df_cid.loc[k] df_time=df_week df_time plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [6,3.4] plt.rcParams[""] = 'Malgun Gothic' plt.plot(df_time.index, (df_time.확률*100), marker='s', color='green', markersize = 5) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize = 10) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize = 10) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 24, 1), labels=['0','1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24']) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 100,10), ('10', '20', '30', '40', '50', '60', '70', '80', '90', '100')) plt.title('%s - 이용자 통계(%s)'%(b[j],day[k]), fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('PERCENT(%)', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('TIME', fontsize=10) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('static/image/fig%.d-%.d.png'%(j,k)) break for i in range(len(charger_chk)): location = charger_chk['c_add'][i] URL = '' \ '&sensor=false&language=ko&address={}'.format(location) response = requests.get(URL) data = response.json() lat = data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] lng = data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] u_address = [] u = data['results'][0] u_address=u['formatted_address'] lat =[] lng =[] k=data['results'][0] k_1=k['geometry']['location'] k_1 lat = k_1['lat'] #위도 lng = k_1['lng'] #경도 charger_chk['위도'][i] = lat charger_chk['경도'][i] = lng a_위도 = 0.00 a_경도 = 0.00 #전체 줌 위치 for k in range(len(charger_chk)): a_위도 += charger_chk['위도'][k] a_경도 += charger_chk['경도'][k] a_위도 = a_위도/len(charger_chk) a_경도 = a_경도/len(charger_chk) imgs = '<img src="static/image/box.png">' m = folium.Map( location=[a_위도,a_경도], zoom_start=13, ) All = folium.plugins.MarkerCluster(control=False, name='Top5') m.add_child(All) #실제 주소 받고 마커 체크 for i in range(len(charger_chk)): pic_1 = base64.b64encode(open('static/image/%s.png'%(charger_chk['sid'][i]),'rb').read()).decode() pic_2 = base64.b64encode(open('static/image/fig%d-%d.png'%(i, day_check[i]),'rb').read()).decode() image_tag = '''<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}"><br><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{1}" style="width:430px; height:230px"><br>'''.format(pic_1, pic_2) iframe = folium.IFrame(image_tag, width=450, height=520) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=600) if i == 0: name2 = folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup(All, '<div><div style="float: left; "><img src="static/image/list_icon_green.ico" style ="width:40px; height:40px;"> </div><h4 style="font-weight: bold; font-family:Lato">%s</h4><h5 style=" font-family:Lato">%s</h5></div>'%(charger_chk['name'][i],charger_chk['c_add'][i])) m.add_child(name2) icon=folium.Icon(color='green', icon='car', icon_color="white", prefix='fa') folium.Marker( location=[charger_chk['위도'][i],charger_chk['경도'][i]], popup=popup,tooltip='%s'%(charger_chk['name'][i]), icon=icon ).add_to(m) folium.Marker(location=[charger_chk['위도'][i],charger_chk['경도'][i]], icon=DivIcon( icon_size=(120,24), icon_anchor=(3,5), html='<div style="position:relative;text-align:center; width:200px;"><img src="static/image/box.png"><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 18px; left: 10px; text-align:center; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; font-family:Lato">%s</div></div>'%(charger_chk['name'][i]), )).add_to(m) else : name2 = folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup(All, '<div><div style="float: left;"><img src="static/image/list_icon_blue.ico" style ="width:40px; height:40px;"></div> <h4 style="font-weight: bold; font-family:Lato">%s</h4><h5 style=" font-family:Lato">%s</h5></div>'%(charger_chk['name'][i],charger_chk['c_add'][i])) m.add_child(name2) icon=folium.Icon(color='blue', icon='car', icon_color="white", prefix='fa') folium.Marker( location=[charger_chk['위도'][i],charger_chk['경도'][i]], popup=popup,tooltip='%s'%(charger_chk['name'][i]), icon=icon ).add_to(m) folium.Marker(location=[charger_chk['위도'][i],charger_chk['경도'][i]], icon=DivIcon( icon_size=(120,24), icon_anchor=(3,5), html='<div style="position:relative;text-align:center; width:200px;"><img src="static/image/box.png"><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 18px; left: 10px; text-align:center; font-size:12pt; font-weight: bold; font-family:Lato">%s</div></div>'%(charger_chk['name'][i]), )).add_to(m) folium.LayerControl(position='topleft', collapsed=False).add_to(m) #m._repr_html_()'templates/map.html') return render_template('map.html')
icon=DivIcon( icon_size=(500, 500), icon_anchor=(0, 0), html= '<div style="font-size: 13pt"><b>Contact:</b><br>Adresa: b-dul C.D. Loga, nr. 1<br>Telefon: (0256) 408.300<br>' 'Fax: (0256) 490.635<br>Email: [email protected]</div>') ).add_to(m) for i in range(1, len(df["Adresa"])): location = loc.geocode(df["Adresa"][i] + " " + "Timisoara") try: location = loc.geocode(df["Adresa"][i] + " " + "Timisoara") html = '<b>Beneficiar: ' + "</b> " + df["Beneficiar"][ i] + "<br>" + '<b>Descriere: ' + "</b>" + df["Descriere"][i] iframe = folium.IFrame(html) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, min_width=300, max_width=300) marker = folium.Marker( location=[location.latitude, location.longitude], popup=popup, icon=folium.Icon(color='purple')).add_to(m) except AttributeError: print(df["Adresa"][i])'index.html') url = 'index.html' window = tk.Tk() window.title("Interfata grafica") window.geometry("250x100") window.configure(bg='pink')
def mapping_df(df, target, target_value='1.0', heat=False): """ Recibe un Dataframe con Coordenadas y lo grafica en un mapa. retorna un html para usar con Iframe. Prueba es el tipo de prueba, Serologia o PCR an: Booleano para verificar si corresponde a animales """ # df = table_target(full_ser, target) #Mapa: # folium_hmap = folium.Figure(width=500, height=500) No se necesita en st m = folium.Map( location=[8.3344713, -75.6666238], width='100%', height='100%', zoom_start=8, #Por defecto es 10 tiles= "CartoDB positron" #stamentoner#CartoDB positron #dark_matter #OpenSteetMap ,Stamen Toner(Terrain, Watercolor) ) #.add_to(folium_hmap) data = df if heat: data['weight'] = data[target_value] / data['total'] HeatMap(data[['lat', 'lon', 'weight']].dropna(), radius=40, blur=25).add_to(m) else: for i in range(0, len(data)): html = f""" <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <head> <h6> {data.iloc[i]['MUNICIPIO']}</h6> <p> {target.split(' ')[-1]}: </p> <p>{target_value}: {data.iloc[i][target_value]}</p> <p> Total: {data.iloc[i]['total']}</p> """ iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html, width=130, height=160) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) folium.Circle(location=[data.iloc[i]['lat'], data.iloc[i]['lon']], popup=popup, radius=float(data.iloc[i]['total']) * 500, color='lightgray', fill=True, fill_color='lightgray').add_to(m) # for i in range(0,len(data)): #redundante html2 = f""" <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <head> <h6> {data.iloc[i]['MUNICIPIO']}</h6> <p> {target.split(' ')[-1]}: </p> <p>{target_value}: {data.iloc[i][target_value]}</p> <p> Total: {data.iloc[i]['total']}</p> """ iframe2 = folium.IFrame(html=html2, width=130, height=160) popup2 = folium.Popup(iframe2, max_width=2650) folium.Circle(location=[data.iloc[i]['lat'], data.iloc[i]['lon']], popup=popup2, radius=float(data.iloc[i][target_value]) * 500, color='crimson', fill=True, fill_color='crimson').add_to(m) return m, style_function=lambda x: { 'fillColor': 'grey' if x['properties']['POP2005'] < 10000000 else 'blue' if 10000000 <= x['properties']['POP2005'] < 20000000 else 'purple' })) # user location fg1.add_child( folium.Marker(g.latlng, popup='My Location', icon=folium.Icon(color='black'))) # all volcanoes in all countries for lt, ln, nm, hz in zip(lat, lon, name, hazard): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, nm), width=180, height=50) fg2.add_child( folium.CircleMarker([lt, ln], radius=6, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=colordefiner(hz), color='black', fill_opacity=1)) # Feature group added map1.add_child(fg) map1.add_child(fg1) map1.add_child(fg2) # control layer added # needs to be at the bottom of feature group as it depends on it
def main(): if request.method == 'POST': try: filtro_usuario = request.form.get('dropdown') input_user = request.form['input_usuario'] #inicializo GeoCage para localizar input del usuario tokengeo = token('geocagetoken.txt') #tokengeo = token(PATH+'/geocagetoken.txt') -> For pythonanywhere geocoder = OpenCageGeocode(tokengeo) results = geocoder.geocode(input_user) kmeters = 2 fcoordinates = [] coordinates = [] coordinates.append(results[0]['geometry']['lat']) coordinates.append(results[0]['geometry']['lng']) country = results[0]['components']['country'] city = results[0]['components']['city'] localidad = country + ', ' + city fcoordinates.append(coordinates) fcoordinates.append(kmeters) fcoordinates.append(localidad) fcoordinates.append(input_user) #se separa la string latlong = fcoordinates[0] radio = fcoordinates[1] localidad = fcoordinates[2] direccion_solicitud = fcoordinates[3] gymy_modelo = gymy.copy() if filtro_usuario != 'Todas las categorías': gymy_modelo['filtro'] = gymy_modelo.category.apply( filtro, form_user_input=filtro_usuario) else: gymy_modelo['filtro'] = True gymy_modelo = gymy_modelo[gymy_modelo.filtro == True] gymy_modelo['distance'] = gymy_modelo.latlong.apply( lambda x, y=latlong: distance.distance(x, y).km) display_df = gymy_modelo[gymy_modelo.distance < radio] display_df.reset_index(inplace=True) n_gyms = len(display_df) if n_gyms > 0: #creating map object tooltip = 'Dirección elegida: {} \n {}'.format( direccion_solicitud, localidad) mapa = folium.Map(latlong, zoom_start=15, width='100%', height='70%') folium.Marker(latlong, tooltip=tooltip, icon=folium.Icon()).add_to(mapa) for i in range(len(display_df)): htmlpopup = """ <font face = Verdana size = "1"> <label ><b>{}</b></label> <br> </font> <p> <font face= Verdana size = "1"><label><b> Teléfono:</b> {}</label> <br> <label><b>Dirección:</b> {}</label> <br> <label><b>Web:</b> {}</label> <br> <label><b>Categorías: </b>{}</label> </font> </p> """.format(display_df.names[i],[i], display_df.address[i], display_df.web[i], display_df.category[i]) icongym = folium.features.CustomIcon( '/Users/EstebanCardona/Documents/gymy/static/gymyicon.png', icon_size=(40, 40)) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=htmlpopup, width=225, height=125) popup = folium.Popup(iframe) folium.Marker([[i], display_df.long[i]], popup=popup, tooltip=display_df.names[i], icon=icongym).add_to(mapa)'templates/{}{}.html'.format(direccion_solicitud, filtro_usuario))'/templates/{}.html'.format(direccion_solicitud)) -> For pythonanywhere devuelta = 'Existen {} GYMYs de {} cerca de {}'.format( n_gyms, filtro_usuario, direccion_solicitud) #agrega el jinja de block al html de folium with open( 'templates/{}{}.html'.format(direccion_solicitud, filtro_usuario), 'a') as f: #with open(PATH+'/templates/{}.html'.format(direccion_solicitud), 'a') as f: -> For pythonanywhere f.write('\n{% block content %} {% endblock %}') return render_template('index.html', gyms_template=devuelta, mapatrue='{}{}.html'.format( direccion_solicitud, filtro_usuario), dropdown=filtro_usuario) else: devuelta = 'No hay Gymys cerca' return render_template('index.html', gyms_template=devuelta, mapatrue='nomapa.html', dropdown='Todas las categorías') except: devuelta = 'Dirección Inválida. Prueba con otra' return render_template('index.html', gyms_template=devuelta, mapatrue='nomapa.html', dropdown='Todas las categorías') else: return render_template('index.html', gyms_template='', mapatrue='nomapa.html', dropdown='Todas las categorías')
""" def colour_producer(elvation): if elvation <= 1500: return 'green' elif elvation <= 3000: return 'orange' else: return 'red' volcanoes = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for lt, ln, el, nm in zip(lat, long, elev, name): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, nm, el), width=240, height=64) colour = colour_producer(el) volcanoes.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], radius=8, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=colour, color=colour, fill_opacity=0.7)) population = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") population.add_child( folium.GeoJson( data=open('population.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read(), style_function=lambda x: {
else: return 'white' html = """<h4>Volcano Information:</h4> Name: %s <br>Height: %s m <br>Type: %s """ map = folium.Map([40, -100], zoom_start=5, tiles="Mapbox Bright") fgv = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for lt, ln, nam, el, typ in zip(lat, lon, name, elev, type): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nam, str(el), typ), width=250, height=120) # fgv.add_child(folium.Marker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), # icon=folium.Icon(color=color_producer(typ)))) fgv.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=color_producer(typ), color='grey', fill_opacity=0.7)) fgp = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") fgp.add_child( folium.GeoJson( data=open('world.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read(), style_function=lambda x: {
def overlayGPX(gpxDataList, Colours, Labels, zoom): myMap = folium.Map(location=[50.443627, 16.869285], zoom_start=zoom) # add the layer control LC ='topleft', collapsed=True, autoZIndex=True) # deklaracja warstw L1 = folium.FeatureGroup() L2 = folium.FeatureGroup() L3 = folium.FeatureGroup() L4 = folium.FeatureGroup() L5 = folium.FeatureGroup() L6 = folium.FeatureGroup() L7 = folium.FeatureGroup() # tyt warstwy L1.layer_name = 'Szlaki komunikacyjne' L2.layer_name = 'Niekóre atrakcje obecne w roku 2020' L3.layer_name = 'Ważna działka w centrum miasta' L4.layer_name = 'Proponowany podział ważnej działki w centrum miasta' L5.layer_name = 'Propozycje uczestników SLL' L6.layer_name = 'Nowe atrakcje' L7.layer_name = 'Przegląd ankietyzacji kolarzy górskich' # dodawanie tytułu title_html = ''' <h3 align="center" style="font-size:17px"><b>Gmina Złoty Stok - przestrzenne rozmieszczenie elementów raportu</b></h3> ''' myMap.get_root().html.add_child(folium.Element(title_html)) # dodawanie szlakow z plików GPX for gpxData, color, label in zip(gpxDataList, Colours, Labels): gpx_file = open(gpxData, 'r') Lon = [] Lat = [] for line in gpx_file: X = line.split('"') for i in X: try: if float(i) < 20: Lon.append(float(i)) elif float(i) > 20: Lat.append(float(i)) except: pass points = [] for i, j in zip(Lat[2:], Lon[2:]): points.append([i, j]) if gpxData == 'zloty-stok-czerwona.gpx' or gpxData == 'zloty-stok-niebieska.gpx': (folium.vector_layers.PolyLine(points, width='200%', popup=label, tooltip=None, smooth_factor=2, color=color, dash_array='5')).add_to(L1) else: (folium.vector_layers.PolyLine(points, width='200%', popup=label, tooltip=None, smooth_factor=2, color=color)).add_to(L1) ################################################################ ################################################################ # OBRAZY ISTNIEJACYCH ATRAKCJI ################################################################ # singletracki png = "single.png" encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Sieć szlaków rowerowych Singletrack Glacensis</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=420) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=500) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.441834, 16.865620], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # wypożyczalnia rowerów elektrycznych png = 'ebike.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Wypożyczalnia rowerów elektrycznych <em>Segbi</em></h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=430, height=340) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=500) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.442673, 16.875021], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # kaplica cmentarna png = 'cmentarz_2.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Późnogotycka Kaplica Cmentarna</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=310, height=520) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=310) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.445561, 16.875297], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # kamienica na rynku z portretami png = 'zloty1_kamienica_z_portretami.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3><em>Rynek</em> i jedna z wielu<br/>zabytkowych kamienic</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=420) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="fa-university", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.442969, 16.874835], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # 'wyrobisko'/skala za kopalnią png = 'skala.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Widok na potężne wyrobisko i tyrolkę</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=400) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.436968, 16.872321], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # meleks zdjecie z gazety png = 'melex.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Punkt Informacji Turystycznej i możliwość zwiedzania miasta melexem</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=400) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.442837, 16.874020], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) # park techniki png = 'park_techniki_2.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Średniowieczny Park Techniki</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=460) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="red", icon="ok") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.444541, 16.879349], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L2) ################################################################ ################################################################ # NASZE POMYSŁY ################################################################ # wiata gastronomiczna na rynku lub obok singla png = 'wiata.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Przykładowe wykonanie i poglądowe umiejscowienie wiaty gastronomicznej</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=400) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="green", icon="home") marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.440978, 16.874471], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L5) # napisy promocyjne z hashtagiem przy wjazdach do miasta png = 'zdjecie_napisu.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Napisy powiązane z akcją promocyjną</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=410, height=400) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="green", icon="fa-hashtag", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.447121, 16.864869], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L5) # atrakcyjne dzialki png = 'pole.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Korzystny dla miasta podział działki</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=485) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="green", icon="fa-pie-chart", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.445954, 16.873068], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L5) ############################################################### # PODZIAŁ DZIAŁEK ############################################################### # Wyznaczanie (pogladowe) dzialki oryginal_field = folium.vector_layers.Polygon( [[50.446811, 16.873717], [50.445823, 16.873545], [50.445416, 16.873196], [50.445481, 16.873051]], popup="Działka w aktualnej postaci", fill_color='blue') biedronka_field = folium.vector_layers.Polygon( [[50.445922, 16.871966], [50.446862, 16.873631], [ 50.446811, 16.873717 ], [50.446227, 16.873619], [50.445643, 16.872632]], popup="Działka supermarketu po zamianie", fill_color='green') golden_field = folium.vector_layers.Polygon( [[50.445823, 16.873545], [50.445416, 16.873196], [50.445643, 16.872637], [50.446215, 16.873622]], popup="Działka miasta po zamianie", fill_color='red') oryginal_field.add_to(L3) biedronka_field.add_to(L4) golden_field.add_to(L4) ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ # POWSTAJACE ATRAKCJE ################################################################ # sciezka laczaca kopalnie z rynkiem png = 'trasa.png' encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Atrakcyjna ścieżka kopalnia-rynek</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=420, height=400) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=420) icon = folium.Icon(color="darkgreen", icon="fa-child", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.440397, 16.875159], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L6) # wieża widokowa na kościele ewangelickim png = "wieza.png" encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<h3>Platforma widokowa na szczycie wieży kościelnej</h3> <br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=320, height=520) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=320) icon = folium.Icon(color="darkgreen", icon="fa-child", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.442686, 16.873486], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L6) ################################################################ ################################################################ # ANALIZA ANKIETY ################################################################ # wieża widokowa na kościele ewangelickim png = image_edition_1("pie_chart") encoded = base64.b64encode(open(png, 'rb').read()) html = '''<br><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"> <br><p></p>'''.format iframe = folium.IFrame(html(encoded.decode('UTF-8')), width=820, height=620) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=820) icon = folium.Icon(color="cadetblue", icon="fa-line-chart", prefix='fa') marker = folium.Marker(location=[50.435845, 16.861167], popup=popup, icon=icon) marker.add_to(L7) # dodawanie warstw do mapy L1.add_to(myMap) L2.add_to(myMap) L3.add_to(myMap) L4.add_to(myMap) L5.add_to(myMap) L6.add_to(myMap) L7.add_to(myMap) LC.add_to(myMap) template = """ {% macro html(this, kwargs) %} <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>jQuery UI Draggable - Default functionality</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> $( function() { $( "#maplegend" ).draggable({ start: function (event, ui) { $(this).css({ right: "auto", top: "auto", bottom: "auto" }); } }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id='maplegend' class='maplegend' style='position: absolute; z-index:9999; border:2px solid grey; background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); border-radius:6px; padding: 10px; font-size:14px; right: 20px; bottom: 20px;'> <div class='legend-title'>Legenda znaczników</div> <div class='legend-scale'> <ul class='legend-labels'> <li><span style='background:#d33d29;opacity:1;'></span>Atrakcje obecne w roku 2020</li> <li><span style='background:#6da824;opacity:1;'></span>Propozycje uczestników SLL</li> <li><span style='background:#6f7f23;opacity:1;'></span>Powstające atrakcje</li> <li><span style='background:#FF5050;opacity:1;'></span>Ścieżka prowadząca od kopalni do rynku</li> <li><span style='background:#349ceb;opacity:1;'></span>(i inne odcienie niebieskiego) Ważne szlaki komunikacyjne</li> <li><span style='background:#5f9ea0;opacity:1;'></span>Wyniki ankietyzacji kolarzy</li> </ul> </div> </div> </body> </html> <style type='text/css'> .maplegend .legend-title { text-align: left; margin-bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 80%; } .maplegend .legend-scale ul { margin: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 0; float: left; list-style: none; } .maplegend .legend-scale ul li { font-size: 70%; list-style: none; margin-left: 0; line-height: 18px; margin-bottom: 2px; } .maplegend ul.legend-labels li span { display: block; float: left; height: 16px; width: 30px; margin-right: 5px; margin-left: 0; border: 1px solid #999; } .maplegend .legend-source { font-size: 70%; color: #777; clear: both; } .maplegend a { color: #777; } </style> {% endmacro %}""" macro = MacroElement() macro._template = Template(template) myMap.get_root().add_child(macro) folium.plugins.Fullscreen(position='topright', title='wypełnij ekran', title_cancel='wyłącz tryb pełnego ekranu', force_separate_button=True).add_to(myMap) return (myMap)
df_volcanoes = pd.read_csv("volcanoes.csv") lat_volcanoes = list(df_volcanoes["LAT"]) lon_volcanoes = list(df_volcanoes["LON"]) elevation_volcanoes = list(df_volcanoes['ELEV']) name_volacnoes = list(df_volcanoes["NAME"]) html = """ <h4>Volcano info:</h4> Name: %s <br> Elevation = %s m """ fgv = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for lat, lon, elev, name in zip(lat_volcanoes,lon_volcanoes, elevation_volcanoes, name_volacnoes): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (str(name), str(elev)), width=200, height=100) fgv.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, lon], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=deciding_color(elev), radius=6, color="white", fill_opacity=0.8)) fgp = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") fgp.add_child(folium.GeoJson(data=open("world.json", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig").read(), style_function=lambda x:{"fillColor":"yellow" if x["properties"]["POP2005"] < 10_000_000 else "orange" if 10_000_000 <= x["properties"]["POP2005"] < 20_000_000 else "red"})) map.add_child(fgv) map.add_child(fgp) map.add_child(folium.LayerControl())"Map1.html")
date = data['date'] geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(result+ " ,Mauritius") print((location.latitude, location.longitude)) long = location.longitude lat = location.latitude html=""" <p> Disease alert:"""+disease+""" at """+date +""" </p> """ iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html, width=300, height=100) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=1000) folium.Marker([lat, long], popup=popup).add_to(m)"map.html") # Place map -- using googlemaps API """ gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(-20, 57, 10) gmap.marker(lat, long, "FF0000") gmap.draw("my_map2.html")"""
def generate_map(df_listings_filtered): folium_map = \ folium.Map(location=[52.516266, 13.377775], zoom_start=13, tiles='OpenStreetMap', ) for index, row in df_listings_filtered.iterrows(): title = row["title"] price = row["price"] livingSpace = row["livingSpace"] latitude = row["latitude"] longitude = row["longitude"] street = row["street"] quarter = row["quarter"] numberOfRooms = int(row["numberOfRooms"]) balcony = row["balcony"] garden = row["garden"] monthlyRate = row["monthlyRate"] builtInKitchen = row["builtInKitchen"] home_url = row["home_url"] html = f''' <b>Title</b>: {title}<br> <b>Price</b>: {price} <br> <b>LivingSpace</b>: {livingSpace} <br> <b>Street</b>: {street} <br> <b>Quarter</b>: {quarter} <br> <b>NumberOfRooms</b>: {numberOfRooms} <br> <b>Balcony</b>: {balcony} <br> <b>Garden</b>: {garden} <br> <b>MonthlyRate</b>: {monthlyRate} <br> <b>BuiltInKitchen</b>: {builtInKitchen} <br> <b>home_url</b>: <a href="{home_url}">{home_url}</a> <br> ''' iframe = folium.IFrame(html, width=450, height=250) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=450) if numberOfRooms == 1: color = "#cc3139" # Red elif numberOfRooms == 2: color = "#39cc31" # Green elif numberOfRooms >= 3: color = "#3139cc" # Blue else: color = "#cc3139" folium.CircleMarker(location=[latitude, longitude], radius=3, popup=popup, color=color, fill=True).add_to(folium_map) now ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") legend = f'Urutu Find a Home. Last update: {now}' title_html = ''' <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3> '''.format(legend) folium_map.get_root().html.add_child(folium.Element(title_html))"index.html")
hheight = list(volcano_data["ELEV"]) map = folium.Map(location=[lat[0], lon[0]], zoom_start=6, tiles="Stamen Terrain") features = folium.FeatureGroup("Mapq_feat") html = """ Volcano name:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a><br> Height: %s m """ for lt, ln, nm, h in zip(lat, lon, name, hheight): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % ("Volcano " + nm, nm, h), width=100, height=200, ratio=60) #features.add_child(folium.Marker(location = [lt,ln], popup= folium.Popup(iframe), icon= folium.Icon(color=marker_color(h)))) features.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], radius=5, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), tooltip='Volcano', fill_color=marker_color(h), color='grey', fill_opacity=0.7)) features.add_child( folium.GeoJson(data=open('world.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read(), style_function=lambda x: { 'fillColor':
#add_child 加入object fgv = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") #特征层,在该层addchild def color_producer(height): if height < 1000: return "green" elif height < 3000: return "orange" else: return "red" for lt, ln, el, name in zip(lat, lon, elev, name): #同时遍历两个列表——zip i进入lat, j进入lon iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (name, name, el), width=177, height=77) fgv.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), tooltip="Click to get more information", radius=6, fill=True, fill_opacity=0.7, color=color_producer(el))) #如果火山不放在featuregroup层里,则添加几次就有几个层 fgp = folium.FeatureGroup( name="Population") #需要传入str类型 popup=folium.Popup(str(el),parse_html=True) #加入polygamy层 #得到一个GeoJson object fgp.add_child(
import folium import pandas data = pandas.read_csv("Volcanoes.txt") lat = list(data["LAT"]) lon = list(data["LON"]) elev = list(data["ELEV"]) name = list(data["NAME"]) html = """ Volcano name:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a><br> Height: %s m """ map = folium.Map(location=[38.58, -99.09], zoom_start=5, tiles="Stamen Terrain") fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="My Map") for lt, ln, el, name in zip(lat, lon, elev, name): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (name, name, el), width=200, height=100) fg.add_child(folium.Marker(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), icon=folium.Icon(color="red"))) map.add_child(fg)"Map1.html")
return "green" html = """<h4>Volcano information:</h4> <b>Name:</b> %s <br> <b>Height:</b> %s m """ map = folium.Map(location=[38.58, -99.09], zoom_start=6, tiles="Mapbox Bright") fg_volcanoes = folium.FeatureGroup(name="American volcanoes map") fg_population = folium.FeatureGroup(name="World population map") for lt, ln, nm, ev in zip(lat, lon, name, elev): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (nm, ev), width=200, height=100) fg_volcanoes.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], radius=10, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=marker_color(ev), color="black", fill_opacity=0.7)) fg_population.add_child( folium.GeoJson( data=(open("world.json", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig").read()), style_function=lambda x: { "fillColor": "green" if x["properties"]["POP2005"] < 10000000 else "orange"
def plot_map_tpu(tpu_name, tpu_data, main_df, translit=False): """ This function visualizes shopping facilities, which are in the reach distance of transport hub specified in tpu_name """ geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="demo") tpu_lat = float(tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].tpu_latitude.values[0]['center']) tpu_lng = float(tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].tpu_longitude.values[0]['center']) tpu_stat = tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].Status.values[0] tpu_year = tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].YearOfComissioning.values[0] tpu_transfer = tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].AvailableTransfer.values[0] tpu_slots = float(tpu_data[tpu_data['TPUName'] == tpu_name].CarCapacity) latitude = tpu_lat longitude = tpu_lng obj_icons = [ 'shopping-basket', 'shopping-cart', 'shopping-bag', 'building', 'institution' ] #icon_colors = ['#009900', '#0099ff', '#660066', '#cc9900', '#669999'] icon_colors = ['#3366CC', '#3366CC', '#3366CC', '#3366CC', '#3366CC'] maps = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom_start=14.5) # Add map types folium.TileLayer('Stamen Toner').add_to(maps) folium.TileLayer('OpenStreetMap').add_to(maps) # Add transport hub description = f'<p><b>TPU name: {tpu_name}<br>' description += f' ({tpu_stat})</b><br><hr>' description += f'<p>Year of comissioning: {tpu_year}' description += f'<p>Availible transfer:<br><ul>' for option in tpu_transfer.split(';'): description += f'<li>{option.lower()}' description += f'</ul><p>Availible parking slots: {tpu_slots}' if translit == True: description = transliterate(description) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=description, width=600, height=300) popup_description = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) folium.Marker(location=[float(tpu_lat), float(tpu_lng)], popup=popup_description, tooltip=transliterate(tpu_name), icon=folium.Icon(color='red', icon='train', prefix='fa')).add_to(maps) # Add trade places input_df = main_df[(main_df['tpu_name'] == tpu_name) & ( main_df['object_real_reach_distance'] >= main_df['distance_to_tpu'])] for address_name in input_df.object_address.unique(): info = {} obj_counter = 0 tmp_obj_df = input_df[input_df.object_address == address_name] info['lat'], info['lng'] = tmp_obj_df.iloc[0].object_latitude,\ tmp_obj_df.iloc[0].object_longitude for curr_obj_size in tmp_obj_df.object_size.unique(): curr_obj_data = [] for name, descr in zip(tmp_obj_df[tmp_obj_df.object_size==\ curr_obj_size].object_name, tmp_obj_df[tmp_obj_df.object_size==\ curr_obj_size].object_type): curr_obj_data.append(name + ' - <i>' + descr + '<i>') obj_counter += len(curr_obj_data) info[curr_obj_size] = curr_obj_data size_names = {1: 'Small', 2: 'Medium', 3: 'Large'} description = f'<p><b>Objects total: {str(obj_counter)}</b><br>' description += f'<p>Closest TPU: {tmp_obj_df.tpu_name.iloc[0]}' description += f' in {round(tmp_obj_df.distance_to_tpu.iloc[0],0)} m.<br>' description += f'<p>Nearest station: {tmp_obj_df.tpu_near_station.iloc[0]}<br><hr>' for curr_obj_size in np.sort(tmp_obj_df.object_size.unique())[::-1]: if curr_obj_size in info: description += f'<b>{size_names[curr_obj_size]} objects total: ' description += str(len(info[curr_obj_size])) + '</b><ul>' for obj_info in info[curr_obj_size]: description += (f'<li>{obj_info}') description += '</ul><hr><br>' if translit == True: description = transliterate(description) iframe = folium.IFrame(html=description, width=600, height=300) popup_description = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) for i in range(0, 3): if i + 1 in info.keys(): marker_color = icon_colors[i] marker_icon = obj_icons[i] if 1 < obj_counter <= 10: marker_icon = obj_icons[3] marker_color = icon_colors[3] if obj_counter > 10: marker_icon = obj_icons[4] marker_color = icon_colors[4] folium.Marker(location=[info['lat'], info['lng']], popup=popup_description, tooltip=transliterate(f'{address_name} - ' +\ f'{obj_counter} мест(а)')[14:], icon=BI(icon=marker_icon, icon_shape='circle', border_width=2, border_color=marker_color, text_color='#ffffff', #iconSize = [28, 28], #innerIconAnchor = [0, 5], background_color=marker_color )).add_to(maps) folium.LayerControl().add_to(maps) return maps
def color_picker(province): u_province = list(df['province'].unique()) #print(u_province) if province == u_province[1]: return "blue" """elif province == u_province[2]: return "red" elif province == u_province[3]: return "green" """ my_map = folium.Map(location=[7.3041622, 126.0893406], zoom_start=10) fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Coordinates") for lt, ln, add, code, prov in zip(lat, lon, address, psgc_code, province): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (str(code), str(add)), width=200, height=100) fg.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lt, ln], radius=7, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=color_picker(prov), color='grey', fill=True, fill_opacity=0.8)) fgb = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Barangay") for json_file in json_files: fgb.add_child( folium.GeoJson(data=open( path_to_json +
return 'green' elif 1000 <= elev < 3000: return 'orange' else: return 'red' map = folium.Map(location=values[0][:2],zoom_start=4,\ tiles='Stamen Terrain') #This msg will be displayed if you hover over the marker. tooltip = "Click!" #Feature Group for Volcanoes data. fgv = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for val in values: iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (val[-1], val[-1], str(val[-2])),\ width=200, height=70) # fg.add_child(folium.Marker(location=val[:2],popup=folium.Popup(iframe),\ # icon=folium.Icon(color=color_func(val[-2])),tooltip=tooltip)) fgv.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location=val[:2],popup=folium.Popup(iframe),\ radius=5, fill_color= color_func(val[-2]), color='grey',\ fill_opacity =0.7,)) #Feature Group for Population data. fgp = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Population") fgp.add_child(folium.GeoJson(data=open('world.json','r',\ encoding='utf-8-sig').read(),style_function=lambda x:{'fillColor':'green'\ if x['properties']['POP2005']<10000000 else 'orange'\ if 10000000 <= x['properties']['POP2005']<20000000 else 'red'})) map.add_child(fgv) map.add_child(fgp)
x = (lat1 + lat2) / 2.0 y = (lon1 + lon2) / 2.0 else: (x, y, radius) = sec.make_circle(clusters[clusterId]['points']) distance = calculate_radius_in_meters(x, y, radius) * 2 print('Cluster', clusterId, 'center', x, y, distance) points_ids = [] for l in sorted(clusters[clusterId]['points']): for p in locations[l]: points_ids.append("ids=" + p[1]) iframe = folium.IFrame( html= '''<a href="{}">[Open in DB] </a>Cluster {} [{}] {}<br>''' .format("&".join(points_ids), str(clusterId), points_in_cluster, clusters[clusterId]['color']), width=500, height=300) p = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650) folium.features.Circle( radius=distance, location=[x, y], popup=p, color=clusters[clusterId]['color'], fill=True, ).add_to(circles_fg) location_list = [] popups = [] icons = []
fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="MYMAP") fg1 = folium.FeatureGroup(name="MYMAP1") dd = pandas.read_csv("Volcanoes.txt") s1 = list(dd["LAT"]) s2 = list(dd["LON"]) el = list(dd["ELEV"]) name = list(dd["NAME"]) html = """<h4>Volcano info</h4> Name = <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a><br> Height = %s m """ for i in range(len(dd)): ifr = folium.IFrame(html=html % (name[i], name[i], str(el[i])), height=100, width=200) if el[i] < 1000: col = "green" elif el[i] < 2000: col = "blue" elif el[i]<3000: col = "orange" else: col = "red" fg.add_child(folium.Marker(location=[s1[i], s2[i]], popup=folium.Popup(ifr), icon=folium.Icon(color=col), tooltip= name[i])) fg1.add_child(folium.GeoJson(data=open("world.json", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig").read(), style_function = lambda x: {"fillColor":"red" if x["properties"]["POP2005"] < 1000000000 else "blue"})) mapp.add_child(fg)
places = file1.readlines() file1.close() html = """ <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a> """ fg = folium.FeatureGroup(name="My places") map = folium.Map(location=[52, 21], zoom_start=10) coordinates = [] file2 = open("web_map\\data\\coordinates.txt", "r+") for i in range(len(places)): coordinates.append(nom.geocode(places[i])) file2.write( str(coordinates[i].latitude) + "," + str(coordinates[i].longitude) + "\n") iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (places[i], places[i]), width=75, height=35) fg.add_child( folium.Marker( location=[coordinates[i].latitude, coordinates[i].longitude], zoom_start=4, color="red", popup=folium.Popup(iframe))) file2.close() map.add_child(fg)"web_map\\html\\moje_miejsca.html")"web_map\\html\\moje_miejsca.html")
def elev_c(e): if e < 1000: return 'green' elif 1000 <= e < 3000: return 'red' else: return 'blue' html1 = """<h4>%</h4>""" fgv = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Volcanoes") for lt, ln, n, elev in zip(lat, lon, n, elev): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (n, elev), width=200, height=100) fgv.add_child( folium.Circle(location=[lt, ln], popup=folium.Popup(iframe), color=elev_c(elev), radius=1000)) for i in v.index: #name = v['Dominant Rock Type'][i] iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (v['Volcano Name'][i], v['Elevation (m)'][i]), width=200, height=100) if (math.isnan(v['Latitude'][i])): pass else:
# Compute average for color production volcano_elev_avg = round(mean(volcano_elev), 0) # Configure html so that the popup windows include the volcano's name and height, including a link to search for specific volcanoes html = """ Volcano name:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a><br> Height: %s m """ # Add markers to map for volcanoes for lat, lon, elev, name in zip(volcano_lat, volcano_lon, volcano_elev, volcano_name): iframe = folium.IFrame(html=html % (name + " volcano", name, elev), width=200, height=100) volcano_fg.add_child( folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, lon], radius=6, fill=True, popup=folium.Popup(iframe), fill_color=color_producer(elev, volcano_elev_avg), color='grey', fill_opacity=0.7)) # Add data for population of countries, loaded from json file. Set fillColor by population pop_fg.add_child( folium.GeoJson( data=open('world.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read(), style_function=lambda x: {