Exemple #1
def handle_exception(ex, stacktrace=None):
    err_icon = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'graphics', 'icon_error.gif')
    frm = Form(caption='Exception: {}'.format(ex.__class__.__name__),
               left=100, top=100, width=350, height=180)
    frm.resizable = False
    msg = Label(frm, left=45, top=5, width=305, height=40, caption=ex.message)
    msg.wordwrap = True
    img = Image(frm, left=5, top=15, width=32, height=32, file=err_icon)
    trace = Memo(frm, left=5, top=55, width=335, height=90)
    trace.text = stacktrace

    def close_form():
    btn = Button(frm, left=140, top=148, width=65, height=27, caption="Close")
    btn.on_click = close_form
Exemple #2
    def on_show(self):
        FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
        logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG)

        log = logging.getLogger('tkplus-demo')

        def cool2():
            print "GREETZ"

        def cool():
            global f
            messagebox.show('hello world')
            f1 = Form(caption="New Form", left=320, top=200)
            btn1 = Button(f1, caption='Hello', left=5, top=5, width=200, height=100)
            btn1.on_click = cool2
            btn1.background = 'blue'
            print "I'm a cool app"

        log.debug('demo app starting')
        f = Form(caption="Hello", width=640, height=480)
        f.caption = "Greetings"
        f.resizable = True
        f.form_type = SINGLE

        #img = Image(f, left=0, top=0, width=400, height=400, file='ok.gif')
        #img2 = Image(f, left=20, top=20, width=30, height=30, file='ok.gif')
        b = Button(f, caption="&Click Me", left=0, top=0, width=120, height=35)
        b.on_click = cool
        b.default = True

        b2 = Button(f, caption="Click &Me 2", left=0, top=40, width=120, height=35)
        def on_new():
            print "HELLO"
            messagebox.show("NEW FILE")

        menu = MainMenu(f)
        filemenu = menu.create("File")
        filemenu.create("New", on_click=on_new)
        filemenu.create("Exit", on_click=f.close)

        def close_notify():
            print "CLOSING"

        popup1 = PopupMenu(f)
        popup1.create("Click me", on_click=on_new)

        popup2 = PopupMenu(f)

        dlg = OpenDialog(f)
        dlg.multiple = True
        dlg.title = 'Pick a file'
        dlg.filter = 'Text Documents|*.txt'
        def raise_ex():
            raise ValueError('If I had a nickel for every exception that was thrown...')
        b2.on_click = raise_ex

        #f.icon = 'notepad.ico'

        tv1 = TreeView(f, top=80, left=5, width=600, height=300)
        item = tv1.items.add('C:')
        item.add('Documents and Settings')
        item.add('Users').add('Todd Suess').add('Desktop')

        sb = StatusBar(f)

        f.left, f.top = 0, 0