def fenics(sim_params,file_inputs,output_params,passive_params,hs_params,cell_ion_params,monodomain_params,windkessel_params,pso): # marking these as indices because this is a function called from fenics_driver i,j = indices(2) #------------------## Load in all information and set up simulation -------- output_path = output_params["output_path"][0] displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd") save_output = sim_params["save_output"][0] filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["filament_compliance_factor"][0] no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0] no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_attached_states"][0] no_of_detached_states = no_of_states-no_of_attached_states no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][0] state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0] cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0] k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0] k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0] k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0] cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0] alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0] x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0] x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0] x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0] work_loop = sim_params["work_loop"][0] ## --------- Set up information for active force calculation ------------------ # Create x interval for cross-bridges xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment) # Define number of intervals cross-bridges are defined over no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0] # Define the length of the populations vector n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2 print "n array length = " + str(n_array_length) n_vector_indices = [[0,0], [1,1], [2,2+no_of_x_bins-1]] hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][0] step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0] sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0] time_steps = int(sim_duration/step_size +1) Ca_flag = 4 constant_pCa = 6.5 fdataCa = open(output_path + "calcium_.txt", "w", 0) pk1file = File(output_path + "pk1_act_on_f0.pvd") hsl_file = File(output_path + "hsl_mesh.pvd") # holder for reaction force at right end fx_rxn = np.zeros((time_steps)) shorten_flag = 0 # switches to one if shortening begins # Define the cylinder x = 10.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 cyl_top = Point(x,y,z) cyl_bottom = Point(0,0,0) top_radius = 1.0 bottom_radius = 1.0 segments = 4 geometry = mshr.Cylinder(cyl_top,cyl_bottom,top_radius,bottom_radius,segments) # Create the mesh mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(geometry,20) # Save the mesh File('cylinder_3.pvd') << mesh no_of_int_points = 4 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0] # General quadrature element whose points we will evaluate myosim at Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature", tetrahedron, degree=2, quad_scheme="default") Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default' # Vector element at gauss points (for fibers) VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=2, quad_scheme="default") VQuadelem._quad_scheme = 'default' # Real element for rigid body motion boundary condition Relem = FiniteElement("Real", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0, quad_scheme="default") Relem._quad_scheme = 'default' # Quadrature space for information needed at gauss points, such as # hsl, cb_force, passive forces, etc. Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem) # Initialize the half-sarcomere class. Its methods will be used to solve for cell populations hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params,1) # Need to create a list of dictionaries for parameters for each gauss point hs_params_list = [{}]*no_of_int_points passive_params_list = [{}]*no_of_int_points # Initialize ion class (get calcium transient from here) cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params) calcium = np.zeros(time_steps) calcium[0] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(0,0) for jj in np.arange(np.shape(hs_params_list)[0]): hs_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(hs_params) passive_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(passive_params) # Create a simple expression to test if x_coord is > 9.0 # making last 10% of cylinder spring elements tester = Expression("x[0]",degree=1) digitation = Expression("pow(x[1],2) + pow(x[2],2) + 0.5",degree=1) point_radius = Expression("sqrt(pow(x[1],2)+pow(x[2],2))",degree=1) # Project the expression onto the mesh temp_tester_values = project(tester,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) dig_values = project(digitation,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) point_rad_values = project(point_radius,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) # Interpolate onto the FunctionSpace for quadrature points temp_tester = interpolate(temp_tester_values,Quad) dig = interpolate(dig_values,Quad) point_rad = interpolate(point_rad_values,Quad) # Create array of the expression values temp_tester_array = temp_tester.vector().get_local() dig_array = dig.vector().get_local() point_rad_array = point_rad.vector().get_local() parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"]=2 parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature" # defining parts of the model where the boundary condition should be applied later # where x[0] = 0 class Left(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-14 return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol # where x[0] = 10 class Right(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-14 return on_boundary and abs(x[0]-10.0) < tol class Fix_y(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-1 return near(x[0],0.0,tol) and near(x[1],0.0,tol) class Fix_y_right(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-14 return near(x[0],10.0,tol) and near(x[1],0.0,tol) class Fix_z_right(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-14 return near(x[0],10.0,tol) and near(x[2],0.0,tol) class Fix_z(SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): tol = 1E-14 return (near(x[0],0.0,tol) and near(x[2],0.0,tol)) # now test_marker_fcn has value of 1 on right boundary always # Define spatial coordinate system used in rigid motion constraint X = SpatialCoordinate (mesh) facetboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1) edgeboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-2) facetboundaries.set_all(0) left = Left() right = Right() fix_y = Fix_y() fix_y_right = Fix_y_right() fix_z = Fix_z() fix_z_right = Fix_z_right() #horizontal = Horizontal() #lower = Lower() #front = Front() # left.mark(facetboundaries, 1) right.mark(facetboundaries, 2) fix_y.mark(facetboundaries, 3) #horizontal.mark(facetboundaries,4) fix_z.mark(facetboundaries,5) marker_space = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1) bc_right_test = DirichletBC(marker_space,Constant(1),facetboundaries,2) test_marker_fcn = Function(marker_space) bc_right_test.apply(test_marker_fcn.vector()) File(output_path + "facetboundaries.pvd") << facetboundaries #lower.mark(facetboundaries, 4) #front.mark(facetboundaries, 5) # ds = dolfin.ds(subdomain_data = facetboundaries) # ############################################################################### isincomp = True#False N = FacetNormal (mesh) #Cparam = Constant(1.0e2) TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1) Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 2, quad_scheme="default") Velem._quad_scheme = 'default' Qelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1, quad_scheme="default") Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default' # Mixed element for rigid body motion. One each for x, y displacement. One each for # x, y, z rotation VRelem = MixedElement([Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem]) W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem,Qelem,VRelem])) x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs() Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length*[Quadelem])) # Kurtis trying to initialize vectors fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem) f0 = Function(fiberFS) s0 = Function(fiberFS) n0 = Function(fiberFS) f0_diff = Function(fiberFS) c_param = Function(Quad) c2_param = Function(Quad) c3_param = Function(Quad) File(output_path + "fiber1.pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)) m_x = 1.0 m_y = 0.0 m_z = 0.0 width = sim_params["width"][0] #x_comps = r.normal(m_x,width,no_of_int_points) #y_comps = r.normal(m_y,width,no_of_int_points) #z_comps = r.normal(m_z,width,no_of_int_points) for jj in np.arange(no_of_int_points): #if (temp_tester_array[jj] < dig_array[jj]) or (temp_tester_array[jj] > -dig_array[jj] + 10.0): if (temp_tester_array[jj] > 9.0) or (temp_tester_array[jj] < 1.0): # inside left end f0.vector()[jj*3] = 1.0 f0.vector()[jj*3+1] = 0.0 f0.vector()[jj*3+2] = 0.0 hs_params_list[jj]["myofilament_parameters"]["k_3"][0] = 0.0 #passive_params_list[jj]["c"][0] = 2000 c_param.vector()[jj] = 400 c2_param.vector()[jj] = 250 c3_param.vector()[jj] = 10 else: # In middle region, assign fiber vector # find radius of point temp_radius = point_rad_array[jj] if np.abs(temp_radius - top_radius) < 0.01: temp_width = 0.0 else: temp_width = width*(1.0-(temp_radius*temp_radius/(top_radius*top_radius))) f0.vector()[jj*3] = r.normal(m_x,temp_width,1)[0] f0.vector()[jj*3+1] = r.normal(m_y,temp_width,1)[0] f0.vector()[jj*3+2] = r.normal(m_z,temp_width,1)[0] c_param.vector()[jj] = 1000 c2_param.vector()[jj] = 250 c3_param.vector()[jj] = 15 """f0.vector()[kk*3] = x_comps[kk] # assign y component f0.vector()[kk*3+1] = y_comps[kk] # z component would look like f0.vector()[kk*3+2] = z_comps[kk]""" f0 = f0/sqrt(inner(f0,f0)) #f0_norm = project(sqrt(inner(f0,f0)),FunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1)) #print "norm is " + str(f0_norm.vector().array()) #stop f0_diff = f0 - Constant((1.,0.,0.)) long_axis = Function(fiberFS) for nn in np.arange(no_of_int_points): long_axis.vector()[nn*3] = 0.0 long_axis.vector()[nn*3+1] = 0.0 long_axis.vector()[nn*3+2] = 1.0 #s0 = f0 + f0_diff # sum object #n0 = cross(f0,s0) # cross object #s0 = project(Constant((0,1,0))+f0_diff,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)) s0 = cross(long_axis,f0) s0 = s0/sqrt(inner(s0,s0)) File(output_path + "sheet.pvd") << project(s0,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)) n0 = project(cross(f0,s0),VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)) n0 = n0/sqrt(inner(n0,n0)) File(output_path + "sheet_normal.pvd") << project(n0,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)) File(output_path + "fiber.pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)) #test_tensor = as_tensor(f0*f0) # assigning BCs u_D = Expression(("u_D"), u_D = 0.0, degree = 2) bcleft= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 1) # u1 = 0 on left face bcright= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), u_D, facetboundaries, 2) bcfix_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), fix_y, method="pointwise") bcfix_z = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), fix_z, method="pointwise") # at one vertex u = v = w = 0 bcfix_y_right = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)),fix_y_right, method="pointwise") bcfix_z_right = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)),fix_z_right, method="pointwise") #bchorizontal = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), horizontal, method="pointwise") #bclower= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 4) # u3 = 0 on lower face #bcfront= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 5) # u2 = 0 on front face #bcs = [bcleft, bclower, bcfront, bcright,bcfix] bcs = [bcleft, bcright,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right] du,dp,dc11 = TrialFunctions(W) w = Function(W) dw = TrialFunction(W) (u,p,c11) = split(w) (v,q,v11) = TestFunctions(W) wtest = TestFunction(W) params= {"mesh": mesh, "facetboundaries": facetboundaries, "facet_normal": N, "mixedfunctionspace": W, "mixedfunction": w, "displacement_variable": u, "pressure_variable": p, "fiber": f0, "sheet": s0, "sheet-normal": n0, #"C_param": Cparam, "incompressible": isincomp, "Kappa":Constant(1e5)} params.update(passive_params) params["c"] = c_param params["c2"] = c2_param params["c3"] = c3_param uflforms = Forms(params) Fmat = uflforms.Fmat() Cmat = (Fmat.T*Fmat) Emat = uflforms.Emat() J = uflforms.J() n = J*inv(Fmat.T)*N dx = dolfin.dx(mesh,metadata = {"integration_order":2}) #Ematrix = project(Emat, TF) Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF() #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------ y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace) hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0 hsl_old = Function(Quad) #hsl_old = hsl delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old #delta_hsl = 0.0 #f_holder = Constant(0.0) cb_force = Constant(0.0) y_vec_split = split(y_vec) #print "shape of yvecsplit " + str(np.shape(y_vec_split)) for jj in range(no_of_states): f_holder = Constant(0.0) temp_holder = Constant(0.0) if state_attached[jj] == 1: cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj] for kk in range(no_of_x_bins): dxx = xx[kk] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + kk] temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext,0.0), k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg) #temp_holder = temp_holder*conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0) #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0) f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9 f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value cb_force = cb_force + f_holder #print "rank" + str(f0.rank()) Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(f0[i]*f0[j], (i,j)) Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0) # Automatic differentiation ##################################################################################################### F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest)*dx F2 = inner(Fmat*Pactive, grad(v))*dx F3 = inner(Press*N, v)*ds(2, domain=mesh) # constrain rigid body motion """L4 = inner(as_vector([c11[0], c11[1], 0.0]), u)*dx + \ inner(as_vector([0.0, 0.0, c11[2]]), cross(X, u))*dx + \ inner(as_vector([c11[3], 0.0, 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx + \ inner(as_vector([0.0, c11[4], 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx F4 = derivative(L4, w, wtest)""" Ftotal = F1 + F2 - F3 #+ F4 Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw) Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw) Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw) #Jac4 = derivative(F4, w, dw) Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 - Jac3 #+ Jac4 ################################################################################################################################## darray = [] """hslarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)) calarray = [] strarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)) pstrarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)) overlaparray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))""" calcium_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) calcium_ds = calcium_ds.transpose() calcium = np.zeros(time_steps) active_stress_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose() dumped_populations_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_int_points,n_array_length))) tarray_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(time_steps+1),index=None) tarray_ds = tarray_ds.transpose() tarray = np.zeros(time_steps) p_f_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) p_f_array_ds = p_f_array_ds.transpose() pgf_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) pgf_array_ds = pgf_array_ds.transpose() pgt_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) pgt_array_ds = pgt_array_ds.transpose() pgs_array_ds =pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) pgs_array_ds = pgs_array_ds.transpose() temp_overlap_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) temp_overlap_ds = temp_overlap_ds.transpose() alpha_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) alpha_array_ds = alpha_array_ds.transpose() hsl_array_ds =pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) hsl_array_ds = hsl_array_ds.transpose() delta_hsl_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None) delta_hsl_array_ds = delta_hsl_array_ds.transpose() y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:] hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] #hsl_array = np.ones(no_of_int_points)*hsl0 delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points) for counter in range(0,n_array_length * no_of_int_points,n_array_length): y_vec_array[counter] = 1 y_vec_array[counter-2] = 1 Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress() # Magnitude of bulk passive stress in fiber direction Pg_fiber = inner(f0,Pg*f0) Pg_transverse = inner(n0,Pg*n0) Pg_shear = inner(n0,Pg*f0) temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad) p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:] temp_DG_1 = project(alpha, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad) alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:] cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] dumped_populations = np.zeros((no_of_int_points, n_array_length)) y_interp = np.zeros((no_of_int_points)*n_array_length) x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs() temp_overlap = np.zeros((no_of_int_points)) y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(((no_of_int_points)*n_array_length)) j3_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points,time_steps)) j4_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points,time_steps)) #print "shapes of stuff" #print np.shape(temp_overlap) #print np.shape(y_vec_array_new) temp_astress = np.ones(no_of_int_points) t = 0.0 #delta_hsls = np.zeros((time_steps,24)) for l in range(time_steps): tarray[l]=(t) # Right now, not general. The calcium depends on cycle number, just saying 0 cycle = 0 #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(cycle,t) calcium[l] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(step_size,l) #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model.calculate_concentrations(0,t) # Looping through integration points within Python Myosim, not here # Quick hack if l == 0: overlap_counter = 1 else: overlap_counter = l # Because we want to be able to change contractility parameters for each # gauss point, we need to loop through the gauss points here #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[l], n_array_length, t,overlaparray[overlap_counter,:]) #print "hs list dict " + str(hs_params_list #print "y_vec_new " + str(y_vec_array_new) for mm in np.arange(no_of_int_points): #print hsl_array[mm] temp_overlap[mm], y_interp[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], y_vec_array_new[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length] = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[mm], hsl_array[mm], y_vec_array[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], p_f_array[mm], cb_f_array[mm], calcium[l], n_array_length, t,hs_params_list[mm]) temp_flux_dict, temp_rate_dict = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs) #print temp_flux_dict["J3"] j3_fluxes[mm,l] = sum(temp_flux_dict["J3"]) j4_fluxes[mm,l] = sum(temp_flux_dict["J4"]) # print y_vec_array_new[0:53] y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new # for Myosim print " num gauss points " + str(no_of_int_points) print "y_vec shape" + str(np.shape(y_vec_array)) print "y_interp shape" + str(np.shape(y_interp)) for m in range(no_of_int_points): for k in range(n_array_length): dumped_populations[m, k] = y_interp[m * n_array_length + k] #print "shapes of stuff" #print np.shape(y_vec.vector()) #print np.shape(y_vec_array) y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array # for PDE # print y_vec_array[0:53] hsl_array_old = hsl_array # trying to implement a work loop if work_loop: if l>0: temp_astress = cb_f_array[:] temp_astress = temp_astress[temp_astress > 0.0] if np.shape(temp_astress)[0] == 0: temp_astress=0.0 """if l > 2: u_check = project(u,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",2)) disp_value = u_check.vector()[test_marker_fcn.vector()==1] print "displacement after shortening on right is = " + str(disp_value[0]) u_D.u_D=disp_value[0]""" if np.average(temp_astress>=50000): Press.P=50000 bcs = [bcleft,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right] shorten_flag = 1 else: if shorten_flag < 0: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D Press.P=0.0 if shorten_flag > 0: u_check = project(u,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",2)) disp_value = u_check.vector()[test_marker_fcn.vector()==1] print "displacement after shortening on right is = " + str(disp_value[0]) u_D.u_D=disp_value[0] shorten_flag = -1 bcs = [bcleft,bcright,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right] solve(Ftotal == 0, w, bcs, J = Jac, form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"},solver_parameters={"newton_solver":{"relative_tolerance":1e-8},"newton_solver":{"maximum_iterations":50},"newton_solver":{"absolute_tolerance":1e-8}}) """ +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations) + "tarray", tarray) + "stress_array", strarray) + "hsl", hslarray) + "overlap", overlaparray) + "pstress_array",pstrarray) + "alpha_array",alphaarray) + "calcium",calarray)""" displacementfile << w.sub(0) pk1temp = project(inner(f0,Pactive*f0),FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)) pk1temp.rename("pk1temp","pk1temp") pk1file << pk1temp hsl_temp = project(hsl,FunctionSpace(mesh,'DG',1)) hsl_temp.rename("hsl_temp","hsl") #hsl_file << hsl_temp hsl_old.vector()[:] = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] # for PDE hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] # for Myosim delta_hsl_array = project(sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] - hsl_array_old # for Myosim #delta_hsls[l] = delta_hsl_array temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad) p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:] for ii in range(np.shape(hsl_array)[0]): if p_f_array[ii] < 0.0: p_f_array[ii] = 0.0 temp_DG_2 = project(Pg_fiber, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) pgf = interpolate(temp_DG_2, Quad) pgf_array = pgf.vector().get_local()[:] temp_DG_3 = project(Pg_transverse, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) pgt = interpolate(temp_DG_3, Quad) pgt_array = pgt.vector().get_local()[:] temp_DG_4 = project(Pg_shear, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) pgs = interpolate(temp_DG_4, Quad) pgs_array = pgs.vector().get_local()[:] cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] #strarray.append(cb_f_array[0]) #strarray[l,:] = cb_f_array[:] #pstrarray[l,:] = p_f_array[:] #hslarray.append(hsl_array[0]+delta_hsl_array[0]) #hslarray[l,:] = hsl_array[:] + delta_hsl_array[:] #overlaparray[l,:] = temp_overlap # Calculate reaction force at right end b = assemble(Ftotal,form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"}) bcleft.apply(b) bcfix_y.apply(b) bcfix_z.apply(b) bcfix_y_right.apply(b) bcfix_z_right.apply(b) f_int_total = b.copy() for kk in x_dofs: fx_rxn[l] += f_int_total[kk] #bcleft.apply(f_int_total) #FX = 0 #for kk in x_dofs: # FX += f_int_total[i] #fx_rxn[l] = Fx + "fx",fx_rxn) if t <= 5: u_D.u_D += .14 else: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D #print(cb_f_array) """if t <= 100: # stretch to 1300 u_D.u_D += .003 if t < 500 and t > 100: u_D.u_D =u_D.u_D if t < 600 and t >= 500: u_D.u_D += .0005 if t < 800 and t >=600: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D if t < 900 and t >= 800: u_D.u_D -= .0005 if t >= 900: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D""" """if t < 170 and t > 150: u_D.u_D -= 0.005 else: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D""" """if t < 5: u_D.u_D += 0.03 else: u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D""" t = t + step_size #calarray.append(hs.Ca_conc*np.ones(no_of_int_points)) #calcium[] = hs.Ca_conc* if save_output: active_stress_ds.iloc[0,:] = cb_f_array[:] active_stress_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'active_stress.csv',mode='a',header=False) #active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose() #hsl_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = hsl_array[:] #hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'half_sarcomere_lengths.csv',mode='a',header=False) calcium_ds.iloc[0,:] = calcium[l] calcium_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'calcium.csv',mode='a',header=False) #for i in range(no_of_int_points): # dumped_populations_ds.iloc[i,:] = dumped_populations[i,:] #dumped_populations_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'populations.csv',mode='a',header=False) tarray_ds[l] = tarray[l] tarray_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'time.csv',mode='a',header=False) #p_f_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = p_f_array[:] #p_f_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'myofiber_passive.csv',mode='a',header=False) #pgf_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgf_array[:] #pgf_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_fiber_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False) #pgt_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgt_array[:] #pgt_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_trans_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False) #pgs_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgs_array[:] #pgs_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_shear_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False) #temp_overlap_ds.iloc[0,:] = temp_overlap[:] #temp_overlap_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'overlap.csv',mode='a',header=False) #alpha_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = alpha_array[:] #alpha_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'alpha.csv',mode='a',header=False) #delta_hsl_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = delta_hsl_array[:] #delta_hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'delta_hsl.csv',mode='a',header=False) # Update Fiber orientation #f0 = f0+step_size*(Cmat*f0-f0)/sqrt(inner(Cmat*f0-f0,Cmat*f0-f0)) #target_vec = Cmat*f0 #print target_vec.type() #target_diff = target_vec - f0 #target_diff = target_diff/sqrt(inner(target_diff,target_diff)) #f0 = f0 + step_size*target_diff #File(output_path + "fiber_" +str(t)+ ".pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)) """for m in range(no_of_int_points): for k in range(n_array_length): dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_vec_array[m * n_array_length + k]""" rate_constants = np.zeros((no_of_x_bins,no_of_transitions + 1)) #for l in range(no_of_x_bins): # for m in range(no_of_transitions + 1): # rate_constants[l,m] = Myosim.dump_rate_constants(l, m, 0) fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/rates",rates)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/dumped_populations",dumped_populations)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/tarray",tarray)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/stress_array",strarray)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/pstress_array",p_f)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/calcium",calarray)"/home/fenics/shared/test_10/displacements",darray)"/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10_pm/HSL",hslarray)"/home/fenics/shared/test_10/DHSL",delta_hsls) """outputs = { "rates": rates, "dumped_populations": dumped_populations, "tarray": tarray, "strarray": strarray, "pstrarray": pstrarray, "alphaarray": darray, "calarray": calarray, "hsl": hslarray, #"overlap": overlaparray }""" outputs = {} """ +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations) + "tarray", tarray) + "stress_array", strarray) + "hsl", hslarray) + "overlap", overlaparray) + "pstress_array",pstrarray) + "j3",j3_fluxes) + "j4",j4_fluxes) + "alpha_array",alphaarray) + "calcium",calarray)""" fdataCa.close() return(outputs)