Exemple #1
def add_idea(request):
    """ This is a view to add an idea. Note that this duplicates functionality in the admin pages,
        however this view, unlike the administration site, can have restricted access by user, which
        I will be adding eventually. """
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Bind the post request to the previously defined IdeaForm
        form = IdeaForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Since IdeaForm is a ModelForm, we can save to the database directly if the form
            # validated.
            # After saving, redirect back to the main page
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/madscientist/')
        # Otherwise, display a blank version of the form
        form = IdeaForm()
    context = {'form': form }
    return render_to_response('madscientist/add_idea.html',
                              context_instance=RequestContext(request, context))