Exemple #1
 def bytestr(self):
     """ Get byte string representation of TLV, depending on type. """
     # BER, COMPREH: length as in ISO 8825-1 aka X.690
     # COMPACT: length 00-FE or FF xx yy
     tags = int2s(self.tag)
     l = len(self.value)
     if self.typ == TLV.COMPACT:
         if l < 0xFF:
             lens = chr(l)
             lens = '\xFF' + pack(">H", l)
         lens = derLen(l)
     return tags + lens + self.value
Exemple #2
 def bytestr(self):
     """ Get byte string representation of TLV, depending on type. """
     # BER, COMPREH: length as in ISO 8825-1 aka X.690
     # COMPACT: length 00-FE or FF xx yy
     tags = int2s(self.tag)
     l = len(self.value)
     if self.typ == TLV.COMPACT:
         if l < 0xFF:
             lens = chr(l)
             lens = "\xFF" + pack(">H", l)
         lens = derLen(l)
     return tags + lens + self.value
Exemple #3
def berlv(strval):
    """ Prepend length (coded as ASN1 DER) of the strval and return as LV."""
    return derLen(strval) + strval
Exemple #4
def putKey( oldKeyVersion, newKeyVersion, keyId, keyComponents,
            zMoreCmd = False, zMultiKey = False, keyDEK = None,
            lenMAC = 8 ):
    """Build APDU for PUT KEY command.
oldKeyVersion - key version to be replaced. If zero, new key is created.
newKeyVersion - key version of key being put
keyId         - id of the 1st key being put
keyComponents - list of key components being put. 
                Each componet is a tuple of key type (u8) and value (string).
zMoreCmd      - P1.b8, signals if there is more commands
zMultiKey     - P2.b8, signals if more than one component being put
keyDEK        - KIK or DEK key. keyDEK.encrypt( data ) called to encrypt
                (including padding) key component value if not None.
                If has attribute zAES and keyDEK.zAES evaluates as True, it is
                considered as AES key and [GP AmD] 7.2 formatting is used.
lenMAC        - length of CMAC for AES. Applicable if AES key with key id=0x02 (KID)
                and key version 0x01-0x0F or 0x11 is being put with AES keyDEK
                (see ETSI 102.226 rel 9+, )

Returns APDU built (as list of u8).

See [GP CS] 11.8 and [GP AmD] 7.2 for reference.
See [GP CS] Tab 11.16 for coding of key type.
Currently only Format1 supported.
    # sanity check
    assert 0 <= oldKeyVersion < 0x80
    assert 0 < newKeyVersion < 0x80
    assert 0 < keyId < 0x80
    assert len( keyComponents ) > 0
    assert lenMAC in ( 4, 8 )

    P1 = ( zMoreCmd and 0x80 or 0 ) | oldKeyVersion
    P2 = ( zMultiKey and 0x80 or 0 ) | keyId

    data = chr( newKeyVersion )
    for kc in keyComponents:
        keyType, keyVal = kc
        assert 0 <= keyType < 0xFF
        if keyDEK:
            encValue = keyDEK.encrypt( keyVal )
            # for AES as keyDEK, prepend length of component
            if 'zAES' in dir( keyDEK ) and keyDEK.zAES:
                encValue = derLen( keyVal ) + encValue
                # see ETSI 102.226 rel 9+,
                if keyType == KeyType.AES and keyId == 2 and \
                   newKeyVersion in range( 0x01, 0x10 ) + [ 0x11 ]:
                    encValue += chr( lenMAC )
            encValue = keyVal
        # calculate KCV
        if keyType in ( KeyType.DES_IMPLICIT, KeyType.TDES_CBC,
                        KeyType.DES_ECB, KeyType.DES_CBC,
                        KeyType.AES ):
            kcv = calcKCV( keyVal, keyType == KeyType.AES )
            kcv = ''

        data += chr( keyType ) + derLen( encValue ) + encValue + derLen( kcv ) + kcv
        keyId += 1

    apdu = [ 0x80, INS_PUTKEY, P1, P2, len( data ) ] + [ ord(x) for x in data ]
    return apdu
Exemple #5
def berlv( strval ):
    """ Prepend length (coded as ASN1 DER) of the strval and return as LV."""
    return derLen( strval ) + strval
Exemple #6
def putKey(oldKeyVersion,
    """Build APDU for PUT KEY command.
oldKeyVersion - key version to be replaced. If zero, new key is created.
newKeyVersion - key version of key being put
keyId         - id of the 1st key being put
keyComponents - list of key components being put. 
                Each componet is a tuple of key type (u8) and value (string).
zMoreCmd      - P1.b8, signals if there is more commands
zMultiKey     - P2.b8, signals if more than one component being put
keyDEK        - KIK or DEK key. keyDEK.encrypt( data ) called to encrypt
                (including padding) key component value if not None.
                If has attribute zAES and keyDEK.zAES evaluates as True, it is
                considered as AES key and [GP AmD] 7.2 formatting is used.
lenMAC        - length of CMAC for AES. Applicable if AES key with key id=0x02 (KID)
                and key version 0x01-0x0F or 0x11 is being put with AES keyDEK
                (see ETSI 102.226 rel 9+, )

Returns APDU built (as list of u8).

See [GP CS] 11.8 and [GP AmD] 7.2 for reference.
See [GP CS] Tab 11.16 for coding of key type.
Currently only Format1 supported.
    # sanity check
    assert 0 <= oldKeyVersion < 0x80
    assert 0 < newKeyVersion < 0x80
    assert 0 < keyId < 0x80
    assert len(keyComponents) > 0
    assert lenMAC in (4, 8)

    P1 = (zMoreCmd and 0x80 or 0) | oldKeyVersion
    P2 = (zMultiKey and 0x80 or 0) | keyId

    data = chr(newKeyVersion)
    for kc in keyComponents:
        keyType, keyVal = kc
        assert 0 <= keyType < 0xFF

        if keyDEK:
            encValue = keyDEK.encrypt(keyVal)
            # for AES as keyDEK, prepend length of component
            if 'zAES' in dir(keyDEK) and keyDEK.zAES:
                encValue = derLen(keyVal) + encValue
                # see ETSI 102.226 rel 9+,
                if keyType == KeyType.AES and keyId == 2 and \
                   newKeyVersion in range( 0x01, 0x10 ) + [ 0x11 ]:
                    encValue += chr(lenMAC)
            encValue = keyVal
        # calculate KCV
        if keyType in (KeyType.DES_IMPLICIT, KeyType.TDES_CBC, KeyType.DES_ECB,
                       KeyType.DES_CBC, KeyType.AES):
            kcv = calcKCV(keyVal, keyType == KeyType.AES)
            kcv = ''

        data += chr(keyType) + derLen(encValue) + encValue + derLen(kcv) + kcv
        keyId += 1

    apdu = [0x80, INS_PUTKEY, P1, P2, len(data)] + [ord(x) for x in data]
    return apdu