Exemple #1
    def test_discussion_sort_mode(self):
        """Test set groupsort."""
        # Initialize client and attrs.
        ds = discussion_searcher()
        test_for = ('updated', 'created')

        i = 0
        # This tests -updated and -created and skips the default
        # sorting and -replies.
        for groupsort in constants.GROUPSORT[1:-1]:
            results = list(ds.group_by('thread_id', groupsort))
            eq_(5, len(results))

            # Compare first and last.
            assert (getattr(results[0], test_for[i]) > getattr(
                results[-1], test_for[i]))
            i += 1

        # We have to do -replies group sort separate because replies
        # is an attribute of Thread and not Post.
        results = list(ds.group_by('thread_id', '-replies'))
        eq_(5, len(results))
        t0 = Thread.objects.get(pk=results[0].thread_id)
        tn1 = Thread.objects.get(pk=results[-1].thread_id)
        assert (t0.replies > tn1.replies)
Exemple #2
 def test_discussion_sanity(self):
     """Sanity check for discussion forums search client."""
     dis_s = (discussion_searcher().highlight('content').filter(
         author_ord='admin').query('post').values_dict('id', 'content'))
     results = list(dis_s)
     eq_(1, len(results))
     eq_([u'yet another <b>post</b>'], dis_s.excerpt(results[0])[0])
Exemple #3
    def test_discussion_sort_mode(self):
        """Test set groupsort."""
        # Initialize client and attrs.
        ds = discussion_searcher()
        test_for = ('updated', 'created')

        i = 0
        # This tests -updated and -created and skips the default
        # sorting and -replies.
        for groupsort in constants.GROUPSORT[1:-1]:
            results = list(ds.group_by('thread_id', groupsort))
            eq_(5, len(results))

            # Compare first and last.
            assert (getattr(results[0], test_for[i]) >
                    getattr(results[-1], test_for[i]))
            i += 1

        # We have to do -replies group sort separate because replies
        # is an attribute of Thread and not Post.
        results = list(ds.group_by('thread_id', '-replies'))
        eq_(5, len(results))
        t0 = Thread.objects.get(pk=results[0].thread_id)
        tn1 = Thread.objects.get(pk=results[-1].thread_id)
        assert (t0.replies > tn1.replies)
Exemple #4
 def test_discussion_sanity(self):
     """Sanity check for discussion forums search client."""
     dis_s = (discussion_searcher()
                  .query('post').values_dict('id', 'content'))
     results = list(dis_s)
     eq_(1, len(results))
     eq_([u'yet another <b>post</b>'], dis_s.excerpt(results[0])[0])
Exemple #5
def search_with_sphinx(request, template=None):
    """Sphinx-specific search view"""

    # Time ES and Sphinx separate. See bug 723930.
    # TODO: Remove this once Sphinx is gone.
    start = time.time()

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    mimetype = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'elasticsearch'):
        engine = 'elastic'
        engine = 'sphinx'

    # Search "Expires" header format
    expires_fmt = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            mimetype=mimetype, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(request.GET.get('language', request.locale))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    a = request.GET.get('a', '0')

    # Search default values
        category = map(int, r.getlist('category')) or \
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist('category', category)

    # Basic form
    if a == '0':
        r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)
    # Advanced form
    if a == '2':
        r['language'] = language
        r['a'] = '1'

    # TODO: Rewrite so SearchForm is unbound initially and we can use `initial`
    # on the form fields.
    if 'include_archived' not in r:
        r['include_archived'] = False

    search_form = SearchForm(r)

    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == '2':
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = jingo.render(request, t,
                               {'advanced': a, 'request': request,
                                'search_form': search_form})
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                   (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                                minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    # get language name for display in template
    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    wiki_s = wiki_searcher(request)
    question_s = question_searcher(request)
    discussion_s = discussion_searcher(request)

    documents = []

    # wiki filters
    # Category filter
    if cleaned['category']:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(category__in=cleaned['category'])

    # Locale filter
    wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(locale=language)

    # Product filter
    products = cleaned['product']
    for p in products:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(tag=p)

    # Tags filter
    tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['tags'].split()]
    for t in tags:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(tag=t)

    # Archived bit
    if a == '0' and not cleaned['include_archived']:
        # Default to NO for basic search:
        cleaned['include_archived'] = False
    if not cleaned['include_archived']:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(is_archived=False)
    # End of wiki filters

    # Support questions specific filters
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:

        # Solved is set by default if using basic search
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['has_helpful']:
            cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
        d = dict((filter_name, _ternary_filter(cleaned[filter_name]))
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters
                 if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_s = question_s.filter(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_s = question_s.filter(

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_s = question_s.filter(

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split()]
        for t in q_tags:
            question_s = question_s.filter(tag=t)

    # Discussion forum specific filters
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(is_locked=1)

        if cleaned['forum']:
            discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(forum_id__in=cleaned['forum'])

    # Filters common to support and discussion forums
    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date']),
        ('question_votes', cleaned['num_voted'], cleaned['num_votes']))
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                      filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

            if filter_name != 'question_votes':
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(**before)
            question_s = question_s.filter(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                     filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

            if filter_name != 'question_votes':
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(**after)
            question_s = question_s.filter(**after)

    sortby = smart_int(request.GET.get('sortby'))
        max_results = settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS
        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            if cleaned_q:
                wiki_s = wiki_s.query(cleaned_q)
            wiki_s = wiki_s[:max_results]
            # Execute the query and append to documents
            documents += [('wiki', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(wiki_s.object_ids())]

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            # Sort results by
                question_s = question_s.order_by(
            except IndexError:

            if engine == 'elastic':
                highlight_fields = ['title', 'question_content',
                highlight_fields = ['content']

            question_s = question_s.highlight(

            if cleaned_q:
                question_s = question_s.query(cleaned_q)
            question_s = question_s[:max_results]
            documents += [('question', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(question_s.object_ids())]

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
            # Sort results by
                # Note that the first attribute needs to be the same
                # here and in forums/models.py discussion_search.
                discussion_s = discussion_s.group_by(
                    'thread_id', constants.GROUPSORT[sortby])
            except IndexError:

            discussion_s = discussion_s.highlight(

            if cleaned_q:
                discussion_s = discussion_s.query(cleaned_q)
            discussion_s = discussion_s[:max_results]
            documents += [('discussion', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(discussion_s.object_ids())]

        pages = paginate(request, documents, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

        # Build a dict of { type_ -> list of indexes } for the specific
        # docs that we're going to display on this page.  This makes it
        # easy for us to slice the appropriate search Ss so we're limiting
        # our db hits to just the items we're showing.
        documents_dict = {}
        for doc in documents[offset:offset + settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE]:
            documents_dict.setdefault(doc[0], []).append(doc[1][0])

        docs_for_page = []
        for kind, search_s in [('wiki', wiki_s),
                                ('question', question_s),
                                ('discussion', discussion_s)]:
            if kind not in documents_dict:

            # documents_dict[type_] is a list of indexes--one for each
            # object id search result for that type_.  We use the values
            # at the beginning and end of the list for slice boundaries.
            begin = documents_dict[kind][0]
            end = documents_dict[kind][-1] + 1

            search_s = search_s[begin:end]

            if engine == 'elastic':
                # If we're doing elasticsearch, then we need to update
                # the _s variables to point to the sliced versions of
                # S so that, when we iterate over them in the
                # following list comp, we hang onto the version that
                # does the query, so we can call excerpt() on it
                # later.
                # We only need to do this with elasticsearch.  For Sphinx,
                # search_s at this point is an ObjectResults and not an S
                # because we've already acquired object_ids on it.  Thus
                # if we update the _s variables, we'd be pointing to the
                # ObjectResults and not the S and then excerpting breaks.
                # Ugh.
                if kind == 'wiki':
                    wiki_s = search_s
                elif kind == 'question':
                    question_s = search_s
                elif kind == 'discussion':
                    discussion_s = search_s

            docs_for_page += [(kind, doc) for doc in search_s]

        results = []
        for i, docinfo in enumerate(docs_for_page):
            rank = i + offset
            type_, doc = docinfo
                if type_ == 'wiki':
                    summary = doc.current_revision.summary
                    result = {
                        'url': doc.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': doc.title,
                        'type': 'document',
                        'object': doc}
                elif type_ == 'question':
                    summary = _build_excerpt(question_s, doc)
                    result = {
                        'url': doc.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': doc.title,
                        'type': 'question',
                        'object': doc,
                        'is_solved': doc.is_solved,
                        'num_answers': doc.num_answers,
                        'num_votes': doc.num_votes,
                        'num_votes_past_week': doc.num_votes_past_week}
                    if engine == 'elastic':
                        thread = doc
                        thread = Thread.objects.get(pk=doc.thread_id)

                    summary = _build_excerpt(discussion_s, doc)
                    result = {
                        'url': thread.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': thread.title,
                        'type': 'thread',
                        'object': thread}
                result['search_summary'] = summary
                result['rank'] = rank
            except IndexError:
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:

    except (SearchError, ESTimeoutError, ESMaxRetryError, ESException), exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':
                                             _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                mimetype=mimetype, status=503)

        if isinstance(exc, SearchError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.searcherror' % engine)
        elif isinstance(exc, ESTimeoutError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.timeouterror' % engine)
        elif isinstance(exc, ESMaxRetryError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.maxretryerror' % engine)
        elif isinstance(exc, ESException):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.elasticsearchexception' % engine)

        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return jingo.render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)
Exemple #6
def search(request, template=None):
    """Performs search or displays the search form."""

    # JSON-specific variables
    is_json = (request.GET.get('format') == 'json')
    callback = request.GET.get('callback', '').strip()
    mimetype = 'application/x-javascript' if callback else 'application/json'

    if waffle.flag_is_active(request, 'elasticsearch'):
        engine = 'elastic'
        engine = 'sphinx'

    # Search "Expires" header format
    expires_fmt = '%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

    # Check callback is valid
    if is_json and callback and not jsonp_is_valid(callback):
        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid callback function.')}),
            mimetype=mimetype, status=400)

    language = locale_or_default(request.GET.get('language', request.locale))
    r = request.GET.copy()
    a = request.GET.get('a', '0')

    # Search default values
        category = map(int, r.getlist('category')) or \
    except ValueError:
        category = settings.SEARCH_DEFAULT_CATEGORIES
    r.setlist('category', category)

    # Basic form
    if a == '0':
        r['w'] = r.get('w', constants.WHERE_BASIC)
    # Advanced form
    if a == '2':
        r['language'] = language
        r['a'] = '1'

    # TODO: Rewrite so SearchForm is unbound initially and we can use `initial`
    # on the form fields.
    if 'include_archived' not in r:
        r['include_archived'] = False

    search_form = SearchForm(r)

    if not search_form.is_valid() or a == '2':
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'error': _('Invalid search data.')}),

        t = template if request.MOBILE else 'search/form.html'
        search_ = jingo.render(request, t,
                               {'advanced': a, 'request': request,
                                'search_form': search_form})
        search_['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=%s' % \
                                   (settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD * 60)
        search_['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() +
                                minutes=settings.SEARCH_CACHE_PERIOD)) \
        return search_

    cleaned = search_form.cleaned_data

    page = max(smart_int(request.GET.get('page')), 1)
    offset = (page - 1) * settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE

    # get language name for display in template
    lang = language.lower()
    if settings.LANGUAGES.get(lang):
        lang_name = settings.LANGUAGES[lang]
        lang_name = ''

    wiki_s = wiki_searcher(request)
    question_s = question_searcher(request)
    discussion_s = discussion_searcher(request)

    documents = []

    # wiki filters
    # Category filter
    if cleaned['category']:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(category__in=cleaned['category'])

    # Locale filter
    wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(locale=language)

    # Product filter
    products = cleaned['product']
    for p in products:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(tag=p)

    # Tags filter
    tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['tags'].split()]
    for t in tags:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(tag=t)

    # Archived bit
    if a == '0' and not cleaned['include_archived']:
        # Default to NO for basic search:
        cleaned['include_archived'] = False
    if not cleaned['include_archived']:
        wiki_s = wiki_s.filter(is_archived=False)
    # End of wiki filters

    # Support questions specific filters
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:

        # Solved is set by default if using basic search
        if a == '0' and not cleaned['has_helpful']:
            cleaned['has_helpful'] = constants.TERNARY_YES

        # These filters are ternary, they can be either YES, NO, or OFF
        ternary_filters = ('is_locked', 'is_solved', 'has_answers',
        d = dict((filter_name, _ternary_filter(cleaned[filter_name]))
                 for filter_name in ternary_filters
                 if cleaned[filter_name])
        if d:
            question_s = question_s.filter(**d)

        if cleaned['asked_by']:
            question_s = question_s.filter(

        if cleaned['answered_by']:
            question_s = question_s.filter(

        q_tags = [t.strip() for t in cleaned['q_tags'].split()]
        for t in q_tags:
            question_s = question_s.filter(tag=t)

    # Discussion forum specific filters
    if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
        if cleaned['author']:
            discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(author_ord=cleaned['author'])

        if cleaned['thread_type']:
            if constants.DISCUSSION_STICKY in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(is_sticky=1)

            if constants.DISCUSSION_LOCKED in cleaned['thread_type']:
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(is_locked=1)

        if cleaned['forum']:
            discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(forum_id__in=cleaned['forum'])

    # Filters common to support and discussion forums
    # Created filter
    unix_now = int(time.time())
    interval_filters = (
        ('created', cleaned['created'], cleaned['created_date']),
        ('updated', cleaned['updated'], cleaned['updated_date']),
        ('question_votes', cleaned['num_voted'], cleaned['num_votes']))
    for filter_name, filter_option, filter_date in interval_filters:
        if filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_BEFORE:
            before = {filter_name + '__gte': 0,
                      filter_name + '__lte': max(filter_date, 0)}

            if filter_name != 'question_votes':
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(**before)
            question_s = question_s.filter(**before)
        elif filter_option == constants.INTERVAL_AFTER:
            after = {filter_name + '__gte': min(filter_date, unix_now),
                     filter_name + '__lte': unix_now}

            if filter_name != 'question_votes':
                discussion_s = discussion_s.filter(**after)
            question_s = question_s.filter(**after)

    sortby = smart_int(request.GET.get('sortby'))
        max_results = settings.SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS
        cleaned_q = cleaned['q']

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_WIKI:
            wiki_s = wiki_s.query(cleaned_q)[:max_results]
            # Execute the query and append to documents
            documents += [('wiki', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(wiki_s.object_ids())]

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_SUPPORT:
            # Sort results by
                question_s = question_s.order_by(
            except IndexError:

            if engine == 'elastic':
                highlight_fields = ['title', 'question_content',
                highlight_fields = ['content']

            question_s = question_s.highlight(

            question_s = question_s.query(cleaned_q)[:max_results]
            documents += [('question', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(question_s.object_ids())]

        if cleaned['w'] & constants.WHERE_DISCUSSION:
            # Sort results by
                # Note that the first attribute needs to be the same
                # here and in forums/models.py discussion_search.
                discussion_s = discussion_s.group_by(
                    'thread_id', constants.GROUPSORT[sortby])
            except IndexError:

            discussion_s = discussion_s.highlight(

            discussion_s = discussion_s.query(cleaned_q)[:max_results]
            documents += [('discussion', (pair[0], pair[1]))
                          for pair in enumerate(discussion_s.object_ids())]

        pages = paginate(request, documents, settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)

        # Build a dict of { type_ -> list of indexes } for the specific
        # docs that we're going to display on this page.  This makes it
        # easy for us to slice the appropriate search Ss so we're limiting
        # our db hits to just the items we're showing.
        documents_dict = {}
        for doc in documents[offset:offset + settings.SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE]:
            documents_dict.setdefault(doc[0], []).append(doc[1][0])

        docs_for_page = []
        for kind, search_s in [('wiki', wiki_s),
                                ('question', question_s),
                                ('discussion', discussion_s)]:
            if kind not in documents_dict:

            # documents_dict[type_] is a list of indexes--one for each
            # object id search result for that type_.  We use the values
            # at the beginning and end of the list for slice boundaries.
            begin = documents_dict[kind][0]
            end = documents_dict[kind][-1] + 1

            search_s = search_s[begin:end]

            if engine == 'elastic':
                # If we're doing elasticsearch, then we need to update
                # the _s variables to point to the sliced versions of
                # S so that, when we iterate over them in the
                # following list comp, we hang onto the version that
                # does the query, so we can call excerpt() on it
                # later.
                # We only need to do this with elasticsearch.  For Sphinx,
                # search_s at this point is an ObjectResults and not an S
                # because we've already acquired object_ids on it.  Thus
                # if we update the _s variables, we'd be pointing to the
                # ObjectResults and not the S and then excerpting breaks.
                # Ugh.
                if kind == 'wiki':
                    wiki_s = search_s
                elif kind == 'question':
                    question_s = search_s
                elif kind == 'discussion':
                    discussion_s = search_s

            docs_for_page += [(kind, doc) for doc in search_s]

        results = []
        for i, docinfo in enumerate(docs_for_page):
            rank = i + offset
            type_, doc = docinfo
                if type_ == 'wiki':
                    summary = doc.current_revision.summary

                    result = {
                        'search_summary': summary,
                        'url': doc.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': doc.title,
                        'type': 'document',
                        'rank': rank,
                        'object': doc,

                elif type_ == 'question':
                        excerpt = excerpt_joiner.join(
                            [m for m in chain(*question_s.excerpt(doc)) if m])
                    except ExcerptTimeoutError:
                        excerpt = u''
                    except ExcerptSocketError:
                        excerpt = u''

                    summary = jinja2.Markup(clean_excerpt(excerpt))

                    result = {
                        'search_summary': summary,
                        'url': doc.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': doc.title,
                        'type': 'question',
                        'rank': rank,
                        'object': doc,

                    if engine == 'elastic':
                        thread = doc
                        thread = Thread.objects.get(pk=doc.thread_id)

                        excerpt = excerpt_joiner.join(
                            [m for m in chain(*discussion_s.excerpt(doc))])
                    except ExcerptTimeoutError:
                        excerpt = u''
                    except ExcerptSocketError:
                        excerpt = u''

                    summary = jinja2.Markup(clean_excerpt(excerpt))

                    result = {
                        'search_summary': summary,
                        'url': thread.get_absolute_url(),
                        'title': thread.title,
                        'type': 'thread',
                        'rank': rank,
                        'object': thread,
            except IndexError:
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:

    except (SearchError, ESTimeoutError, ESMaxRetryError), exc:
        # Handle timeout and all those other transient errors with a
        # "Search Unavailable" rather than a Django error page.
        if is_json:
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error':
                                             _('Search Unavailable')}),
                                mimetype=mimetype, status=503)

        if isinstance(exc, SearchError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.searcherror' % engine)
        elif isinstance(exc, ESTimeoutError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.timeouterror' % engine)
        elif isinstance(exc, ESMaxRetryError):
            statsd.incr('search.%s.maxretryerror' % engine)

        t = 'search/mobile/down.html' if request.MOBILE else 'search/down.html'
        return jingo.render(request, t, {'q': cleaned['q']}, status=503)