Exemple #1
def bindings(ifs, facts, dict, why):
    if ifs == []:
        return [(copy_dict(dict), [])]                # all conjuncts matched

    res = []
    head, tail = ifs[0], ifs[1:]
    if head[0] == 'ask':
        ground = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if ask_user(ground, facts, why):
            for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(ground, 'told')] + proof2))

    elif head[0] == 'not':
        ground = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if not asserted(ground, facts) or asserted(['not']+ground, facts):
            for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(ground, 'not')] + proof2))

        for (fact, proof) in facts:
            matched, changes = match(head, fact, dict, {})
            if matched:
                for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                    res.append((dict2, [(fact, proof)] + proof2))
            for (var, env) in changes:
                env[var] = '?'
    return res
Exemple #2
def conjunct(ifs, known, dict, why):
    if ifs == []:
        return [(copy_dict(dict), [])]                # all conjuncts matched
    res = []
    head, tail = ifs[0], ifs[1:]
    if head[0] == 'ask':
        term = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if ask_user(term, known, why):
            for (dict2, proof2) in conjunct(tail, known, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(term, 'told')] + proof2))

    elif head[0] == 'not':
        term = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if not known.search_unique(term) or \
           known.search_unique(['not'] + term):  
            for (dict2, proof2) in conjunct(tail, known, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(term, 'not')] + proof2))

        for (fact, proof) in known.search(head, dict): 
            matched, changes = match(head, fact, dict, {})
            if matched:
                for (dict2, proof2) in conjunct(tail, known, dict, why):
                    res.append((dict2, [(fact, proof)] + proof2))
            for (var, env) in changes:
                env[var] = '?'                        
    return res
Exemple #3
def bindings(ifs, facts, dict, why):
    if ifs == []:
        return [(copy_dict(dict), [])]                # all conjuncts matched
    res = []
    head, tail = ifs[0], ifs[1:]
    if head[0] == 'ask':
        ground = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if ask_user(ground, facts, why):
            for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(ground, 'told')] + proof2))

    elif head[0] == 'not':
        ground = substitute(head[1:], dict)
        if not asserted(ground, facts) or asserted(['not']+ground, facts):  
            for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                res.append((dict2, [(ground, 'not')] + proof2))
        for (fact, proof) in facts: 
            matched, changes = match(head, fact, dict, {})
            if matched:
                for (dict2, proof2) in bindings(tail, facts, dict, why):
                    res.append((dict2, [(fact, proof)] + proof2))
            for (var, env) in changes:
                env[var] = '?'                        
    return res
Exemple #4
def copy_proof_tree(proof):
    copy = []
    for node in proof:
        if node == () or node[1] in ['told', 'not']:
            copy.append((node[0], (node[1][0], copy_dict(node[1][1]))))

    for node in copy:
        if node != () and node[1] not in ['told', 'not']:
            adjust_pointers(node[1][1], proof, copy)
    return copy
def copy_proof_tree(proof):
    copy = []
    for node in proof:
        if node == () or node[1] in ['told', 'not']:
            copy.append((node[0], (node[1][0], copy_dict(node[1][1])) ))

    for node in copy:
        if node != () and node[1] not in ['told', 'not']:
            adjust_pointers(node[1][1], proof, copy)
    return copy
Exemple #6
def copy_dict_stack(stack):
    copy = []
    for dict in stack:

    for new in copy:
        for var in new.keys():
            value = new[var]
            if type(value) == type(()):  # a sharing var?
                for i in range(len(stack)):  # refs dict in old?
                    if value[1] is stack[i]:  # not '=='
                        new[var] = (value[0], copy[i])  # to newstk dict
    return copy
def copy_dict_stack(stack):
    copy = []
    for dict in stack:

    for new in copy:
        for var in new.keys():
            value = new[var]
            if type(value) == type(()):                   # a sharing var?
                for i in range(len(stack)):               # refs dict in old?
                    if value[1] is stack[i]:              # not '=='
                        new[var] = (value[0], copy[i])    # to newstk dict 
    return copy