Exemple #1
class WaveForm(RIFFForm):
    _chunk_types = {
        asbytes('fmt '): WaveFormatChunk,
        asbytes('data'): WaveDataChunk

    def get_format_chunk(self):
        for chunk in self.get_chunks():
            if isinstance(chunk, WaveFormatChunk):
                return chunk

    def get_data_chunk(self):
        for chunk in self.get_chunks():
            if isinstance(chunk, WaveDataChunk):
                return chunk
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(RIFFType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        form = self.file.read(4)
        if form != asbytes('WAVE'):
            raise RIFFFormatException('Unsupported RIFF form "%s"' % form)

        self.form = WaveForm(self.file, self.offset + 4)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(RIFFType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        form = self.file.read(4)
        if form != asbytes('WAVE'):
            raise RIFFFormatException('Unsupported RIFF form "%s"' % form)

        self.form = WaveForm(self.file, self.offset + 4)
def _install_restore_mode_child():
    global _mode_write_pipe
    global _restore_mode_child_installed

    if _restore_mode_child_installed:

    # Parent communicates to child by sending "mode packets" through a pipe:
    mode_read_pipe, _mode_write_pipe = os.pipe()

    if os.fork() == 0:
        # Child process (watches for parent to die then restores video mode(s).

        # Set up SIGHUP to be the signal for when the parent dies.
        PR_SET_PDEATHSIG = 1
        libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
        libc.prctl.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong,
                               ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong)
        libc.prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, signal.SIGHUP, 0, 0, 0)

        # SIGHUP indicates the parent has died.  The child lock is unlocked, it
        # stops reading from the mode packet pipe and restores video modes on
        # all displays/screens it knows about.
        def _sighup(signum, frame):

        parent_wait_lock = threading.Lock()
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, _sighup)

        # Wait for parent to die and read packets from parent pipe
        packets = []
        buffer = asbytes('')
        while parent_wait_lock.locked():
                data = os.read(mode_read_pipe, ModePacket.size)
                buffer += data
                # Decode packets
                while len(buffer) >= ModePacket.size:
                    packet = ModePacket.decode(buffer[:ModePacket.size])
                    buffer = buffer[ModePacket.size:]
            except OSError:
                pass  # Interrupted system call

        for packet in packets:

        # Parent process.  Clean up pipe then continue running program as
        # normal.  Send mode packets through pipe as additional
        # displays/screens are mode switched.
        _restore_mode_child_installed = True
Exemple #5
def _install_restore_mode_child():
    global _mode_write_pipe
    global _restore_mode_child_installed

    if _restore_mode_child_installed:

    # Parent communicates to child by sending "mode packets" through a pipe:
    mode_read_pipe, _mode_write_pipe = os.pipe()

    if os.fork() == 0:
        # Child process (watches for parent to die then restores video mode(s).

        # Set up SIGHUP to be the signal for when the parent dies.
        PR_SET_PDEATHSIG = 1
        libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
        libc.prctl.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong,
                               ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong)
        libc.prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, signal.SIGHUP, 0, 0, 0)

        # SIGHUP indicates the parent has died.  The child lock is unlocked, it
        # stops reading from the mode packet pipe and restores video modes on
        # all displays/screens it knows about.
        def _sighup(signum, frame):
        parent_wait_lock = threading.Lock();
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, _sighup)

        # Wait for parent to die and read packets from parent pipe
        packets = []
        buffer = asbytes('')
        while parent_wait_lock.locked():
                data = os.read(mode_read_pipe, ModePacket.size)
                buffer += data
                # Decode packets
                while len(buffer) >= ModePacket.size:
                    packet = ModePacket.decode(buffer[:ModePacket.size])
                    buffer = buffer[ModePacket.size:]
            except OSError:
                pass # Interrupted system call

        for packet in packets:
        # Parent process.  Clean up pipe then continue running program as
        # normal.  Send mode packets through pipe as additional
        # displays/screens are mode switched.
        _restore_mode_child_installed = True
Exemple #6
class RIFFFile(RIFFForm):
    _chunk_types = {
        asbytes('RIFF'): RIFFType,

    def __init__(self, file):
        if not hasattr(file, 'seek'):
            file = BytesIO(file.read())

        super(RIFFFile, self).__init__(file, 0)

    def get_wave_form(self):
        chunks = self.get_chunks()
        if len(chunks) == 1 and isinstance(chunks[0], RIFFType):
            return chunks[0].form
Exemple #7
    def read(self):
        Read a simple PNG file, return width, height, pixels and image metadata

        This function is a very early prototype with limited flexibility
        and excessive use of memory.
        signature = self.file.read(8)
        if (signature != struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)):
            raise Error("PNG file has invalid header")
        compressed = []
        image_metadata = {}
        while True:
                tag, data = self.read_chunk()
            except ValueError, e:
                raise Error('Chunk error: ' + e.args[0])

            # print >> sys.stderr, tag, len(data)
            if tag == asbytes('IHDR'): # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR
                (width, height, bits_per_sample, color_type,
                 compression_method, filter_method,
                 interlaced) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)
                bps = bits_per_sample // 8
                if bps == 0:
                    raise Error("unsupported pixel depth")
                if bps > 2 or bits_per_sample != (bps * 8):
                    raise Error("invalid pixel depth")
                if color_type == 0:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 1
                elif color_type == 2:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 3
                elif color_type == 4:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 2
                elif color_type == 6:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 4
                    raise Error("unknown PNG colour type %s" % color_type)
                if compression_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown compression method")
                if filter_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown filter method")
                self.bps = bps
                self.planes = planes
                self.psize = bps * planes
                self.width = width
                self.height = height
                self.row_bytes = width * self.psize
            elif tag == asbytes('IDAT'): # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT
            elif tag == asbytes('bKGD'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('tRNS'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('gAMA'):
                image_metadata["gamma"] = (
                    struct.unpack("!L", data)[0]) / 100000.0
            elif tag == asbytes('IEND'): # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND
 def decode(cls, data):
     display, screen, width, height, rate = \
         struct.unpack(cls.format, data)
     return cls(display.strip(asbytes('\0')), screen, width, height, rate)
Exemple #9
    def read(self):
        Read a simple PNG file, return width, height, pixels and image metadata

        This function is a very early prototype with limited flexibility
        and excessive use of memory.
        signature = self.file.read(8)
        if (signature != struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)):
            raise Error("PNG file has invalid header")
        compressed = []
        image_metadata = {}
        while True:
                tag, data = self.read_chunk()
            except ValueError, e:
                raise Error('Chunk error: ' + e.args[0])

            # print >> sys.stderr, tag, len(data)
            if tag == asbytes('IHDR'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR
                (width, height, bits_per_sample, color_type,
                 compression_method, filter_method,
                 interlaced) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)
                bps = bits_per_sample // 8
                if bps == 0:
                    raise Error("unsupported pixel depth")
                if bps > 2 or bits_per_sample != (bps * 8):
                    raise Error("invalid pixel depth")
                if color_type == 0:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 1
                elif color_type == 2:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 3
                elif color_type == 4:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 2
                elif color_type == 6:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 4
                    raise Error("unknown PNG colour type %s" % color_type)
                if compression_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown compression method")
                if filter_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown filter method")
                self.bps = bps
                self.planes = planes
                self.psize = bps * planes
                self.width = width
                self.height = height
                self.row_bytes = width * self.psize
            elif tag == asbytes('IDAT'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT
            elif tag == asbytes('bKGD'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('tRNS'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('gAMA'):
                image_metadata["gamma"] = (struct.unpack("!L",
                                                         data)[0]) / 100000.0
            elif tag == asbytes('IEND'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND
Exemple #10
class Reader:
    PNG decoder in pure Python.
    def __init__(self, _guess=None, **kw):
        Create a PNG decoder object.

        The constructor expects exactly one keyword argument. If you
        supply a positional argument instead, it will guess the input
        type. You can choose among the following arguments:
        filename - name of PNG input file
        file - object with a read() method
        pixels - array or string with PNG data

        if ((_guess is not None and len(kw) != 0)
                or (_guess is None and len(kw) != 1)):
            raise TypeError("Reader() takes exactly 1 argument")

        if _guess is not None:
            if isinstance(_guess, array):
                kw["pixels"] = _guess
            elif isinstance(_guess, str):
                kw["filename"] = _guess
            elif isinstance(_guess, file):
                kw["file"] = _guess

        if "filename" in kw:
            self.file = file(kw["filename"])
        elif "file" in kw:
            self.file = kw["file"]
        elif "pixels" in kw:
            self.file = _readable(kw["pixels"])
            raise TypeError("expecting filename, file or pixels array")

    def read_chunk(self):
        Read a PNG chunk from the input file, return tag name and data.
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5Chunk-layout
            data_bytes, tag = struct.unpack('!I4s', self.file.read(8))
        except struct.error:
            raise ValueError('Chunk too short for header')
        data = self.file.read(data_bytes)
        if len(data) != data_bytes:
            raise ValueError('Chunk %s too short for required %i data octets' %
                             (tag, data_bytes))
        checksum = self.file.read(4)
        if len(checksum) != 4:
            raise ValueError('Chunk %s too short for checksum', tag)
        verify = zlib.crc32(tag)
        verify = zlib.crc32(data, verify)
        # Whether the output from zlib.crc32 is signed or not varies
        # according to hideous implementation details, see
        # http://bugs.python.org/issue1202 .
        # We coerce it to be positive here (in a way which works on
        # Python 2.3 and older).
        verify &= 2**32 - 1
        verify = struct.pack('!I', verify)
        if checksum != verify:
            # print repr(checksum)
            (a, ) = struct.unpack('!I', checksum)
            (b, ) = struct.unpack('!I', verify)
            raise ValueError("Checksum error in %s chunk: 0x%X != 0x%X" %
                             (tag, a, b))
        return tag, data

    def _reconstruct_sub(self, offset, xstep, ystep):
        Reverse sub filter.
        pixels = self.pixels
        a_offset = offset
        offset += self.psize * xstep
        if xstep == 1:
            for index in range(self.psize, self.row_bytes):
                x = pixels[offset]
                a = pixels[a_offset]
                pixels[offset] = (x + a) & 0xff
                offset += 1
                a_offset += 1
            byte_step = self.psize * xstep
            for index in range(byte_step, self.row_bytes, byte_step):
                for i in range(self.psize):
                    x = pixels[offset + i]
                    a = pixels[a_offset + i]
                    pixels[offset + i] = (x + a) & 0xff
                offset += self.psize * xstep
                a_offset += self.psize * xstep

    def _reconstruct_up(self, offset, xstep, ystep):
        Reverse up filter.
        pixels = self.pixels
        b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep)
        if xstep == 1:
            for index in range(self.row_bytes):
                x = pixels[offset]
                b = pixels[b_offset]
                pixels[offset] = (x + b) & 0xff
                offset += 1
                b_offset += 1
            for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, xstep * self.psize):
                for i in range(self.psize):
                    x = pixels[offset + i]
                    b = pixels[b_offset + i]
                    pixels[offset + i] = (x + b) & 0xff
                offset += self.psize * xstep
                b_offset += self.psize * xstep

    def _reconstruct_average(self, offset, xstep, ystep):
        Reverse average filter.
        pixels = self.pixels
        a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep)
        b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep)
        if xstep == 1:
            for index in range(self.row_bytes):
                x = pixels[offset]
                if index < self.psize:
                    a = 0
                    a = pixels[a_offset]
                if b_offset < 0:
                    b = 0
                    b = pixels[b_offset]
                pixels[offset] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff
                offset += 1
                a_offset += 1
                b_offset += 1
            for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep):
                for i in range(self.psize):
                    x = pixels[offset + i]
                    if index < self.psize:
                        a = 0
                        a = pixels[a_offset + i]
                    if b_offset < 0:
                        b = 0
                        b = pixels[b_offset + i]
                    pixels[offset + i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff
                offset += self.psize * xstep
                a_offset += self.psize * xstep
                b_offset += self.psize * xstep

    def _reconstruct_paeth(self, offset, xstep, ystep):
        Reverse Paeth filter.
        pixels = self.pixels
        a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep)
        b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep)
        c_offset = b_offset - (self.psize * xstep)
        # There's enough inside this loop that it's probably not worth
        # optimising for xstep == 1
        for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep):
            for i in range(self.psize):
                x = pixels[offset + i]
                if index < self.psize:
                    a = c = 0
                    b = pixels[b_offset + i]
                    a = pixels[a_offset + i]
                    b = pixels[b_offset + i]
                    c = pixels[c_offset + i]
                p = a + b - c
                pa = abs(p - a)
                pb = abs(p - b)
                pc = abs(p - c)
                if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
                    pr = a
                elif pb <= pc:
                    pr = b
                    pr = c
                pixels[offset + i] = (x + pr) & 0xff
            offset += self.psize * xstep
            a_offset += self.psize * xstep
            b_offset += self.psize * xstep
            c_offset += self.psize * xstep

    # N.B. PNG files with 'up', 'average' or 'paeth' filters on the
    # first line of a pass are legal. The code above for 'average'
    # deals with this case explicitly. For up we map to the null
    # filter and for paeth we map to the sub filter.

    def reconstruct_line(self, filter_type, first_line, offset, xstep, ystep):
        # print >> sys.stderr, "Filter type %s, first_line=%s" % (
        #                      filter_type, first_line)
        filter_type += (first_line << 8)
        if filter_type == 1 or filter_type == 0x101 or filter_type == 0x104:
            self._reconstruct_sub(offset, xstep, ystep)
        elif filter_type == 2:
            self._reconstruct_up(offset, xstep, ystep)
        elif filter_type == 3 or filter_type == 0x103:
            self._reconstruct_average(offset, xstep, ystep)
        elif filter_type == 4:
            self._reconstruct_paeth(offset, xstep, ystep)

    def deinterlace(self, scanlines):
        # print >> sys.stderr, ("Reading interlaced, w=%s, r=%s, planes=%s," +
        #     " bpp=%s") % (self.width, self.height, self.planes, self.bps)
        a = array('B')
        self.pixels = a
        # Make the array big enough
        temp = scanlines[0:self.width * self.height * self.psize]
        source_offset = 0
        for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7:
            # print >> sys.stderr, "Adam7: start=%s,%s step=%s,%s" % (
            #     xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep)
            filter_first_line = 1
            for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep):
                if xstart >= self.width:
                filter_type = scanlines[source_offset]
                source_offset += 1
                if xstep == 1:
                    offset = y * self.row_bytes
                    a[offset:offset+self.row_bytes] = \
                        scanlines[source_offset:source_offset + self.row_bytes]
                    source_offset += self.row_bytes
                    # Note we want the ceiling of (width - xstart) / xtep
                    row_len = self.psize * (
                        (self.width - xstart + xstep - 1) / xstep)
                    offset = y * self.row_bytes + xstart * self.psize
                    end_offset = (y + 1) * self.row_bytes
                    skip = self.psize * xstep
                    for i in range(self.psize):
                        a[offset+i:end_offset:skip] = \
                            scanlines[source_offset + i:
                                      source_offset + row_len:
                    source_offset += row_len
                if filter_type:
                    self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line,
                                          offset, xstep, ystep)
                filter_first_line = 0
        return a

    def read_flat(self, scanlines):
        a = array('B')
        self.pixels = a
        offset = 0
        source_offset = 0
        filter_first_line = 1
        for y in range(self.height):
            filter_type = scanlines[source_offset]
            source_offset += 1
            a.extend(scanlines[source_offset:source_offset + self.row_bytes])
            if filter_type:
                self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line, offset,
                                      1, 1)
            filter_first_line = 0
            offset += self.row_bytes
            source_offset += self.row_bytes
        return a

    def read(self):
        Read a simple PNG file, return width, height, pixels and image metadata

        This function is a very early prototype with limited flexibility
        and excessive use of memory.
        signature = self.file.read(8)
        if (signature != struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)):
            raise Error("PNG file has invalid header")
        compressed = []
        image_metadata = {}
        while True:
                tag, data = self.read_chunk()
            except ValueError, e:
                raise Error('Chunk error: ' + e.args[0])

            # print >> sys.stderr, tag, len(data)
            if tag == asbytes('IHDR'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR
                (width, height, bits_per_sample, color_type,
                 compression_method, filter_method,
                 interlaced) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)
                bps = bits_per_sample // 8
                if bps == 0:
                    raise Error("unsupported pixel depth")
                if bps > 2 or bits_per_sample != (bps * 8):
                    raise Error("invalid pixel depth")
                if color_type == 0:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 1
                elif color_type == 2:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = False
                    planes = 3
                elif color_type == 4:
                    greyscale = True
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 2
                elif color_type == 6:
                    greyscale = False
                    has_alpha = True
                    planes = 4
                    raise Error("unknown PNG colour type %s" % color_type)
                if compression_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown compression method")
                if filter_method != 0:
                    raise Error("unknown filter method")
                self.bps = bps
                self.planes = planes
                self.psize = bps * planes
                self.width = width
                self.height = height
                self.row_bytes = width * self.psize
            elif tag == asbytes('IDAT'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT
            elif tag == asbytes('bKGD'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('tRNS'):
                if greyscale:
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data)
                    image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data)
            elif tag == asbytes('gAMA'):
                image_metadata["gamma"] = (struct.unpack("!L",
                                                         data)[0]) / 100000.0
            elif tag == asbytes('IEND'):  # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND
        scanlines = array('B', zlib.decompress(asbytes('').join(compressed)))
        if interlaced:
            pixels = self.deinterlace(scanlines)
            pixels = self.read_flat(scanlines)
        image_metadata["greyscale"] = greyscale
        image_metadata["has_alpha"] = has_alpha
        image_metadata["bytes_per_sample"] = bps
        image_metadata["interlaced"] = interlaced
        return width, height, pixels, image_metadata
Exemple #11
import fos.lib.pyglet.lib
from fos.lib.pyglet.font import base
from fos.lib.pyglet import image
from fos.lib.pyglet.font.freetype_lib import *
from fos.lib.pyglet.compat import asbytes

# fontconfig library definitions
fontconfig = fos.lib.pyglet.lib.load_library('fontconfig')

FcResult = c_int

fontconfig.FcPatternBuild.restype = c_void_p
fontconfig.FcFontMatch.restype = c_void_p
fontconfig.FcFreeTypeCharIndex.restype = c_uint

FC_FAMILY = asbytes('family')
FC_SIZE = asbytes('size')
FC_SLANT = asbytes('slant')
FC_WEIGHT = asbytes('weight')
FC_FT_FACE = asbytes('ftface')
FC_FILE = asbytes('file')



Exemple #12
 def set(self):
     os.write(self._sync_file_write, asbytes('1'))
Exemple #13
 def decode(cls, data):
     display, screen, width, height, rate = \
         struct.unpack(cls.format, data)
     return cls(display.strip(asbytes('\0')), screen, width, height, rate)
Exemple #14
import fos.lib.pyglet.lib
from fos.lib.pyglet.font import base
from fos.lib.pyglet import image
from fos.lib.pyglet.font.freetype_lib import *
from fos.lib.pyglet.compat import asbytes

# fontconfig library definitions
fontconfig = fos.lib.pyglet.lib.load_library('fontconfig')

FcResult = c_int

fontconfig.FcPatternBuild.restype = c_void_p
fontconfig.FcFontMatch.restype = c_void_p
fontconfig.FcFreeTypeCharIndex.restype = c_uint

FC_FAMILY = asbytes('family')
FC_SIZE = asbytes('size')
FC_SLANT = asbytes('slant')
FC_WEIGHT = asbytes('weight')
FC_FT_FACE = asbytes('ftface')
FC_FILE = asbytes('file')