Exemple #1
class ComplianceTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.uri = UriBuilder(self.rootUrl)

    def test_Get_review_thread_for_id(self):
		#use protocol url to GET response 
        url = self.uri.forDoi(TESTDOI)
        #actually get file
        response = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept':'text/xml'})
		#test schema validation
        schemaFilename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('fose','thread.xsd')
        schema = etree.XMLSchema(file=schemaFilename)
        parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = schema)
        #THREAD = '<?xml version="1.0"?><thread xmlns="http://fose1.org/fose"/>'
        root = etree.fromstring(response.text, parser)
		#use core lib to read this as a model object
		#for each review in thread, test if it is a review by user 'a1B2c3D4'
        # with content 'FOSE Compliance Test Review' 

    def test_Get_user_profile_for_uid(self):
		#use protocol url to GET response 
        url = self.uri.forUser(TESTUID)
        #actually get file
        response = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept':'text/xml'})
		#test schema validation
        schemaFilename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('fose','user.xsd')
        schema = etree.XMLSchema(file=schemaFilename)
        parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = schema)
        #THREAD = '<?xml version="1.0"?><thread xmlns="http://fose1.org/fose"/>'
        root = etree.fromstring(response.text, parser)
Exemple #2
 def test_uribuilder_single_publication_by_doi(self):
     from fose.protocol import UriBuilder
     expected = 'http://base.domain/doi/99.987/abc.1234'
     uriBuilder = UriBuilder('http://base.domain')
     self.assertEqual(expected, uriBuilder.forDoi('99.987/abc.1234'))