def testGetModule(self):
		This method tests :func:`foundations.core.getModule` definition.

		self.assertEqual(type(core.getModule(object)), types.ModuleType)
		self.assertEqual(core.getModule(object), inspect.getmodule(object))
Exemple #2
	def activate( self, container ):
		This Method Activates The Component.
		@param container: Container To Attach The Component To. ( QObject )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Activating '{0}' Component.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) )

		self.uiFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiPath )
		self._uiResources = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiResources )
		self._container = container
		self._miscMenu = self._container.miscMenu


Exemple #3
	def activate( self, container ):
		This Method Activates The Component.
		@param container: Container To Attach The Component To. ( QObject )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Activating '{0}' Component.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) )

		self.uiFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiPath )
		self._uiResources = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiResources )

		self._container = container
		self._signalsSlotsCenter = QObject()

		self._coreDatabaseBrowser = self._container.componentsManager.components["core.databaseBrowser"].interface

	def activate( self, container ):
		This Method Activates The Component.
		@param container: Container To Attach The Component To. ( QObject )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Activating '{0}' Component.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) )

		self.uiFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiPath )
		self._container = container
		self._signalsSlotsCenter = QObject()

		self._settings = self._container.settings

	def activate( self, container ):
		This Method Activates The Component.
		@param container: Container To Attach The Component To. ( QObject )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Activating '{0}' Component.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) )

		self.uiFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiPath )
		self._container = container
		self._signalsSlotsCenter = QObject()

		self._coreTemplatesOutliner = self._container.componentsManager.components["core.templatesOutliner"].interface
		self._addonsLoaderScript = self._container.componentsManager.components["addons.loaderScript"].interface

Exemple #6
def updateTemplateContent( session, template ):
	This Definition Update A Template Content.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param template: Template To Template Content. ( DbTemplate )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Updating '{0}' Template Content.".format( template ) )

	template.osStats = ",".join( [str( stat ) for stat in os.stat( template.path )] )
	if template.setContent() :
		return commit( session )
	else :
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Template Content Update Failed !".format( core.getModule( updateTemplateContent ).__name__, ) )
		return False
Exemple #7
def updateSetContent( session, set ):
	This Definition Update A Set Content.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param set: Set To Set Content. ( DbSet )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Updating '{0}' Set Content.".format( set ) )

	set.osStats = ",".join( [str( stat ) for stat in os.stat( set.path )] )
	if set.setContent() :
		return commit( session )
	else :
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Set Content Update Failed !".format( core.getModule( updateSetContent ).__name__, ) )
		return False
Exemple #8
def updateSetLocation( session, set, path ):
	This Definition Updates A Set Location.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param set: Set To Update. ( DbSet )
	@param path: Set Path. ( Path )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Updating '{0}' Set Location.".format( set ) )

	if not filterSets( session, "^{0}$".format( re.escape( path ) ), "path" ) :
		set.path = path
		return updateSetContent( session, set )
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Set Path Already Exists In Database !".format( core.getModule( updateSetLocation ).__name__, path ) )
		return False
Exemple #9
def addCollection( session, collection, type, comment ):
	This Definition Adds A Collection To The Database.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param collection: Collection Name. ( String )
	@param type: Collection Type. ( String )
	@param comment: Collection Comment. ( String )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Adding : '{0}' Collection Of Type '{1}' To Database.".format( collection, type ) )

	if not filterCollections( session, "^{0}$".format( collection ), "name" ) :
		dbItem = dbUtilities.types.DbCollection( name = collection, type = type, comment = comment )
		return addItem( session, dbItem )
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Collection Already Exists In Database !".format( core.getModule( addCollection ).__name__, collection ) )
		return False
Exemple #10
	def activate( self, container ):
		This Method Activates The Component.
		@param container: Container To Attach The Component To. ( QObject )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Activating '{0}' Component.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) )

		self.uiFile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( core.getModule( self ).__file__ ), self._uiPath )

		self._container = container
		self._signalsSlotsCenter = QObject()

		self._coreDatabaseBrowser = self._container.componentsManager.components["core.databaseBrowser"].interface
		self._coreTemplatesOutliner = self._container.componentsManager.components["core.templatesOutliner"].interface

		self._ioDirectory = os.path.join( self._container.userApplicationDatasDirectory, Constants.ioDirectory, self._ioDirectory )
		not os.path.exists( self._ioDirectory ) and os.makedirs( self._ioDirectory )

Exemple #11
def addSet( session, name, path, collection ):
	This Definition Adds A New Set To The Database.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param name: Set Name. ( String )
	@param path: Set Path. ( String )
	@param collection: Collection Id. ( String )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Adding : '{0}' Set To Database.".format( name ) )

	if not filterSets( session, "^{0}$".format( re.escape( path ) ), "path" ) :
		osStats = ",".join( [str( stat ) for stat in os.stat( path )] )
		dbItem = dbUtilities.types.DbSet( name = name, path = path, collection = collection, osStats = osStats )
		if dbItem.setContent() :
			return addItem( session, dbItem )
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Set Path Already Exists In Database !".format( core.getModule( addSet ).__name__, path ) )
		return False
def componentDeactivationErrorHandler( exception, origin, *args, **kwargs ):
	This Definition Provides An Exception Handler For Component Deactivation.
	@param exception: Exception. ( Exception )
	@param origin: Function / Method Raising The Exception. ( String )

	ui.common.uiBasicExceptionHandler( Exception( "{0} | An Exception Occurred While Deactivating '{1}' Component :\n{2}".format( core.getModule( componentActivationErrorHandler ).__name__, args[1].name, traceback.format_exc() ) ), origin, *args, **kwargs )
Exemple #13
def updateTemplateLocation( session, template, path ):
	This Definition Updates A Template Location.

	@param session: Database Session. ( Session )
	@param template: Template To Update. ( DbTemplate )
	@param path: Template Path. ( Path )
	@return: Database Commit Success. ( Boolean )

	LOGGER.debug( "> Updating '{0}' Template Location.".format( template ) )

	if not filterTemplates( session, "^{0}$".format( re.escape( path ) ), "path" ) :
		template.path = path
		return updateTemplateContent( session, template )
		LOGGER.warning( "!> {0} | '{1}' Template Path Already Exists In Database !".format( core.getModule( updateTemplateLocation ).__name__, path ) )
		return False