def identify_audio(filename): """ Identify a given song. You can provide a filename of some audio. You must provide start time to end time for scanning. """ cmd = '{} "{}" > song.out'.format(EP_PATH, filename) os.system(cmd) with open('song.out', 'rb') as fp: data = fp.close() data = json.loads(data.strip())[0] print json.dumps(data, indent=3) fp_code = data["code"] cmd = 'curl -S http://localhost:8080/query?fp_code={} > song.out'.format(fp_code) os.system(cmd) with open('song.out', 'rb') as fp: data = fp.close() data = json.loads(data.strip()) print json.dumps(data, indent=3) if data["match"]: print "SUCCESSFUL MATCH!" title = songMap[str(data["track_id"])] print "Matched to: {}".format(title) return { "success": True, "match": title, "score": data["score"] }; else: return { "success": False };
def read_id(): global lastId try: with open(ID_FNAME, 'rb') as fp: lastId = fp.close() except IOError: lastId = "songid1" pass
def do_GET(self): print self.path if self.path == '/identify': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(identify_audio("file.mp3"))) elif self.path == '/learn': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() with open("learn.title", "rb") as fp: title = fp.close() learn_song("file.mp3", title) self.wfile.write('OK')
def learn_song(filename, description): global lastId cmd = '{} "{}" > song.out'.format(EP_PATH, filename) with open('song.out', 'rb') as fp:, shell=True, stdout=fp) os.system(cmd) data = fp.close() data = json.loads(data.strip())[0] #print json.dumps(data, indent=3) try: fp_code = data["code"] except KeyError: print "Could not learn song with title: {}".format(description) return length = data["metadata"]["duration"] cmd = 'curl http://localhost:8080/ingest -d "fp_code={}&track_id={}&length={}&codever=4.12" > /dev/null'.format(fp_code, lastId, length) songMap[lastId] = description lastId = 'songid' + str(int(lastId.split('songid')[1]) + 1) save_id() save_map() os.system(cmd) print "Learned song with title: {}".format(description)
def batch_test(): # 参数表: 测试图片集路径,结果存储路径,发票类型 curr = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d', time.localtime(time.time())) do_ocr = "y" if len(sys.argv) == 1: images_dir = input("Please enter pictures dir:") result_save_path = input("Please enter result save path:") invoicetype = input( "Please enter the invoice type(special=01, normal=04):") elif len(sys.argv) == 4: images_dir = sys.argv[1] result_save_path = sys.argv[2] invoicetype = sys.argv[3] elif len(sys.argv) == 5: images_dir = sys.argv[1] result_save_path = sys.argv[2] invoicetype = sys.argv[3] do_ocr = sys.argv[4] else: print("Wrong input args.\n") return root_path = result_save_path result_save_path = os.path.join(result_save_path, curr) if not os.path.exists(result_save_path): os.makedirs(result_save_path) image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(images_dir, "*.jpg")) if len(image_list) == 0: image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(images_dir, "*.bmp")) if len(image_list) == 0: print("No pics in " + images_dir + " !\n") return num_of_imges = len(image_list) if do_ocr == "y" or do_ocr == "Y": # 是否执行ocr操作 print("Now begin to ocr...") ocr_result = [] ocr_erorr_list = [] for img in image_list: try: tuple_info = json.loads(init(img)) tuple_info['filename'] = img ocr_result.append(tuple_info) except Exception as _: ocr_erorr_list.append(img) print("ocr is complete, get %d / %d pics info." % (len(ocr_result), num_of_imges)) file_ocr_result = os.path.join(result_save_path, "ocr_result.json") file_ocr_error_list = os.path.join(result_save_path, "ocr_error_files.txt") print("Now saving the result...") with open(file_ocr_result, 'w') as re, open(file_ocr_error_list, 'w') as er: re.write(json.dumps(ocr_result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) for i in ocr_erorr_list: er.writelines(i + '\n') else: # 不执行ocr直接用已有结果对比chinese_info.json file_ocr_result = os.path.join(result_save_path, "ocr_result.json") with open(file_ocr_result, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: content = content = content.replace('¥', '¥') if content.startswith(u'\ufeff'): content = content.encode('utf8')[3:].decode('utf8') ocr_result = json.loads(content) print("Chinese infor query begin...") succeed, query_error = Get_Chinese_Info(ocr_result, result_save_path, invoicetype, root_path) file_result = str(succeed) + "(%d)_ocr_correct.txt" % num_of_imges file_result = os.path.join(result_save_path, file_result) try: with open(file_result, "w") as wp: wp.writelines(file_result + " %.2f " % (succeed / num_of_imges) + '\n') wp.writelines("%d not find in web:没有查询到中文数据(不一定ocr错误)" % (num_of_imges - succeed) + '\n') wp.writelines("%d query_error_pics:本地有中文数据,但五元组错误" % (query_error) + '\n') # wp.writelines("%d ocr_error_files:ocr没有正确生成五元组"%(len(ocr_erorr_list))+'\n') except Exception as e: print(e) finally: print("Test end.")