Exemple #1
def test_read_runner_nofiles(capsys):
    '''Test that the script deals with no files provided as expected.'''
    # run the relevant script method (runner())
    read.runner(None, DummyArgs(), [])
    # capture the output and check that no output is generated
    stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert stdout == ""
Exemple #2
def test_read_runner_file(capsys, tmpdir):
    '''Test that the script deals with one file as expected.'''
    my_file = tmpdir.mkdir("sub").join("hello.f90")
    my_file.write("program hello\nend program hello\n")
    read.runner(None, DummyReadArgs(), [str(my_file)])
    stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "line #1'program hello'" in stdout
    assert "line #2'end program hello'" in stdout
Exemple #3
def test_read_runner_no_show(tmpdir):
    '''Test that the script raises an exception if the task argument !=
    "show" as that is the only option currently supported.

    my_file = tmpdir.mkdir("sub").join("hello.f90")
    my_file.write("program hello\nend program hello\n")
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as excinfo:
        read.runner(None, DummyReadArgs("invalid"), [str(my_file)])
    assert ("The task option ''invalid'' is invalid. Currently only 'show' "
            "is supported.") in str(excinfo.value)
Exemple #4
def test_read_runner_files(capsys, tmpdir):
    '''Test that the script deals with multiple files as expected.'''
    my_file1 = tmpdir.mkdir("sub1").join("hello1.f90")
    my_file1.write("program hello1\nend program hello1\n")
    my_file2 = tmpdir.mkdir("sub2").join("hello2.f90")
    my_file2.write("program hello2\nend program hello2\n")
    read.runner(None, DummyReadArgs(), [str(my_file1), str(my_file2)])
    stdout, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "line #1'program hello1'" in stdout
    assert "line #2'end program hello1'" in stdout
    assert "line #1'program hello2'" in stdout
    assert "line #2'end program hello2'" in stdout