Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, ast, name):
        self._schedule = None
        self._name = name
        # Store the whole fparser2 AST
        self._ast = ast
        # A temporary workaround for the fact that we don't yet have a
        # symbol table to store information on the variable declarations.
        # TODO (#255) remove this workaround.
        self._loop_vars = []
        self._name_space_manager = NameSpaceFactory().create()
        from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Execution_Part, Specification_Part

        # Find the section of the tree containing the execution part
        # of the code
        exe_part = get_child(ast, Execution_Part)
        if not exe_part:
            # This subroutine has no execution part so we skip it
            # TODO log this event

        # Store the root of this routine's specification in the AST
        self._spec_part = get_child(ast, Specification_Part)

        # We now walk through the AST produced by fparser2 and construct a
        # new AST using objects from the nemo module.
        self._schedule = NemoSchedule(self, exe_part)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, ast):
        # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
        from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Main_Program,  \
            Subroutine_Subprogram, Function_Subprogram, Function_Stmt, Name

        self.invoke_map = {}
        self.invoke_list = []
        # Keep a pointer to the whole fparser2 AST
        self._ast = ast

        # Find all the subroutines contained in the file
        routines = walk_ast(ast.content,
                            [Subroutine_Subprogram, Function_Subprogram])
        # Add the main program as a routine to analyse - take care
        # here as the Fortran source file might not contain a
        # main program (might just be a subroutine in a module)
        main_prog = get_child(ast, Main_Program)
        if main_prog:

        # Analyse each routine we've found
        for subroutine in routines:
            # Get the name of this subroutine, program or function
            substmt = subroutine.content[0]
            if isinstance(substmt, Function_Stmt):
                for item in substmt.items:
                    if isinstance(item, Name):
                        sub_name = str(item)
                sub_name = str(substmt.get_name())

            my_invoke = NemoInvoke(subroutine, name=sub_name)
            self.invoke_map[sub_name] = my_invoke
Exemple #3
def test_get_child():
    ''' Test the get_child() utility. '''
    from fparser.two import Fortran2003
    from fparser.two.utils import walk, get_child
    reader = get_reader("program hello\n"
                        "write(*,*) 'hello'\n"
                        "write(*,*) 'goodbye'\n"
                        "end program hello\n")
    main = Fortran2003.Program(reader)
    prog = get_child(main, Fortran2003.Main_Program)
    exe = get_child(prog, Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    assert isinstance(exe, Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    write_stmt = get_child(exe, Fortran2003.Write_Stmt)
    # Check that we got the first write and not the second
    assert "goodbye" not in str(write_stmt)
    # The top level has no Io_Control_Spec children
    assert not get_child(main, Fortran2003.Io_Control_Spec)
    # Check functionality when node has children in `items` and
    # not in `content`
    io_nodes = walk(main.content, Fortran2003.Io_Control_Spec)
    assert not hasattr(io_nodes[0], "content")
    io_unit = get_child(io_nodes[0], Fortran2003.Io_Unit)
    assert isinstance(io_unit, Fortran2003.Io_Unit)
    missing = get_child(io_nodes[0], Fortran2003.Execution_Part)
    assert missing is None
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, ast):
        # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
        from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Main_Program,  \
            Subroutine_Subprogram, Function_Subprogram, Function_Stmt, Name

        self.invoke_map = {}
        self.invoke_list = []
        # Keep a pointer to the whole fparser2 AST
        self._ast = ast

        # TODO #737 - this routine should really process generic PSyIR to
        # create domain-specific PSyIR (D-PSyIR) for the NEMO domain.
        # Use the fparser2 frontend to construct the PSyIR from the parse tree
        processor = NemoFparser2Reader()
        # First create a Container representing any Fortran module
        # contained in the parse tree.
        self._container = processor.generate_container(ast)

        # Find all the subroutines contained in the file
        routines = walk(ast.content,
                        (Subroutine_Subprogram, Function_Subprogram))
        # Add the main program as a routine to analyse - take care
        # here as the Fortran source file might not contain a
        # main program (might just be a subroutine in a module)
        main_prog = get_child(ast, Main_Program)
        if main_prog:

        # Analyse each routine we've found
        for subroutine in routines:
            # Get the name of this subroutine, program or function
            substmt = subroutine.content[0]
            if isinstance(substmt, Function_Stmt):
                for item in substmt.items:
                    if isinstance(item, Name):
                        sub_name = str(item)
                sub_name = str(substmt.get_name())

            my_invoke = NemoInvoke(subroutine, sub_name, self)
            self.invoke_map[sub_name] = my_invoke
Exemple #5
def test_action_stmts():
    ''' Tests for comments within action statements such as allocate '''
    # We have to have our allocate() within some other block otherwise
    # we lose the comment (it is deferred until after the current,
    # continuted line is complete but once that happens, the match for
    # the allocate() is done and the reader/parser returns without
    # ever dealing with the comment).
    source = '''\
allocate(my_array(size), &
         ! that's a big array
end if
    from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import If_Construct, Allocate_Stmt
    from fparser.two.utils import get_child
    reader = get_reader(source, isfree=True, ignore_comments=False)
    ifstmt = If_Construct(reader)
    assert isinstance(ifstmt, If_Construct)
    assert isinstance(ifstmt.content[1], Allocate_Stmt)
    assert "a big array" in str(ifstmt)
    cmt = get_child(ifstmt, Comment)
    assert cmt.parent is ifstmt