Exemple #1
def isNegInf(val):
    if sys.version_info < (2, 5) or sys.platform.startswith('win'):
        import fpconst

        return fpconst.isNegInf(val)
        return val == float('-inf')
Exemple #2
def isNegInf(val):
    if is_float_broken():
        import fpconst

        return fpconst.isNegInf(val)
        return val == -1e300000
Exemple #3
def isNegInf(val):
    if sys.version_info < (2, 5) or sys.platform.startswith('win'):
        import fpconst

        return fpconst.isNegInf(val)
        return val == float('-inf')
def _serialize_float(d):
    if fpconst.isNaN(d):
        return 'd:NAN;'
    elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
        return 'd:INF;'
    elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
        return 'd:-INF;'
        return 'd:%s;' % d
 def write_double_workaround(self, d):
     if fpconst.isNaN(d):
     elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
     elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
         write_double_workaround.old_func(self, d)
Exemple #6
 def write_double_workaround(self, d):
     if fpconst.isNaN(d):
     elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
     elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
         write_double_workaround.old_func(self, d)
Exemple #7
def _serialize_float(d):
    if fpconst.isNaN(d):
        return 'd:NAN;'
    elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
        return 'd:INF;'
    elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
        return 'd:-INF;'
        return 'd:%s;' % d
    def test_nan(self):
        import fpconst

        x = ByteStream('\xff\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')

        x = ByteStream('\xff\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')

        x = ByteStream('\x7f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
Exemple #9
def ic(pwm, bg):
    Calculate the information content of the PWM against the background in nats. Both pwm and bg are expected to be
    callable objects that return the log likelihood.
    ic = 0.
    ix = N.zeros(pwm.K, dtype=int)
    while True:
        l = pwm(ix)
        if not fpconst.isNegInf(l):
            x = N.exp(l) * (l - bg(ix))
            assert not fpconst.isNaN(x)
            ic += x
        if not inc_index(ix):
    return ic
def ic(pwm, bg):
    Calculate the information content of the PWM against the background in nats. Both pwm and bg are expected to be
    callable objects that return the log likelihood.
    ic = 0.0
    ix = N.zeros(pwm.K, dtype=int)
    while True:
        l = pwm(ix)
        if not fpconst.isNegInf(l):
            x = N.exp(l) * (l - bg(ix))
            assert not fpconst.isNaN(x)
            ic += x
        if not inc_index(ix):
    return ic
Exemple #11
    def dump_float(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
        if Config.debug: print "In dump_float."
        tag = tag or self.gentag()

        if Config.strict_range:

        if fpconst.isPosInf(obj):
            obj = "INF"
        elif fpconst.isNegInf(obj):
            obj = "-INF"
        elif fpconst.isNaN(obj):
            obj = "NaN"
            obj = str(obj)

	# Note: python 'float' is actually a SOAP 'double'.
        self.out.append(self.dumper(None, "double", obj, tag, typed, ns_map,
    def dump_float(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
        if Config.debug: print "In dump_float."
        tag = tag or self.gentag()

        tag = toXMLname(tag) # convert from SOAP 1.2 XML name encoding

        if Config.strict_range:

        if fpconst.isPosInf(obj):
            obj = "INF"
        elif fpconst.isNegInf(obj):
            obj = "-INF"
        elif fpconst.isNaN(obj):
            obj = "NaN"
            obj = str(obj)

	# Note: python 'float' is actually a SOAP 'double'.
        self.out.append(self.dumper(None, "double", obj, tag, typed, ns_map,
Exemple #13
    def convertToBasicTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
        dnn = d or ""

        # if Config.debug:
        # print "convertToBasicTypes:"
        # print "   requested_type=", t
        # print "   data=", d

        #         print "convertToBasicTypes:"
        #         print "   requested_type=", t
        #         print "   data=", d
        #         print "   attrs=", attrs
        #         print "   t[0]=", t[0]
        #         print "   t[1]=", t[1]

        #         print "   in?", t[0] in NS.EXSD_L

        if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
            if t[1] == "integer":  # unbounded integer type
                    d = int(d)
                    if len(attrs):
                        d = long(d)
                    d = long(d)
                return d
            if self.intlimits.has_key(t[1]):  # range-bounded integer types
                l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
                    d = int(d)
                    d = long(d)

                if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
                    raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
                if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
                    raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d

                if l[0] or len(attrs):
                    return long(d)
                return d
            if t[1] == "string":
                if len(attrs):
                    return unicode(dnn)
                    return str(dnn)
                    return dnn
            if t[1] in ("bool", "boolean"):
                d = d.strip().lower()
                if d in ("0", "false"):
                    return False
                if d in ("1", "true"):
                    return True
                raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
            if t[1] in ("double", "float"):
                l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
                s = d.strip().lower()

                # Explicitly check for NaN and Infinities
                if s == "nan":
                    d = fpconst.NaN
                elif s[0:2] == "inf" or s[0:3] == "+inf":
                    d = fpconst.PosInf
                elif s[0:3] == "-inf":
                    d = fpconst.NegInf
                    d = float(s)

                if config.strict_range:
                    if fpconst.isNaN(d):
                        if s[0:2] != "nan":
                            raise ValueError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
                        if s[0:3] != "-inf":
                            raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
                        if s[0:2] != "inf" and s[0:3] != "+inf":
                            raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d < 0 and d < l[1]:
                        raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d > 0 and (d < l[0] or d > l[2]):
                        raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d == 0:
                        if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
                            self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)

                        if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
                            raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                return d

            if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "decimal":
                return float(d)
            if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name", "NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
                d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
                return d.split()
        if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
            if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ""
            if t[1] == "hexBinary":
                if d:
                    return decodeHexString(d)
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
        if t[0] == NS.ENC:
            if t[1] == "base64":
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ""
        if t[0] == NS.XSD:
            if t[1] == "binary":
                    e = attrs[(None, "encoding")]

                    if d:
                        if e == "hex":
                            return decodeHexString(d)
                        elif e == "base64":
                            return base64.decodestring(d)
                        return ""

                raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
            if t[1] == "uri":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "uriReference":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "timePeriod":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "timeDuration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gYear":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gMonth":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "duration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
            if t[1] == "token":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] == "recurringDate":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "month":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "recurringDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
            if t[1] == "CDATA":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)

        raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (str(t[0]) + ":" + t[1])
Exemple #14
    def convertToBasicTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
        dnn = d or ''

        #if Config.debug:
        #print "convertToBasicTypes:"
        #print "   requested_type=", t
        #print "   data=", d

        #         print "convertToBasicTypes:"
        #         print "   requested_type=", t
        #         print "   data=", d
        #         print "   attrs=", attrs
        #         print "   t[0]=", t[0]
        #         print "   t[1]=", t[1]

        #         print "   in?", t[0] in NS.EXSD_L

        if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
            if t[1] == "integer":  # unbounded integer type
                    d = int(d)
                    if len(attrs):
                        d = long(d)
                    d = long(d)
                return d
            if self.intlimits.has_key(t[1]):  # range-bounded integer types
                l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
                    d = int(d)
                    d = long(d)

                if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
                    raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
                if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
                    raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d

                if l[0] or len(attrs):
                    return long(d)
                return d
            if t[1] == "string":
                if len(attrs):
                    return unicode(dnn)
                    return str(dnn)
                    return dnn
            if t[1] in ("bool", "boolean"):
                d = d.strip().lower()
                if d in ('0', 'false'):
                    return False
                if d in ('1', 'true'):
                    return True
                raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
            if t[1] in ('double', 'float'):
                l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
                s = d.strip().lower()

                # Explicitly check for NaN and Infinities
                if s == "nan":
                    d = fpconst.NaN
                elif s[0:2] == "inf" or s[0:3] == "+inf":
                    d = fpconst.PosInf
                elif s[0:3] == "-inf":
                    d = fpconst.NegInf
                    d = float(s)

                if config.strict_range:
                    if fpconst.isNaN(d):
                        if s[0:2] != 'nan':
                            raise ValueError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
                        if s[0:3] != '-inf':
                            raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1],
                    elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
                        if s[0:2] != 'inf' and s[0:3] != '+inf':
                            raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d < 0 and d < l[1]:
                        raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d > 0 and (d < l[0] or d > l[2]):
                        raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                    elif d == 0:
                        if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
                            self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)

                        if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
                            raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                return d

            if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "decimal":
                return float(d)
            if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
                        "NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
                d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
                return d.split()
        if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
            if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
            if t[1] == "hexBinary":
                if d:
                    return decodeHexString(d)
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
        if t[0] == NS.ENC:
            if t[1] == "base64":
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
        if t[0] == NS.XSD:
            if t[1] == "binary":
                    e = attrs[(None, 'encoding')]

                    if d:
                        if e == 'hex':
                            return decodeHexString(d)
                        elif e == 'base64':
                            return base64.decodestring(d)
                        return ''

                raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
            if t[1] == "uri":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "uriReference":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "timePeriod":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "timeDuration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gYear":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gMonth":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "duration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
            if t[1] == "token":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] == "recurringDate":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "month":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "recurringDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
            if t[1] == "CDATA":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)

        raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (str(t[0]) + ':' + t[1])
Exemple #15
    def convertToBasicTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
        dnn = d or ''

        #if Config.debug:
            #print "convertToBasicTypes:"
            #print "   requested_type=", t
            #print "   data=", d

        if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
            if t[1] == "integer":
                    d = int(d)
                    if len(attrs):
                        d = long(d)
                    d = long(d)
                return d
            if self.intlimits.has_key (t[1]): # integer types
                l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
                try: d = int(d)
                except: d = long(d)

                if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
                    raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
                if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
                    raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d

                if l[0] or len(attrs):
                    return long(d)
                return d
            if t[1] == "string":
                if len(attrs):
                    return unicode(dnn)
                    return str(dnn)
                    return dnn
            if t[1] == "boolean":
                d = d.strip().lower()
                if d in ('0', 'false'):
                    return 0
                if d in ('1', 'true'):
                    return 1
                raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
            if t[1] in ('double','float'):
                l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
                s = d.strip().lower()

                d = float(s)

                if config.strict_range:
                    if d < l[1]: raise UnderflowError
                    if d > l[2]: raise OverflowError
                    # some older SOAP impementations (notably SOAP4J,
                    # Apache SOAP) return "infinity" instead of "INF"
                    # so check the first 3 characters for a match.
                    if s == "nan":
                        return fpconst.NaN
                    elif s[0:3] in ("inf", "+inf"):
                        return fpconst.PosInf
                    elif s[0:3] == "-inf":
                        return fpconst.NegInf

                if fpconst.isNaN(d):
                    if s != 'nan':
                        raise ValueError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
                    if s != '-inf':
                        raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
                    if s != 'inf':
                        raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d < 0 and d < l[1]:
                        raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d > 0 and ( d < l[0] or d > l[2] ):
                        raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d == 0:
                    if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
                        self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)

                    if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
                        raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)

                return d
            if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "decimal":
                return float(d)
            if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
                "NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
                d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
                return d.split()
        if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
            if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
            if t[1] == "hexBinary":
                if d:
                    return decodeHexString(d)
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
        if t[0] == NS.ENC:
            if t[1] == "base64":
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
        if t[0] == NS.XSD:
            if t[1] == "binary":
                    e = attrs[(None, 'encoding')]

                    if d:
                        if e == 'hex':
                            return decodeHexString(d)
                        elif e == 'base64':
                            return base64.decodestring(d)
                        return ''

                raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
            if t[1] == "uri":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "uriReference":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "timePeriod":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "timeDuration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gYear":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gMonth":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "duration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
            if t[1] == "token":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] == "recurringDate":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "month":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "recurringDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
            if t[1] == "CDATA":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)

        raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (str(t[0]) + ':' + t[1])
    def convertToBasicTypes(self, d, t, attrs, config=Config):
        dnn = d or ''

        if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
            if t[1] == "integer":
                    d = int(d)
                    if len(attrs):
                        d = long(d)
                    d = long(d)
                return d
            if self.intlimits.has_key(t[1]):  # integer types
                l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
                    d = int(d)
                    d = long(d)

                if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
                    raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
                if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
                    raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d

                if l[0] or len(attrs):
                    return long(d)
                return d
            if t[1] == "string":
                if len(attrs):
                    return unicode(dnn)
                    return str(dnn)
                    return dnn
            if t[1] == "boolean":
                d = d.strip().lower()
                if d in ('0', 'false'):
                    return 0
                if d in ('1', 'true'):
                    return 1
                raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
            if t[1] in ('double', 'float'):
                l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
                s = d.strip().lower()

                d = float(s)

                if config.strict_range:
                    if d < l[1]: raise UnderflowError
                    if d > l[2]: raise OverflowError
                    # some older SOAP impementations (notably SOAP4J,
                    # Apache SOAP) return "infinity" instead of "INF"
                    # so check the first 3 characters for a match.
                    if s == "nan":
                        return fpconst.NaN
                    elif s[0:3] in ("inf", "+inf"):
                        return fpconst.PosInf
                    elif s[0:3] == "-inf":
                        return fpconst.NegInf

                if fpconst.isNaN(d):
                    if s != 'nan':
                        raise ValueError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif fpconst.isNegInf(d):
                    if s != '-inf':
                        raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif fpconst.isPosInf(d):
                    if s != 'inf':
                        raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d < 0 and d < l[1]:
                    raise UnderflowError, "%s too small: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d > 0 and (d < l[0] or d > l[2]):
                    raise OverflowError, "%s too large: %s" % (t[1], s)
                elif d == 0:
                    if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
                        self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)

                    if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
                        raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s: %s" % (t[1], s)

                return d
            if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "decimal":
                return float(d)
            if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
                        "NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
                d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
                return d.split()
        if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
            if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
            if t[1] == "hexBinary":
                if d:
                    return decodeHexString(d)
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
        if t[0] == NS.ENC:
            if t[1] == "base64":
                if d:
                    return base64.decodestring(d)
                    return ''
        if t[0] == NS.XSD:
            if t[1] == "binary":
                    e = attrs[(None, 'encoding')]

                    if d:
                        if e == 'hex':
                            return decodeHexString(d)
                        elif e == 'base64':
                            return base64.decodestring(d)
                        return ''

                raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
            if t[1] == "uri":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "uriReference":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] == "timePeriod":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
            if t[1] == "timeDuration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
            if t[1] == "anyURI":
                return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
            if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gYear":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gMonth":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "gDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "duration":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
            if t[1] == "token":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
            if t[1] == "recurringDate":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "month":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
            if t[1] == "recurringDay":
                return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
        if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
            if t[1] == "CDATA":
                return collapseWhiteSpace(d)

        raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (t[0] + ':' + t[1])