def manual_test(): in_str = '' print('Please write log messages to send, type "exit" to quit.') while in_str != 'exit': in_str = str(input())
def spam_test(): print('Spamming with random messages as fast as we can!!!') counter = 0 while True: arr = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(135)) counter += 1 if counter % 13 == 0: fpylog.crit(arr) if counter % 11 == 0: fpylog.err(arr) if counter % 9 == 0: fpylog.warn(arr) if counter % 7 == 0: if counter % 5 == 0: fpylog.debug(arr) if counter > 1000000: counter = 0