Exemple #1
def create_mesh_mapping_nodes(a):
    x0 = -1
    y0 = 1
    count = 0
    mapping = {}
    elements = []
    nodes = []
    while (not math.isclose(x0, 1, rel_tol=1e-5)
           and not math.isclose(y0, -1, rel_tol=1e-5)) or (
               math.isclose(x0, 1, rel_tol=1e-5)
               and not math.isclose(y0, -1, rel_tol=1e-5)) or (
                   not math.isclose(x0, 1, rel_tol=1e-5)
                   and math.isclose(y0, -1, rel_tol=1e-5)):
        if 0 < y0 <= 1:
            if x0 <= 1:
                if is_in_area(x0, y0 - a):
                    elements.append(Elem(Fract(x0), y0 - a, a))
                mapping[(x0, y0)] = count
                nodes.append((x0, y0))
                count += 1
                x0 += a
                x0 = -1
                y0 -= a
            if x0 <= 1:
                if is_in_area(x0, y0 - a):
                    elements.append(Elem(Fract(x0), y0 - a, a))
                mapping[(x0, y0)] = count
                nodes.append((x0, y0))
                count += 1
                x0 += a
                x0 = 0
                y0 -= a

    mapping[1, -1] = count
    return mapping, elements, nodes
Exemple #2
	tests = [[[150,[100,200,300]],[50,50,50]]]
	tests += [[[200,[100,200,300]],[50,75,75]]]
	tests += [[[300,[100,200,300]],[50,100,150]]]
	tests += [[[400,[100,200,300]],[50,125,225]]]
	tests += [[[600,[100,200,300]],[100,200,300]]]
	for i in tests:
		actual = divide_estate(*i[0]) 
		expected = i[1]
		assert actual == expected, print("expected",expected,"\nactual",actual) 

if __name__ == '__main__':
	import sys, re
	def print_help(): 
		s = ['no arguments: prints help string',
		'\n-f: total estate funds to allocate',
		'\n-c: sorted comma-separated list of debts',
		'\nusage example:',
		'\n   talmud_estate_division.py -f 200 -c 100,200,300']
	creditors = estate = None
	prev_arg = ''
	for i in sys.argv[1:]:
		if prev_arg == '-f':
			if re.fullmatch('\d+(\.\d*)?',i):
				estate = Fract(i)
		elif prev_arg == '-c':
			if re.fullmatch('(\d+(\.\d*)?,)*\d+(\.\d*)?',i):
				creditors = [Fract(j) for j in i.split(',')]
		prev_arg = i
	if creditors and estate: print(str([float(i) for i in divide_estate(estate,creditors)])[1:-1])
	else: print_help()
Exemple #3

def wblueq(a1, b1, a2, b2):
    return (a2 - a1) * (a2 - a1) + (b2 - b1) * (b2 - b1)

for m in range(-depth, depth):
    for n in range(-depth, depth):
        for m1 in range(-depth, depth):
            for n1 in range(-depth, depth):
                if m + n == 0: continue
                if m1 + n1 == 0: continue
                bq, rq, gq = blueq(m, n), redq(m, n), greenq(m, n)
                bq1, rq1, gq1 = blueq(m1, n1), redq(m1, n1), greenq(m1, n1)
                wbq1 = wblueq(-n1, 0, m1, n1)
                z = small_radius * Fract(rq1, wbq1)
                l = small_radius * Fract(gq1, bq1)
                x = (big_radius - l) * Fract(rq, bq)
                y = (big_radius - l) * Fract(gq, bq)
                print x, y, z, ' sq sum: ', x * x + y * y + z * z
                xs += [x]
                ys += [z]
                zs += [y]

max = max(xs + ys + zs)
for i in range(0, len(xs)):
    xs[i] = Fract(xs[i], max)
    ys[i] = Fract(ys[i], max)
    zs[i] = Fract(zs[i], max)

print len(xs)
Exemple #4
# y = (greenq/redq) / blueq( blueq/redq, greenq/redq )
# where q = quadrance between 0,0 and integer point m,n 
# please see pythbernlem.py for full explanation

def sqr(x): return x*x
def greenq(x,y,x2,y2): return 2*(x2-x)*(y2-y)
def redq(x,y,x2,y2): return sqr(x2-x)-sqr(y2-y)
def blueq(x,y,x2,y2): return sqr(x2-x)+sqr(y2-y)
depth = 20
for m in range(-depth,depth):
	for n in range(-depth,depth):
		if redq(0,0,m,n)==0: continue
		if greenq(0,0,m,n)==0: continue
		bq,rq,gq = blueq(0,0,m,n),redq(0,0,m,n),greenq(0,0,m,n)
		x = Fract( Fract(bq,gq), blueq(0,0,Fract(bq,gq),Fract(bq,rq)) )
		y = Fract( Fract(rq,rq), blueq(0,0,Fract(rq,gq),Fract(rq,rq)) )
		xs += [x]
		ys += [y]

for i in range(0,2):
	print xs[i],',',ys[i],
print '....'
for i in range(0,len(xs)):
	xs[i] = Fract( xs[i], max )
	ys[i] = Fract( ys[i], max )

print len(xs), 'points'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
Exemple #5
def redq(x, y, x2, y2):
    return sqr(x2 - x) - sqr(y2 - y)

def blueq(x, y, x2, y2):
    return sqr(x2 - x) + sqr(y2 - y)

xs, ys = [], []
depth = 20
for m in range(-depth, depth):
    for n in range(-depth, depth):
        if redq(0, 0, m, n) == 0: continue
        if greenq(0, 0, m, n) == 0: continue
        bq, rq, gq = blueq(0, 0, m, n), redq(0, 0, m, n), greenq(0, 0, m, n)
        x = Fract(Fract(gq, bq), blueq(0, 0, Fract(rq, bq), Fract(rq, bq)))
        y = Fract(Fract(rq, bq), blueq(0, 0, Fract(gq, bq), Fract(gq, bq)))
        xs += [x]
        ys += [y]

max = max(xs + ys)
for i in range(0, 2):
    print xs[i], ',', ys[i],
print '....'
for i in range(0, len(xs)):
    xs[i] = Fract(xs[i], max)
    ys[i] = Fract(ys[i], max)

print len(xs), 'points'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
Exemple #6
def solver():
    a1 = int(input('enter size(1/a)> '))
    a = Fract(1, a1)
    mapping, elements, nodes = create_mesh_mapping_nodes(a)
    nodes_number = int(3 * a1 * a1 + 2 * (a1 + a1) + 1)
    B = np.zeros((nodes_number, nodes_number))
    L = np.zeros((nodes_number, 1))

    for elem in elements:
        position = elem.get_cords()
        (x, y) = elem.get_pos()
        for index in range(4):
            pos_1 = position[index]
            pos_2 = position[(index + 1) % 4]
            (x0, y0) = pos_1
            (xn, yn) = pos_2
            if check_if_neumann([pos_1, pos_2]):
                xh = float(xn / 2 + x0 / 2)
                yh = float(yn / 2 + y0 / 2)
                L[mapping[position[0]]] += l_fun(xh, yh, fis[0], x, y, a)
                L[mapping[position[1]]] += l_fun(xh, yh, fis[1], x, y, a)
                L[mapping[position[2]]] += l_fun(xh, yh, fis[2], x, y, a)
                L[mapping[position[3]]] += l_fun(xh, yh, fis[3], x, y, a)
            for index2 in range(4):
                    position[index2])] += b(index, index2, a)

    for node in mapping:
        if check_if_dirichlet(node):
            B[mapping[node]] = 0
            L[mapping[node]] = 0
            B[mapping[node]][mapping[node]] = 1

    A = np.linalg.solve(B, L)

    n = 30
    xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
    ys = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
    Z = np.zeros((len(xs), len(ys)))

    for (i, x) in enumerate(xs):
        for (j, y) in enumerate(ys):
            match_elem = None
            for elem in elements:
                (x0, y0) = elem.get_pos()
                (x1, y1) = elem.get_top_pos()
                if (x0 <= x <= x1) and (y0 <= y <= y1):
                    match_elem = elem
            if match_elem is None:
            (bx, by) = match_elem.get_pos()
            position = match_elem.get_cords()
            Z[i, j] += A[mapping.get(position[0])] * fis[0](x, y, bx, by,
                                                            a)  # phi0
            Z[i, j] += A[mapping.get(position[1])] * fis[1](x, y, bx, by,
                                                            a)  # phi1
            Z[i, j] += A[mapping.get(position[2])] * fis[2](x, y, bx, by,
                                                            a)  # phi2
            Z[i, j] += A[mapping.get(position[3])] * fis[3](x, y, bx, by,
                                                            a)  # phi3

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
    ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'))
    ax.view_init(45, 240)

Exemple #7
def greenq(a, b):
    return 2 * a * b

for m1 in range(-depth, depth):
    for n1 in range(-depth, depth):
        for m2 in range(-depth / 2, depth / 2):
            for n2 in range(-depth / 2, depth / 2):
                blue1, red1, green1 = blueq(m1, n1), redq(m1,
                                                          n1), greenq(m1, n1)
                blue2, red2, green2 = blueq(m2, n2), redq(m2,
                                                          n2), greenq(m2, n2)
                if red1 == 0: continue
                if blue2 == 0: continue
                xh = Fract(blue1, red1)
                yh = Fract(green1, red1)
                OH = blueq(xh, yh)
                x = Fract(k, OH) * xh
                l = Fract(k, OH) * yh
                y = l * Fract(green2, blue2)
                z = l * Fract(red2, blue2)
                #print x,y,z,' sq sum: ',x*x+y*y+z*z
                xs += [x]
                ys += [y]
                zs += [z]

max = max(xs + ys + zs)
for i in range(0, len(xs)):
    xs[i] = Fract(xs[i], max)
    ys[i] = Fract(ys[i], max)
Exemple #8
def invert(matrix):
    """Inverts the matrix. Requires python's Fract library.

    If matrix is singular, prints 'Inversion impossible' and returns nothing.
    matrix = as_Fractions(matrix)
    accum = deepcopy(matrix)
    size = len(matrix)
    inverse_accum = identity_matrix(size)
    row = 0 # row being processed
    singular = False
    loopcount = 0
    # this while loop makes the matrix triangular
    while row < size:
        loopcount += 1
        # make matrix[row][row] = 1 if it doesn't already
        # eliminate all entries below matrix[row][row]
        # then accum will be triangular upper
            row_op = create_row_operation(size,row,row,Fract(1,accum[row][row]))
            # currently singular, attempt fixing
            # if it can't be fixed, throw an exception
            # and the original matrix will be modified
            # print("Singular matrix found:")
            # print(accum)
            # print("Attempting fix by swapping for a later row")
            fix = -1
            for i in range(row+1, size):
                # print("Testing row "+str(i)+" out of "+str(size))
                if accum[i][row] != 0:
                    # print("Row "+str(i)+" will fix")
                    fix = i
            if fix == -1:
                print('Inversion impossible'); return
            row_op = rowSwap(size,fix,row)
        ("Matrix operation: "+ str(row_op))
        # print("Accumulated: " + str(accum))
        accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,accum)
        # print("After operation: " + str(accum))
        inverse_accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,inverse_accum)
        if accum[row][row] == 1:
            # print("Checking "+str(column(accum,row)[(row+1):])+" against "+str([0]*(size-row-1)))
            if column(accum,row)[(row+1):] == [0]*(size-row-1):
                # print("Row "+str(row)+" finished, progressing")
                row += 1
            else: # need to make the zeroes below the cursor
                for i in range(row+1, size):
                    # Need to nullify below accum[i][row], to maintain invariant
                    row_op = create_row_operation(size,row,i,-accum[i][row])
                    # print("Matrix operation: "+ str(row_op))
                    # print("Accumulated: " + str(accum))
                    accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,accum)
                    # print("After operation: " + str(accum))
                    inverse_accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,inverse_accum)
                # print("Column below "+str(row)+","+str(row)+" should be zeroes:")
                # print(accum)
    # this while loop performs backsubstitution
    row = size-1
    while row >= 0:
          # cursor starts at bottom-right, zeros out everything above
          # then moves up 1, left 1, repeats
          # print("Checking "+str(column(accum,row)[:row])+" against "+str([0]*(row)))
          if column(accum,row)[0:row] == [0]*(row):
                # print("Row "+str(row)+" finished, progressing")
                row -= 1
                for i in range(0,row):
                    row_op = create_row_operation(size,row,i,-accum[i][row])
                    # print("Matrix operation: "+ str(row_op))
                    # print("Accumulated: " + str(accum))
                    accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,accum)
                    # print("After operation: " + str(accum))
                    inverse_accum = matrix_multiply(row_op,inverse_accum)
    # print("Accumulated: should be identity matrix")
    # print(accum)
    # print("Accumulated matrix operations (aka inverse):")
    # print(inverse_accum)
    return inverse_accum
Exemple #9
def as_Fractions(matrix):
    return [[Fract(j) for j in i] for i in matrix]