Exemple #1
    print '== training =='
    # A symbolic input representing your minibatch.
    minibatch = tensor.matrix()

    # Allocate a denoising autoencoder with binomial noise corruption.
    corruptor = GaussianCorruptor(corruption_level=conf['corruption_level'])
    da = DenoisingAutoencoder(corruptor, conf['nvis'], conf['nhid'], 
                              conf['act_enc'], conf['act_dec'],

    # Allocate an optimizer, which tells us how to update our model.
    # TODO: build the cost another way
    cost = SquaredError(da)(minibatch, da.reconstruct(minibatch)).mean()
    trainer = SGDOptimizer(da.params(), conf['base_lr'], conf['anneal_start'])

    # Finally, build a Theano function out of all this.
    train_fn = theano.function([minibatch], cost,

    # Suppose we want minibatches of size 10
    batchsize = 10

    # Here's a manual training loop. I hope to have some classes that
    # automate this a litle bit.
    for epoch in xrange(10):
        for offset in xrange(0, train_data.shape[0], batchsize):
            minibatch_err = train_fn(train_data[offset:(offset + batchsize)])
            #print "epoch %d, batch %d-%d: %f" % \
                    #(epoch, offset, offset + batchsize - 1, minibatch_err)