def __init__(self): with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) self.inference = Inference(config, anchor_assigner) self.infer_data = InferData(config, voxel_generator, anchor_assigner, torch.float32) = PointPillars(config) model_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['model_path'] / config['experiment'] latest_model_path = model_path / 'latest.pth' checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model_path)['model_state_dict']) print('model loaded') self.data_root = Path(config['data_root']) info_paths = config['eval_info'] self.infos = [] for info_path in info_paths: info_path = self.data_root / info_path with open(info_path, 'rb') as f: self.infos += pickle.load(f)
class PointPillarsNode(object): def __init__(self): print('initializing model...') # build model and preprocessor # with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device self.voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) self.anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) self.inference = Inference(config, self.anchor_assigner) self.infer_data = InferData(config, self.voxel_generator, self.anchor_assigner, torch.float32) = PointPillars(config) model_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['model_path'] / config['experiment'] latest_model_path = model_path / 'latest.pth' checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model_path)['model_state_dict']) print('model loaded') self.q_msg = queue.Queue(maxsize=2) def lidar_callback(self, msg): points = np.asarray(list(pc2.read_points(msg)))[:, :4].astype( np.float32) stamp = msg.header.stamp self.q_msg.put((points, stamp)) def spin(self): time_elapse = 0.0 len_infos = 0 rospy.init_node("PointPillars", anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber('/combined_lidar', PointCloud2, callback=self.lidar_callback, queue_size=1) print('spinning.') with torch.no_grad(): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): points, stamp = self.q_msg.get() start_time = time.time() example = self.infer_data.get(points) preds_dict = annos = self.inference.infer(example, preds_dict) dur = time.time() - start_time time_elapse += dur len_infos += 1 if len_infos >= 713: break print("infor len", len_infos) print("average time : %.5f" % (time_elapse / len_infos))
def __init__(self): print('initializing model...') # build model and preprocessor # with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device self.voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) self.anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) self.inference = Inference(config, self.anchor_assigner) self.infer_data = InferData(config, self.voxel_generator, self.anchor_assigner, torch.float32) = PointPillars(config) model_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['model_path'] / config['experiment'] latest_model_path = model_path / 'latest.pth' checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model_path)['model_state_dict']) print('model loaded') self.q_msg = queue.Queue(maxsize=2)
class PointPillarsNode: def __init__(self): with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) self.inference = Inference(config, anchor_assigner) self.infer_data = InferData(config, voxel_generator, anchor_assigner, torch.float32) = PointPillars(config) model_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['model_path'] / config['experiment'] latest_model_path = model_path / 'latest.pth' checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model_path)['model_state_dict']) print('model loaded') self.data_root = Path(config['data_root']) info_paths = config['eval_info'] self.infos = [] for info_path in info_paths: info_path = self.data_root / info_path with open(info_path, 'rb') as f: self.infos += pickle.load(f) def lidar_callback(self, msg): points = np.asarray(list(pc2.read_points(msg)))[:, :4] stamp = msg.header.stamp self.q_msg.put((points, stamp)) print("puting...", stamp) def spin(self): time_elapse = 0.0 rospy.init_node("PointPillars", anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber('/combined_lidar', PointCloud2, callback=self.lidar_callback, queue_size=1) print('spinning.') len_infos = len(self.infos) dt_annos = [] for idx, info in enumerate(self.infos): print('\ridx %d' % idx, end='') v_path = self.data_root / info['velodyne_path'] points = np.fromfile(v_path, dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 4]) start_time = time.time() example = self.infer_data.get(points) pre_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): preds_dict = net_time = time.time() anno = self.inference.infer(example, preds_dict) post_time = time.time() pre_time_avg += pre_time - start_time net_time_avg += net_time - pre_time post_time_avg += post_time - net_time time_elapse += post_time - start_time print("average time : %.5f" % (time_elapse / len_infos)) print("pre-processing time : %.5f" % (pre_time_avg / len_infos)) print("network time : %.5f" % (net_time_avg / len_infos)) print("post-processing time : %.5f" % (post_time_avg / len_infos))
def infer_trt(): with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) inference = Inference(config, anchor_assigner) infer_data = InferData(config, voxel_generator, anchor_assigner, torch.float32) net = PointPillars(config) # model_path = Path(config['model_path']) / config['experiment'] # latest_model_path = model_path / '265000.pth' # # checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) print('model loaded') # net.half() net.eval() data_root = Path(config['data_root']) info_paths = config['eval_info'] infos = [] for info_path in info_paths: info_path = data_root / info_path with open(info_path, 'rb') as f: infos += pickle.load(f) changeInfo(infos) dt_annos = [] time_elapse, pre_time_avg, net_time_avg, post_time_avg = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 len_infos = len(infos) for idx, info in enumerate(infos): print('\ridx %d' % idx, end='') v_path = data_root / info['velodyne_path'] points = np.fromfile(v_path, dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 4]) start_time = time.time() example = infer_data.get(points, toTorch=True) pre_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): # inputs = (example["voxels"], example["num_points_per_voxel"], example["coordinates"], example["voxel_num"]) # input_names = ['voxels', 'num_points_per_voxel', 'coordinates', 'voxel_num'] # torch.onnx.export(net, inputs, "pp.onnx", verbose=True, opset_version=11, input_names=input_names) # return 0 preds_dict = net(example) torch.cuda.synchronize() net_time = time.time() dt_annos += inference.infer_gpu(example, preds_dict) post_time = time.time() pre_time_avg += pre_time - start_time net_time_avg += net_time - pre_time post_time_avg += post_time - net_time time_elapse += post_time - start_time print("\naverage time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (time_elapse / len_infos)) print("pre-processing time : \t%.5f" % (pre_time_avg / len_infos)) print("network time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (net_time_avg / len_infos)) # print("pfn_time time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (net.pfn_time / len_infos)) # print("scatter time : \t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.scatter_time / len_infos)) # print("rpn time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.rpn_time / len_infos)) # print("heads time : \t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.heads_time / len_infos)) print("post-processing time : \t%.5f" % (post_time_avg / len_infos)) print("p1 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p1 / len_infos)) print("p2 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p2 / len_infos)) print("p3 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p3 / len_infos)) print("p4 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p4 / len_infos)) dt_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['result_path'] / config['experiment'] if not os.path.exists(dt_path): os.makedirs(dt_path) with open(dt_path / config['dt_info'], 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dt_annos, f) gt_annos = [info["annos"] for info in infos] eval_classes = ["vehicle", "pedestrian", "cyclist"] # ["vehicle", "pedestrian", "cyclist"] for range_thresh in np.arange(80.0, 90.0, 10.0): APs, eval_str = get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, eval_classes, range_thresh) print(eval_str)
def trt_eval(): with open('configs/ntusl_20cm.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) device = torch.device("cuda:0") config['device'] = device voxel_generator = VoxelGenerator(config) anchor_assigner = AnchorAssigner(config) inference = Inference(config, anchor_assigner) infer_data = InferData(config, voxel_generator, anchor_assigner, torch.float32) pfn_engine_path = '../deployment/pfn16.engine' rpn_engine_path = '../deployment/rpn16.engine' head_engine_path = '../deployment/head16.engine' net = PointPillars(config, pfn_engine_path, rpn_engine_path, head_engine_path) data_root = Path(config['data_root']) info_paths = config['eval_info'] infos = [] for info_path in info_paths: info_path = data_root / info_path with open(info_path, 'rb') as f: infos += pickle.load(f) changeInfo(infos) dt_annos = [] time_elapse, pre_time_avg, net_time_avg, post_time_avg = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 len_infos = len(infos) for idx, info in enumerate(infos): print('\ridx %d' % idx, end='') v_path = data_root / info['velodyne_path'] points = np.fromfile(v_path, dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 4]) start_time = time.time() example = infer_data.get(points, toTorch=True) pre_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): preds_dict = net(example) torch.cuda.synchronize() net_time = time.time() dt_annos += inference.infer_gpu(example, preds_dict) post_time = time.time() pre_time_avg += pre_time - start_time net_time_avg += net_time - pre_time post_time_avg += post_time - net_time time_elapse += post_time - start_time print("\naverage time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (time_elapse / len_infos)) print("pre-processing time : \t%.5f" % (pre_time_avg / len_infos)) print("network time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (net_time_avg / len_infos)) # print("pfn_time time : \t\t\t%.5f" % (net.pfn_time / len_infos)) # print("scatter time : \t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.scatter_time / len_infos)) # print("rpn time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.rpn_time / len_infos)) # print("heads time : \t\t\t\t%.5f" % (net.heads_time / len_infos)) print("post-processing time : \t%.5f" % (post_time_avg / len_infos)) print("p1 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p1 / len_infos)) print("p2 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p2 / len_infos)) print("p3 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p3 / len_infos)) print("p4 time : \t\t\t\t\t%.5f" % (inference.p4 / len_infos)) dt_path = Path( config['data_root']) / config['result_path'] / config['experiment'] if not os.path.exists(dt_path): os.makedirs(dt_path) with open(dt_path / config['dt_info'], 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dt_annos, f) gt_annos = [info["annos"] for info in infos] eval_classes = ["vehicle", "pedestrian", "cyclist"] # ["vehicle", "pedestrian", "cyclist"] for range_thresh in np.arange(80.0, 90.0, 10.0): APs, eval_str = get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, eval_classes, range_thresh) print(eval_str)