Exemple #1
    def query_summary(self, gid, mi, request):
        # 新增设备, 新增用户, 活跃用户, (新)付费玩家, (新)用户付费, 充值次数
        start = mi.get_param('start')
        end = mi.get_param('end')
        start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
        end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
        mo = MsgPack(0)
        while start_day <= end_day:
            fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
            kvs = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt)
            channel_info = {}
            for k, v in kvs.iteritems():
                if (k.endswith('.new.device.count')
                        or k.endswith('.new.user.count')
                        or k.endswith('.login.user.count')
                        or k.endswith('.new.pay.user.count')
                        or k.endswith('.new.pay.user.pay_total')
                        or k.endswith('.pay.user.count')
                        or k.endswith('.pay.user.pay_total')
                        or k.endswith('.user.pay.times')):
                    channel, key = k.split('.', 1)
                    if channel not in channel_info:
                        channel_info[channel] = {}
                    channel_info[channel][key] = int(v)

            mo.set_param(fmt, channel_info)
            start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
        return mo
Exemple #2
    def on_create_user(cls, uid, gid):
        super(FishAccount, cls).on_create_user(uid, gid)
        # 发放一级礼包
        conf = Context.Configure.get_game_item_json(gid, 'exp.level.reward')
        rewards_info = FishProps.issue_rewards(uid, gid, conf[0],
        rewards_info = FishProps.convert_reward(rewards_info)
        mo = MsgPack(Message.FISH_MSG_EXP_UPGRADE | Message.ID_NTF)
        mo.set_param('exp', 0)
        mo.set_param('lv', 1)
        mo.set_param('df', [1, [0, conf[1]]])
        Context.GData.send_to_connect(uid, mo)

        # new user carrying
        pipe_args = []
        for k in ('chip', 'diamond', 'coupon'):
            if k in rewards_info:
                pipe_args.append('login.carrying.volume.%s' % k)
        if 'chip' in rewards_info:
        if pipe_args:
            Context.Stat.mincr_daily_data(gid, *pipe_args)
Exemple #3
    def on_join_table(self, gid, msg):
        ack = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_JOIN_TABLE | Message.ID_ACK)
        tid = msg.get_param('tableId')
        self._info('player req to join table', tid)
        self.offline = False
        if self.tid > 0 and self.tid != tid:
            self.offline = True
            return ack.set_error(Enum.join_table_failed_multi)

        registry = Context.get_module(gid, 'registry')
        table = registry.create_table(gid, tid)
        if not table:
            self.offline = True
            return ack.set_error(Enum.join_table_failed_id)

        result = table.join_table(self.uid)
        if result != 0:
            self.offline = True
            return ack.set_error(result)

        self.table = table
        self.online_ts = Time.current_ts()

        sid = msg.get_param('seatId')
        if sid is not None:
            return self.on_sit_down(msg)
        return result
Exemple #4
    def deliverOrder(self, mi, request):
        gid = mi.get_param('gameId')
        order_list = mi.get_param('orders')
        if not Entity.logined(request):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, Const.E_NOT_LOGIN, Const.ES_NOT_LOGIN)

        uid = request.getSession().userId
        orders = []
        for orderId in order_list:
            orderInfo = self.getOrderInfo(orderId)
            if not orderInfo:

            userId = int(orderInfo['userId'])
            gameId = int(orderInfo['gameId'])
            state = int(orderInfo['state'])
            if userId != uid:
                Context.Log.warn('userId not match', userId, uid, orderId)

            if gameId != gid:
                Context.Log.warn('gameId not match', gameId, gid, orderId)

            if state == self.state_create:
                create_ts = Time.str_to_timestamp(orderInfo['createTime'],
                                                  '%Y-%m-%d %X.%f')
                now_ts = Time.current_ts()
                if now_ts - create_ts > 3600:
                    state = self.state_timeout
            orders.append({'id': orderId, 'state': state})
        return MsgPack(0, {'orders': orders})
Exemple #5
    def on_get_config(self, uid, gid, mi):
        which = mi.get_param('which')
        if isinstance(which, (str, unicode)):
            which = [which]

        mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_CONFIG | Message.ID_ACK)
        for name in which:
            if name == 'vip':
                conf = self.get_vip_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'shop':
                conf = self.get_shop_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'raffle':
                conf = self.get_raffle_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'props':
                conf = FishProps.get_props_config(gid)
            elif name == 'unlock':
                conf = self.get_unlock_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'barrel':
                conf = self.get_barrel_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'exchange':
                conf = self.get_exchange_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'benefit':
                conf = self.get_benefit_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'html':
                conf = self.get_html_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'exp':
                conf = self.get_exp_config(uid, gid)
            elif name == 'upbrrel':
                conf = self.get_upbrrel_config(uid, gid)
            mo.set_param(name, conf)
        return mo
Exemple #6
    def loginByUserName(self, mi, request):
        param = self.getParam(mi, 'userName', 'passwd')
        if not Entity.checkUserName(param['userName']):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_invalid_username,
        if not Entity.checkPassword(param['passwd']):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_invalid_passwd,

        idType = Const.IDTYPE_USERNAME
        userId = Account.getUserIDByUserName(param['userName'], idType)
        if not userId:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_user_not_exist,

        userInfo = Account.getUserInfo(userId)
        if not userInfo['userName']:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_user_not_exist,

        # 进行密码比较
        strMd5Pass = Entity.encodePassword(param['userName'], param['passwd'])
        if strMd5Pass != userInfo['token']:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_pwd_not_right,

        return self.getLoginInfo(request, 0, userId, param['gameId'], param,
                                 userInfo, True)
Exemple #7
 def __pub_raffle_led(self, uid, gid, level, reward_info):
     if 'reward' in reward_info:
         reward = reward_info['reward']
         name = None
         if 'chip' in reward:
             Context.Data.hincr_game(uid, gid, 'chip_pool', -reward['chip'])
         elif 'coupon' in reward:
             name = u'%d鱼券' % reward['coupon']
         elif 'diamond' in reward:
             name = u'%d钻石' % reward['diamond']
         elif 'props' in reward:
             props = reward['props']
             for one in props:
                 name = FishProps.get_props_desc(one['id'])
         if name:
             nick = Context.Data.get_attr(uid, 'nick')
             if nick:
                 led = u'恭喜%s玩家,在%s中抽中%s' % (nick.decode('utf-8'), level,
                 mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_LED | Message.ID_NTF)
                 mo.set_param('game', {
                     'list': [led],
                     'ts': Time.current_ts()
Exemple #8
    def updateUserInfo(self, mi, request):
        nick = mi.get_param('nick')
        avatar = mi.get_param('avatar')
        if not Entity.logined(request):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, Const.E_NOT_LOGIN, Const.ES_NOT_LOGIN)

        uid = request.getSession().userId
        kvs = {}
        if nick:
            if not Entity.checkNick(nick):
                return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'param nick invalid')
            if Context.KeywordFilter.isContains(nick):
                return MsgPack.Error(0, 2, 'key word filter')
            kvs['nick'] = nick

        if avatar:
            if avatar in Const.AVATAR_MAN:
                kvs['avatar'] = avatar
                kvs['sex'] = Const.SEX_MAN
            elif avatar in Const.AVATAR_WOMAN:
                kvs['avatar'] = avatar
                kvs['sex'] = Const.SEX_WOMAN
                return MsgPack.Error(0, 3, 'param avatar invalid')

        if kvs:
            Account.updateUserInfo(uid, **kvs)

        return MsgPack(0, kvs)
Exemple #9
 def query_diamond_produce(self, gid, mi, request):
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         kvs = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt)
         _kvs = {}
         total, task_total, fall_total = 0, 0, 0
         for k, v in kvs.iteritems():
             if k.startswith('in.diamond.'):
                 if k.startswith('in.diamond.task.reward.'):
                     task_total += int(v)
                 elif k.startswith('in.diamond.fish.fall.'):
                     fall_total += int(v)
                     _kvs[k] = int(v)
                 total += int(v)
         _kvs['in.diamond.task.reward'] = task_total
         _kvs['in.diamond.fish.fall'] = fall_total
         _kvs['in.diamond.buy.product'] = int(kvs.get('in.diamond.buy.product', 0))
         _kvs['total'] = total
         mo.set_param(fmt, _kvs)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #10
 def query_pay_detail(self, gid, mi, request):
     conf = Context.Configure.get_game_item_json(gid, 'product.config')
     pids = []
     for pid in conf.iterkeys():
         pids.append('product_' + pid)
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         timess = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt, *pids)
         kvs = {'product_100646': 0, 'product_100710': 0}
         for k, v in zip(pids, timess):
             pid = k.replace('product_', '')
             if pid in ('100646', '100647', '100648', '100649', '100650', '100651',
                        '100652', '100653', '100654', '100655'):
                 kvs['product_100646'] += Tool.to_int(v, 0)
             elif pid in ('100710', '100711', '100712', '100713', '100714', '100715', '100716'):
                 kvs['product_100710'] += Tool.to_int(v, 0)
                 kvs[k] = Tool.to_int(v, 0)
         mo.set_param(fmt, kvs)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #11
 def query_chip_produce(self, gid, mi, request):
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         kvs = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt)
         task_total, catch_total = 0, 0
         _kvs = {}
         for k, v in kvs.iteritems():
             if k.startswith('in.chip.'):
                 if k.startswith('in.chip.task.reward.'):
                     task_total += int(v)
                 elif k.startswith('in.chip.catch.fish.'):
                     catch_total += int(v)
                     _kvs[k] = int(v)
         _kvs['in.chip.task.reward'] = task_total
         _kvs['in.chip.catch.fish'] = catch_total
         _kvs['in.chip.buy.product'] = int(kvs.get('in.chip.buy.product', 0))
         mo.set_param(fmt, _kvs)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #12
 def query_diamond_consume(self, gid, mi, request):
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         kvs = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt)
         _kvs, total = {}, 0
         for k, v in kvs.iteritems():
             if k.startswith('out.diamond.'):
                 if k.startswith('out.diamond.inner.buy.'):
                     k = 'out.diamond.buy.' + k[-3:]
                 elif k.startswith('out.diamond.table.buy.'):
                     k = 'out.diamond.buy.' + k[-3:]
                 if k in _kvs:
                     _kvs[k] += int(v)
                     _kvs[k] = int(v)
                 total += int(v)
         _kvs['total'] = total
         mo.set_param(fmt, _kvs)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #13
 def query_chip_consume(self, gid, mi, request):
     room_types = (201, 202, 203)
     mini_games = (10002, 10003)
     fields = ['out.chip.attack']
     for room_type in room_types:
         fields.append('out.chip.game.shot.bullet.%d' % room_type)
     for game in mini_games:
         fields.append('out.chip.game.%d' % game)
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         chips = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt, *fields)
         attack = Tool.to_int(chips[0], 0)
         info = []
         for chip in chips[1:]:
             if chip:
         info[2] += attack
         mo.set_param(fmt, info)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #14
 def query_chip_pump(self, gid, mi, request):
     room_types = (201, 202, 203)
     fields = []
     for room_type in room_types:
         fields.append('out.chip.pump.%d' % room_type)
         fields.append('out.chip.buff.pump.%d' % room_type)
         fields.append('out.chip.red.pump.%d' % room_type)
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     start_day = Time.str_to_datetime(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
     end_day = Time.str_to_datetime(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     while start_day <= end_day:
         fmt = Time.datetime_to_str(start_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
         chips = Context.Stat.get_day_data(gid, fmt, *fields)
         info = []
         for i in range(0, len(chips), 3):
             total = 0
             for j in range(3):
                 if chips[i + j]:
                     total += int(chips[i + j])
         mo.set_param(fmt, info)
         start_day = Time.next_days(start_day)
     return mo
Exemple #15
 def gm_reward_chip(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     if not Context.UserAttr.check_exist(uid, gid):
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not exist')
     chip = mi.get_param('chip')
     real, final = Context.UserAttr.incr_chip(uid, gid, chip, 'gm.reward')
     if real != chip:
         MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not enough')
     return MsgPack(0, {'chip': final, 'delta': real})
Exemple #16
 def disable_user(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     if not Context.UserAttr.check_exist(uid, gid):
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not exist')
     disable = mi.get_param('disable')
     if disable:
         Context.RedisMix.set_add('game.%d.disable.user' % gid, uid)
         Context.RedisMix.set_rem('game.%d.disable.user' % gid, uid)
     return MsgPack(0)
Exemple #17
    def on_room_list(self, uid, gid, mi):
        room_config = Context.Configure.get_room_config(gid)
        if not room_config:
            Context.Log.error(uid, 'req room list, but no config fetch')
            return False

        conf = Context.copy_json_obj(room_config)
        mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_ROOM_LIST | Message.ID_ACK)
        mo.set_param('room_list', conf)
        return Context.GData.send_to_connect(uid, mo)
Exemple #18
 def gm_reward_diamond(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     if not Context.UserAttr.check_exist(uid, gid):
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not exist')
     diamond = mi.get_param('diamond')
     real, final = Context.UserAttr.incr_diamond(uid, gid, diamond,
     if real != diamond:
         MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not enough')
     return MsgPack(0, {'diamond': final, 'delta': real})
Exemple #19
 def gm_exchange_phone(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     seq = mi.get_param('seq')
     state = Context.RedisCluster.hash_get_int(uid, 'history:%d:%d' % (gid, uid), seq)
     if state is None:
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'error seq')
     if state == 1:
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 2, 'already exchange')
     Context.RedisCluster.hash_set(uid, 'history:%d:%d' % (gid, uid), seq, 1)
     return MsgPack(0)
Exemple #20
 def on_bind_game(self, cmd, raw):
     mi = MsgPack.unpack(cmd, raw)
     gid = mi.get_param('gameId')
     if gid > 0:
         room = mi.get_param('room')
         self.connection.bind_game(gid, room)
         mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_BIND_GAME | Message.ID_ACK)
         mo.set_param('gameId', gid)
         Context.GData.send_to_client(self.connection.userId, mo,
     return True
Exemple #21
 def setTimeout(self, second, param, *args, **kwargs):
     self.type = self.TIMER_ONCE
     self.second = second
     msg = MsgPack(Message.MSG_INNER_TIMER, param)
     uid = msg.get_param('userId')
     gid = msg.get_param('gameId')
     msg = MsgLine(msg.pack(), gid, target=uid).pack()
     task = self.tasklet(Message.to_inner(Message.MSG_INNER_TIMER), msg,
     self.timer = TaskManager.call_later(self.__timeout, second, msg, task,
                                         *args, **kwargs)
     return True
Exemple #22
    def upgradeByMobile(self, mi, request):
        gid = mi.get_param('gameId')
        nick = mi.get_param('nick', '')
        mobile = mi.get_param('mobile', '')
        passwd = mi.get_param('passwd', '')
        verifyCode = mi.get_param('verifyCode', '')

        if not Entity.logined(request):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, Const.E_NOT_LOGIN, Const.ES_NOT_LOGIN)

        if not Entity.checkMobile(mobile):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'mobile invalid')

        if not Entity.checkPassword(passwd):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 2, 'password invalid')

        if not Entity.checkNick(nick):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 6, 'nick invalid')

        userId = request.getSession().userId
        # 先判断是不是游客
        userInfo = Account.getUserInfo(userId)
        if int(userInfo['idType']) != Const.IDTYPE_GUEST:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 3, 'not guest')

        # 先查表,判断用户存不存在
        if Account.getUserIDByUserName(mobile, Const.IDTYPE_MOBILE):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 4, 'mobile exist')

        if not Mobile.checkVerifyCode(gid, mobile, verifyCode):
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 5, 'verifycode not right')

        # nick 唯一
        if not Context.RedisMix.hash_setnx('game.%d.unique.nick' % gid, nick,
            return MsgPack.Error(0, 7, 'nick not unique')

        if not Account.createUserName(Const.IDTYPE_MOBILE, mobile, userId):
            Context.RedisMix.hash_del('game.%d.unique.nick' % gid, nick)
            return MsgPack.Error(0, Const.E_BAD_REDIS, Const.ES_BAD_REDIS)

        if not Account.deleteUserName(userInfo['userName'],
            Context.Log.error(userId, 'DeleteUserName failed,userName:'******'userName'])

        Context.RedisMix.hash_set('game.%d.unique.nick' % gid, nick, userId)
                               token=Entity.encodePassword(mobile, passwd))
        return MsgPack(0)
Exemple #23
 def gm_account_block(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     odds = mi.get_param('odds')
     if odds is None:
         Context.Data.del_game_attrs(uid, gid, 'block')
         if not Context.UserAttr.check_exist(uid, gid):
             return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not exist')
         if odds <= 0 or odds > 1:
             return MsgPack.Error(0, 2, 'odds limit (0, 1]')
         Context.Data.set_game_attr(uid, gid, 'block', odds)
     return MsgPack(0)
Exemple #24
 def gm_notice_global(self, gid, mi, request):
     led = mi.get_param('led')
     start = mi.get_param('start')
     end = mi.get_param('end')
     now_ts = Time.current_ts()
     if now_ts > end:
         return MsgPack(0)
     Context.RedisCache.hash_mset('global.notice', 'led', led, 'start', start, 'end', end)
     if now_ts >= start:
         self._do_notice(led, end)
         return MsgPack(0)
     TaskManager.set_timeout(self.do_notice, start-now_ts, led, end)
     return MsgPack(0)
Exemple #25
    def loginByAccessToken(self, mi, request):
        param = self.getParam(mi, 'accessToken')

        if len(param['accessToken']) <= 1:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_invalid_access_token,

            decrptData = Entity.decrypt(param['accessToken'])
            decoded = Context.json_loads(decrptData)
        except Exception, e:
            return MsgPack.Error(0, self.error_invalid_access_token,
Exemple #26
    def on_leave_table(self, msg):
        self._info('player req to leave table', self.tid)
        ack = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_LEAVE_TABLE | Message.ID_ACK)
        table = Context.GData.online_table.get(self.tid)
        if not table:
            self._error('not exists the table', self.tid)
            return ack.set_error(Enum.leave_table_failed_id)

        result = table.leave_table(self.uid)
        if result != 0:
            return ack.set_error(result)

        return result
Exemple #27
 def freeze_user(self, gid, mi, request):
     uid = mi.get_param('userId')
     if not Context.UserAttr.check_exist(uid, gid):
         return MsgPack.Error(0, 1, 'not exist')
     days = mi.get_param('days')
     mo = MsgPack(0)
     if days is None:
         Context.RedisMix.hash_del('game.%d.freeze.user' % gid, uid)
         end_ts = Time.today_start_ts() + days * 3600 * 24
         Context.RedisMix.hash_set('game.%d.freeze.user' % gid, uid, end_ts)
         mo.set_param('end_ts', end_ts)
     return mo
Exemple #28
    def on_sit_down(self, msg):
        sid = msg.get_param('seatId')
        self._info('player req to sit table %d at %d' % (self.tid, sid))
        ack = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_SIT_DOWN | Message.ID_ACK)
        table = Context.GData.online_table.get(self.tid)
        if not table:
            self._error('not exists the table', self.tid)
            return ack.set_error(Enum.sit_down_failed_id)
        result = table.sit_down(self.uid, sid)
        if result != 0:
            return ack.set_error(result)

        return result
Exemple #29
    def on_up_barrel(self, uid, gid, mi):
        # 强化万倍炮
        # up type 1 石头 2 精华
        mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_UP_BARREL | Message.ID_ACK)
        up_type = mi.get_param('up_ty')
        conf = Context.Configure.get_game_item_json(gid,
        if not conf:
            return mo.set_error(1, 'system error')

        next_level = Context.Data.get_game_attr_int(uid, gid, 'barrel_level',
                                                    1) + 1
        # if next_level > len(conf):
        if next_level <= 36 or next_level > 54:
            return mo.set_error(2, 'level error')
        level_conf = conf[next_level - 1]

        diamond_count = level_conf['diamond']
        real, final = Context.UserAttr.incr_diamond(uid, gid, -diamond_count,
        if real != -diamond_count:
            return mo.set_error(3, 'lack diamond')

        if up_type == 1:
            count = -level_conf['stone']
            if not FishProps.mincr_props(uid, gid, 'on_up_barrel', 215, count,
                                         216, count, 217, count, 218, count):
                Context.UserAttr.incr_diamond(uid, gid, diamond_count,
                return mo.set_error(3, 'lack stone')
            res, gem = self.do_up_barrel(level_conf)
            if res:
                Context.Data.set_game_attr(uid, gid, 'barrel_level',
                FishProps.mincr_props(uid, gid, 'on_up_barrel.fail_reurn', 219,
                mo.set_param('num', gem)
        elif up_type == 2:
            count = -level_conf['stone']
            count_gem = -level_conf['gem']
            if not FishProps.mincr_props(uid, gid, 'on_up_barrel', 215, count,
                                         216, count, 217, count, 218, count,
                                         219, count_gem):
                Context.UserAttr.incr_diamond(uid, gid, diamond_count,
                return mo.set_error(3, 'lack item')
            Context.Data.set_game_attr(uid, gid, 'barrel_level', next_level)
            return mo.set_error(4, 'type error')
        return mo
Exemple #30
    def on_use_props(self, uid, gid, mi):
        _id = mi.get_param('id')
        _count = mi.get_param('count')
        mo = MsgPack(Message.MSG_SYS_USE_PROPS | Message.ID_ACK)
        if _id not in [
                FishProps.PROP_EGG_BRONZE, FishProps.PROP_EGG_SILVER,
                FishProps.PROP_EGG_GOLD, FishProps.PROP_EGG_COLOR
            return mo.set_error(1, 'can not use')

        if not isinstance(_count, int) or _count <= 0:
            return mo.set_error(2, 'count error')

        conf = FishProps.get_config_by_id(gid, _id)
        if not conf:
            Context.Log.error('not found props:', uid, gid, _id, _count)
            return mo.set_error(4, 'not found props')

        real, final = FishProps.incr_props(uid, gid, _id, -_count,
        if real != -_count:
            return mo.set_error(3, 'not enough')

        if _count == 1:
            reward = conf['content']
            reward = FishProps.merge_reward(*[conf['content']] * _count)
        reward = Context.copy_json_obj(reward)
        reward = self.deal_reward(reward)
        reward = FishProps.issue_rewards(uid, gid, reward, 'entity.use')
        reward = FishProps.convert_reward(reward)
        return mo