Exemple #1
def do_forgot(**kw):
    ip = kw['request'].remote_addr
    ctx = kw['context']
    # verify captcha:
    challenge = ctx.get_argument('recaptcha_challenge_field', '')
    response = ctx.get_argument('recaptcha_response_field', '')
    email = ctx.get_argument('email', '')
    user = store.get_user_by_email(email)
    if user is None:
        return {
            '__view__' : 'forgot',
            'email' : email,
            'error' : 'Email is not exist',
            'recaptcha_public_key' : recaptcha.get_public_key(),
            'site' : _get_site_info(),
            'version' : get_version(),
    result, error = recaptcha.verify_captcha(challenge, response, recaptcha.get_private_key(), ip)
    if result:
        token = model.create_reset_password_token(user.id)
        sender = store.get_setting('sender', 'mail', '')
        if not sender:
            raise ApplicationError('Cannot send mail: mail sender address is not configured.')
        appid = kw['environ']['APPLICATION_ID']
        body = r'''Dear %s
  You received this mail because you have requested reset your password.
  Please paste the following link to the address bar of the browser, then press ENTER:
''' % (user.nicename, appid, token)
        html = r'''<html>
<p>Dear %s</p>
<p>You received this mail because you have requested reset your password.<p>
<p>Please paste the following link to reset your password:</p>
<p><a href="https://%s.appspot.com/manage/reset?token=%s">https://%s.appspot.com/manage/reset?token=%s</a></p>
<p>If you have trouble in clicking the URL above, please paste the following link to the address bar of the browser, then press ENTER:</p>
''' % (urllib.quote(user.nicename), appid, token, appid, token, appid, token)
        mail.send(sender, email, 'Reset your password', body, html)
        return {
            '__view__' : 'sent',
            'email' : email,
            'site' : _get_site_info(),
            'version' : get_version(),
    return {
            '__view__' : 'forgot',
            'email' : email,
            'error' : error,
            'recaptcha_public_key' : recaptcha.get_public_key(),
            'site' : _get_site_info(),
            'version' : get_version(),
Exemple #2
def show_forgot():
    return {
        '__view__': 'forgot.html',
        'email': '',
        'error': '',
        'recaptcha_public_key': recaptcha.get_public_key(),
        'site': _get_site_info(),
Exemple #3
def show_forgot():
    return {
            '__view__' : 'forgot.html',
            'email' : '',
            'error' : '',
            'recaptcha_public_key' : recaptcha.get_public_key(),
            'site' : _get_site_info(),