def send_email(share_info, profile_id, disease): from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.text import MIMEText import mimetypes import datetime attachments = [] file_name = disease + '.pdf' files = os.path.join(get_files_path(), profile_id, file_name) attachments.append({ "fname": files, "fcontent": file(files).read() }) if attachments: msg = """Disease Name is %(event)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please see attachment <br> """%{'event': disease, 'provider_name': share_info.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': share_info.get('email_body')} from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([share_info.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Disease Monitoring Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) make_log(profile_id, "Disease Monitoring", "Shared Via Email to provider %s"% share_info.get('doctor_name') , "DM of <b style='color: #89c148;'>%s</b> Shared Via Email to provider %s"%(disease,share_info.get('doctor_name'))) return {"returncode":1,"message_display":"Disease Monitoring records has been shared"}
def make_so(self, order_no): child_table = self.getchild_table() body = "<html><body><table wisth='100%''><tr><td>Customer Name</td><td>" + self.customer_name + "</td><td>Contact </td><td>" + self.email_id + "</td></tr><tr><td>From Date</td><td>" + self.from_date + "</td><td>To Date </td><td>" + self.to_date + "</td></tr><tr><td>Currency</td><td>" + self.currency + "</td><td>Order No </td><td>" + order_no + "</td></tr></table><table style='100%'>" + child_table + "</table></body></html>" sendmail(self.email_id, subject='Sales Order', msg=body) frappe.msgprint("Send Successfully") return True
def make_so(self, order_no): child_table = self.getchild_table() body= "<html><body><table wisth='100%''><tr><td>Customer Name</td><td>"+self.customer_name+"</td><td>Contact </td><td>"+self.email_id+"</td></tr><tr><td>From Date</td><td>"+self.from_date+"</td><td>To Date </td><td>"+self.to_date+"</td></tr><tr><td>Currency</td><td>"+self.currency+"</td><td>Order No </td><td>"+order_no+"</td></tr></table><table style='100%'>"+child_table+"</table></body></html>" sendmail(self.email_id,subject='Sales Order',msg=body) frappe.msgprint("Send Successfully") return True
def send_email(self): """ Sends the link to backup file located at erpnext/backups """ from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail, get_system_managers recipient_list = get_system_managers() db_backup_url = get_url( os.path.join('backups', os.path.basename(self.backup_path_db))) files_backup_url = get_url( os.path.join('backups', os.path.basename(self.backup_path_files))) msg = """Hello, Your backups are ready to be downloaded. 1. [Click here to download the database backup](%(db_backup_url)s) 2. [Click here to download the files backup](%(files_backup_url)s) This link will be valid for 24 hours. A new backup will be available for download only after 24 hours.""" % { "db_backup_url": db_backup_url, "files_backup_url": files_backup_url } datetime_str = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.stat(self.backup_path_db).st_ctime) subject = datetime_str.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + """ - Backup ready to be downloaded""" sendmail(recipients=recipient_list, msg=msg, subject=subject) return recipient_list
def share_via_email(data): attachments = [] files = data.get('files') patient_name = frappe.db.get_value("User", {"profile_id":data.get('profile_id')}, 'concat(first_name, " ", last_name)') or data.get('lphr_name') for fl in files: fname = os.path.join(get_files_path(), fl) attachments.append({ "fname": fname.split('/')[-1:][0], "fcontent": file(fname).read() }) if attachments: msg = """Event Name is %(event)s <br> Event Date is %(event_date)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> Sharing reason is %(reason)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please find below attachment(s) <br> """%{'event': data.get('event_title'), 'event_date': data.get('event_date') or data.get("str_visit_date"), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': data.get('email_body'), 'reason': data.get('reason')} from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([data.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Event Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) make_log(data.get('profile_id'),"Event","Shared Via Email","Event <b style='color: #89c148;'>%s</b> Shared Via Email %s"%(data.get('event_title'), data.get('email_id'))) # args = {"patient":patient_name,"email":data.get('email_id')} # notify_provider(data.get('doctor_id'),data.get('profile_id'),"Event Share Email",args) return { "returncode":1,"message_summary":"Selected image(s) has been shared with %(provider_name)s for event %(event)s "%{'event': data.get('event_title'),'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name')}} else: return {"returncode":0,"message_summary":"Please select file(s) for sharing"}
def send_email(self): """ Sends the link to backup file located at erpnext/backups """ from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail, get_system_managers recipient_list = get_system_managers() db_backup_url = get_url(os.path.join('backups', os.path.basename(self.backup_path_db))) files_backup_url = get_url(os.path.join('backups', os.path.basename(self.backup_path_files))) msg = """<p>Hello,</p> <p>Your backups are ready to be downloaded.</p> <p>1. <a href="%(db_backup_url)s">Click here to download\ the database backup</a></p> <p>2. <a href="%(files_backup_url)s">Click here to download\ the files backup</a></p> <p>This link will be valid for 24 hours. A new backup will be available for download only after 24 hours.</p>""" % { "db_backup_url": db_backup_url, "files_backup_url": files_backup_url } datetime_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(self.backup_path_db).st_ctime) subject = datetime_str.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + """ - Backup ready to be downloaded""" sendmail(recipients=recipient_list, msg=msg, subject=subject) return recipient_list
def share_via_email(data): attachments = [] files = data.get('files') for fl in files: fname = os.path.join(get_files_path(), fl) attachments.append({ "fname": fname, "fcontent": file(fname).read() }) if attachments: msg = """Event Name is %(event)s <br> Event Date is %(event_date)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> Sharing reason is %(reason)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please find below attachment(s) <br> """%{'event': data.get('event_title'), 'event_date': data.get('event_date'), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': data.get('email_body'), 'reason': data.get('reason')} from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([data.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Event Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) make_log(data.get('profile_id'),"Event","Shared Via Email","Event Shared Via Email to %s"%(data.get('email_id'))) return """Selected image(s) has been shared with %(provider_name)s for event %(event)s """%{ 'event': data.get('event_title'), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name')} else: return 'Please select file(s) for sharing'
def send_email(PR, method, code): recipients = [] expiry_date = '' cust = '' customer = frappe.db.sql( """select email_id ,customer from `tabBuy Back Requisition` where name='%s' """ % (PR.buy_back_requisition_ref), as_list=1) if customer: recipients.append(cstr(customer[0][0])) cust = cstr(customer[0][1]) no_of_days = frappe.db.sql( """select value from `tabSingles` where field='no_of_days'""", as_dict=1) if no_of_days: expiry_date = add_days(nowdate(), cint(no_of_days[0]['value'])) if expiry_date: frappe.db.sql( "update `tabPurchase Receipt` set pin_expiry='%s' where name='%s'" % (expiry_date, if recipients: subject = "Voucher Generation" message = """<h3>Dear %s</h3><p>The PIN below is generated against your transaction %s at '%s' </p> <p>PIN: %s</p> <p>PIN Expiry Date: %s </p> <p>Kindly redeem the voucher before the expiry date.</p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ % (cust, PR.buy_back_requisition_ref, PR.warehouse, code, formatdate(expiry_date)) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_device_recv_email(BuyBackRequisition, method): recipients = [] expiry_date = '' if BuyBackRequisition.email_id: recipients.append(BuyBackRequisition.email_id) recipient = frappe.db.sql("""select parent from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey='Warehouse' and defvalue='%s' and parent in (select parent from `tabUserRole` where role in('MPO','Collection Officer','Redemption Officer'))""" % BuyBackRequisition.warehouse, as_dict=1) if recipient: for resp in recipient: recipients.append(resp['parent']) if recipients: subject = "Device Received" message = """<h3>Dear %s</h3><p> We received your device at '%s', below are the details</p> <p>Transaction ID: %s</p> <p>Device Received: %s</p> <p>Received Date: %s </p> <p>Offered Price: %s</p> <p>Your voucher will be sent to you in a separate email & sms correspondence.</p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ % (BuyBackRequisition.customer, BuyBackRequisition.warehouse,, BuyBackRequisition.item_name, formatdate(BuyBackRequisition.creation), fmt_money(flt(BuyBackRequisition.offered_price))) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_event_digest(): today = nowdate() for user in frappe.db.sql("""select name, email, language from tabUser where ifnull(enabled,0)=1 and user_type='System User' and name not in ({})""".format(", ".join( ["%s"] * len(STANDARD_USERS))), STANDARD_USERS, as_dict=1): events = get_events(today, today,, for_reminder=True) if events: text = "" frappe.set_user_lang(, user.language) text = "<h3>" + frappe._("Events In Today's Calendar") + "</h3>" for e in events: if e.all_day: e.starts_on = "All Day" text += "<h4>%(starts_on)s: %(subject)s</h4><p>%(description)s</p>" % e text += '<p style="color: #888; font-size: 80%; margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #eee;">'\ + frappe._("Daily Event Digest is sent for Calendar Events where reminders are set.")+'</p>' from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(, subject=frappe._("Upcoming Events for Today"), msg=text)
def send_reedemed_email(Voucher, method): transaction_id = '' from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail recipients = [] buy_back_requisition_ref = frappe.db.sql( """select buy_back_requisition_ref,creation from `tabPurchase Receipt` where pin='%s' """ % (Voucher.enter_pin), as_dict=1) if buy_back_requisition_ref: transaction_id = buy_back_requisition_ref[0][ 'buy_back_requisition_ref'] if Voucher.customer: customer = frappe.db.sql( """select email_id from `tabCustomer` where name='%s' """ % (Voucher.customer), as_list=1) if customer: recipients.append(customer[0][0]) recipient = frappe.db.sql( """select parent from `tabUserRole` where role in('MPO','Collection Officer','Redemption Officer')""", as_dict=1) if recipient: for resp in recipient: recipients.append(resp['parent']) if recipients: subject = "Voucher Redemption" if Voucher.mark_voucher_as_redeemed == 1: message = """<h3>Dear %s </h3><p>Your Voucher for Transaction %s at '%s' has been successfully redeemed</p> <p>Value of the voucher : %s</p> <p>Redemption Date: %s </p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ % (Voucher.customer, transaction_id, Voucher.warehouse, fmt_money(flt(Voucher.discount_amount)), formatdate( Voucher.creation)) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_email(share_info, profile_id, disease): from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.text import MIMEText import mimetypes import datetime attachments = [] file_name = disease + '.pdf' files = os.path.join(get_files_path(), profile_id, file_name) attachments.append({"fname": files, "fcontent": file(files).read()}) if attachments: msg = """Disease Name is %(event)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please see attachment <br> """ % { 'event': disease, 'provider_name': share_info.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': share_info.get('email_body') } from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([share_info.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Disease Monitoring Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments)
def send_message(subject="Website Query", message="", sender=""): if not message: frappe.response["message"] = 'Please write something' return if not sender: frappe.response["message"] = 'Email Id Required' return # guest method, cap max writes per hour if frappe.db.sql( """select count(*) from `tabCommunication` where `sent_or_received`="Received" and TIMEDIFF(%s, modified) < '01:00:00'""", now())[0][0] > max_communications_per_hour: frappe.response[ "message"] = "Sorry: we believe we have received an unreasonably high number of requests of this kind. Please try later" return # send email forward_to_email = frappe.db.get_value("Contact Us Settings", None, "forward_to_email") if forward_to_email: from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(forward_to_email, sender, message, subject) return "okay"
def send_mail(recipient, message): import itertools from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail emails = [value for key, value in recipient.items()] sendmail(list(itertools.chain(*emails)), subject="Notification", msg=cstr(message))
def ticket_submission(doc,method): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail frappe.errprint("ticket submission") etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Contact us, Feedback & Ticket submission'") #frappe.errprint( #frappe.errprint(doc.customer) msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',doc.customer).replace('ticket_number', sendmail(doc.raised_by, subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def lead_sales_followup(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Sales follow up'") qry="select lead_name,email_id,date(creation) from `tabLead` where DATEDIFF(curdate(),creation) <=64 and WEEKDAY(curdate())=0 and customer is null" res = frappe.db.sql(qry) for r in res: #frappe.errprint(r) msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',r[0]).replace('act_date',cstr(r[2])) sendmail(r[1], subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def feedback_submission(doc,method): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Contact us, Feedback & Ticket submission'") query="select client_name from `tabSite Master` where email_id__if_administrator='"+doc.raised_by+"'" #frappe.errprint(query) res=frappe.db.sql(query) #frappe.errprint(res[0][0]) msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',res[0][0]).replace('ticket_number', sendmail(doc.raised_by, subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def share_via_email(data): attachments = [] files = data.get('files') patient_name = frappe.db.get_value( "User", {"profile_id": data.get('profile_id')}, 'concat(first_name, " ", last_name)') or data.get('lphr_name') for fl in files: fname = os.path.join(get_files_path(), fl) attachments.append({ "fname": fname.split('/')[-1:][0], "fcontent": file(fname).read() }) if attachments: msg = """Event Name is %(event)s <br> Event Date is %(event_date)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> Sharing reason is %(reason)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please find below attachment(s) <br> """ % { 'event': data.get('event_title'), 'event_date': data.get('event_date') or data.get("str_visit_date"), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': data.get('email_body'), 'reason': data.get('reason') } from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([data.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Event Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) make_log( data.get('profile_id'), "Event", "Shared Via Email", "Event <b style='color: #89c148;'>%s</b> Shared Via Email %s" % (data.get('event_title'), data.get('email_id'))) # args = {"patient":patient_name,"email":data.get('email_id')} # notify_provider(data.get('doctor_id'),data.get('profile_id'),"Event Share Email",args) return { "returncode": 1, "message_summary": "Selected image(s) has been shared with %(provider_name)s for event %(event)s " % { 'event': data.get('event_title'), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name') } } else: return { "returncode": 0, "message_summary": "Please select file(s) for sharing" }
def send_mail_funct(self): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail receiver = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company_email") if receiver: subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.month) +'/'+cstr(self.fiscal_year) sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, msg = _("Please see attachment"), attachments=[frappe.attach_print(self.doctype,,]) else: msgprint(_("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent"))
def promotional_follow(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Promotional Followup'") #frappe.errprint(etemp) qry="select lead_name,email_id,DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) from `tabLead` where DATEDIFF(curdate(),creation) >=64 and WEEKDAY(curdate())=0 and customer is null" res = frappe.db.sql(qry) #frappe.errprint(res) for r in res: msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',r[0]).replace('current_date+7',cstr(r[2])) sendmail(r[1], subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def ticket_submission(doc, method): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail frappe.errprint("ticket submission") etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Contact us, Feedback & Ticket submission'" ) #frappe.errprint( #frappe.errprint(doc.customer) msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', doc.customer).replace('ticket_number', sendmail(doc.raised_by, subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def lead_sales_followup(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Sales follow up'" ) qry = "select lead_name,email_id,date(creation) from `tabLead` where DATEDIFF(curdate(),creation) <=64 and WEEKDAY(curdate())=0 and customer is null" res = frappe.db.sql(qry) for r in res: #frappe.errprint(r) msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', r[0]).replace('act_date', cstr(r[2])) sendmail(r[1], subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def feedback_submission(doc, method): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Contact us, Feedback & Ticket submission'" ) query = "select client_name from `tabSite Master` where email_id__if_administrator='" + doc.raised_by + "'" #frappe.errprint(query) res = frappe.db.sql(query) #frappe.errprint(res[0][0]) msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', res[0][0]).replace('ticket_number', sendmail(doc.raised_by, subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def send_mail_funct(self): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail receiver = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company_email") if receiver: subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.month) +'/'+cstr(self.fiscal_year) sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, msg = _("Please see attachment"), attachments=[{ "fname": + ".pdf", "fcontent": frappe.get_print_format(self.doctype,, as_pdf = True) }]) else: msgprint(_("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent"))
def on_renewal_date(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='On renewal date'") query="select client_name,expiry_date,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master`" res=frappe.db.sql(query) for r in res: qr="select datediff('"+cstr(r[1])+"',curdate())" #frappe.errprint(qr) diff=frappe.db.sql(qr) #frappe.errprint(diff[0][0]) if(diff[0][0]==0): msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',r[0]).replace('Date',cstr(r[1])) sendmail(r[2], subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def promotional_follow(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Promotional Followup'" ) #frappe.errprint(etemp) qry = "select lead_name,email_id,DATE_ADD(curdate(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) from `tabLead` where DATEDIFF(curdate(),creation) >=64 and WEEKDAY(curdate())=0 and customer is null" res = frappe.db.sql(qry) #frappe.errprint(res) for r in res: msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', r[0]).replace('current_date+7', cstr(r[2])) sendmail(r[1], subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def after_deactivation(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='1 working day after deactivation'") query="select client_name,expiry_date,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master`" res=frappe.db.sql(query) for r in res: qr="select datediff(curdate(),'"+cstr(r[1])+"')" #frappe.errprint(qr) diff=frappe.db.sql(qr) #frappe.errprint(diff[0][0]) if(diff[0][0]==(-9)): msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',r[0]).replace('Expiry date',cstr(r[1])) sendmail(r[2], subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg)
def on_update(self): from import clear_post_cache from frappe.templates.generators.website_group import clear_cache clear_cache(website_group=self.website_group) clear_post_cache(self.parent_post or if self.assigned_to and self.assigned_to != self.assigned_to \ and frappe.session.user != self.assigned_to: # send assignment email sendmail(recipients=[self.assigned_to], subject="You have been assigned this Task by {}".format(get_fullname(self.modified_by)), msg=self.get_reply_email_message(, get_fullname(self.owner)))
def on_update(self): from import clear_post_cache from import clear_cache clear_cache(website_group=self.website_group) clear_post_cache(self.parent_post or if self.assigned_to and self.assigned_to != self.assigned_to \ and frappe.session.user != self.assigned_to: # send assignment email sendmail(recipients=[self.assigned_to], subject="You have been assigned this Task by {}".format(get_fullname(self.modified_by)), msg=self.get_reply_email_message(, get_fullname(self.owner)))
def notify_provider(provider_id,patient,template,args,email_msg=None): provider_info = frappe.db.get_value("Provider",{"provider_id":provider_id},"name") if provider_info: provider = frappe.get_doc("Provider",provider_info) if provider.mobile_number: from phr.templates.pages.patient import get_sms_template msg = get_sms_template(template,args) recipient_list = [] recipient_list.append(provider.mobile_number) from erpnext.setup.doctype.sms_settings.sms_settings import send_sms send_sms(recipient_list,msg=msg) if and email_msg: from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(, subject="HealthSnapp Updates:Data Shared With You", msg=email_msg)
def after_grace_date(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='On grace period expiry'" ) query = "select client_name,expiry_date,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master`" res = frappe.db.sql(query) for r in res: qr = "select datediff(curdate(),'" + cstr(r[1]) + "')" #frappe.errprint(qr) diff = frappe.db.sql(qr) #frappe.errprint(diff[0][0]) if (diff[0][0] == (-8)): msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', r[0]) sendmail(r[2], subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def before1_renewal_date(): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='1 Working day before renewal date'" ) query = "select client_name,expiry_date,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master`" res = frappe.db.sql(query) for r in res: qr = "select datediff('" + cstr(r[1]) + "',curdate())" #frappe.errprint(qr) diff = frappe.db.sql(qr) #frappe.errprint(diff[0][0]) if (diff[0][0] == 1): msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', r[0]).replace('renewal date', cstr(r[1])) sendmail(r[2], subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg)
def send_auto_reply(self, d): signature = self.email_settings.get('support_signature') or '' response = self.email_settings.get('support_autoreply') or (""" A new Ticket has been raised for your query. If you have any additional information, please reply back to this mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible ---------------------- Original Query: """ + d.description + "\n----------------------\n" + cstr(signature)) sendmail(\ recipients = [cstr(d.raised_by)], \ sender = cstr(self.email_settings.get('support_email')), \ subject = '['+cstr('] ' + cstr(d.subject), \ msg = cstr(response))
def send(self): # send email only to enabled users valid_users = [p[0] for p in frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabUser` where enabled=1""")] recipients = filter(lambda r: r in valid_users, self.recipient_list.split("\n")) common_msg = self.get_common_content() if recipients: for user_id in recipients: msg_for_this_receipient = self.get_msg_html(self.get_user_specific_content(user_id) + \ common_msg) if msg_for_this_receipient: sendmail(recipients=user_id, subject="[ERPNext] [{frequency} Digest] {name}".format( frequency=self.frequency,, msg=msg_for_this_receipient)
def notify_errors(exceptions_list): subject = "[Important] [ERPNext] Error(s) while creating Material Requests based on Re-order Levels" msg = """Dear System Manager, An error occured for certain Items while creating Material Requests based on Re-order level. Please rectify these issues: --- <pre> %s </pre> --- Regards, Administrator""" % ("\n\n".join(exceptions_list), ) from frappe.utils.user import get_system_managers sendmail(get_system_managers(), subject=subject, msg=msg)
def notify_errors(exceptions_list): subject = "[Important] [ERPNext] Error(s) while creating Material Requests based on Re-order Levels" msg = """Dear System Manager, An error occured for certain Items while creating Material Requests based on Re-order level. Please rectify these issues: --- <pre> %s </pre> --- Regards, Administrator""" % ("\n\n".join(exceptions_list),) from frappe.utils.user import get_system_managers sendmail(get_system_managers(), subject=subject, msg=msg)
def send(self): frappe.local.lang = 'zh-cn' # send email only to enabled users valid_users = [p[0] for p in frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabUser` where enabled=1""")] recipients = filter(lambda r: r in valid_users, self.recipient_list.split("\n")) common_msg = self.get_common_content() if recipients: for user_id in recipients: msg_for_this_receipient = self.get_msg_html(self.get_user_specific_content(user_id) + \ common_msg) if msg_for_this_receipient: sendmail(recipients=user_id, subject=("[博实] [{frequency} " + _("Digest")+ "] {name}").format( frequency=_(self.frequency), name=_(, msg=msg_for_this_receipient)
def send_mail_funct(self): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail receiver = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company_email") if receiver: subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.month) + '/' + cstr( self.fiscal_year) sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, msg=_("Please see attachment"), attachments=[ frappe.attach_print(self.doctype,, ]) else: msgprint(_("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent"))
def send_email_notification(mr_list): """ Notify user about auto creation of indent""" email_list = frappe.db.sql_list("""select distinct r.parent from tabUserRole r, tabUser p where = r.parent and p.enabled = 1 and p.docstatus < 2 and r.role in ('Purchase Manager','Material Manager') and not in ('Administrator', 'All', 'Guest')""") msg="""<h3>Following Material Requests has been raised automatically \ based on item reorder level:</h3>""" for mr in mr_list: msg += "<p><b><u>" + + """</u></b></p><table class='table table-bordered'><tr> <th>Item Code</th><th>Warehouse</th><th>Qty</th><th>UOM</th></tr>""" for item in mr.get("indent_details"): msg += "<tr><td>" + item.item_code + "</td><td>" + item.warehouse + "</td><td>" + \ cstr(item.qty) + "</td><td>" + cstr(item.uom) + "</td></tr>" msg += "</table>" sendmail(email_list, subject='Auto Material Request Generation Notification', msg = msg)
def send_email(share_info, profile_id, disease): from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.text import MIMEText import mimetypes import datetime attachments = [] file_name = disease + '.pdf' files = os.path.join(get_files_path(), profile_id, file_name) attachments.append({"fname": files, "fcontent": file(files).read()}) if attachments: msg = """Disease Name is %(event)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please see attachment <br> """ % { 'event': disease, 'provider_name': share_info.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': share_info.get('email_body') } from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([share_info.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Disease Monitoring Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) make_log( profile_id, "Disease Monitoring", "Shared Via Email to provider %s" % share_info.get('doctor_name'), "DM of <b style='color: #89c148;'>%s</b> Shared Via Email to provider %s" % (disease, share_info.get('doctor_name'))) return { "returncode": 1, "message_display": "Disease Monitoring records has been shared" }
def send_email(success, service_name, error_status=None): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail if success: subject = "Backup Upload Successful" message ="""<h3>Backup Uploaded Successfully</h3><p>Hi there, this is just to inform you that your backup was successfully uploaded to your %s account. So relax!</p> """ % service_name else: subject = "[Warning] Backup Upload Failed" message ="""<h3>Backup Upload Failed</h3><p>Oops, your automated backup to %s failed.</p> <p>Error message: %s</p> <p>Please contact your system manager for more information.</p> """ % (service_name, error_status) if not frappe.db: frappe.connect() recipients = frappe.db.get_value("Backup Manager", None, "send_notifications_to").split(",") sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def notify_provider(provider_id, patient, template, args, email_msg=None): provider_info = frappe.db.get_value("Provider", {"provider_id": provider_id}, "name") if provider_info: provider = frappe.get_doc("Provider", provider_info) if provider.mobile_number: from phr.templates.pages.utils import get_sms_template msg = get_sms_template(template, args) recipient_list = [] recipient_list.append(provider.mobile_number) from erpnext.setup.doctype.sms_settings.sms_settings import send_sms send_sms(recipient_list, msg=msg) if and email_msg: from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(, subject="HealthSnapp Updates:Data Shared With You", msg=email_msg) return "done"
def send_email(success, service_name, error_status=None): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail if success: subject = "Backup Upload Successful" message = """<h3>Backup Uploaded Successfully</h3><p>Hi there, this is just to inform you that your backup was successfully uploaded to your %s account. So relax!</p> """ % service_name else: subject = "[Warning] Backup Upload Failed" message = """<h3>Backup Upload Failed</h3><p>Oops, your automated backup to %s failed.</p> <p>Error message: %s</p> <p>Please contact your system manager for more information.</p> """ % (service_name, error_status) if not frappe.db: frappe.connect() recipients = frappe.db.get_value("Backup Manager", None, "send_notifications_to").split(",") sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_email(PR, method,code): recipients=[] expiry_date='' cust='' customer=frappe.db.sql("""select email_id ,customer from `tabBuy Back Requisition` where name='%s' """%(PR.buy_back_requisition_ref),as_list=1) if customer: recipients.append(cstr(customer[0][0])) cust=cstr(customer[0][1]) no_of_days=frappe.db.sql("""select value from `tabSingles` where field='no_of_days'""",as_dict=1) if no_of_days: expiry_date=add_days(nowdate(),cint(no_of_days[0]['value'])) if expiry_date: frappe.db.sql("update `tabPurchase Receipt` set pin_expiry='%s' where name='%s'"%(expiry_date, if recipients: subject = "Voucher Generation" message ="""<h3>Dear %s</h3><p>The PIN below is generated against your transaction %s at '%s' </p> <p>PIN: %s</p> <p>PIN Expiry Date: %s </p> <p>Kindly redeem the voucher before the expiry date.</p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ %(cust,PR.buy_back_requisition_ref,PR.warehouse,code,formatdate(expiry_date)) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_message(subject="Website Query", message="", sender=""): if not message: frappe.response["message"] = 'Please write something' return if not sender: frappe.response["message"] = 'Email Id Required' return # guest method, cap max writes per hour if frappe.db.sql("""select count(*) from `tabCommunication` where TIMEDIFF(%s, modified) < '01:00:00'""", now())[0][0] > max_communications_per_hour: frappe.response["message"] = "Sorry: we believe we have received an unreasonably high number of requests of this kind. Please try later" return # send email forward_to_email = frappe.db.get_value("Contact Us Settings", None, "forward_to_email") if forward_to_email: from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(forward_to_email, sender, message, subject) return "okay"
def send_device_recv_email(BuyBackRequisition, method): recipients=[] expiry_date='' if BuyBackRequisition.email_id: recipients.append(BuyBackRequisition.email_id) recipient=frappe.db.sql("""select parent from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey='Warehouse' and defvalue='%s' and parent in (select parent from `tabUserRole` where role in('MPO','Collection Officer','Redemption Officer'))"""%BuyBackRequisition.warehouse,as_dict=1) if recipient: for resp in recipient: recipients.append(resp['parent']) if recipients: subject = "Device Received" message ="""<h3>Dear %s</h3><p> We received your device at '%s', below are the details</p> <p>Transaction ID: %s</p> <p>Device Received: %s</p> <p>Received Date: %s </p> <p>Offered Price: %s</p> <p>Your voucher will be sent to you in a separate email & sms correspondence.</p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ %(BuyBackRequisition.customer,BuyBackRequisition.warehouse,,BuyBackRequisition.item_name,formatdate(BuyBackRequisition.creation),fmt_money(flt(BuyBackRequisition.offered_price))) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_event_digest(): today = nowdate() for user in frappe.db.sql("""select name, email, language from tabUser where ifnull(enabled,0)=1 and user_type='System User' and name not in ({})""".format(", ".join(["%s"]*len(STANDARD_USERS))), STANDARD_USERS, as_dict=1): events = get_events(today, today,, for_reminder=True) if events: text = "" frappe.set_user_lang(, user.language) text = "<h3>" + frappe._("Events In Today's Calendar") + "</h3>" for e in events: if e.all_day: e.starts_on = "All Day" text += "<h4>%(starts_on)s: %(subject)s</h4><p>%(description)s</p>" % e text += '<p style="color: #888; font-size: 80%; margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #eee;">'\ + frappe._("Daily Event Digest is sent for Calendar Events where reminders are set.")+'</p>' from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail(, subject=frappe._("Upcoming Events for Today"), msg = text)
def send_reedemed_email(Voucher, method): transaction_id='' from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail recipients=[] buy_back_requisition_ref=frappe.db.sql("""select buy_back_requisition_ref,creation from `tabPurchase Receipt` where pin='%s' """%(Voucher.enter_pin),as_dict=1) if buy_back_requisition_ref: transaction_id=buy_back_requisition_ref[0]['buy_back_requisition_ref'] if Voucher.customer: customer=frappe.db.sql("""select email_id from `tabCustomer` where name='%s' """%(Voucher.customer),as_list=1) if customer: recipients.append(customer[0][0]) recipient=frappe.db.sql("""select parent from `tabUserRole` where role in('MPO','Collection Officer','Redemption Officer')""",as_dict=1) if recipient: for resp in recipient: recipients.append(resp['parent']) if recipients: subject = "Voucher Redemption" if Voucher.mark_voucher_as_redeemed==1: message ="""<h3>Dear %s </h3><p>Your Voucher for Transaction %s at '%s' has been successfully redeemed</p> <p>Value of the voucher : %s</p> <p>Redemption Date: %s </p> <p>Thank You,</p> """ %(Voucher.customer,transaction_id,Voucher.warehouse,fmt_money(flt(Voucher.discount_amount)),formatdate(Voucher.creation)) sendmail(recipients, subject=subject, msg=message)
def send_shared_data(data): from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.text import MIMEText import mimetypes import datetime data = json.loads(data) if data.get('share_via') == 'Email': attachments = [] files = data.get('files') for fl in files: fname = os.path.join(get_files_path(), fl) attachments.append({ "fname": fname, "fcontent": file(fname).read() }) if attachments: msg = """Event Name is %(event)s <br> Event Date is %(event_date)s <br> Provider Name is %(provider_name)s <br> <hr> %(event_body)s <br> Please see attachment <br> """ % { 'event': data.get('event_title'), 'event_date': data.get('event_date'), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name'), 'event_body': data.get('email_body') } from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail sendmail([data.get('email_id')], subject="PHR-Event Data", msg=cstr(msg), attachments=attachments) return """Selected images has been shared with %(provider_name)s %(doc_email)s for event %(event)s """ % { 'event': data.get('event_title'), 'provider_name': data.get('doctor_name') } else: frappe.msgprint('Please select file(s) for sharing') if data.get('share_via') == 'Provider Account': if not data.get('files'): event_data = { "sharelist": [{ "to_profile_id": data.get('doctor_id'), "received_from": "desktop", "from_profile_id": data.get('profile_id'), "event_tag_id": data.get('entityid'), "access_type": "RDW", "str_start_date": datetime.datetime.strptime( nowdate(), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), "str_end_date": data.get('sharing_duration') }] } request_type = "POST" url = "%s/sharephr/sharemultipleevent" % get_base_url() response = get_response(url, json.dumps(event_data), request_type) return eval(json.loads( response.text).get('sharelist'))[0].get('message_summary') else: sharelist = [] for fl in data.get('files'): file_details = fl.split('/') sharelist.append({ "to_profile_id": data.get('doctor_id'), "received_from": "desktop", "from_profile_id": data.get('profile_id'), "visit_tag_id": file_details[4], "tag_id": file_details[4] + '-' + cstr(file_details[2].split('-')[1]) + cstr(file_details[3].split('_')[1]), "file_id": [file_details[5]], "file_access": ['RW'], "str_start_date": datetime.datetime.strptime( nowdate(), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), "str_end_date": data.get('sharing_duration') }) request_type = "POST" url = "%s/sharephr/sharemultiplevisitfiles" % get_base_url() event_data = {'sharelist': sharelist} response = get_response(url, json.dumps(event_data), request_type) return eval(json.loads( response.text).get('sharelist'))[0].get('message_summary')
def send_mail_funct(self): from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail receiver = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", self.employee, "company_email") if receiver: subj = 'Salary Slip - ' + cstr(self.month) +'/'+cstr(self.fiscal_year) earn_ret=frappe.db.sql("""select e_type, e_modified_amount from `tabSalary Slip Earning` where parent = %s""", ded_ret=frappe.db.sql("""select d_type, d_modified_amount from `tabSalary Slip Deduction` where parent = %s""", earn_table = '' ded_table = '' if earn_ret: earn_table += "<table cellspacing=5px cellpadding=5px width='100%%'>" for e in earn_ret: if not e[1]: earn_table += '<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">0.00</td></tr>' % cstr(e[0]) else: earn_table += '<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">%s</td></tr>' \ % (cstr(e[0]), cstr(e[1])) earn_table += '</table>' if ded_ret: ded_table += "<table cellspacing=5px cellpadding=5px width='100%%'>" for d in ded_ret: if not d[1]: ded_table +='<tr><td">%s</td><td align="right">0.00</td></tr>' % cstr(d[0]) else: ded_table +='<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">%s</td></tr>' \ % (cstr(d[0]), cstr(d[1])) ded_table += '</table>' letter_head = frappe.db.get_value("Letter Head", {"is_default": 1, "disabled": 0}, "content") msg = '''<div> %s <br> <table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5" width = "100%%"> <tr> <td width = "100%%" colspan = "2"><h4>Salary Slip</h4></td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%"><b>Employee Code : %s</b></td> <td width = "50%%"><b>Employee Name : %s</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%">Month : %s</td> <td width = "50%%">Fiscal Year : %s</td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%">Department : %s</td> <td width = "50%%">Branch : %s</td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%">Designation : %s</td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%">Bank Account No. : %s</td> <td width = "50%%">Bank Name : %s</td> </tr> <tr> <td width = "50%%">Arrear Amount : <b>%s</b></td> <td width = "50%%">Payment days : %s</td> </tr> </table> <table border="1px solid #CCC" width="100%%" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px"> <tr> <td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"> <b>Earnings</b></td> <td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" bgcolor="#CCC" align="center"> <b>Deductions</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" valign= "top">%s</td> <td colspan = 2 width = "50%%" valign= "top">%s</td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing= "5" cellpadding="5" width = '100%%'> <tr> <td width = '25%%'><b>Gross Pay :</b> </td> <td width = '25%%' align='right'>%s</td> <td width = '25%%'><b>Total Deduction :</b></td> <td width = '25%%' align='right'> %s</td> </tr> <tr> <tdwidth='25%%'><b>Net Pay : </b></td> <td width = '25%%' align='right'><b>%s</b></td> <td colspan = '2' width = '50%%'></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='25%%'><b>Net Pay(in words) : </td> <td colspan = '3' width = '50%%'>%s</b></td> </tr> </table></div>''' % (cstr(letter_head), cstr(self.employee), cstr(self.employee_name), cstr(self.month), cstr(self.fiscal_year), cstr(self.department), cstr(self.branch), cstr(self.designation), cstr(self.bank_account_no), cstr(self.bank_name), cstr(self.arrear_amount), cstr(self.payment_days), earn_table, ded_table, cstr(flt(self.gross_pay)), cstr(flt(self.total_deduction)), cstr(flt(self.net_pay)), cstr(self.total_in_words)) sendmail([receiver], subject=subj, msg = msg) else: msgprint(_("Company Email ID not found, hence mail not sent"))
def multitenanct(from_test=False): frappe.errprint("creation site -------------------------------- ") res = frappe.db.sql( """select name,client_name,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master` where flag=0 limit 1 """ ) if res: sites = '' sites = frappe.db.sql( """select sites from `tabUser` where name='administrator'""") print sites print 'gangadharkadam' auto_commit = not from_test ste = res[0][0] from frappe.utils import cstr import os import sys import subprocess import getpass import logging import json from distutils.spawn import find_executable from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail cwd = '/home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/' print cwd cmd = "./ " + ste print cwd qr = "select email_id__if_administrator,client_name from `tabSite Master` where name='" + ste + "'" rs = frappe.db.sql(qr) frappe.errprint("hello gangadhar") from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp = frappe.db.sql( "select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Successful first purchase'" ) #frappe.errprint(etemp) msg = etemp[0][1].replace('first_name', rs[0][1]).replace( 'user_name', 'administrator').replace('password', 'admin').replace('click here', ste) sendmail(rs[0][0], subject=etemp[0][0], msg=msg) #msg1="Hello "+res[0][1]+", <br> Welcome to TailorPad! <br> Thank you for showing interest. You can use the following link and credentials for trying TailorPad:<br> 'http://"+ste+"' <br> user name :-administrator<br> password :- admin<br>In case you need any more information about our product, please visit FAQ page or write to us on [email protected], we will be glad to assist you.<br>Best Regards,<br>Team TailorPad" #sendmail(rs[0][0], subject='Welcome to Tailorpad', msg = msg1) import subprocess frappe.errprint(cmd)['cd /home/indictrans/webapps/tailorpad/']) #pass sites = cstr(sites[0][0]) + ' ' + ste frappe.db.sql( "update `tabUser` set sites= %s where name='administrator'", sites) try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print "Error:", e.output raise print 'creating nginx' nginx = """ upstream frappe { server fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80 ; client_max_body_size 4G; server_name %s; keepalive_timeout 5; sendfile on; root /home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/sites; location /private/ { internal; try_files /$uri =424; } location /assets { try_files $uri =404; } location / { try_files /$uri @magic; } location @magic { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Use-X-Accel-Redirect True; proxy_read_timeout 120; proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass http://frappe; } }""" % (sites) print nginx with open( "/home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/config/nginx.conf", "w") as conf_file: conf_file.write(nginx) cwd = '/home/' cmd = 'echo indictrans | sudo service nginx reload' print 'nginx reloading' try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print "Error:", e.output raise
def admin_notification(new_profiels): msg = get_message(new_profiels) receiver = frappe.db.get_value('User', 'Administrator', 'email') subj = "Newly Created profiels" sendmail(receiver, subject=subj, msg = cstr(msg))
def multitenanct(from_test=False): frappe.errprint("creation site -------------------------------- ") res=frappe.db.sql("""select name,client_name,email_id__if_administrator from `tabSite Master` where flag=0 limit 1 """) if res: sites='' sites = frappe.db.sql("""select sites from `tabUser` where name='administrator'""") print sites print 'gangadharkadam' auto_commit = not from_test ste=res[0][0] from frappe.utils import cstr import os import sys import subprocess import getpass import logging import json from distutils.spawn import find_executable from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail cwd='/home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/' print cwd cmd="./ "+ste print cwd qr="select email_id__if_administrator,client_name from `tabSite Master` where name='"+ste+"'" rs=frappe.db.sql(qr) frappe.errprint("hello gangadhar") from frappe.utils.email_lib import sendmail etemp=frappe.db.sql("select subject,message from `tabTemplate Types` where name='Successful first purchase'") #frappe.errprint(etemp) msg=etemp[0][1].replace('first_name',rs[0][1]).replace('user_name','administrator').replace('password','admin').replace('click here',ste) sendmail(rs[0][0], subject=etemp[0][0], msg = msg) #msg1="Hello "+res[0][1]+", <br> Welcome to TailorPad! <br> Thank you for showing interest. You can use the following link and credentials for trying TailorPad:<br> 'http://"+ste+"' <br> user name :-administrator<br> password :- admin<br>In case you need any more information about our product, please visit FAQ page or write to us on [email protected], we will be glad to assist you.<br>Best Regards,<br>Team TailorPad" #sendmail(rs[0][0], subject='Welcome to Tailorpad', msg = msg1) import subprocess frappe.errprint(cmd)['cd /home/indictrans/webapps/tailorpad/']) #pass sites=cstr(sites[0][0])+' '+ste frappe.db.sql("update `tabUser` set sites= %s where name='administrator'",sites) try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print "Error:", e.output raise print 'creating nginx' nginx=""" upstream frappe { server fail_timeout=0; } server { listen 80 ; client_max_body_size 4G; server_name %s; keepalive_timeout 5; sendfile on; root /home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/sites; location /private/ { internal; try_files /$uri =424; } location /assets { try_files $uri =404; } location / { try_files /$uri @magic; } location @magic { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Use-X-Accel-Redirect True; proxy_read_timeout 120; proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass http://frappe; } }"""%(sites) print nginx with open("/home/gangadhar/Documents/gnkuper/frappe-bench/config/nginx.conf","w") as conf_file: conf_file.write(nginx) cwd='/home/' cmd='echo indictrans | sudo service nginx reload' print 'nginx reloading' try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print "Error:", e.output raise