def _identifyDevice(self): try: global freenect import freenect self.a = freenect.init() if freenect.num_devices(self.a) == 0: kinect = False elif freenect.num_devices(self.a) > 1: self._initError('Multiple Kinect1s attached. Unsure how to handle') else: kinect = True except ImportError: kinect = False try: global FN2 import pylibfreenect2 as FN2 if FN2.Freenect2().enumerateDevices() == 1: kinect2 = True elif FN2.Freenect2().enumerateDevices() > 1: self._initError('Multiple Kinect2s attached. Unsure how to handle') else: kinect2 = False except ImportError: kinect2 = False if kinect and kinect2: self._initError('Kinect1 and Kinect2 attached. Unsure how to handle') elif not kinect and not kinect2: self._initError('No depth sensor attached') elif kinect: self.device = 'kinect' else: self.device = 'kinect2'
def run(self): try: ctx = freenect.init() for index in xrange(freenect.num_devices(ctx)): self.devs.append(freenect.open_device(ctx, index)) for device_num, dev in enumerate(self.devs): for stream_type in ('video', 'depth'): self.producers[device_num, stream_type] = \ KinectProducer(dev, device_num, stream_type, self) self.initialized.set() while self.keep_running: while not self.command_q.empty(): self.command_q.get()() if self._should_runloop(): freenect.base_runloop(ctx, self._body) else: self.command_q.get()() finally: with self.lock: self.keep_running = False for producer in self.producers.itervalues(): producer.stop() self.producers = {} freenect.shutdown(ctx) self.devs = [] self.initialized.set()
def start(): ser = serial.Serial( '/dev/ttyUSB0') #initialization of serial communication global test_cases, ser, global_depth_map, DOOR_FLAG, DOOR_COUNT ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 20) freenect.close_device(dev) test_cases = [True, True, True] while True: global_depth_map = get_depth() #returns the depth frame contoursright = contours_return(global_depth_map, -10) contoursleft = contours_return(global_depth_map, 10) door_detection(contoursright, contoursleft, test_cases) if DOOR_FLAG: door_movement(global_depth_map) else: regular_movement(global_depth_map) cv2.imshow('final', global_depth_map) if cv2.waitKey(1) != -1: ser.write('\x35') ser.close() break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def start(): global XAXIS global YAXIS global TEST_CASES global DIRECTION global GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP plt.ion() plt.figure() ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 20) freenect.close_device(dev) DIRECTION = 0 for i in xrange(5): initial_map = get_depth() while True: GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP = get_depth() #returns the depth frame back_movement(GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP) contoursright = contours_return(GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP, -10) contoursleft = contours_return(GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP, 10) door_detection(contoursright, contoursleft) if DOOR_FLAG: door_movement() else: regular_movement() cv2.imshow('final', GLOBAL_DEPTH_MAP) if cv2.waitKey(1) != -1: SERIALDATA.write('\x35') SERIALDATA.close() break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def start(): ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') #initialization of serial communication global test_cases, ser, global_depth_map, DOOR_FLAG, DOOR_COUNT ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 20) freenect.close_device(dev) test_cases = [True, True, True] while True: global_depth_map = get_depth() #returns the depth frame contoursright = contours_return(global_depth_map, -10) contoursleft = contours_return(global_depth_map, 10) door_detection(contoursright, contoursleft, test_cases) if DOOR_FLAG: door_movement(global_depth_map) else: regular_movement(global_depth_map) cv2.imshow('final', global_depth_map) if cv2.waitKey(1) != -1: ser.write('\x35') ser.close() break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def initkinect(): #set up kinect camera ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) if not dev: freenect.error_open_device() return [ctx, dev] print('kinect setup complete')
def _identifyDevice(self): try: global freenect import freenect self.a = freenect.init() if freenect.num_devices(self.a) == 0: kinect = False elif freenect.num_devices(self.a) > 1: self._initError( 'Multiple Kinect1s attached. Unsure how to handle') else: kinect = True except ImportError: kinect = False try: global rs import pyrealsense2 as rs ctx = rs.context() if len(ctx.devices) == 0: realsense = False if len(ctx.devices) > 1: self._initError( 'Multiple RealSense devices attached. Unsure how to handle' ) else: realsense = True except ImportError: realsense = False if kinect and realsense: self._initError( 'Kinect1 and RealSense devices attached. Unsure how to handle') elif not kinect and not realsense: self._initError('No depth sensor attached') elif kinect: self.device = 'kinect' else: self.device = 'realsense'
def depth_view(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) x = np.arange(0, 256, 1) zeros = np.zeros_like(x) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) view1, = ax.plot(x, zeros, '-k', label='black') view2, = ax.plot(x, zeros, '-r', label='red') np_array = np.array np_max = np.max view1_sety = view1.set_ydata view2_sety = view2.set_ydata ax_relim = ax.relim ax_autoscale_view = ax.autoscale_view while True: dep = get_depth(False) cv2.imshow('raw', dep) dep = cv2.medianBlur(dep, 3) bin = __get_bins(dep) clean = copy(bin) clean = __pipeline(clean) bin[:2] = 0 clean *= np_max(bin) view1_sety(bin) view2_sety(clean) ax_relim() ax_autoscale_view() im = fig2img(fig) graph = np_array(im) # dep = remove_background(dep, 100) dep = isolate_depths(dep) # dep = convert_to_bw(dep) cv2.imshow('depth', dep) cv2.imshow('graph', graph) # show_image('all', frame, masked_frame, depth, video) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
def temp_test(): fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) while True: dep = get_depth() dep *= (dep * 1.3).astype(np.uint8) print("{}\t,\t{}".format(np.min(dep), np.max(dep))) cv2.imshow('depth', dep) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fn.sync_stop() break
def keyPressEvent(self, ev): global paused, depth_arr ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) # SPACEBAR to 'pause' and 'unpause' if (ev.key() == 32 and paused): t.start(10) paused = False elif (ev.key() == 32): t.stop() paused = True # 'S' key to save curr frame to .pcd elif (ev.key() == 83): background = AsyncWrite(depth_arr) background.start()
def set_tilt(): TILT_MAX = 30 TILT_STEP = 10 TILT_START = 0 ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) if not dev: freenect.error_open_device() print "Starting TILT Cycle" for tilt in xrange(TILT_START, TILT_MAX + TILT_STEP, TILT_STEP): print "Setting TILT: ", tilt freenect.set_led(dev, 6) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, tilt) time.sleep(3) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 0)
def density_plot(): fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) show_image = cv2.imshow waitkey = cv2.waitKey ravel = np.ravel countbin = np.bincount length = 256 nums = np.arange(0, length, 1) zero = np.zeros_like(nums) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation fig, ax = plt.subplots() line, = ax.plot(nums, zero) ax.set_ylim(0, 10000) ax.set_xlim(0, 256) set_y_data = line.set_ydata def update(data): set_y_data(data) return line, def get_dep(): dep = get_depth() dep = cv2.medianBlur(dep, 3, dep) dep = ravel(dep) # dep = medfilt(dep, 21).astype(np.uint8) return dep def data_gen(): while True: yield countbin(get_dep(), minlength=length) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, data_gen) cv2.destroyAllWindows() fn.sync_stop()
def num_devices(): return fn.num_devices(get_ctx())
def is_kinect_available(): context = freenect.init() return freenect.num_devices(context) > 0
def main(): rospy.init_node("camera") rospy.loginfo("Starting Camera Node") rospy.on_shutdown(shutdown_hook) # Set initial camera angle ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 20) freenect.close_device(dev) r = rospy.Rate(PUBLISH_RATE) cv_bridge = CvBridge() video_pub = rospy.Publisher('/camera/video', Image, queue_size=10) depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('/camera/depth', Image, queue_size=10) # Uses a different encoding for april tags camera_image_pub = rospy.Publisher('/camera/image_raw', Image, queue_size=10) camera_info_pub = rospy.Publisher('/camera/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=10) # Kinect manually calibrated using this camera_info = CameraInfo() hd = Header() camera_info.height = 480 camera_info.width = 640 camera_info.distortion_model = "plumb_bob" camera_info.D = [ 0.16966890693679473, -0.32564392755677646, 0.0014273722857157428, -0.0007780067287402459, 0.0 ] camera_info.K = [ 522.7790149706918, 0.0, 317.5941836796907, 0.0, 523.5195539902463, 255.18973237498545, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] camera_info.P = [ 532.5130615234375, 0.0, 317.01325625466416, 0.0, 0.0, 535.176025390625, 255.7121671461573, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ] camera_info.R = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): video = get_video() depth = get_depth() video_msg = cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(video, encoding="passthrough") depth_msg = cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(depth, encoding="passthrough") cam_img_msg = cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(video, encoding="bgr8") camera_info.header = video_msg.header video_pub.publish(video_msg) depth_pub.publish(depth_msg) camera_image_pub.publish(cam_img_msg) camera_info_pub.publish(camera_info) r.sleep()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2018/1/8 10:55 # @Author : play4fun # @File : # @Software: PyCharm """ """ import freenect context = freenect.init() num_devices = freenect.num_devices(context) device1 = freenect.open_device(context, 0) device2 = freenect.open_device(context, 1) print('device1', device1) print('device2', device2) while True: depth_frames = [freenect.sync_get_depth(i) for i in range(num_devices)] video_frames = [freenect.sync_get_video(i) for i in range(num_devices)] freenect.sync_stop() # To run it asynchronously, you'll need to open the devices manually and call freenect.runloop() from multiple threads.
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import time import sys TILT_MAX = 20 TILT_STEP = 02 TILT_START = -35 if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1]: TILT_MAX = int(sys.argv[1]) if sys.argv[2]: TILT_STEP = int(sys.argv[2]) if sys.argv[2]: TILT_START = int(sys.argv[3]) ctx = freenect.init() print "Number of kinects: %d\n" % freenect.num_devices(ctx) dev = [] for devIdx in range(0, freenect.num_devices(ctx)): print "opening device %d" % devIdx dev.append(freenect.open_device(ctx, devIdx)) if not dev: freenect.error_open_device() print "Starting TILT Cycle" for tilt in xrange(TILT_START, TILT_MAX + TILT_STEP, TILT_STEP): for sensor in dev: print "Setting TILT: ", tilt freenect.set_tilt_degs(sensor, tilt) time.sleep(1) print "Starting TILT Cycle"
time.sleep(0.1) def back_movement(z_back): if z_back[0:479, 200:439].mean() > 200 or z_back[ 0:479, 0:199].mean() > 200 or z_back[0:479, 440:639].mean() > 200: ser.write('\x50') time.sleep(3) plt.ion() plt.figure() a = [] b = [] ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 20) freenect.close_device(dev) test_cases = [True, True, True] #for i in xrange(5): # z = get_depth() #left_mean = z[0:479,0:319].mean() #right_mean = z[0:479,320:639].mean() #if left_mean > right_mean: # wall = 1 #else: wall = 0 for i in xrange(5): zp = get_depth() wall = 0 while True:
def main_vision(load): # inits fn_ctx = fn.init() fn_dev = fn.open_device(fn_ctx, fn.num_devices(fn_ctx) - 1) fn.set_tilt_degs(fn_dev, 0) fn.close_device(fn_dev) key_point = KeyPoints(150) predictor = prediction(ModelPath) preds = [] # optimization t0 = 0.0 t1 = 0.0 fps = 0.0 total_fps = 0.0 frames = 0 kp_speed = key_point._get_kp_speedup() draw_speed = key_point._get_draw_speedup() proc_speed = key_point._get_process_speedup() cvtColor = cv2.cvtColor BGR2RGB = cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB get_kp = key_point.get_key_points draw_kp = key_point.draw_key_points process_image = key_point.__process_image show_image = cv2.imshow wait_for_key = cv2.waitKey copy_thing = copy.copy num_features = key_point.get_num_features() arr_shape = np.shape shape_check = (num_features, 32) ravel = np.ravel append_pred = preds.append get_time = time.time current_class = 0 if load: brain = predictor.load_brain() pred_speed = predictor.get_pred_speed() predict = predictor.predict else: add_speed = predictor.get_add_speed() add_data = predictor.add_data get_length = predictor.get_data_length if load: net = Neural_Net(predictor.brain.getPoint(), np.vstack(predictor.brain.getData()), 4800 * 2, num_features) nl_predict = net.predict nl_speed = net.get_neural_speed() # mainLoop while True: t0 = get_time() # Get a fresh frame depth = get_depth() frame = get_video() show_image('Raw Image', cvtColor(frame, BGR2RGB)) # Process Depth Image # depth = remove_background(depth, 25) depth = remove_background_percent(depth, .5, 50) depth = convert_to_bw(depth) mask = make_mask(depth) # Process Image frame = cvtColor(frame, BGR2RGB) video = copy_thing(frame) frame = process_image(frame, proc_speed) # Make Masked Frame masked_frame = copy_thing(frame) masked_frame[mask] = 0 # Process Key Points kp, des = get_kp(masked_frame, kp_speed) video = draw_kp(video, kp, True, speedup=draw_speed) # Predict current if (load) and (des is not None) and (arr_shape(des) == shape_check): pred = predict(ravel(des), pred_speed) append_pred(pred) print(pred) print(nl_predict([ravel(des)], nl_speed)) # Add object description to data set if (not load) and (des is not None) and (arr_shape(des) == shape_check): add_data(add_speed, np.ravel(des), current_class) print('Current Class and Length:\t%i\t%i' % (get_length(), current_class)) t1 = get_time() fps = (1 / (t1 - t0)) total_fps += fps frames += 1 print('%.2f FPS' % fps) show_image('masked image', masked_frame) show_image('depth', depth) show_image('key points', video) # show_image('all', frame, masked_frame, depth, video) if wait_for_key(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() if load: break print('Current Class: %i\nn : Next Class\nr : Continue Current Class\nq : Quit' % (current_class)) inp = raw_input() if inp == 'n': current_class += 1 elif inp == 'q': break # print(np.mean(preds)) cv2.destroyAllWindows() print('Average FPS: %.2f' % (total_fps / frames)) fn.sync_stop() if not load: predictor.create_brain() main_vision(True)
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import time import sys TILT_MAX = 20 TILT_STEP = 02 TILT_START = -35 if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1]: TILT_MAX = int(sys.argv[1]) if sys.argv[2]: TILT_STEP = int(sys.argv[2]) if sys.argv[2]: TILT_START = int(sys.argv[3]) ctx = freenect.init() print "Number of kinects: %d\n" % freenect.num_devices(ctx) dev = [] for devIdx in range(0, freenect.num_devices(ctx)): print "opening device %d" % devIdx dev.append(freenect.open_device(ctx, devIdx)) if not dev: freenect.error_open_device() print "Starting TILT Cycle" for tilt in xrange(TILT_START, TILT_MAX+TILT_STEP, TILT_STEP): for sensor in dev: print "Setting TILT: ", tilt freenect.set_tilt_degs(sensor, tilt) time.sleep(1) print "Starting TILT Cycle"
def init(): ctx = freenect.init() dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 0) freenect.close_device(dev)
def return_mean(a): """ * Function Name: return_mean * Input: Depth Frame or any other matrix. * Output: Returns mean of the frame * Logic: It reduces the noise and calculates the mean of the pixel values in the frame using mean() function * Example Call: return_mean(a) """ median = cv2.medianBlur(a,5) mediane = cv2.medianBlur(a,5) rect = mediane[0:479, 0:639] mean = rect.mean() return mean ctx = freenect.init() #initialize freenect dev = freenect.open_device(ctx, freenect.num_devices(ctx) - 1) #open Kinect Device freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 30) #Tilts kinect to 30 degrees time.sleep(1) freenect.set_tilt_degs(dev, 0) #Tilts kinect to 0 degree time.sleep(1) freenect.close_device(dev) #closes Kinect while(True): a = get_depth() #gets the depth data from Kinect mean = return_mean(a) #returns the mean of the depth data if mean > 240: ser.write("\x38") #if the front area has more depth than the threshold than the robot will move forward else: while(return_mean(get_depth())<242):