def octave_filters_oneoctave(total_band_count, bands_per_octave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5  # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50  # Stop band rejection
    # Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)

    fi = fi[-bands_per_octave:]
    f_low = f_low[-bands_per_octave:]
    f_high = f_high[-bands_per_octave:]

    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = (w_high < 1.) * w_high + (w_high >= 1.) * 1.

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b.tolist()]
        A += [a.tolist()]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Exemple #2
def octave_filters(total_band_count, bands_per_octave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5      # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50      # Stop band rejection
    # Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)

    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = (w_high < 1.) * w_high + (w_high >= 1.) * 1.

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b]
        A += [a]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Exemple #3
    def setbandsperoctave(self, bandsperoctave):
        self.bandsperoctave = bandsperoctave
        self.nbands = NOCTAVE * self.bandsperoctave, self.flow, self.fhigh = octave_frequencies(
            self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
        [self.boct, self.aoct, fi, flow,
         fhigh] = generated_filters.params['%d' % bandsperoctave]

        #z, p, k = tf2zpk(self.bdec, self.adec)
        #print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
        #print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2
        #for b, a in zip(self.boct, self.aoct):
        #z, p, k = tf2zpk(b, a)
        #print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
        #print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2

        #[self.b_nodec, self.a_nodec, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)

        f =
        Rc = 12200.**2 * f**2 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2))
        Rb = 12200.**2 * f**3 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 158.5**2)**0.5))
        Ra = 12200.**2 * f**4 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 107.7**2)**0.5) *
                                 ((f**2 + 737.9**2)**0.5))
        self.C = 0.06 + 20. * log10(Rc)
        self.B = 0.17 + 20. * log10(Rb)
        self.A = 2.0 + 20. * log10(Ra)
        #self.zfs = None
        self.zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation_filtic(
            self.bdec, self.adec, self.boct, self.aoct)
	def setbandsperoctave(self, bandsperoctave):
		self.bandsperoctave = bandsperoctave
		self.nbands = NOCTAVE*self.bandsperoctave, self.flow, self.fhigh = octave_frequencies(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
		[self.boct, self.aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = generated_filters.params['%d' %bandsperoctave]

		#z, p, k = tf2zpk(self.bdec, self.adec)
		#print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
		#print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2
		#for b, a in zip(self.boct, self.aoct):
			#z, p, k = tf2zpk(b, a)
			#print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
			#print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2
		#[self.b_nodec, self.a_nodec, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
		f =
		Rc = 12200.**2*f**2 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2))
		Rb = 12200.**2*f**3 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2)*((f**2 + 158.5**2)**0.5))
		Ra = 12200.**2*f**4 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2)*((f**2 + 107.7**2)**0.5) * ((f**2 + 737.9**2)**0.5))         
		self.C = 0.06 + 20.*log10(Rc)
		self.B = 0.17 + 20.*log10(Rb)
		self.A = 2.0  + 20.*log10(Ra)
		#self.zfs = None
		self.zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation_filtic(self.bdec, self.adec, self.boct, self.aoct)
Exemple #5
def octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave):
	# Bandpass Filter Generation
	pbrip = .5	# Pass band ripple
	sbrip = 50	# Stop band rejection
	#Filter order
	order = 2

	fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)

	fs = 44100 # sampling rate
	wi = fi/(fs/2.) # normalized frequencies
	w_low = f_low/(fs/2.)
	w_high = f_high/(fs/2.)

	B = []
	A = []
	# For each band
	for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
		# normalized frequency vector
		freq = [wl, wh]
		# could be another IIR filter
		[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')
		B += [b]
		A += [a]
	return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Exemple #6
def octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5  # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50  # Stop band rejection
    #Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)

    fs = 44100  # sampling rate
    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b]
        A += [a]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Exemple #7
    def setbandsperoctave(self, bandsperoctave):
        self.bandsperoctave = bandsperoctave
        self.nbands = NOCTAVE * self.bandsperoctave, self.flow, self.fhigh = octave_frequencies(
            self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
        [self.boct, self.aoct, fi, flow,
         fhigh] = generated_filters.PARAMS['%d' % bandsperoctave]

        self.boct = [array(f) for f in self.boct]
        self.aoct = [array(f) for f in self.aoct]

        # [self.b_nodec, self.a_nodec, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)

        f =
        Rc = 12200.**2 * f**2 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2))
        Rb = 12200.**2 * f**3 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 158.5**2)**0.5))
        Ra = 12200.**2 * f**4 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 107.7**2)**0.5) *
                                 ((f**2 + 737.9**2)**0.5))
        self.C = 0.06 + 20. * log10(Rc)
        self.B = 0.17 + 20. * log10(Rb)
        self.A = 2.0 + 20. * log10(Ra)
        self.zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation_filtic(
            self.bdec, self.adec, self.boct, self.aoct)

        if bandsperoctave == 1:
            basis = renard.R5
        elif bandsperoctave == 3:
            basis = renard.R10
        elif bandsperoctave == 6:
            basis = renard.R20
        elif bandsperoctave == 12:
            basis = renard.R40
        elif bandsperoctave == 24:
            basis = renard.R80
            raise Exception("Unknown bandsperoctave: %d" % (bandsperoctave))

        # search the index of 1 kHz, the reference
        i = where( == 1000.)[0][0]

        # build the frequency scale
        self.f_nominal = []

        k = 0
        while len(self.f_nominal) < len( - i:
            self.f_nominal += [
                "{0:.{width}f}k".format(10**k * f, width=2 - k) for f in basis
            k += 1
        self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[:len( - i]

        k = 0
        while len(self.f_nominal) < len(
            self.f_nominal = ["%d" % (10**(2 - k) * f)
                              for f in basis] + self.f_nominal
            k += 1
        self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[-len(]
Exemple #8
	def setbandsperoctave(self, bandsperoctave):
		self.bandsperoctave = bandsperoctave
		self.nbands = NOCTAVE*self.bandsperoctave, self.flow, self.fhigh = octave_frequencies(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
		[self.boct, self.aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = generated_filters.params['%d' %bandsperoctave]

		#z, p, k = tf2zpk(self.bdec, self.adec)
		#print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
		#print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2
		#for b, a in zip(self.boct, self.aoct):
			#z, p, k = tf2zpk(b, a)
			#print "poles", p, abs(p)**2
			#print "zeros", z, abs(z)**2
		#[self.b_nodec, self.a_nodec, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
		f =
		Rc = 12200.**2*f**2 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2))
		Rb = 12200.**2*f**3 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2)*((f**2 + 158.5**2)**0.5))
		Ra = 12200.**2*f**4 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2)*(f**2 + 12200.**2)*((f**2 + 107.7**2)**0.5) * ((f**2 + 737.9**2)**0.5))         
		self.C = 0.06 + 20.*log10(Rc)
		self.B = 0.17 + 20.*log10(Rb)
		self.A = 2.0  + 20.*log10(Ra)
		#self.zfs = None
		self.zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation_filtic(self.bdec, self.adec, self.boct, self.aoct)

		if bandsperoctave == 1:
			basis = renard.R5
		elif bandsperoctave == 3:
			basis = renard.R10
		elif bandsperoctave == 6:
			basis = renard.R20
		elif bandsperoctave == 12:
			basis = renard.R40
		elif bandsperoctave == 24:
			basis = renard.R80
			raise Exception("Unknown bandsperoctave: %d" %(bandsperoctave))

		# search the index of 1 kHz, the reference
		i = where( == 1000.)[0][0]

		# build the frequency scale
		self.f_nominal = []

		k = 0
		while len(self.f_nominal) < len( - i:
			self.f_nominal += ["{0:.{width}f}k".format(10**k*f, width=2-k) for f in basis]
			k += 1
		self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[:len( - i]

		k = 0
		while len(self.f_nominal) < len(
			self.f_nominal = ["%d" %(10**(2-k)*f) for f in basis] + self.f_nominal
			k += 1
		self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[-len(]

Exemple #9
    def setbandsperoctave(self, bandsperoctave):
        self.bandsperoctave = bandsperoctave
        self.nbands = NOCTAVE * self.bandsperoctave, self.flow, self.fhigh = octave_frequencies(
            self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)
        [self.boct, self.aoct, fi, flow,
         fhigh] = generated_filters.PARAMS['%d' % bandsperoctave]

        self.boct = [array(f) for f in self.boct]
        self.aoct = [array(f) for f in self.aoct]

        # [self.b_nodec, self.a_nodec, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(self.nbands, self.bandsperoctave)

        f =
        Rc = 12200.**2 * f**2 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2))
        Rb = 12200.**2 * f**3 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 158.5**2)**0.5))
        Ra = 12200.**2 * f**4 / ((f**2 + 20.6**2) * (f**2 + 12200.**2) *
                                 ((f**2 + 107.7**2)**0.5) *
                                 ((f**2 + 737.9**2)**0.5))
        self.C = 0.06 + 20. * log10(Rc)
        self.B = 0.17 + 20. * log10(Rb)
        self.A = 2.0 + 20. * log10(Ra)
        self.zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation_filtic(
            self.bdec, self.adec, self.boct, self.aoct)

        if bandsperoctave == 1:
            # with 1 band per octave, we would need the "R3.33" Renard series, but it does not exist.
            # However, that is not really a problem, since the numbers simply round up.
            self.f_nominal = [
                "%.1fk" % (f / 1000) if f >= 10000 else "%.2fk" %
                (f / 1000) if f >= 1000 else "%d" % (f) for f in
            # with more than 1 band per octave, use the preferred numbers from the Renard series
            if bandsperoctave == 3:
                basis = renard.R10
            elif bandsperoctave == 6:
                basis = renard.R20
            elif bandsperoctave == 12:
                basis = renard.R40
            elif bandsperoctave == 24:
                basis = renard.R80
                raise Exception("Unknown bandsperoctave: %d" %

            # search the index of 1 kHz, the reference
            i = where( == 1000.)[0][0]

            # build the frequency scale
            self.f_nominal = []

            k = 0
            while len(self.f_nominal) < len( - i:
                self.f_nominal += [
                    "{0:.{width}f}k".format(10**k * f, width=2 - k)
                    for f in basis
                k += 1
            self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[:len( - i]

            k = 0
            while len(self.f_nominal) < len(
                self.f_nominal = ["%d" % (10**(2 - k) * f)
                                  for f in basis] + self.f_nominal
                k += 1
            self.f_nominal = self.f_nominal[-len(]