Exemple #1
def get_cpu_usage():
    """get the current cpu usage"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    print('cpu.value %d' % (int(data['data']['cpuutil']['series'][0][-1])))
def get_cpu_temperature():
    """get the current cpu temperature"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    print('temp.value %d' % (int(data['data']['cputemp']['series'][0][-1])))
def get_power_consumption():
    """get the current power consumption usage"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    devices = data['data']['drain']
    for i, device in enumerate(DEVICES):
        print('%s.value %s' % (device, devices[i]['actPerc']))
def get_memory_usage():
    """get the current memory usage"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    for i, usage in enumerate(USAGE):
        print('%s.value %s' %
              (usage, data['data']['ramusage']['series'][i][-1]))
Exemple #5
def get_cpu_temperature():
    """get the current cpu temperature"""

    server = hostname
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    print('temp.value %d' % (int(data['data']['cputemp']['series'][0][-1])))
Exemple #6
def get_cpu_usage():
    """get the current cpu usage"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    print('cpu.value %d' % (int(data['data']['cpuutil']['series'][0][-1])))
Exemple #7
def get_connected_wifi_devices():
    """gets the numbrer of currently connected wifi devices"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    m = re.search(pattern, data['data']['drain'][2]['statuses'][-1])
    if m:
        connected_devices = int(m.group(1))
        print('wifi.value %d' % connected_devices)
def get_memory_usage():
    """get the current memory usage"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    for i, usage in enumerate(USAGE):
        print('%s.value %s' %
              (usage, data['data']['ramusage']['series'][i][-1]))
def get_power_consumption():
    """get the current power consumption usage"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    devices = data['data']['drain']
    for i, device in enumerate(DEVICES):
        print('%s.value %s' % (device, devices[i]['actPerc']))
def get_connected_wifi_devices():
    """gets the numbrer of currently connected wifi devices"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    m = re.search(pattern, data['data']['drain'][2]['statuses'][-1])
    if m:
        connected_devices = int(m.group(1))
        print('wifi.value %d' % connected_devices)
Exemple #11
def get_connected_wifi_devices():
    """gets the numbrer of currently connected wifi devices"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    m = re.search(pattern, data['data']['drain'][2]['statuses'][-1])
    if m:
        connected_devices = int(m.group(1))
        print('wifi.value %d' % connected_devices)
def get_uptime():
    """get the current uptime"""

    session_id = fh.get_session_id()
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    for d in data['data']['drain']:
        if 'aktiv' in d['statuses']:
            matches = re.finditer(pattern, d['statuses'])
            if matches:
                hours = 0.0
                for m in matches:
                    if m.group(2) == dayLoc[locale]:
                        hours += 24 * int(m.group(1))
                    if m.group(2) == hourLoc[locale]:
                        hours += int(m.group(1))
                    if m.group(2) == minutesLoc[locale]:
                        hours += int(m.group(1)) / 60.0
                    uptime = hours / 24
                    print("uptime.value %.2f" % uptime)
def get_uptime():
    """get the current uptime"""

    server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
    password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']

    session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
    xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
    data = json.loads(xhr_data)
    for d in data['data']['drain']:
        if 'aktiv' in d['statuses']:
            matches = re.finditer(pattern, d['statuses'])
            if matches:
                hours = 0.0
                for m in matches:
                    if m.group(2) == dayLoc[locale]:
                        hours += 24 * int(m.group(1))
                    if m.group(2) == hourLoc[locale]:
                        hours += int(m.group(1))
                    if m.group(2) == minutesLoc[locale]:
                        hours += int(m.group(1)) / 60.0
                uptime = hours / 24
                print("uptime.value %.2f" % uptime)