def GET(self, courseid, bid, path=""): """ GET request """ course, _ = get_course_and_check_rights(courseid) batch_job = get_batch_job_status(bid) if batch_job is None: raise web.notfound() if "result" not in batch_job or "file" not in batch_job["result"]: raise web.notfound() f = get_gridfs().get(batch_job["result"]["file"]) #hack for index.html: if path == "/": path = "/index.html" if path == "": web.header('Content-Type', 'application/x-gzip', unique=True) web.header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' + bid + '.tar.gz"', unique=True) return else: path = path[1:] #remove the first / if path.endswith('/'): # remove the last / if it exists path = path[0:-1] try: tar =, mode='r:gz') file_info = tar.getmember(path) except: raise web.notfound() if file_info.isdir(): #tar.gz the dir and return it tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() new_tar =,mode='w:gz') for m in tar.getmembers(): new_tar.addfile(m, tar.extractfile(m)) new_tar.close() return tmp elif not file_info.isfile(): raise web.notfound() else: #guess a mime type and send it to the browser to_dl = tar.extractfile(path).read() mimetypes.init() mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(urllib.pathname2url(path)) web.header('Content-Type', mime_type[0]) return to_dl
def GET(self, courseid, bid): """ GET request """ course, _ = get_course_and_check_rights(courseid) batch_job = get_batch_job_status(bid) if batch_job is None: raise web.notfound() done = False submitted_on = batch_job["submitted_on"] container_name = batch_job["container_name"] container_title = container_name container_description = "" file_list = None retval = 0 stdout = "" stderr = "" try: container_metadata = get_batch_container_metadata(container_name) if container_metadata == (None, None, None): container_title = container_metadata[0] container_description = container_metadata[1] except: pass if "result" in batch_job: done = True retval = batch_job["result"]["retval"] stdout = batch_job["result"].get("stdout","") stderr = batch_job["result"].get("stderr", "") if "file" in batch_job["result"]: f = get_gridfs().get(batch_job["result"]["file"]) try: tar =,mode='r:gz') file_list = set(tar.getnames()) - set(['']) tar.close() except: pass finally: f.close() return renderer.course_admin.batch_summary(course, bid, done, container_name, container_title, container_description, submitted_on, retval, stdout, stderr, file_list)