Exemple #1
def _ParseHereDocBody(parse_ctx, h, line_reader, arena):
  """Fill in attributes of a pending here doc node."""
  # "If any character in word is quoted, the delimiter shall be formed by
  # performing quote removal on word, and the here-document lines shall not
  # be expanded. Otherwise, the delimiter shall be the word itself."
  # NOTE: \EOF counts, or even E\OF
  ok, delimiter, delim_quoted = word.StaticEval(h.here_begin)
  if not ok:
    p_die('Invalid here doc delimiter', word=h.here_begin)

  here_lines, last_line = _ReadHereLines(line_reader, h, delimiter)

  if delim_quoted:  # << 'EOF'
    # LiteralPart for each line.
    h.stdin_parts = _MakeLiteralHereLines(here_lines, arena)
    line_reader = reader.VirtualLineReader(here_lines, arena)
    w_parser = parse_ctx.MakeWordParserForHereDoc(line_reader)
    w_parser.ReadHereDocBody(h.stdin_parts)  # fills this in

  end_line_id, end_line, end_pos = last_line

  # Create a span with the end terminator.  Maintains the invariant that
  # the spans "add up".
  line_span = syntax_asdl.line_span(end_line_id, end_pos, len(end_line))
  h.here_end_span_id = arena.AddLineSpan(line_span)
Exemple #2
    def testLineReadersAreEquivalent(self):
        a1 = alloc.Arena()
        r1 = reader.StringLineReader('one\ntwo', a1)

        a2 = alloc.Arena()
        f = cStringIO.StringIO('one\ntwo')
        r2 = reader.FileLineReader(f, a2)

        a3 = alloc.Arena()
        lines = [(0, 'one\n', 0), (1, 'two', 0)]
        r3 = reader.VirtualLineReader(lines, a3)

        for a in [a1, a2, a3]:

        for r in [r1, r2, r3]:
            # Lines are added to the arena with a line_id.
            self.assertEqual((0, 'one\n', 0), r.GetLine())
            self.assertEqual((1, 'two', 0), r.GetLine())
            self.assertEqual((-1, None, 0), r.GetLine())
Exemple #3
  def _MaybeExpandAliases(self, words, cur_aliases):
    """Try to expand aliases.

    Our implementation of alias has two design choices:
    - Where to insert it in parsing.  We do it at the end of ParseSimpleCommand.
    - What grammar rule to parse the expanded alias buffer with.  In our case
      it's ParseCommand().

    This doesn't quite match what other shells do, but I can't figure out a
    better places.

    Most test cases pass, except for ones like:

    alias LBRACE='{'
    LBRACE echo one; echo two; }

    alias MULTILINE='echo 1
    echo 2
    echo 3'

    NOTE: dash handles aliases in a totally diferrent way.  It has a global
    variable checkkwd in parser.c.  It assigns it all over the grammar, like

    checkkwd = CHKNL | CHKKWD | CHKALIAS;

    The readtoken() function checks (checkkwd & CHKALIAS) and then calls
    lookupalias().  This seems to provide a consistent behavior among shells,
    but it's less modular and testable.

    Bash also uses a global 'parser_state & PST_ALEXPNEXT'.

      A command node if any aliases were expanded, or None otherwise.
    # The last char that we might parse.
    right_spid = word.RightMostSpanForWord(words[-1])
    first_word_str = None  # for error message

    expanded = []
    i = 0
    n = len(words)

    while i < n:
      w = words[i]

      ok, word_str, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
      if not ok or quoted:

      alias_exp = self.aliases.get(word_str)
      if alias_exp is None:

      # Prevent infinite loops.  This is subtle: we want to prevent infinite
      # expansion of alias echo='echo x'.  But we don't want to prevent
      # expansion of the second word in 'echo echo', so we add 'i' to
      # "cur_aliases".
      if (word_str, i) in cur_aliases:

      if i == 0:
        first_word_str = word_str  # for error message

      #log('%r -> %r', word_str, alias_exp)
      cur_aliases.append((word_str, i))
      i += 1

      if not alias_exp.endswith(' '):
        # alias e='echo [ ' is the same expansion as
        # alias e='echo ['
        # The trailing space indicates whether we should continue to expand
        # aliases; it's not part of it.
        expanded.append(' ')
        break  # No more expansions

    if not expanded:  # No expansions; caller does parsing.
      return None

    # We got some expansion.  Now copy the rest of the words.

    # We need each NON-REDIRECT word separately!  For example:
    # $ echo one >out two
    # dash/mksh/zsh go beyond the first redirect!
    while i < n:
      w = words[i]
      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(w)
      right_spid = word.RightMostSpanForWord(w)

      # Adapted from tools/osh2oil.py Cursor.PrintUntil
      for span_id in xrange(left_spid, right_spid + 1):
        span = self.arena.GetLineSpan(span_id)
        line = self.arena.GetLine(span.line_id)
        piece = line[span.col : span.col + span.length]

      expanded.append(' ')  # Put space back between words.
      i += 1

    code_str = ''.join(expanded)
    lines = code_str.splitlines(True)  # Keep newlines

    line_info = []
    # TODO: Add location information
        '<expansion of alias %r at line %d of %s>' %
        (first_word_str, -1, 'TODO'))
      for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        line_id = self.arena.AddLine(line, i+1)
        line_info.append((line_id, line, 0))

    line_reader = reader.VirtualLineReader(line_info, self.arena)
    cp = self.parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)

      node = cp.ParseCommand(cur_aliases=cur_aliases)
    except util.ParseError as e:
      # Failure to parse alias expansion is a fatal error
      # We don't need more handling here/

    if 0:
      log('AFTER expansion:')
      from osh import ast_lib
    return node