def mount_fs(self, dst_path: str, fs_url: str = None, owner_uid: Optional[int] = 0, group_gid: Optional[int] = 0, perms: Optional[Union[Permissions, int]] = 0o755) -> subfs.SubFS: """ To be called to mount individual filesystems. :param fs_url: Location/URL for the file system that is to be mounted. :param dst_path: Place in the Conpot's file system where the files would be placed. This should be relative to FS root. :param owner_uid: The owner `user` **UID** of the directory and the sub directory. Default is root/ :param group_gid: The group 'group` to which the directory beings. Defaults to root. :param perms: Permission UMASK """ path = self.norm_path(dst_path) if self.exists(path) and self.isdir(path): if not fs_url: new_dir = self.create_jail(path) else: temp_fs = open_fs(fs_url=fs_url) with temp_fs.lock(): new_dir = self.opendir(self.norm_path(dst_path), factory=SubAbstractFS) mirror.mirror(src_fs=temp_fs, dst_fs=new_dir) self._cache.update({path: info for path, info in['basic', 'access', 'details', 'stat'])}) del temp_fs # delete the instance since no longer required new_dir.default_uid, new_dir.default_gid = owner_uid, group_gid new_dir.chown('/', uid=owner_uid, gid=group_gid, recursive=True) new_dir.chmod('/', mode=perms, recursive=True) return new_dir else: raise fs.errors.DirectoryExpected('{} path does not exist'.format(path))
def setUpClass(cls): try: cls.ebifs = HTTPDownloader( fs.open_fs( "" ) ) except fs.errors.CreateFailed: raise unittest.SkipTest("cannot connect to the EBI FTP")
def __init__(self, data_fs_path=None): self._conpot_vfs = dict() # dictionary to keep all the protocol vfs instances, maintain easy access for # individual mounted protocols with paths if data_fs_path is None: try: self.data_fs = open_fs(os.path.join('/'.join(conpot.__file__.split('/')[:-1]), 'tests', 'data', 'data_temp_fs')) except fs.errors.FSError: logger.exception('Unable to create persistent storage for Conpot. Exiting') sys.exit(3) else: try: assert data_fs_path and isinstance(data_fs_path, str) self.data_fs = open_fs(data_fs_path) # Specify the place where you would place the uploads except AssertionError: logger.exception('Incorrect FS url specified. Please check documentation for more details.') sys.exit(3) except fs.errors.CreateFailed: logger.exception('Unexpected error occurred while creating Conpot FS.') sys.exit(3) self.protocol_fs = None
def create_transcript_objects(xml, edx_video_id, resource_fs, static_dir, external_transcripts): """ Create VideoTranscript objects. Arguments: xml (Element): lxml Element object. edx_video_id (str): Video id of the video. resource_fs (OSFS): Import file system. static_dir (str): The Directory to retrieve transcript file. external_transcripts (dict): A dict containing the list of names of the external transcripts. Example: { 'en': ['', ''], 'es': [''] } """ # File system should not start from /draft directory. with open_fs(resource_fs.root_path.split('/drafts')[0]) as file_system: # First import VAL transcripts. for transcript in xml.findall('.//transcripts/transcript'): try: file_format = transcript.attrib['file_format'] language_code = transcript.attrib['language_code'] transcript_file_name = u'{edx_video_id}-{language_code}.{file_format}'.format( edx_video_id=edx_video_id, language_code=language_code, file_format=file_format ) import_transcript_from_fs( edx_video_id=edx_video_id, language_code=transcript.attrib['language_code'], file_name=transcript_file_name, provider=transcript.attrib['provider'], resource_fs=file_system, static_dir=static_dir ) except KeyError: logger.warn("VAL: Required attributes are missing from xml, xml=[%s]", etree.tostring(transcript).strip()) # This won't overwrite transcript for a language which is already present for the video. for language_code, transcript_file_names in six.iteritems(external_transcripts): for transcript_file_name in transcript_file_names: import_transcript_from_fs( edx_video_id=edx_video_id, language_code=language_code, file_name=transcript_file_name, provider=TranscriptProviderType.CUSTOM, resource_fs=file_system, static_dir=static_dir )
def __init__(self, src_path: str, create_mode: int = 0o777, # Default file system permissions. temp_dir: Union[str, None]=None, identifier: Optional[str]='__conpot__', auto_clean: Optional[bool]=True, ignore_clean_errors: Optional[bool]=True) -> None: self._cwd = self.getcwd() # keep track of the current working directory self._cache = {} # Storing all cache of the file system self.identifier = identifier.replace('/', '-') self._auto_clean = auto_clean self._ignore_clean_errors = ignore_clean_errors self.temp_dir = temp_dir self._cleaned = False self.built_cache = False # Create our file system self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix=(self.identifier or "ConpotTempFS"), dir=self.temp_dir ) # open various filesystems that would be used by Conpot try: self.vfs = open_fs(self._temp_dir) super(AbstractFS, self).__init__(self.vfs) except fs.errors.FSError as fs_err: logger.exception('File System exception occurred! {}'.format(fs_err)) # Copy all files from src_path into our file system'Initializing Virtual File System at {}. Source specified : {}\n Please wait while the ' 'system copies all specified files'.format(self._temp_dir, src_path)) self.utime = self.settimes # utime maps to settimes # keep records related to users and groups self.default_uid = 0 self.default_gid = 0 self.default_perms = create_mode self._users = { 0: {'user': '******'} } self._grps = { 0: {'group': 'root'} } # simple dictionary linking users to groups -> self._user_grps = { 0: {0} # --> gid: set(uids) } self._initialize_fs(src_path=src_path) # fixme: kind of hack-ish. Find the correct way of doing this. self._wrap_fs._meta['supports_rename'] = False
def file_from_zip(zip_file_path, filename, mode='r'): # eg rootpath = # FastQC.out/ # ie fastq_filename + '' # fs.open_fs magic detects a filesystem type if we give it # a URI-like string, eg zip://foo/bla/ # (eg # So we munge the path to a zip file to become a compatible URI # (an http, ftp, webdav url could also be used) if splitext(zip_file_path)[1] == '.zip': zip_file_path = 'zip://' + zip_file_path with open_fs(zip_file_path) as vfs: for fn in vfs.walk.files(): if os.path.basename(fn) == filename: return, mode)
def _initialize_fs(self, src_path: str) -> None: """ Copies all data into Conpot's created fs folder and builds up the cache. :param src_path: FS URLS """ # copy all contents from the source path the filesystem. src_fs = open_fs(src_path) logger.debug('Building up file system: copying contents from the source path {}'.format(src_path)) with src_fs.lock(): mirror.mirror(src_fs=src_fs, dst_fs=self.vfs) self._cache.update({path: info for path, info in['basic', 'access', 'details', 'stat'])}) self._cache['/'] = self._wrap_fs.getinfo('/', namespaces=['basic', 'access', 'details', 'stat', 'link']) self.chown('/', self.default_uid, self.default_gid, recursive=True) self.chmod('/', self.default_perms, recursive=True) self.built_cache = True # FS has been built. Now all info must be accessed from cache. src_fs.close() del src_fs
def test_empty_mirror(self): m1 = open_fs("mem://") m2 = open_fs("mem://") mirror(m1, m2, workers=self.WORKERS, preserve_time=True) self.assert_compare_fs(m1, m2)
def setUp(self): self.destfs = fs.open_fs("temp://") self.tmpdir = self.destfs.getsyspath("/")
#!/usr/bin/python import fs #libreria pyfilesystem con la que se hace las operaciones import sys #librerias para elegir las opciones import getopt home_fs = fs.open_fs('~/') #directorio por defecto HELP = ('uso python <comando> <nombre del archivo>' 'options:\n' ' -l --listar lista el directorio actual\n' ' -c --crear crea un archivo\n' ' -s --suprime suprime el archivo \n' ' -m --muestra muestra el contenido del archivo\n' ' -e --escribe en el archivo help\n' ' -a --agrega agrega al final del archivo \n' ' -h --help help\n') def get_command_line_options(): """Funcion para elegir las opciones del programa""" argv = sys.argv[1:] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'lhcsmea:', [ 'listar', 'help', 'crear', 'suprime', 'muestra', 'escribe', 'agrega' ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(HELP) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts:
def main(argv=None, stream=None): """Run from the command line interface. Arguments: argv (list): The positional arguments to read. Defaults to `sys.argv` to use CLI arguments. stream (~io.IOBase): A file where to write error messages. Leave to `None` to use the `~coloredlogs.StandardErrorHandler` for logs, and `sys.stderr` for error messages. Returns: int: An error code, or 0 if the program executed successfully. """ _print = functools.partial(print, file=stream or sys.stderr) # Parse command line arguments try: args = docopt.docopt(HELP, argv, version='instalooter {}'.format(__version__)) except docopt.DocoptExit as de: _print(de) return 1 # Print usage and exit if required (docopt does not do this !) if args['--usage']: _print(USAGE) return 0 # Set the logger up with the requested logging level level = "ERROR" if args['--quiet'] else args.get("--loglevel", "INFO") coloredlogs.install(level=int(level) if level.isdigit() else level, stream=stream, logger=logger) # Check the requested logging level if args['-W'] not in WARNING_ACTIONS: _print("Unknown warning action:", args['-W']) _print(" available actions:", ', '.join(WARNING_ACTIONS)) return 1 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(args['-W']) try: # Run in batch mode if args['batch']: with open(args['<batch_file>']) as batch_file: batch_runner = BatchRunner(batch_file, args) batch_runner.run_all() return 0 # Login if requested if args['login']: try: if not args['--username']: args['--username'] = six.moves.input('Username: '******'logout']: if InstaLooter._cachefs.exists(InstaLooter._COOKIE_FILE): InstaLooter._logout() logger.log(logutils.SUCCESS, 'Logged out.') else: warnings.warn('Cookie file not found.') return 0 # Normal download mode: if args['user']: looter_cls = ProfileLooter target = args['<profile>'] elif args['hashtag']: looter_cls = HashtagLooter target = args['<hashtag>'] elif args['post']: looter_cls = PostLooter target = args['<post_token>'] else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO") # Instantiate the looter looter = looter_cls( target, add_metadata=args['--add-metadata'], get_videos=args['--get-videos'], videos_only=args['--videos-only'], jobs=int(args['--jobs']) if args['--jobs'] is not None else 16, template=args['--template'], dump_json=args['--dump-json'], dump_only=args['--dump-only'], extended_dump=args['--extended-dump']) # Attempt to login and extract the timeframe try: if args['--username']: login(args) if args['--time']: args['--time'] = get_times_from_cli(args['--time']) if args['--num-to-dl']: args['--num-to-dl'] = int(args['--num-to-dl']) except ValueError as ve: _print("invalid format for --time parameter:", args["--time"]) _print(" (format is [D]:[D] where D is an ISO 8601 date)") return 1 logger.log(logutils.DEBUG, "Opening destination filesystem") dest_url = args.get('<directory>') or os.getcwd() dest_fs = fs.open_fs(dest_url, create=True) logger.log(logutils.NOTICE, "Starting download of `{}`".format(target)) n = destination=dest_fs, media_count=args['--num-to-dl'], timeframe=args['--time'], new_only=args['--new'], pgpbar_cls=None if args['--quiet'] else TqdmProgressBar, dlpbar_cls=None if args['--quiet'] else TqdmProgressBar) if n > 1: logger.log(logutils.SUCCESS, "Downloaded {} posts.".format(n)) elif n == 1: logger.log(logutils.SUCCESS, "Downloaded {} post.".format(n)) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: from .threadutils import threads_force_join, threads_count # Show error traceback if any if not isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): logger.log(logutils.CRITICAL, e) if args["--traceback"]: traceback.print_exc() else: logger.log(logutils.CRITICAL, "Interrupted") # Close remaining threads spawned by count = threads_count() if count: logger.log(logutils.NOTICE, "Terminating {} remaining workers...".format(count)) threads_force_join() # Return the error number if any errno = e.errno if hasattr(e, "errno") else None return errno if errno is not None else 1 else: return 0 finally: logger.log(logutils.DEBUG, "Closing destination filesystem") try: dest_fs.close() except Exception: pass
def teardown(self): if fs.open_fs(MSUI_CONFIG_PATH).exists("msui_settings.json"): fs.open_fs(MSUI_CONFIG_PATH).remove("msui_settings.json") config_file = os.path.join(self.sample_path, 'empty_msui_settings.json.sample') read_config_file(config_file)
import argparse from fs import open_fs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # nargs allows this positional argument to be optional parser.add_argument('dir', type=str, nargs='?', default='~/Downloads/') args = parser.parse_args() folder = open_fs(args.dir) with folder: for path in folder.walk.files(): print(path)
def svg_to_pdf(fname_or_drawing=None, text=None, data=None, file=None, fit_drawing=False, latex_width=None, out_name=None, only_final=True, config=DocumentConfig('standalone'), **pdf_args): '''Requires the inkscape command line tool.''' if ((fname_or_drawing is not None) + (text is not None) + (data is not None) + (file is not None)) != 1: raise TypeError( 'Specify exactly one of fname_or_drawing, text, data, file, or ' 'fname.') fname = None if fname_or_drawing: if isinstance(fname_or_drawing, (str, bytes, Path)): fname = fname_or_drawing else: text = fname_or_drawing.asSvg() proj = LatexProject() proj.add_file('image.svg', text=text, data=data, file=file, fname=fname) if latex_width is None: width_str = '' else: width_str = r'\def\svgwidth' + f'{{{latex_width}}}\n' content = BasicContent(width_str + r'\input{image_svg-tex.pdf_tex}', svg_packages, svg_commands) doc = content.as_document('main.tex', config=config) proj.add_file(doc) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_fs = fs.open_fs(tmp_dir, writeable=False) fs.copy.copy_file(proj.proj_fs, 'image.svg', tmp_fs, 'image.svg') if fit_drawing: options = ('-z', '-D', '--export-latex', '--export-type=pdf') else: options = ('-z', '--export-latex', '--export-type=pdf') _run_inkscape(proj, 'image.svg', tmp_dir, options=options) tmp_fs.remove('image.svg') proj.proj_fs.remove('image.svg') r = proj.compile_pdf( options=[ '-shell-escape', '-halt-on-error', '-file-line-error', '-interaction', 'nonstopmode' ], tmp_dir=tmp_dir, #inkscape_list=['image.svg'], **pdf_args) if out_name is not None: if out_name.endswith('.svg') or out_name.endswith('.pdf'): out_name = out_name[:-4] + '.pdf') def save_intermediate(fname, ext): out_fname = out_name + ext data = None if tmp_fs.exists(fname): fs.copy.copy_file(tmp_fs, fname, '.', out_fname) if not only_final: save_intermediate('image_svg-tex.pdf_tex', '_svg-tex.pdf_tex') save_intermediate('image_svg-tex.pdf', '_svg-tex.pdf') return r
def _cachefs(cls): """~fs.base.FS: the cache filesystem. """ url = "usercache://{}:{}:{}".format(__appname__, __author__, __version__) return fs.open_fs(url, create=True)
----------------------------- Program by xxxxx Core by tensorflow '''), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog="copyright: (c) 2017-2018 svaxm") parser.add_argument('image', type=str, help='Assign the image path.', default="./lp.png") parser.add_argument("-m", '--mode', type=str, help='change mode: enum values[PRO, ALG]', default="PRO", dest="mode") parser.add_argument('-n', "--network", dest="url_from_network", action='append', default=[], help='Add image url to a list') args = parser.parse_args() # alg_core = TEAlg(pb_path_1="model/frozen_model.pb") alg_core = TEAlg(pb_path_1="../model/frozen_model.pb") root_fs = open_fs(path_root) # for image_path in root_fs.walk.files(filter=["*.jpg"]): # # print(image_path) # # image = path_root + image_path # print(image) result = None if args.url_from_network: import re try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except: import urllib2 from io import BytesIO
def OpenFsFromPaths(paths: typing.List[str]): return [fs.open_fs(path) for path in paths]
def create_mss_settings_file(content): with fs.open_fs(MSS_CONFIG_PATH) as file_dir: file_dir.writetext("mss_settings.json", content)
def create_user_workspace(user_workspace_path): """Create user workspace directory.""" reana_fs = fs.open_fs(app.config["SHARED_VOLUME_PATH"]) if not reana_fs.exists(user_workspace_path): reana_fs.makedirs(user_workspace_path)
def test_readonly(self): mem_fs = open_fs('mem://') fs = wrap.read_only(mem_fs) with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly):'foo', 'w') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.appendtext('foo', 'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.appendbytes('foo', b'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.makedir('foo') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.move('foo', 'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.openbin('foo', 'w') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.remove('foo') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.removedir('foo') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.setinfo('foo', {}) with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.settimes('foo', {}) with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.copy('foo', 'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.create('foo') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.settext('foo', 'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.setbytes('foo', b'bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.makedirs('foo/bar') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.touch('foo') with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.setbinfile('foo', None) with self.assertRaises(errors.ResourceReadOnly): fs.setfile('foo', None) self.assertTrue(mem_fs.isempty('/')) mem_fs.setbytes('file', b'read me') with fs.openbin('file') as read_file: self.assertEqual(, b'read me') with'file', 'rb') as read_file: self.assertEqual(, b'read me')
def setUp(self): self.fs_tmp = fs.open_fs("temp://")
def setUp(self): self.tmpfs = fs.open_fs("temp://")
new_path = path + '/' + obj buildDB(root, path=new_path, orig_path=orig_path) else: print('file found:', obj) full_path = orig_path + path + '/' + obj db.append(full_path) class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): async def get(self): self.render('index.html') def makeApp(): return tornado.web.Application([(r'/', MainHandler)]) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 2: if sys.argv[1] == '-b': # Build root = open_fs(sys.argv[2]) buildDB(root, orig_path=sys.argv[2]) pickle.dump(db, open('db', 'wb')) # app = makeApp() # app.listen(3000) # tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
def test_open_wrongid(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): y = fs.open_fs('youtube://12345')
def mock(): return open_fs(openers.MEMORY)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals) import os import sys from fs import open_fs file_path = sys.argv[1] fs_url = sys.argv[2] filename = os.path.basename(file_path) with open_fs(fs_url) as fs: if fs.exists(filename): print("destination exists! aborting.") else: with open(file_path, "rb") as bin_file: fs.upload(filename, bin_file) print("upload successful!")
def fs(opener): return open_fs(opener)
def open_fs(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(open_fs(*args, **kwargs))
def os(path='.'): # We will use the current dir in the operating system fs as default value return open_fs(openers.OPERATING_SYSTEM + path)
def poll(self): """Check for new or updated visualizations. Since the main use case involves remote files mounted with SSHFS/NFS, polling is the only viable mechanism to detect changes. This is further argued here:""" if not self.base_folder: return if not self.fs: # create a file system object for the visualizations folder try: self.fs = open_fs(self.base_folder + '/visualizations') except FSError: # directory doesn't exist yet, try again later logger.debug(f"Vis loader thread: no visualizations directory: {self.base_folder}") self.timer.start(self.poll_time * 1000) return # find files in the visualizations directory if self.files_iterator is None: self.files_iterator = self.fs.filterdir('.', files=['*.pth'], namespaces=['details']) if self.retry_file: # try the same file again if required logger.debug(f"Vis loader thread: Retrying file {self.retry_file}") entry = self.retry_file self.retry_file = None else: # get next file try: entry = next(self.files_iterator) except StopIteration: entry = None # get pytorch pickle files if entry: name =[:-4] # remove extension new_size = entry.size if new_size != self.known_file_sizes.get(name): logger.debug(f"Vis loader thread: File changed, reloading: {name}") # new file or file size changed self.known_file_sizes[name] = new_size # if the source code hasn't been loaded yet, read it if name not in self.source_code: try: self.source_code[name] = self.fs.readtext(name + '.py') except FSError: # not found, must be a built-in (like tshow) self.source_code[name] = None # load the file (asynchronously with the main thread) try: with + '.pth', mode='rb') as file: data = load(file) if not isinstance(data, dict) or 'func' not in data: raise OSError("Attempted to load a visualization saved with a different protocol version (saving with PyTorch and loading without it is not supported, and vice-versa).") # send a signal with the results to the main thread self.visualization_ready.emit(name, data, self.source_code[name], self.base_folder) except Exception as err: # ignore errors about incomplete data, since file may # still be written to; otherwise log the error. if isinstance(err, RuntimeError) and 'storage has wrong size' in str(err): self.retry_file = entry # try this file again later else: logger.exception(f"Error loading visualization data from {self.base_folder}/{name}.pth") else: logger.debug(f"Vis loader thread: File did not change: {name}") # wait a bit before checking next file, or a longer time if finished all files. # if the experiment is done, don't check again at the end. if entry: self.timer.start(100) elif not self.exp_done: self.files_iterator = None # check directory contents from scratch next time self.timer.start(self.poll_time * 1000) else: logger.debug(f"Vis loader thread: Experiment done, not reloading any visualizations.")
from collections import defaultdict import hashlib import sys from fs import open_fs def get_hash(getbin_file): """Get the md5 hash of a file.""" getfile_hash = hashlib.md5() while True: chunk = * 1024) if not chunk: break getfile_hash.update(chunk) return getfile_hash.hexdigest() hashes = defaultdict(list) with open_fs(sys.argv[1]) as fs: for path in fs.walk.files(): with, "rb") as bin_file: file_hash = get_hash(bin_file) hashes[file_hash].append(path) for paths in hashes.values(): if len(paths) > 1: for path in paths: print(f" {path}") print()
def setUp(self): self.destfs = fs.open_fs("temp://") self.tmpdir = self.destfs.getsyspath("/") warnings._showwarning = warnings.showwarning
def test_open_plist_by_id(self): x = fs.open_fs('youtube://PLYlZ5VtcfgitfPyMGkZsYkhLm-eOZeQpY') x.close()
def get_sample_project_mapping(basepath, samplesheet=None, suffix='.fastq.gz', absolute_paths=False, catch_undetermined=True): """ Given a path containing fastq.gz files, possibily nested in Project/Sample directories, return a data structure mapping fastq-samples to projects. TODO: The SampleSheet.csv may be used as a hint but is not required. :param basepath: Path to directory tree of fastq.gz files - eg, bcl2fastq output directory :type basepath: str :param catch_undetermined: Map any FASTQ files with 'Undetermined' in the name to a project 'Undetermined_indices' :type catch_undetermined: bool :return: Dictionary lists, {project_id : [relative fastq.gz paths]} :rtype: OrderedDict """ if not os.path.exists(basepath): raise IOError('Path %s does not exist !' % basepath) fq_files = [] with open_fs(basepath) as vfs: for fn in vfs.walk.files(): if fn.endswith(suffix): fq_files.append(fn.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\')) fq_files = sorted(fq_files) project_mapping = OrderedDict() for fqpath in fq_files: project = '' fqfile = fqpath parts = Path(fqpath).parts if len(parts) == 3: project, sample_id, fqfile = map(str, parts) if len(parts) == 2: project, fqfile = map(str, parts) if len(parts) == 1: fqfile = str(parts[0]) if catch_undetermined and 'Undetermined_' in fqfile: project = u'Undetermined_indices' # TODO: we currently don't deal with Project_ prefixes, really # the project ID doesn't include Project_. If we strip # this here, maybe we need to include the project directory # in the fastq paths so we can know the path and project id # - will require fixes to downstream code that # does join(bcl2fastq_output_dir, project_id, fastq_file) # TODO: also incorporate sample_id in this datastructure if project not in project_mapping: project_mapping[project] = [] if absolute_paths: fqpath = join(basepath, fqpath) project_mapping[project].append(fqpath) # TODO: Use the SampleSheet.csv to validate or hint # TODO: Also assign sample_id, sample_name, lane, read, etc # we could use parse_sample_info_from_filename for this, # and/or use the FASTQ header(s) return project_mapping
class BakeryConfig(AppConfig): name = 'bakery' verbose_name = "Bakery" filesystem_name = getattr(settings, 'BAKERY_FILESYSTEM', "osfs:///") filesystem = fs.open_fs(filesystem_name)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.fs_project = fs.open_fs(os.path.join(__file__, pardir, pardir)) cls.fs_examples = cls.fs_project.opendir("examples") cls.dir_config = cls.fs_project.getsyspath("static/isa-config")
def __init__(self): yt_fs = fs.open_fs('dlna:///') dlna_fs = fs.dlna.DLNAFS(timeout=10)
from fs import open_fs from PIL import Image from . import database, mojang from .validate import regex, noneof app = Flask(__name__) db_path = os.getenv('DATABASE_URL', 'sqlite://hdskins.sqlite') textures_fs = os.getenv('TEXTURES_FS', 'file://.') root_url = os.getenv('ROOT_URL', '') offline_mode = bool(os.getenv('OFFLINE', False)) blacklist = ["cape"] upload_fs = open_fs(textures_fs, cwd='textures', writeable=True) # Customize the FS upload args if they exist. Mostly for S3 if hasattr(upload_fs, 'upload_args'): upload_fs.upload_args = { 'ContentType': 'image/png', 'ACL': 'public-read' # S3: Make public } def open_database(): return database.Database(db_path) def authorize(func): @functools.wraps(func)
def test_open_not_exist(self): with self.assertRaises(IOError): y = fs.open_fs( 'youtube://')
def test_open_file_by_id(self): y = fs.open_fs('youtube://cpPG0bKHYKc') y.close()
import os from fs import open_fs import gnupg import logging from . import KeyManager, Encrypt, Decrypt home_fs = open_fs('.') logger = logging.getLogger('init') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if not os.path.exists('signatures/'): home_fs.makedir(u'signatures')'Created signatures directory.') else:'signatures directory already exists, skipping...') if not os.path.exists('keys'): home_fs.touch(u'keys')'Created id-key storage file.')
def test_open_plist_by_id(self): x = fs.open_fs( 'youtube://' ) x.close()
def test_open_file_by_url(self): y = fs.open_fs('youtube://') y.close()
def index(self, conf): fs = open_fs(conf['url']) walker = Walker() for path in walker.files(fs): yield Pyfsfile(fs, path)
def convert( in_path, out_path, study_identifier, usermeta=None, split=True, merge=False, jobs=1, template_directory=None, verbose=True, ): """ Parses a study from given *in_path* and then creates an ISA file. A new folder is created in the out directory bearing the name of the study identifier. Arguments: in_path (str): path to the directory or archive containing mzml files out_path (str): path to the output directory study_identifier (str): study identifier (e.g. MTBLSxxx) Keyword Arguments: usermeta (str, optional): the path to a json file, a xlsx file or directly a json formatted string containing user-defined metadata [default: None] split (bool): split assay files based on the polarity of the scans [default: True] merge (bool): for imzML studies, try to merge centroid and profile scans in a single sample row [default: False] jobs (int): the number of jobs to use for parsing mzML or imzML files [default: 1] template_directory (str, optional): the path to a directory containing custom templates to use when importing ISA tab [default: None] verbose (bool): display more output [default: True] """ PARSERS = {"mzML": MzMLFile, "imzML": ImzMLFile} # open user metadata file if any meta_loader = UserMetaLoader(usermeta) # open the filesystem containing the files with fs.open_fs(in_path) as filesystem: # get all mzML files mzml_files = list( filesystem.filterdir("/", files=["*mzML"], exclude_dirs=["*"]) ) if mzml_files: # store the first mzml_files extension extension = mzml_files[0].name.rsplit(os.path.extsep)[-1] parser = PARSERS[extension] # prepare the parser arguments files_iter = [ (filesystem,, parser) for mzml_file in sorted(mzml_files, key=lambda f: ] # wrap in a progress bar if needed if not verbose and tqdm is not None: files_iter = tqdm.tqdm(files_iter) # parse using threads if needed if jobs > 1: with contextlib.closing(multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(jobs)) as pool: metalist =, files_iter) else: metalist = list(map(_parse_file, files_iter)) # merge spectra if needed if merge and extension == "imzML": if verbose: print("Attempting to merge profile and centroid scans") metalist = merge_spectra(metalist) # write isa-tab file if metalist: if verbose: print("Parsing mzML meta information into ISA-Tab structure") print(out_path, template_directory) isa_tab = ISA_Tab( out_path, study_identifier, usermeta=meta_loader.usermeta, template_directory=template_directory, ) isa_tab.write(metalist, extension, split=split) else: warnings.warn("No files were found in {}.".format(in_path), UserWarning)