def deploy_tarballs(self): """Deploy a list of required tarballs""" self.thirdpartyapp = ThirdPartyApp() self.tarballs = { 'ant' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'maven' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'jboss423GA' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'jboss403SP1' : ['', '/usr/local'], } for pkg in self.tarballs: print print print "Downloading Downloading {0}, this may take a while".format(pkg) #TODO : add urlgrabber method to setuputil. print "Please bear with me while i write a download progress method" self.thirdpartyapp.legacy_download_this(self.tarballs[pkg][0], userhome) #self.progress_download_this(self.tarballs[pkg][0], userhome) self.tarball = os.path.basename(self.tarballs[pkg][0]) try : if os.path.exists(self.tarballs[pkg][1]): if self.tarball.endswith('.tar.gz'): self.extract_cmd = ['sudo', 'tar', '-zxvf', os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball), '-C', self.tarballs[pkg][1]] self.executioner(self.extract_cmd) os.remove(os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball)) elif self.tarball.endswith('.dmp'): print "Detected Oracle DB Dump {0}, Not extracting.".format(self.tarball) os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) self.dbdump_string = "mv /home/releasetools/{0} /opt/pythonvm/dbdumps".format(self.tarball) os.system(self.dbdump_string) elif not os.path.exists(self.tarballs[pkg][1]): os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) if self.tarball.endswith('.tar.gz'): self.extract_cmd = ['sudo', 'tar', '-zxvf', os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball), '-C', self.tarballs[pkg][1]] self.executioner(self.extract_cmd) os.remove(os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball)) elif self.tarball.endswith('.dmp'): print "Detected Oracle DB Dump {0}, Not extracting.".format(self.tarball) os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) self.dbdump_string = "mv /home/releasetools/{0} /opt/pythonvm/dbdumps".format(self.tarball) os.system(self.dbdump_string) except OSError: print "{0} Does not exist".format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])
class Install(): """Install Class is used to setup an environment from scratch The install Class must be run against a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 desktop or server. Ideally server if the desktop will not be used for any gui work. """ def __init__(self): print "Installer initalised" def releasetools_profile(self): """Minimalistic .profile file""" self.releasetools_profile_file = """# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells. # This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login # exists. # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples. # the files are located in the bash-doc package. # the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask # for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package. #umask 022 # if running bash if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # include .bashrc if it exists if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then . "$HOME/.bashrc" fi fi # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$HOME/bin:\$PATH" fi PS1="${LOGNAME}@[BCVM] \w$ " export PS1 export EDITOR=vi export PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python/2.6/site-packages . ~/ """ return self.releasetools_profile_file def init_script_agentp(self): """AgentP init.d start script""" agentp_init = """start on runlevel [35] exec sudo -H -E su - releasetools -c '/home/releasetools/bin/agentP' end script """ return agentp_init def executioner(self, execution_list): ###TODO: Refactor into single method - to avoid repetition with below self.execution_list = execution_list execute = subprocess.Popen(self.execution_list, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while 1: self.logLine = execute.stdout.readline() self.exitcode = execute.poll() if (not self.logLine) and (self.exitcode is not None): break self.log = self.logLine[:-1] if not self.log == '': print self.log def ubuntu_update(self): self.update = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'update'] self.autoclean = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'autoclean'] #Execute the above lists in order print "Updating Ubuntu System Packages" self.executioner(self.update) print "Auto-cleaning packages downloaded during installs/updates" self.executioner(self.autoclean) def apt_get_install(self, package_list): self.package_list = package_list self.apt_get = ['sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', 'install'] for package in self.package_list: self.apt_get.append(package) print "Installing packages using apt-get" print self.apt_get self.executioner(self.apt_get) def update_aptitude_repositories(self, repository): self.repository = repository self.update_repo = ['sudo', 'apt-add-repository', self.repository] print "Updating Ubuntu Repositories with: {0}".format(self.repository) self.executioner(self.update_repo) self.ubuntu_update() def write_config_file(self, text, full_path_and_file): self.text = text self.path = full_path_and_file f = Filer() if not os.path.exists(self.path): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.path)) except OSError : print "Directory: {0} Exists".format(os.path.dirname(self.path)) f.createFile(os.path.join(self.path)) f.writeThisToFile(self.text) def append_config_to_file(self, text, full_path_and_file): self.text = text self.fileName = full_path_and_file f = Filer() if os.path.exists(self.fileName): try : f.appendThisToFile(self.text, self.fileName) except OSError : print "Unable to append to file: {0}".format(self.fileName) def make_all_required_dirs(self): """Method to create all directories in a dictionary, and ownership details""" self.dir_dictionary = { '/home/releasetools/myweb' : 'releasetools', '/home/releasetools/myweb/requestrouter' : 'releasetools', '/home/releasetools/deploy_history' : 'releasetools', '/opt/pythonvm' : 'releasetools', '/opt/pythonvm/dbdumps' : 'releasetools', '/opt/pythonvm/deploylogs': 'releasetools', '/var/log/agentP': 'releasetools', '/var/log/webtool': 'releasetools', } for dir in self.dir_dictionary: print "Creating Directory: {0}, Owned by {1}".format(dir, self.dir_dictionary[dir]) #Can not use native python due to sudo issue. try : if not os.path.exists(dir): os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(dir)) os.system('sudo chown -R {0}:{1} {2} '.format(self.dir_dictionary[dir], self.dir_dictionary[dir], dir)) except OSError: pass def make_symlinks(self, source, dest): self.source = source self.dest = dest if os.path.exists(self.source): if not os.path.exists(self.dest): try: self.symlink_cmd = ['sudo', 'ln', '-s', self.source, self.dest ] self.executioner(self.symlink_cmd) except OSError: pass def deploy_tarballs(self): """Deploy a list of required tarballs""" self.thirdpartyapp = ThirdPartyApp() self.tarballs = { 'ant' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'maven' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'jboss423GA' : ['', '/usr/local'], 'jboss403SP1' : ['', '/usr/local'], } for pkg in self.tarballs: print print print "Downloading Downloading {0}, this may take a while".format(pkg) #TODO : add urlgrabber method to setuputil. print "Please bear with me while i write a download progress method" self.thirdpartyapp.legacy_download_this(self.tarballs[pkg][0], userhome) #self.progress_download_this(self.tarballs[pkg][0], userhome) self.tarball = os.path.basename(self.tarballs[pkg][0]) try : if os.path.exists(self.tarballs[pkg][1]): if self.tarball.endswith('.tar.gz'): self.extract_cmd = ['sudo', 'tar', '-zxvf', os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball), '-C', self.tarballs[pkg][1]] self.executioner(self.extract_cmd) os.remove(os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball)) elif self.tarball.endswith('.dmp'): print "Detected Oracle DB Dump {0}, Not extracting.".format(self.tarball) os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) self.dbdump_string = "mv /home/releasetools/{0} /opt/pythonvm/dbdumps".format(self.tarball) os.system(self.dbdump_string) elif not os.path.exists(self.tarballs[pkg][1]): os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) if self.tarball.endswith('.tar.gz'): self.extract_cmd = ['sudo', 'tar', '-zxvf', os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball), '-C', self.tarballs[pkg][1]] self.executioner(self.extract_cmd) os.remove(os.path.join(userhome, self.tarball)) elif self.tarball.endswith('.dmp'): print "Detected Oracle DB Dump {0}, Not extracting.".format(self.tarball) os.system('sudo mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) os.system('sudo chown -R releasetools:releasetools {0}'.format(self.tarballs[pkg][1])) self.dbdump_string = "mv /home/releasetools/{0} /opt/pythonvm/dbdumps".format(self.tarball) os.system(self.dbdump_string) except OSError: print "{0} Does not exist".format(self.tarballs[pkg][1]) def change_owner(self, path, owner, group): self.path = path self.owner = owner = group try: if os.path.exists(self.path): print "Changing {0}: to be owned by {1}:{2}".format(self.path, self.owner, self.new_owner = "{0}:{1}".format(self.owner, self.change_owner_cmd = ['sudo', 'chown', '-R', self.new_owner, self.path ] self.executioner(self.change_owner_cmd) except OSError: pass