Exemple #1
    def getfmt(arg, fname, exist):
        ext = op.splitext(fname)[1]
        if ext in ('.mat', '.x5'):
            return ext[1:]

        fname = fslimage.addExt(fname, mustExist=exist)

        if fslimage.looksLikeImage(fname):
            return 'nii'
        parser.error('Could not infer format from '
                     'filename: {}'.format(args.input))
Exemple #2
def test_looksLikeImage():
    """Test the looksLikeImage function. """

    # (file, expected)
    tests = [
        ('blah', False),
        ('blah.moo', False),
        ('blah.nii', True),
        ('blah.nii.gz', True),
        ('blah.hdr', True),
        ('blah.img', True),
        ('blah.hdr.gz', True),
        ('blah.img.gz', True),

    for path, expected in tests:
        assert fslimage.looksLikeImage(path) == expected
Exemple #3
def invert(infile):

    if fslimage.looksLikeImage(infile):
        basename = fslimage.removeExt(op.basename(infile))
        img = fslimage.Image(infile)
        data = img.data
        dmin, dmax = data.min(), data.max()
        data = dmin + (dmax - data)
        outfile = '{}_inverted.nii.gz'.format(basename)
        fslimage.Image(data, header=img.header).save(outfile)

    # assume text file
        basename, ext = op.split(infile)
        data = np.loadtxt(infile)
        dmin, dmax = data.min(), data.max()
        data = dmin + (dmax - data)
        outfile = '{}_inverted.{}'.format(basename, ext)
        np.savetxt(outfile, data)

    return outfile
Exemple #4
    def load(name, path):

        if not fslimage.looksLikeImage(path):
            return None

        # create an independent in-memory
        # copy of the image file
        img = nib.load(path, mmap=False)
        data = np.asanyarray(img.dataobj)

        # if any arguments were fsl images,
        # that takes precedence.
        if fslimage.Image in intypes:
            return fslimage.Image(data, header=img.header, name=name)

        # but if all inputs were file names,
        # nibabel takes precedence
        elif nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image in intypes or len(intypes) == 0:
            return nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(data, None, img.header)

        # this function should not be called
        # under any other circumstances
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot handle type: {}'.format(intypes))
Exemple #5
def saveOverlay(overlay, display=None):
    """Saves the currently selected overlay (only if it is a :class:`.Image`),
    by a call to :meth:`.Image.save`. If a ``display`` is provided, the
    :attr:`.Display.name` may be updated to match the new overlay file name.

    :arg overlay: The :class:`.Image` overlay to save
    :arg display: The :class:`.Display` instance associated with the overlay.

    import wx

    # TODO support for other overlay types
    if not isinstance(overlay, fslimage.Image):
        raise RuntimeError('Non-volumetric types not supported yet')

    # If this image has been loaded from a file,
    # ask the user whether they want to overwrite
    # that file, or save the image to a new file.
    if overlay.dataSource is not None:

        # If the data source is not nifti (e.g.
        # mgz), we are not going to overwrite it,
        # so we don't ask.
        if fslimage.looksLikeImage(overlay.dataSource):

            msg = strings.messages['SaveOverlayAction.overwrite'].format(
            title = strings.titles['SaveOverlayAction.overwrite'].format(

            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(wx.GetTopLevelWindows()[0],
                                   style=(wx.ICON_WARNING | wx.YES_NO
                                          | wx.CANCEL | wx.NO_DEFAULT))

            response = dlg.ShowModal()

            # Cancel == cancel the save
            # Yes    == overwrite the existing file
            # No     == save to a new file (prompt the user for the file name)
            if response == wx.ID_CANCEL:

            if response == wx.ID_YES:

        fromDir = op.dirname(overlay.dataSource)
        filename = fslimage.removeExt(op.basename(overlay.dataSource))
        filename = '{}_copy'.format(filename)
        fromDir = fslsettings.read('loadSaveOverlayDir', os.getcwd())

        if display is not None: filename = display.name
        else: filename = overlay.name

    filename = filename.replace('/', '_')
    filename = filename.replace('\\', '_')

    # Ask the user where they
    # want to save the image
    msg = strings.titles['SaveOverlayAction.saveFile']
    dlg = wx.FileDialog(wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow(),
                        style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT)

    if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:

    # Make sure that the user chose a supported
    # extension. If not, use the default extension.
    savePath = dlg.GetPath()
    prefix, suffix = fslimage.splitExt(savePath)

    if suffix == '':
        savePath = '{}{}'.format(prefix, fslimage.defaultExt())

    oldPath = overlay.dataSource
    saveDir = op.dirname(savePath)

    if doSave(overlay, savePath):

        # Cache the save directory for next time.
        fslsettings.write('loadSaveOverlayDir', saveDir)

        # If image was in memory, or its old
        # name equalled the old datasource
        # base name, update its name.
        if oldPath is None or \
           fslimage.removeExt(op.basename(oldPath)) == overlay.name:

            overlay.name = fslimage.removeExt(op.basename(savePath))

            if display is not None:
                display.name = overlay.name
Exemple #6
def guessDataSourceType(path):
    """A convenience function which, given the name of a file or directory,
    figures out a suitable overlay type.

    Returns a tuple containing two values - a type which should be able to
    load the path, and the path itself, possibly adjusted. If the type
    is unrecognised, the first tuple value will be ``None``.

    import fsl.data.vtk as fslvtk
    import fsl.data.gifti as fslgifti
    import fsl.data.freesurfer as fslfs
    import fsl.data.mghimage as fslmgh
    import fsl.data.featimage as featimage
    import fsl.data.melodicimage as melimage
    import fsl.data.dtifit as dtifit
    import fsl.data.melodicanalysis as melanalysis
    import fsl.data.featanalysis as featanalysis

    # Support files opened via fsleyes:// URL
    if path.startswith('fsleyes://'):
        path = path[10:]

    path = op.abspath(path)

    # Accept images sans-extension
        path = fslimage.addExt(path, mustExist=True)
    except fslimage.PathError:

    if op.isfile(path):

        # Some types are easy - just check the extensions
        if fslpath.hasExt(path, fslvtk.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS):
            return fslvtk.VTKMesh, path
        elif fslpath.hasExt(path, fslgifti.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS):
            return fslgifti.GiftiMesh, path
        elif fslfs.isGeometryFile(path):
            return fslfs.FreesurferMesh, path
        elif fslpath.hasExt(path, fslmgh.ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS):
            return fslmgh.MGHImage, path

        # Other specialised image types
        elif melanalysis.isMelodicImage(path):
            return melimage.MelodicImage, path
        elif featanalysis.isFEATImage(path):
            return featimage.FEATImage, path
        elif fslimage.looksLikeImage(path):
            return fslimage.Image, path

    # Analysis directory?
    elif op.isdir(path):
        if melanalysis.isMelodicDir(path):
            return melimage.MelodicImage, path
        elif featanalysis.isFEATDir(path):
            return featimage.FEATImage, path
        elif dtifit.isDTIFitPath(path):
            return dtifit.DTIFitTensor, path

    # Otherwise, I don't
    # know what to do
    return None, path