Exemple #1
def updateShaderState(self):
    """Sets all variables required by the vertex and fragment programs. """

    if not self.ready():

    opts   = self.opts
    shader = self.shader

    # enable the vertex and fragment programs

    # The voxValXform transformation turns
    # an image texture value into a raw
    # voxel value. The colourMapXform
    # transformation turns a raw voxel value
    # into a value between 0 and 1, suitable
    # for looking up an appropriate colour
    # in the 1D colour map texture.
    voxValXform = transform.concat(self.colourTexture.getCoordinateTransform(),
    voxValXform = [voxValXform[0, 0], voxValXform[0, 3], 0, 0]

    # And the clipping range, normalised
    # to the image texture value range
    invClip     = 1 if opts.invertClipping    else -1
    useNegCmap  = 1 if opts.useNegativeCmap   else  0
    imageIsClip = 1 if opts.clipImage is None else -1

    imgXform = self.imageTexture.invVoxValXform
    if opts.clipImage is None: clipXform = imgXform
    else:                      clipXform = self.clipTexture.invVoxValXform

    clipLo  = opts.clippingRange[0] * clipXform[0, 0] + clipXform[0, 3]
    clipHi  = opts.clippingRange[1] * clipXform[0, 0] + clipXform[0, 3]
    texZero = 0.0                   * imgXform[ 0, 0] + imgXform[ 0, 3]

    clipping = [clipLo, clipHi, invClip, imageIsClip]
    negCmap  = [useNegCmap, texZero, 0, 0]

    changed  = False
    changed |= shader.setFragParam('voxValXform', voxValXform)
    changed |= shader.setFragParam('clipping',    clipping)
    changed |= shader.setFragParam('negCmap',     negCmap)

    if self.threedee:
        clipPlanes  = np.zeros((5, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        d2tmat      = opts.getTransform('display', 'texture')

        for i in range(opts.numClipPlanes):
            origin, normal   = self.get3DClipPlane(i)
            origin           = transform.transform(origin, d2tmat)
            normal           = transform.transformNormal(normal, d2tmat)
            clipPlanes[i, :] = glroutines.planeEquation2(origin, normal)

        changed |= shader.setFragParam('clipPlanes', clipPlanes)


    return changed
Exemple #2
    def get3DClipPlane(self, planeIdx):
        """A convenience method which calculates a point-vector description
        of the specified clipping plane. ``planeIdx`` is an index into the
        :attr:`clipPosition`, :attr:`clipAzimuth`, and
        :attr:`clipInclination`, properties.

        Returns the clip plane at the given ``planeIdx`` as an origin and
        normal vector, in the display coordinate system..

        pos = self.clipPosition[planeIdx]
        azimuth = self.clipAzimuth[planeIdx]
        incline = self.clipInclination[planeIdx]

        b = self.bounds
        pos = pos / 100.0
        azimuth = azimuth * np.pi / 180.0
        incline = incline * np.pi / 180.0

        xmid = b.xlo + 0.5 * b.xlen
        ymid = b.ylo + 0.5 * b.ylen
        zmid = b.zlo + 0.5 * b.zlen

        centre = [xmid, ymid, zmid]
        normal = [0, 0, -1]

        rot1 = transform.axisAnglesToRotMat(incline, 0, 0)
        rot2 = transform.axisAnglesToRotMat(0, 0, azimuth)
        rotation = transform.concat(rot2, rot1)

        normal = transform.transformNormal(normal, rotation)
        normal = transform.normalise(normal)

        offset = (pos - 0.5) * max((b.xlen, b.ylen, b.zlen))
        origin = centre + normal * offset

        return origin, normal
def updateShaderState(self):
    """Updates the parameters used by the shader programs, reflecting the
    current display properties.

    if not self.ready():

    opts = self.opts
    display = self.display
    shader = self.shader

    # The clipping range options are in the voxel value
    # range, but the shader needs them to be in image
    # texture value range (0.0 - 1.0). So let's scale
    # them.
    imageIsClip = opts.clipImage is None
    imgXform = self.imageTexture.invVoxValXform
    if imageIsClip: clipXform = imgXform
    else: clipXform = self.clipTexture.invVoxValXform

    clipLow = opts.clippingRange[0] * clipXform[0, 0] + clipXform[0, 3]
    clipHigh = opts.clippingRange[1] * clipXform[0, 0] + clipXform[0, 3]
    texZero = 0.0 * imgXform[0, 0] + imgXform[0, 3]
    imageShape = self.image.shape[:3]

    if imageIsClip: clipImageShape = imageShape
    else: clipImageShape = opts.clipImage.shape[:3]

    # Create a single transformation matrix
    # which transforms from image texture values
    # to voxel values, and scales said voxel
    # values to colour map texture coordinates.
    img2CmapXform = transform.concat(


    changed = False

    changed |= shader.set('useSpline', opts.interpolation == 'spline')
    changed |= shader.set('imageShape', imageShape)
    changed |= shader.set('clipLow', clipLow)
    changed |= shader.set('clipHigh', clipHigh)
    changed |= shader.set('texZero', texZero)
    changed |= shader.set('invertClip', opts.invertClipping)
    changed |= shader.set('useNegCmap', opts.useNegativeCmap)
    changed |= shader.set('imageIsClip', imageIsClip)
    changed |= shader.set('img2CmapXform', img2CmapXform)
    changed |= shader.set('clipImageShape', clipImageShape)

    changed |= shader.set('imageTexture', 0)
    changed |= shader.set('colourTexture', 1)
    changed |= shader.set('negColourTexture', 2)
    changed |= shader.set('clipTexture', 3)

    if self.threedee:

        blendFactor = (1 - opts.blendFactor)**2
        clipPlanes = np.zeros((opts.numClipPlanes, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        d2tmat = opts.getTransform('display', 'texture')

        if opts.clipMode == 'intersection': clipMode = 1
        elif opts.clipMode == 'union': clipMode = 2
        elif opts.clipMode == 'complement': clipMode = 3
        else: clipMode = 0

        for i in range(opts.numClipPlanes):
            origin, normal = self.get3DClipPlane(i)
            origin = transform.transform(origin, d2tmat)
            normal = transform.transformNormal(normal, d2tmat)
            clipPlanes[i, :] = glroutines.planeEquation2(origin, normal)

        changed |= shader.set('numClipPlanes', opts.numClipPlanes)
        changed |= shader.set('clipMode', clipMode)
        changed |= shader.set('clipPlanes', clipPlanes, opts.numClipPlanes)
        changed |= shader.set('blendFactor', blendFactor)
        changed |= shader.set('stepLength', 1.0 / opts.getNumSteps())
        changed |= shader.set('alpha', display.alpha / 100.0)


    return changed