class Miner(BaseEntity):
    """Miner Bob.
    Note: The constructor doesn't take any actual args, but this syntax is
    needed to call the __init__ method of the superclass. I'm not sure that
    we need to do so here, but it will be a useful reminder for later.    

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(Miner, self).__init__(*args) = "Miner Bob"
        self.location = SHACK = 0 = 0
        self.thirst = 0
        self.fatigue = 0

        # Set up the FSM for this entity
        self.fsm = StateMachine(self)

    def update(self):
        """Increases thirst and updates the FSM logic."""
        self.thirst += 1

    def receive_msg(self,message):
        # print("%s: Got me a message of type %d!" % (,msg_type))
        # Let the FSM handle any messages

    def change_location(self,newlocation):
        """Move to another location
        Location constants are enumerated in
        self.location = newlocation

    def change_gold(self,amount):
        """Add/subtract the amount of gold currently carried
        amount: int
            Amount of gold to add (or subtract, if negative)
        """ += amount
        #print("[[%s]] : Now carrying %d gold nuggets." % (,

    def pockets_full(self):
        """Queries whether this entity is carrying enough gold."""
        return ( >= 3)

    def add_fatigue(self,amount=1):
        """Increases the current fatigue of this entity."""
        self.fatigue += amount
        #print("[[%s]] : Now at fatigue level %d." % (,self.fatigue))

    def remove_fatigue(self,amount=1):
        """Remove fatigue from this entity, but not below zero."""
        self.fatigue -= amount
        if self.fatigue < 0:
            self.fatigue = 0

    def is_thirsty(self):
        """Queries if this entity has too much current thirst."""
        return (self.thirst > 7)

    def remove_thirst(self,amount):
        """Remove thirst from this entity, but not below zero."""
        self.thirst -= amount
        if self.thirst < 0:
            self.thirst = 0

    def work_done(self):
        """Returns True if more than 10 gold in the bank.
        Fix this! Once there is 10 gold or more in the bank, the Miner
        will go home after each bank deposit. We don't want that.
        return ( >= 10)