author_ref as a where = and in ($id) group by order by field(, $id)''', post_processors = [ hits.SplitOnSep('authors', sep='@#@'), ] ) cl.AttachDBFetch(db_fetch) # provide search cache #cl.AttachCache(redis_cache) # setup the different facets cl.AttachFacets( Facet('author', sql_col='author', sql_table='author_terms', sph_field='authors'), Facet('keyword', sql_col='tag', sql_table='title_terms', attr='title_attr', sph_field='title'), Facet('venue', sql_col='source_id', sql_table='venue_terms', sph_field='source_id'), Facet('year', sql_table=None) ) # we want to group by counts group_sort = '@count desc' # setup sorting and ordering of each facet for f in cl.facets: f.SetMaxNumValues(15) # group by a custom function f.SetGroupSort(group_sort) # order the term alphabetically within each facet f.SetOrderBy('@term', order='asc')
pmc_id, (select group_concat(distinct mesh_term separator "@#@") from mesh as m where m.pmid = c.pmid) as mesh, (select group_concat(distinct author separator "@#@") from authors as a where a.pmid = c.pmid) as authors, (select count from pmc_num_citations as p where p.pmid = c.pmid) as citation_count from citations as c where pmid in ($id) order by field(pmid, $id)''', post_processors = [ hits.SplitOnSep('mesh', 'authors', sep='@#@'), ] ) cl.AttachDBFetch(db_fetch) # setup the different facets cl.AttachFacets( Facet('author', sph_field='authors'), Facet('journal', sph_field='journal_title_abbreviation'), Facet('mesh', attr='mesh_attr', sql_col='mesh_term', sql_table='mesh_terms_terms'), Facet('year', sql_table=None), ) # setup sorting and ordering of each facet for f in cl.facets: # group by a custom function f.SetGroupFunc('sum(citation_count_attr)') # f.SetGroupSort('@count desc') # order the term alphabetically within each facet f.SetOrderBy('@term', order='asc') # fixes Sphinx bug: SetSelect with distributed indexes f._set_select = f._set_select + ', %s, %s, pmid_attr, citation_count_attr' % (f._attr, 'year_attr') # stop after having processed 500 results (see optimization)
order by field(imdb_id, $id)''', post_processors=[ SplitOnSep('director', 'actor', 'genre', 'keyword', sep='@#@') ]) cl.AttachDBFetch(db_fetch) # give it a cache for the search and the facets #cl.AttachCache(cache) # setup the different facets cl.AttachFacets( Facet('year', sql_table=None), Facet('genre'), Facet('keyword', attr='plot_keyword_attr', sql_col='plot_keyword', sql_table='plot_keyword_terms'), Facet('director'), Facet('actor'), ) # for all facets compute count, groupby and this score group_func = ''' sum( if (runtime_attr > 45, if (nb_votes_attr > 1000, if (nb_votes_attr < 10000, nb_votes_attr * user_rating_attr, 10000 * user_rating_attr),
(select group_concat(distinct s.alias separator '@#@') from relPersona as r, tipoRelacionP2P as t, persona as s where and and and t.parent!=1) as relacion_persona, (select group_concat(distinct s.alias separator '@#@') from relFamiliar as r, persona as s where and as relacion_familiar from persona p where p.is_active='T' and id in ($id) order by field(id, $id)''', post_processors = [ SplitOnSep('organizaciones', 'relacion_empresa', 'conyuge', 'relacion_persona', 'relacion_familiar',sep='@#@') ] ) cl.AttachDBFetch(db_fetch) # give it a cache for the search and the facets #cl.AttachCache(cache) # setup the different facets cl.AttachFacets( Facet('organizaciones', attr='organizacion_attr', sql_col='alias', sql_table='Organizacion'), Facet('empresas', attr='empresa_attr', sql_col='alias', sql_table='Organizacion'), Facet('relacion_empresa', attr='relacionEmp_attr', sql_col='relationship', sql_table='tipoRelacionP20'), Facet('relacion_persona', attr='relacionPers_attr', sql_col='alias', sql_table='persona'), Facet('relacion_familiar', attr='relacionFam_attr', sql_col='alias', sql_table='persona'), ) # for all facets compute count, groupby and this score # setup sorting and ordering of each facet for f in cl.facets: #f.SetGroupFunc(group_func) # order the term alphabetically within each facet f.SetOrderBy('@term')