def _cancel_jobs(dn): """ Cancel all jobs that belong to dn. Returns the list of affected jobs ids. """ jobs = Session.query(Job.job_id).filter(Job.job_state.in_(JobActiveStates), Job.user_dn == dn, Job.job_finished == None) job_ids = map(lambda j: j[0], jobs) try: now = datetime.utcnow() for job_id in job_ids: Session.query(File).filter(File.job_id == job_id).filter(File.file_state.in_(FileActiveStates))\ .update({ 'file_state': 'CANCELED', 'reason': 'User banned', 'finish_time': now }, synchronize_session=False) Session.query(Job).filter(Job.job_id == job_id)\ .update({ 'job_state': 'CANCELED', 'reason': 'User banned', 'job_finished': now }, synchronize_session=False) Session.commit() Session.expire_all() return job_ids except Exception: Session.rollback() raise
def setUp(self): super(TestConfigSe, self).setUp() self.setup_gridsite_environment() Session.query(Optimizer).delete() Session.query(ConfigAudit).delete() Session.query(OperationConfig).delete() Session.query(Se).delete() Session.commit() self.host_config = { 'operations': { 'atlas': { 'delete': 22, 'staging': 32, }, 'dteam': { 'delete': 10, 'staging': 11 } }, 'se_info': { 'ipv6': 1, 'outbound_max_active': 55, 'inbound_max_active': 11, 'inbound_max_throughput': 33, 'se_metadata': 'metadata' } }
def get_access_granted(self): dropbox_user_info = self._get_dropbox_user_info() if not dropbox_user_info: raise HTTPBadRequest('No registered user for the service "%s" has been found' % self.service) dropbox_info = self._get_dropbox_info() if not dropbox_info: raise HTTPNotFound('Dropbox info not found in the databse') access_tokens = self._make_call( dropboxApiEndpoint + "/1/oauth/access_token", 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_consumer_key="' + dropbox_info.app_key + '", oauth_token="' + dropbox_user_info.request_token + '", oauth_signature="' + dropbox_info.app_secret + '&' + dropbox_user_info.request_token_secret + '"', None ) # It returns: oauth_token=<access-token>&oauth_token_secret=<access-token-secret>&uid=<user-id> access_tokens = access_tokens.split('&') dropbox_user_info.access_token = access_tokens[1].split('=')[1] dropbox_user_info.access_token_secret = access_tokens[0].split('=')[1] try: Session.add(dropbox_user_info) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise return access_tokens
def tearDown(self): super(TestOAuth2, self).tearDown() Session.query(OAuth2Application).delete() Session.query(OAuth2Token).delete() Session.query(OAuth2Code).delete() Session.query(AuthorizationByDn).delete() Session.commit()
def _prepare_and_test_created_jobs_to_cancel(self, files_per_job=8): """ Helper function to prepare and test created jobs for cancel tests """ job_ids = list() for i in range(len(FileActiveStates) + len(FileTerminalStates)): job_ids.append(self._submit(files_per_job)) i = 0 for state in FileActiveStates + FileTerminalStates: job = Session.query(Job).get(job_ids[i]) i += 1 if state == 'STARTED': job.job_state = 'STAGING' else: job.job_state = state for f in job.files: f.file_state = state Session.merge(job) Session.commit() i = 0 for state in FileActiveStates + FileTerminalStates: job = Session.query(Job).get(job_ids[i]) state_job = state if state == 'STARTED': state_job = 'STAGING' self.assertEqual(job.job_state, state_job) for f in job.files: self.assertEqual(f.file_state, state) i += 1 return job_ids
def _cancel_jobs(dn): """ Cancel all jobs that belong to dn. Returns the list of affected jobs ids. """ jobs = Session.query(Job.job_id).filter(Job.job_state.in_(JobActiveStates)).filter(Job.user_dn == dn) job_ids = map(lambda j: j[0], jobs) try: now = datetime.utcnow() for job_id in job_ids: Session.query(File).filter(File.job_id == job_id).filter(File.file_state.in_(FileActiveStates))\ .update({ 'file_state': 'CANCELED', 'reason': 'User banned', 'job_finished': now, 'finish_time': now }, synchronize_session=False) Session.query(Job).filter(Job.job_id == job_id)\ .update({ 'job_state': 'CANCELED', 'reason': 'User banned', 'job_finished': now, 'finish_time': now }, synchronize_session=False) Session.commit() Session.expire_all() return job_ids except Exception: Session.rollback() raise
def get_access_requested(self): dropbox_info = self._get_dropbox_info() request_tokens = self._make_call( dropboxApiEndpoint + "/1/oauth/request_token", 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",' 'oauth_consumer_key="' + dropbox_info.app_key + '", oauth_signature="' + dropbox_info.app_secret + '&"', None ) # It returns: oauth_token_secret=b9q1n5il4lcc&oauth_token=mh7an9dkrg59 tokens = request_tokens.split('&') newuser = CloudStorageUser( user_dn=self.user_dn, cloudStorage_name=dropbox_info.cloudStorage_name, request_token=tokens[1].split('=')[1], request_token_secret=tokens[0].split('=')[1] ) try: Session.add(newuser) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise return request_tokens
def fill_optimizer(): evolution = OptimizerEvolution(datetime=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), source_se='', dest_se='', success=90, active=10, throughput=10) Session.add(evolution) evolution = OptimizerEvolution(datetime=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), source_se='', dest_se='', success=95, active=10, throughput=15) Session.add(evolution) evolution = OptimizerEvolution(datetime=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), source_se='', dest_se='', success=100, active=10, throughput=20) Session.add(evolution) Session.commit()
def fill_activities(): activity = ActivityShare(vo='testvo', activity_share=json.dumps({ "data brokering": 0.3, "data consolidation": 0.4, "default": 0.02, "express": 0.4, "functional test": 0.2, "production": 0.5, "production input": 0.25, "production output": 0.25, "recovery": 0.4, "staging": 0.5, "t0 export": 0.7, "t0 tape": 0.7, "user subscriptions": 0.1 })) Session.add(activity) Session.commit()
def set_activity_shares(self): """ Set a new/modify an activity share """ input_dict = get_input_as_dict(request) if not input_dict.get('vo', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing VO') if not input_dict.get('share', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing share') if 'active' not in input_dict: input_dict['active'] = True input_dict['share'] = _normalize_activity_share_format( input_dict['share']) # Make sure the share weights are numbers for entry in input_dict['share']: for key, value in entry.iteritems(): if not type(value) in (float, int): raise HTTPBadRequest('Share weight must be a number') try: activity_share = ActivityShare(vo=input_dict['vo'], active=input_dict['active'], activity_share=input_dict['share']) Session.merge(activity_share) audit_configuration('activity-share', json.dumps(input_dict)) Session.commit() except ValueError, e: raise HTTPBadRequest(str(e))
def test_expired(self): """ Get a token, the token expires, so it should be denied """ client_id, access_token, refresh_token, expires = self.test_get_token() del['GRST_CRED_AURI_0'] response = url="/whoami", headers={'Authorization': str('Bearer %s' % access_token)}, status=200 ) whoami = json.loads(response.body) self.assertEqual('oauth2', whoami['method']) token = Session.query(OAuth2Token).get((client_id, refresh_token)) token.expires = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1) Session.merge(token) Session.commit() response = url="/whoami", headers={'Authorization': str('Bearer %s' % access_token)}, status=403 )
def test_set_voms(self): """ The server must regenerate a proxy with VOMS extensions Need a real proxy for this one """ self.setup_gridsite_environment() creds = self.get_user_credentials() # Need to push a real proxy :/ proxy_pem = self.get_real_x509_proxy() if proxy_pem is None: raise SkipTest( 'Could not get a valid real proxy for test_set_voms') proxy = Credential() proxy.dn = creds.user_dn proxy.dlg_id = creds.delegation_id proxy.termination_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1) proxy.proxy = proxy_pem Session.merge(proxy) Session.commit() # Now, request the voms extensions"/delegation/%s/voms" % creds.delegation_id, params=['dteam:/dteam/Role=lcgadmin'], status=203) # And validate proxy2 = Session.query(Credential).get( (creds.delegation_id, creds.user_dn)) self.assertNotEqual(proxy.proxy, proxy2.proxy) self.assertEqual('dteam:/dteam/Role=lcgadmin', proxy2.voms_attrs)
def delete_share(self, start_response): """ Delete a share """ input_dict = get_input_as_dict(request, from_query=True) source = input_dict.get('source') destination = input_dict.get('destination') vo = input_dict.get('vo') if not source or not destination or not vo: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing source, destination and/or vo') try: share = Session.query(ShareConfig).get((source, destination, vo)) if share: Session.delete(share) audit_configuration( 'share-delete', 'Share %s, %s, %s has been deleted' % (source, destination, vo)) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise start_response('204 No Content', []) return ['']
def setUp(self): super(TestDrain, self).setUp() self.setup_gridsite_environment() Session.add( Host(hostname='', service_name='fts3', beat=datetime.utcnow(), drain=False)) Session.add( Host(hostname='', service_name='bringonline', beat=datetime.utcnow(), drain=False)) Session.add( Host(hostname='', service_name='fts3', beat=datetime.utcnow(), drain=False)) Session.add( Host(hostname='', service_name='bringonline', beat=datetime.utcnow(), drain=False)) Session.commit()
def request(self, dlg_id, start_response): """ First step of the delegation process: get a certificate request The returned certificate request must be signed with the user's original credentials. """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] if dlg_id != user.delegation_id: raise HTTPForbidden('The requested ID and the credentials ID do not match') credential_cache = Session.query(CredentialCache)\ .get((user.delegation_id, user.user_dn)) if credential_cache is None or credential_cache.cert_request is None: (x509_request, private_key) = _generate_proxy_request() credential_cache = CredentialCache(dlg_id=user.delegation_id, dn=user.user_dn, cert_request=x509_request.as_pem(), priv_key=private_key.as_pem(cipher=None), voms_attrs=' '.join(user.voms_cred)) try: Session.merge(credential_cache) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise log.debug("Generated new credential request for %s" % dlg_id) else: log.debug("Using cached request for %s" % dlg_id) start_response('200 Ok', [('X-Delegation-ID', credential_cache.dlg_id), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) return [credential_cache.cert_request]
def delete_app(self, client_id): """ Delete an application from the database """ user = pylons.request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] app = Session.query(OAuth2Application).get(client_id) if app is None: raise HTTPNotFound('Application not found') if app.owner != user.user_dn: raise HTTPForbidden() try: Session.delete(app) Session.query(OAuth2Token).filter( OAuth2Token.client_id == client_id).delete() Session.query(OAuth2Code).filter( OAuth2Code.client_id == client_id).delete() Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise"Application removed: %s" % client_id) return None
def add_user_to_cloud_storage(self, storage_name, start_response): """ Add a user or a VO credentials to the storage """ storage = Session.query(CloudStorage).get(storage_name) if not storage: raise HTTPNotFound('The storage does not exist') input_dict = get_input_as_dict(request) if not input_dict.get('user_dn', None) and not input_dict.get('vo_name', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('One of user_dn or vo_name must be specified') elif input_dict.get('user_dn', None) and input_dict.get('vo_name', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Only one of user_dn or vo_name must be specified') cuser = CloudStorageUser( user_dn=input_dict.get('user_dn', ''), storage_name=storage_name, access_token=input_dict.get('access_key', input_dict.get('access_token', None)), access_token_secret=input_dict.get('secret_key', input_dict.get('access_token_secret', None)), request_token=input_dict.get('request_token'), request_token_secret=input_dict.get('request_token_secret'), vo_name=input_dict.get('vo_name', ''), ) try: Session.merge(cuser) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise start_response('201 Created', []) return dict(storage_name=cuser.storage_name, user_dn=cuser.user_dn, vo_name=cuser.vo_name)
def get_access_requested(self): dropbox_info = self._get_dropbox_info() request_tokens = self._make_call( dropboxApiEndpoint + "/1/oauth/request_token", 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",' 'oauth_consumer_key="' + dropbox_info.app_key + '", oauth_signature="' + dropbox_info.app_secret + '&"', None ) # It returns: oauth_token_secret=b9q1n5il4lcc&oauth_token=mh7an9dkrg59 tokens = request_tokens.split('&') newuser = CloudStorageUser( user_dn=self.user_dn, storage_name=dropbox_info.storage_name, request_token=tokens[1].split('=')[1], request_token_secret=tokens[0].split('=')[1], vo_name='' ) try: Session.add(newuser) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise return request_tokens
def test_set_voms(self): """ The server must regenerate a proxy with VOMS extensions Need a real proxy for this one """ self.setup_gridsite_environment() creds = self.get_user_credentials() # Need to push a real proxy :/ proxy_pem = self.get_real_x509_proxy() if proxy_pem is None: raise SkipTest('Could not get a valid real proxy for test_set_voms') proxy = Credential() proxy.dn = creds.user_dn proxy.dlg_id = creds.delegation_id proxy.termination_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1) proxy.proxy = proxy_pem Session.merge(proxy) Session.commit() # Now, request the voms extensions"/delegation/%s/voms" % creds.delegation_id, content_type='application/json', params=json.dumps(['dteam:/dteam/Role=lcgadmin']), status=203) # And validate proxy2 = Session.query(Credential).get((creds.delegation_id, creds.user_dn)) self.assertNotEqual(proxy.proxy, proxy2.proxy) self.assertEqual('dteam:/dteam/Role=lcgadmin', proxy2.voms_attrs)
def update_app(self, client_id): """ Update an application """ user = pylons.request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] app = Session.query(OAuth2Application).get(client_id) if not app: raise HTTPNotFound('Application not found') if app.owner != user.user_dn: raise HTTPForbidden() if pylons.request.headers['Content-Type'].startswith('application/json'): fields = json.loads(pylons.request.body) else: fields = pylons.request.POST try: if 'delete' not in fields: app.description = fields.get('description', '') = fields.get('website', '') app.redirect_to = fields.get('redirect_to', '') Session.merge(app) Session.commit() redirect(url_for(controller='oauth2', action='get_app'), code=HTTPSeeOther.code) else: Session.delete(app) Session.query(OAuth2Token).filter(OAuth2Token.client_id == client_id).delete() Session.query(OAuth2Code).filter(OAuth2Code.client_id == client_id).delete() Session.commit() redirect(url_for(controller='oauth2', action='get_my_apps'), code=HTTPSeeOther.code) except: Session.rollback() raise
def setUp(self): super(TestConfigShares, self).setUp() self.setup_gridsite_environment() Session.query(ServerConfig).delete() Session.query(ConfigAudit).delete() Session.query(OperationConfig).delete() Session.commit()
def test_cancel_some_terminal(self): """ Cancel a job with some files in terminal state """ job_id = self._submit(10) job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id) job.job_state = 'ACTIVE' for f in job.files: if f.file_id % 2 == 0: f.file_state = 'FINISHED' Session.merge(job) Session.commit() job ="/jobs/%s" % job_id, status=200).json self.assertEqual(job['job_id'], job_id) self.assertEqual(job['job_state'], 'CANCELED') self.assertEqual(job['reason'], 'Job canceled by the user') # Is it in the database? job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id) self.assertEqual(job.job_state, 'CANCELED') for f in job.files: if f.file_id % 2 == 0: self.assertEqual(f.file_state, 'FINISHED') self.assertNotEqual(f.reason, 'Job canceled by the user') else: self.assertEqual(f.file_state, 'CANCELED')
def test_cancel_terminal(self): """ Cancel a job with files in terminal state """ job_id = self._submit() job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id) job.job_state = 'FINISHED' for f in job.files: f.file_state = 'FINISHED' Session.merge(job) Session.commit() answer ="/jobs/%s" % job_id, status=200) job = json.loads(answer.body) self.assertEqual(job['job_id'], job_id) self.assertEqual(job['job_state'], 'FINISHED') self.assertNotEqual(job['reason'], 'Job canceled by the user') # Is it in the database? job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id) self.assertEqual(job.job_state, 'FINISHED') for f in job.files: self.assertEqual(f.file_state, 'FINISHED')
def test_expired(self): """ Get a token, the token expires, so it should be denied """ raise SkipTest('Disabled as code is not used atm') client_id, access_token, refresh_token, expires = self.test_get_token() del['GRST_CRED_AURI_0'] whoami ="/whoami", headers={ 'Authorization': str('Bearer %s' % access_token) }, status=200).json self.assertEqual('oauth2', whoami['method']) token = Session.query(OAuth2Token).get((client_id, refresh_token)) token.expires = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1) Session.merge(token) Session.commit() url="/whoami", headers={'Authorization': str('Bearer %s' % access_token)}, status=403)
def remove_authz(self, start_response): """ Revoke access for a DN for a given operation, or all """ input_dict = get_input_as_dict(request, from_query=True) dn = input_dict.get('dn') op = input_dict.get('operation') if not dn: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing DN parameter') to_be_removed = Session.query(AuthorizationByDn).filter( AuthorizationByDn.dn == dn) if op: to_be_removed = to_be_removed.filter( AuthorizationByDn.operation == op) try: to_be_removed.delete() if op: audit_configuration('revoke', '%s revoked for "%s"' % (op, dn)) else: audit_configuration('revoke', 'All revoked for "%s"' % dn) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise start_response('204 No Content', []) return ['']
def test_get_retries(self): """ Get the retries for a file, forcing one """ self.setup_gridsite_environment() self.push_delegation() job_id = self._submit() files ="/jobs/%s/files" % job_id, status=200).json file_id = files[0]['file_id'] retry = FileRetryLog() retry.file_id = file_id retry.attempt = 1 retry.datetime = datetime.utcnow() retry.reason = 'Blahblahblah' Session.merge(retry) Session.commit() retries ="/jobs/%s/files/%d/retries" % (job_id, file_id), status=200).json self.assertEqual(1, len(retries)) self.assertEqual(1, retries[0]['attempt']) self.assertEqual('Blahblahblah', retries[0]['reason'])
def test_cancel_running(self): """ Cancel a job, but the transfer is running (pid is set) """ job_id = self._submit() # Add pid transfer = Session.query(File).filter(File.job_id == job_id).first() = 1234 Session.merge(transfer) Session.commit() job ="/jobs/%s" % job_id, status=200).json self.assertEqual(job['job_id'], job_id) self.assertEqual(job['job_state'], 'CANCELED') self.assertEqual(job['reason'], 'Job canceled by the user') # Is it in the database? job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id) self.assertEqual(job.job_state, 'CANCELED') self.assertNotEqual(None, job.job_finished) for f in job.files: self.assertEqual(f.file_state, 'CANCELED') self.assertEqual(None, f.finish_time)
def request(self, dlg_id, start_response): """ First step of the delegation process: get a certificate request The returned certificate request must be signed with the user's original credentials. """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] if dlg_id != user.delegation_id: raise HTTPForbidden('The requested ID and the credentials ID do not match') credential_cache = Session.query(CredentialCache)\ .get((user.delegation_id, user.user_dn)) if credential_cache is None or credential_cache.cert_request is None: (x509_request, private_key) = _generate_proxy_request() credential_cache = CredentialCache(dlg_id=user.delegation_id, dn=user.user_dn, cert_request=x509_request.as_pem(), priv_key=private_key.as_pem(cipher=None), voms_attrs=' '.join(user.voms_cred)) try: Session.merge(credential_cache) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise log.debug("Generated new credential request for %s" % dlg_id) else: log.debug("Using cached request for %s" % dlg_id) start_response('200 Ok', [('X-Delegation-ID', str(credential_cache.dlg_id)), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) return [credential_cache.cert_request]
def set_drain(self): """ Set the drain status of a server """ input_dict = get_input_as_dict(request) hostname = input_dict.get('hostname', None) drain = input_dict.get('drain', True) if not isinstance(drain, bool) or not isinstance(hostname, basestring): raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid drain request') entries = Session.query(Host).filter(Host.hostname == hostname).all() if not entries: raise HTTPBadRequest('Host not found') try: audit_configuration( 'drain', 'Turning drain %s the drain mode for %s' % (drain, hostname)) for entry in entries: entry.drain = drain Session.merge(entry) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise
def cancel(self, id, **kwargs): """DELETE /jobs/id: Delete an existing item""" job = self._getJob(id) if job.job_state in JobActiveStates: now = job.job_state = 'CANCELED' job.finish_time = now job.job_finished = now job.reason = 'Job canceled by the user' for f in job.files: if f.file_state in JobActiveStates: f.file_state = 'CANCELED' f.job_finished = now f.finish_time = now f.reason = 'Job canceled by the user' Session.merge(job) Session.commit() job = self._getJob(id) files = job.files return job
def test_get_retries(self): """ Get the retries for a file, forcing one """ self.setup_gridsite_environment() self.push_delegation() job_id = self._submit() answer ="/jobs/%s/files" % job_id, status=200) files = json.loads(answer.body) file_id = files[0]['file_id'] retry = FileRetryLog() retry.file_id = file_id retry.attempt = 1 retry.datetime = datetime.utcnow() retry.reason = 'Blahblahblah' Session.merge(retry) Session.commit() answer ="/jobs/%s/files/%d/retries" % (job_id, file_id), status=200) retries = json.loads(answer.body) self.assertEqual(1, len(retries)) self.assertEqual(1, retries[0]['attempt']) self.assertEqual('Blahblahblah', retries[0]['reason'])
def popDelegation(self): cred = self.getUserCredentials() if cred and cred.delegation_id: delegated = Session.query(Credential).get((cred.delegation_id, cred.user_dn)) if delegated: Session.delete(delegated) Session.commit()
def get_access_granted(self): dropbox_user_info = self._get_dropbox_user_info() if not dropbox_user_info: raise HTTPBadRequest('No registered user for the service "%s" has been found' % self.service) dropbox_info = self._get_dropbox_info() if not dropbox_info: raise HTTPNotFound('Dropbox info not found in the database') access_tokens = self._make_call( dropboxApiEndpoint + "/1/oauth/access_token", 'OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_consumer_key="' + dropbox_info.app_key + '", oauth_token="' + dropbox_user_info.request_token + '", oauth_signature="' + dropbox_info.app_secret + '&' + dropbox_user_info.request_token_secret + '"', None ) # It returns: oauth_token=<access-token>&oauth_token_secret=<access-token-secret>&uid=<user-id> access_tokens = access_tokens.split('&') dropbox_user_info.access_token = access_tokens[1].split('=')[1] dropbox_user_info.access_token_secret = access_tokens[0].split('=')[1] try: Session.add(dropbox_user_info) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise return access_tokens
def submit(self): """ Submits a new job It returns the information about the new submitted job. To know the format for the submission, /api-docs/schema/submit gives the expected format encoded as a JSON-schema. It can be used to validate (i.e in Python, jsonschema.validate) """ # First, the request has to be valid JSON submitted_dict = get_input_as_dict(request) # The auto-generated delegation id must be valid user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] credential = Session.query(Credential).get((user.delegation_id, user.user_dn)) if credential is None: raise HTTPAuthenticationTimeout('No delegation found for "%s"' % user.user_dn) if credential.expired(): remaining = credential.remaining() seconds = abs(remaining.seconds + remaining.days * 24 * 3600) raise HTTPAuthenticationTimeout( 'The delegated credentials expired %d seconds ago (%s)' % (seconds, user.delegation_id) ) if user.method != 'oauth2' and credential.remaining() < timedelta(hours=1): raise HTTPAuthenticationTimeout( 'The delegated credentials has less than one hour left (%s)' % user.delegation_id ) # Populate the job and files populated = JobBuilder(user, **submitted_dict)"%s (%s) is submitting a transfer job" % (user.user_dn, user.vos[0])) # Insert the job try: try: Session.execute(Job.__table__.insert(), [populated.job]) except IntegrityError: raise HTTPConflict('The sid provided by the user is duplicated') if len(populated.files): Session.execute(File.__table__.insert(), populated.files) if len(populated.datamanagement): Session.execute(DataManagement.__table__.insert(), populated.datamanagement) Session.flush() Session.commit() except IntegrityError as err: Session.rollback() raise HTTPConflict('The submission is duplicated '+ str(err)) except: Session.rollback() raise # Send messages # Need to re-query so we get the file ids job = Session.query(Job).get(populated.job_id) for i in range(len(job.files)): try: submit_state_change(job, job.files[i], populated.files[0]['file_state']) except Exception, e: log.warning("Failed to write state message to disk: %s" % e.message)
def popDelegation(self): cred = self.getUserCredentials() if cred and cred.delegation_id: delegated = Session.query(Credential).get( (cred.delegation_id, cred.user_dn)) if delegated: Session.delete(delegated) Session.commit()
def request(self, dlg_id, start_response): """ First step of the delegation process: get a certificate request The returned certificate request must be signed with the user's original credentials. """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] if dlg_id != user.delegation_id: raise HTTPForbidden( 'The requested ID and the credentials ID do not match') credential_cache = Session.query(CredentialCache)\ .get((user.delegation_id, user.user_dn)) user_cert = self.certificate() request_key_len = 2048 if user_cert: user_key = X509.load_cert_string(user_cert) request_key_len = user_key.get_pubkey().size() * 8 cached = credential_cache is not None and credential_cache.cert_request is not None if cached: cached_key_len = X509.load_request_string( credential_cache.cert_request).get_pubkey().size() * 8 if cached_key_len != request_key_len: cached = False log.debug( "Invalidating cache due to key length missmatch between client and cached certificates" ) if not cached: (x509_request, private_key) = _generate_proxy_request(request_key_len) credential_cache = CredentialCache( dlg_id=user.delegation_id, dn=user.user_dn, cert_request=x509_request.as_pem(), priv_key=private_key.as_pem(cipher=None), voms_attrs=' '.join(user.voms_cred)) try: Session.merge(credential_cache) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise log.debug("Generated new credential request for %s" % dlg_id) else: log.debug("Using cached request for %s" % dlg_id) start_response('200 Ok', [('X-Delegation-ID', str(credential_cache.dlg_id)), ('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) return [credential_cache.cert_request]
def register(self): """ Register a new third party application """ if pylons.request.content_type.split( ';')[0].strip() == 'application/json': req = json.loads(pylons.request.body) scopes = req.get('scope', list()) else: req = pylons.request.POST scopes = req.getall('scope') if isinstance(scopes, basestring): scopes = scopes.split(',') if not req.get('name', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing application name') if not req.get('website', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing application website') if not req.get('redirect_to', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing redirect urls') for s in scopes: if str(s) not in VALID_OPERATIONS: raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid scope (%s)' % s) user = pylons.request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] app_id = _generate_app_id() app = OAuth2Application(client_id=app_id, client_secret=_generate_app_secret(), name=req['name'], description=req.get('description', ''), website=req['website'], scope=scopes, redirect_to=req['redirect_to'], owner=user.user_dn) try: Session.merge(app) Session.commit() except IntegrityError: Session.rollback() raise HTTPForbidden('The name already exists') except: Session.rollback() raise"New application registered: %s (%s)" % (req['name'], app_id)) if _accept_html(pylons.request.accept): redirect(url_for(controller='oauth2', action='get_my_apps'), code=HTTPSeeOther.code) else: pylons.response.status_int = HTTPCreated.code pylons.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return [to_json(app.client_id)]
def pop_delegation(self): """ Remove the mock proxy from the database """ cred = self.get_user_credentials() if cred and cred.delegation_id: delegated = Session.query(Credential).get((cred.delegation_id, cred.user_dn)) if delegated: Session.delete(delegated) Session.commit()
def setUp(self): # Inject a Dropbox app cs = CloudStorage(storage_name='DROPBOX', app_key='1234', app_secret='sssh', service_api_url='') Session.merge(cs) Session.commit() self.setup_gridsite_environment()
def remove_token(self): info = self._get_dropbox_user_info() if info is None: raise HTTPNotFound('No registered user for the service "%s" has been found' % self.service) try: Session.delete(info) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise
def cancel_files(self, job_id, file_ids): """ Cancel individual files - comma separated for multiple - within a job """ job = self._get_job(job_id) if job.job_type != 'N': raise HTTPBadRequest('Multihop or reuse jobs must be cancelled at once (%s)' % str(job.job_type)) file_ids = file_ids.split(',') changed_states = list() try: # Mark files in the list as CANCELED for file_id in file_ids: file = Session.query(File).get(file_id) if not file or file.job_id != job_id: changed_states.append('File does not belong to the job') continue if file.file_state not in FileActiveStates: changed_states.append(file.file_state) continue file.file_state = 'CANCELED' file.finish_time = datetime.utcnow() file.dest_surl_uuid = None changed_states.append('CANCELED') Session.merge(file) # Mark job depending on the status of the rest of files not_changed_states = map(lambda f: f.file_state, filter(lambda f: f.file_id not in file_ids, job.files)) all_states = not_changed_states + changed_states # All files within the job have been canceled if len(not_changed_states) == 0: job.job_state = 'CANCELED' job.cancel_job = True job.job_finished = datetime.utcnow() log.warning('Cancelling all remaining files within the job %s' % job_id) # No files in non-terminal, mark the job as CANCELED too elif len(filter(lambda s: s in FileActiveStates, all_states)) == 0: log.warning('Cancelling a file within a job with others in terminal state (%s)' % job_id) job.job_state = 'CANCELED' job.cancel_job = True job.job_finished = datetime.utcnow() else: log.warning('Cancelling files within a job with others still active (%s)' % job_id) Session.merge(job) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise return changed_states if len(changed_states) > 1 else changed_states[0]
def tearDown(self): """ Called by the test framework at the end of each test """ Session.query(Credential).delete() Session.query(CredentialCache).delete() Session.query(FileRetryLog).delete() Session.query(File).delete() Session.query(Job).delete() Session.query(OptimizerActive).delete() Session.commit()
def pushDelegation(self, lifetime = timedelta(hours = 7)): creds = self.getUserCredentials() delegated = Credential() delegated.dlg_id = creds.delegation_id delegated.dn = creds.user_dn delegated.proxy = '-NOT USED-' delegated.voms_attrs = None delegated.termination_time = + lifetime Session.merge(delegated) Session.commit()
def test_ban_dn_submission(self): """ If a DN is banned, submissions from this user must not be accepted """ banned = BannedDN() banned.dn = self.get_user_credentials().user_dn Session.merge(banned) Session.commit() self.push_delegation()"/jobs", content_type='application/json', params='[]', status=403)
def setUp(self): # Inject a Dropbox app cs = CloudStorage( cloudStorage_name='DROPBOX', app_key='1234', app_secret='sssh', service_api_url='' ) Session.merge(cs) Session.commit() self.setup_gridsite_environment()
def _ban_dn(dn): """ Mark in the db the given DN as banned """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] banned = BannedDN() banned.dn = dn banned.addition_time = datetime.utcnow() banned.admin_dn = user.user_dn try: Session.merge(banned) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise
def register(self): """ Register a new third party application """ if pylons.request.content_type.split(';')[0].strip() == 'application/json': req = json.loads(pylons.request.body) else: req = pylons.request.POST if not req.get('name', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing application name') if not req.get('website', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing application website') if not req.get('redirect_to', None): raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing redirect urls') user = pylons.request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] app_id = _generate_app_id() app = OAuth2Application( client_id=app_id, client_secret=_generate_app_secret(), name=req['name'], description=req.get('description', ''), website=req['website'], redirect_to=req['redirect_to'], owner=user.user_dn ) try: Session.merge(app) Session.commit() except IntegrityError: Session.rollback() raise HTTPForbidden('The name already exists') except: Session.rollback() raise"New application registered: %s (%s)" % (req['name'], app_id)) if _accept_html(pylons.request.accept): redirect(url_for(controller='oauth2', action='get_my_apps'), code=HTTPSeeOther.code) else: pylons.response.status_int = HTTPCreated.code pylons.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return to_json(app.client_id)
def is_access_requested(self): info = self._get_dropbox_user_info() if info is None: raise HTTPNotFound('No registered user for the service "%s" has been found' % self.service) if info.is_registered(): res = self._get_content("/") if res.startswith("401"): try: Session.delete(info) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise raise HTTPNotFound('No registered user for the service "%s" has been found' % self.service) return info
def test_optimizer_respected(self): """ Submitting a job with an existing OptimizerActive entry must respect the existing value """ self.test_submit() # Set active to 20 oa = Session.query(OptimizerActive).get(('root://', 'root://')) = 20 Session.merge(oa) Session.flush() Session.commit() # Submit a job self.test_submit() # Make sure it is still 20! oa2 = Session.query(OptimizerActive).get(('root://', 'root://')) self.assertEqual(20,
def push_delegation(self, lifetime=timedelta(hours=7)): """ Push into the database a mock delegated credential Args: lifetime: The mock credential lifetime """ creds = self.get_user_credentials() delegated = Credential() delegated.dlg_id = creds.delegation_id delegated.dn = creds.user_dn delegated.proxy = '-NOT USED-' delegated.voms_attrs = None delegated.termination_time = datetime.utcnow() + lifetime Session.merge(delegated) Session.commit()
def _insert_job(self): job = ArchivedJob() job.job_id = '111-222-333' job.job_state = 'CANCELED' archived = ArchivedFile() archived.job_id = job.job_id archived.file_id = 1234 archived.file_state = 'CANCELED' archived.source_se = 'srm://source' archived.dest_se = 'srm://dest' Session.merge(job) Session.merge(archived) Session.commit() return job.job_id
def request(self, id, start_response): user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] credentialCache = Session.query(CredentialCache).get((id, user.user_dn)) if credentialCache is None: (proxyRequest, proxyKey) = generateProxyRequest(user.dn) credentialCache = CredentialCache(dlg_id = user.delegation_id, dn = user.user_dn, cert_request = proxyRequest.as_pem(), priv_key = proxyKey.as_pem(cipher = None), voms_attrs = ' '.join(user.voms_cred)) Session.add(credentialCache) Session.commit() start_response('200 OK', [('X-Delegation-ID', credentialCache.dlg_id)]) return credentialCache.cert_request
def revoke_token(self, client_id): """ Current user revokes all tokens for a given application """ user = pylons.request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] try: Session.query(OAuth2Token).filter( (OAuth2Token.client_id == client_id) & (OAuth2Token.dlg_id == user.delegation_id) ).delete() Session.query(OAuth2Code).filter( (OAuth2Code.client_id == client_id) & (OAuth2Code.dlg_id == user.delegation_id) ) Session.commit() except: Session.rollback() raise log.warning("User %s revoked application %s" % (user.user_dn, client_id)) redirect(url_for(controller='oauth2', action='get_my_apps'), code=HTTPSeeOther.code)
def insert_job(vo, source=None, destination=None, state='SUBMITTED', multiple=None, duration=None, queued=None, thr=None, reason=None, user_dn='/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=Test User'): assert(multiple is not None or (destination is not None and source is not None)) job = Job() job.user_dn = user_dn job.vo_name = vo job.source_se = source job.job_state = state job.submit_time = datetime.utcnow() if duration and queued: job.finish_time = job.submit_time + timedelta(seconds=duration+queued) elif duration: job.finish_time = job.submit_time + timedelta(seconds=duration) job.job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) Session.merge(job) if multiple is None: multiple = [(source, destination)] for (s, d) in multiple: transfer = File() transfer.job_id = job.job_id transfer.vo_name = vo transfer.source_se = s transfer.source_surl = s + '/path' transfer.dest_se = d transfer.dest_surl = d + '/path' transfer.file_state = state if queued: transfer.start_time = job.submit_time + timedelta(seconds=queued) if duration: transfer.tx_duration = duration if reason: transfer.reason = reason if thr: transfer.throughput = thr Session.merge(transfer) Session.commit() return job.job_id
def unban_se(self, start_response): """ Unban a storage element """ storage = request.params.get('storage', None) if not storage: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing storage parameter') banned = Session.query(BannedSE).get(storage) if banned: try: Session.delete(banned) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() log.warn("Storage %s unbanned" % storage) else: log.warn("Unban of storage %s without effect" % storage) start_response('204 No Content', []) return ['']
def credential(self, id, start_response): user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] credentialCache = Session.query(CredentialCache).get((id, user.user_dn)) x509ProxyPEM = request.body x509Proxy = X509.load_cert_string(x509ProxyPEM) proxyExpirationTime = x509Proxy.get_not_after().get_datetime().replace(tzinfo = None) x509FullProxyPEM = self._buildFullProxyPEM(x509ProxyPEM, credentialCache.priv_key) credential = Credential(dlg_id = id, dn = user.user_dn, proxy = x509FullProxyPEM, voms_attrs = credentialCache.voms_attrs, termination_time = proxyExpirationTime) Session.merge(credential) Session.commit() start_response('201 CREATED', []) return ''
def _ban_se(storage, vo_name, allow_submit, status, timeout): """ Mark in the db the given storage as banned """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] banned = BannedSE() = storage banned.addition_time = datetime.utcnow() banned.admin_dn = user.user_dn banned.vo = vo_name if allow_submit and status == 'WAIT': banned.status = 'WAIT_AS' else: banned.status = status banned.wait_timeout = timeout try: Session.merge(banned) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise
def delete(self, dlg_id, start_response): """ Delete the delegated credentials from the database """ user = request.environ['fts3.User.Credentials'] if dlg_id != user.delegation_id: raise HTTPForbidden('The requested ID and the credentials ID do not match') cred = Session.query(Credential).get((user.delegation_id, user.user_dn)) if not cred: raise HTTPNotFound('Delegated credentials not found') else: try: Session.delete(cred) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() raise start_response('204 No Content', []) return ['']
def unban_dn(self, start_response): """ Unban a user """ dn = request.params.get('user_dn', None) if not dn: raise HTTPBadRequest('Missing user_dn parameter') banned = Session.query(BannedDN).get(dn) if banned: try: Session.delete(banned) Session.commit() except Exception: Session.rollback() log.warn("User %s unbanned" % dn) else: log.warn("Unban of user %s without effect" % dn) start_response('204 No Content', []) return ['']