Exemple #1
def test_iterate_scheme():
    from fuel.datasets import IndexableDataset
    from fuel.schemes import (SequentialScheme, ShuffledScheme,SequentialExampleScheme, ShuffledExampleScheme)

    seed = 1234
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
    features = rng.randint(256, size=(8, 2, 2))
    targets = rng.randint(4, size=(8, 1))

    dataset = IndexableDataset(indexables=OrderedDict([('features', features),
                                                       ('targets', targets)]),
                               axis_labels=OrderedDict([('features', ('batch', 'height', 'width')),
                                                        ('targets', ('batch', 'index'))]))

    schemes = [SequentialScheme(examples=8, batch_size=5),
               ShuffledScheme(examples=8, batch_size=3),

    # for scheme in schemes:
    #     print(list(scheme.get_request_iterator()))

    state = dataset.open()
    scheme = ShuffledScheme(examples=dataset.num_examples, batch_size=3)

    for request in scheme.get_request_iterator():
        data = dataset.get_data(state=state, request=request)
        print(data[0].shape, data[1].shape)

def get_results(C=None, pt=None):
    dual_class = KLD(C)

    # Direct Otimizer
    # model = CCmodel()

    # Spade Optimizer
    model = DeeNemBis(dual_class)
    train_state = train_dataset.open()
    test_state = test_dataset.open()

    scheme = ShuffledScheme(examples=train_dataset.num_examples,
    # test_scheme = ShuffledScheme(examples=test_dataset.num_examples,
    #                             batch_size=test_dataset.num_examples)
    print "Input dim is " + str(input_dim)
    print "p is " + str(p)
    # Get the theano functions
    train_fn, test_fn = model.get_fns(input_dim=input_dim, p=p)
    num_epochs = 100

    cost = []
    time_arr = []

    passed_time = 0
    curr_time = time.time()
    idx = 0
    meas1 = []
    meas2 = []
    for epochs in tqdm(xrange(num_epochs)):
        for request in scheme.get_request_iterator():
            data = train_dataset.get_data(state=train_state, request=request)
            r0, r1 = train_fn(data[0], data[1].ravel())
            # print r0, r1
            if idx % 100 == 0:
                # print a, b
                time_arr.append(passed_time + time.time() - curr_time)
                passed_time = time_arr[-1]
                test_req = range(test_dataset.num_examples)
                test_data = test_dataset.get_data(state=test_state,
                minC, out = test_fn(test_data[0], test_data[1])

                curr_time = time.time()
            idx += 1
    minC, out = test_fn(test_data[0], test_data[1])
    np.savetxt('gold_' + location + '.csv', test_data[1])
    np.savetxt('test_' + location + '.csv', out)
    # print meas1, meas2
    return time_arr, meas1
Exemple #3
    def get_curr_out(self, model, example_set, batch_size=256):
        scheme = ShuffledScheme(examples=example_set.num_examples,
        example_state = example_set.open()
        x = T.matrix('features')
        out = model.apply(x)
        pred_fn = theano.function([x], out)
        y = np.zeros((example_set.num_examples))
        y_hat = np.zeros((example_set.num_examples))
        for idx, request in enumerate(scheme.get_request_iterator()):
            data = example_set.get_data(state=example_state, request=request)
            out_val = pred_fn(data[0].astype(np.float32))
            end_idx = (idx + 1) * batch_size
            if end_idx < example_set.num_examples:
                y[idx * batch_size:end_idx] = data[1].flatten()
                y_hat[idx * batch_size:end_idx] = out_val.flatten()
        P = np.sum(y)
        N = np.sum(1 - y)

        return (y, y_hat), P, N
Exemple #4
def main():
    args = utils.get_args()

    # Settings
    BATCH_SIZE = 128
    NB_EPOCHS = args.epochs  # default 25
    LRN_RATE = 0.0001 / 28

    if args.verbose:
        PRINT_DELAY = 1
        PRINT_DELAY = 500

    # if running on server (MILA), copy dataset locally
    dataset_path = utils.init_dataset(args, 'mnist')

    # load dataset
    data = load_mnist_dataset(dataset_path, args)
    train_feats, train_targets, valid_feats, valid_targets, test_feats, test_targets = data

    # Get theano functions
    predict, preds_grad, network = build_theano_fn()

    print 'Starting training...'

    hist_errors = []
    running_err_avg = 0
    running_last_err_avg = 0

    # Create mask that will be used to create sequences
    mask = np.tril(np.ones((784, 784), dtype=theano.config.floatX), 0)

    for i in xrange(NB_EPOCHS):

        print 'Epoch #%s of %s' % ((i + 1), NB_EPOCHS)

        epoch_err = []
        num_batch = 0
        t_epoch = time.time()

        # iterate over minibatches for training
        schemes_train = ShuffledScheme(examples=train_feats.shape[0], batch_size=1)

        # We deal with 1 example as if it was an episode
        for batch_idx in schemes_train.get_request_iterator():

            batch_delta_params = []
            batch_error = []
            batch_grads = []

            num_batch += 1
            t_batch = time.time()

            train_x = train_feats[batch_idx]
            true_y = train_targets[batch_idx]

            nb_seq = 0

            for t in xrange(784):

                # apply mask at fixed interval, making sequences of pixels appear
                if (t + 1) % 28 == 0:

                    nb_seq += 1

                    seq_x = train_x * mask[t]
                    pred = predict(seq_x)[0, 0]
                    grad = preds_grad(seq_x)

                    # if nb_seq == 1:
                    #     sum_grad = np.copy(grad)
                    # else:
                        # sum_grad += np.copy(grad)

                    if t < 783:
                        seq_x_prime = train_x * mask[t + 28]
                        pred_y_prime = predict(seq_x_prime)[0, 0]
                        TD_error = (pred_y_prime - pred)
                        error = (true_y - pred)
                        TD_error = (true_y - pred)
                        error = (true_y - pred)

                    param_values = lyr.get_all_param_values(network)

                    delta_params = LRN_RATE * TD_error * grad
                    param_values += delta_params
                    lyr.set_all_param_values(network, param_values)


            # update params based on experience

            last_error = np.abs(error)[0]
            sqrd_error = np.linalg.norm(batch_error, 2)
            running_err_avg = 0.05 * sqrd_error + 0.95 * running_err_avg
            running_last_err_avg = 0.05 * last_error + 0.95 * running_last_err_avg

            if num_batch % PRINT_DELAY == 0:
                print '- batch %s, err %s (avg %s), last %s (avg %s), in %s sec' % (num_batch,  np.round(sqrd_error, 4),
                                                                                        np.round(running_err_avg, 4),
                                                                                        np.round(last_error, 4),
                                                                                        np.round(running_last_err_avg, 4),
                                                                                        np.round(time.time() - t_batch, 2))

        print '- Epoch train (err %s) in %s sec' % (epoch_err, round(time.time() - t_epoch))

        # hist_errors.append(epoch_err)
        utils.dump_objects_output(args, epoch_err, 'epoch_%s_error_sqrd_norm.pkl' % (i + 1))
Exemple #5
test_scheme = ShuffledScheme(examples=test_dataset.num_examples,
print "Input dim is " + str(input_dim)
print "p is " + str(p)
# Get the theano functions
train_fn, test_fn = model.get_fns(input_dim=input_dim, p=p)
num_epochs = 10

cost = []
time_arr = []

passed_time = 0
curr_time = time.time()
idx = 0
for epochs in tqdm(xrange(num_epochs)):
    for request in scheme.get_request_iterator():
        data = train_dataset.get_data(state=train_state, request=request)
        c = train_fn(data[0], data[1].ravel())
        #print c
        if idx % 100 == 0:
            time_arr.append(passed_time + time.time() - curr_time)
            passed_time = time_arr[-1]
            test_req = range(test_dataset.num_examples)
            test_data = test_dataset.get_data(state=test_state,
            minC = test_fn(test_data[0], test_data[1])
            curr_time = time.time()
        idx += 1
Exemple #6
    # valid_acc = []
    valid_loss = []
    # train_acc = []
    train_loss = []
    best_valid_loss = float('inf')

    for i in xrange(nb_epochs):

        # iterate over minibatches for training
        schemes = ShuffledScheme(examples=train_x.shape[0],

        epoch_acc = 0
        epoch_loss = 0
        num_batch = 0
        for batch_idx in schemes.get_request_iterator():

            batch_loss = train(batch_idx)
            # epoch_acc += batch_acc
            epoch_loss += batch_loss
            num_batch += 1

        # train_acc.append(np.round(epoch_acc / num_batch, 4))
        train_loss.append(np.round(epoch_loss / num_batch, 4))

        epoch_loss, preds = valid(valid_idx)
        # valid_acc.append(np.round(batch_acc, 4))
        valid_loss.append(np.round(epoch_loss, 4))

        print 'Epoch #%s of %s' % ((i + 1), nb_epochs)
        print '- Train (loss %s)' % (train_loss[i])
def main():
    args = utils.get_args()

    # Settings for training
    BATCH_SIZE = 128
    NB_EPOCHS = args.epochs  # default 25
    NB_GEN = args.gen  # default 5
    if args.reload is not None:
        RELOAD_SRC = args.reload[0]
        RELOAD_ID = args.reload[1]

    if args.verbose:
        BATCH_PRINT_DELAY = 100

    # if running on server (MILA), copy dataset locally
    dataset_path = utils.init_dataset(args, 'mscoco_inpainting/preprocessed')
    train_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'train2014')
    valid_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'val2014')

    if args.captions:
        t = time.time()
        embedding_model = utils.init_google_word2vec_model(args)
        print 'Embedding model was loaded in %s secs' % np.round(
            time.time() - t, 0)

    # build network and get theano functions for training
    theano_fn = gen_theano_fn(args)
    train_discr, train_gen, predict, reconstr_fn, reconstr_noise_shrd, model = theano_fn

    # get different file names for the split data set
    train_files = utils.get_preprocessed_files(train_path)
    train_full_files, train_cter_files, train_capt_files = train_files

    valid_files = utils.get_preprocessed_files(valid_path)
    valid_full_files, valid_cter_files, valid_capt_files = valid_files

    NB_TRAIN_FILES = len(train_full_files)
    NB_VALID_FILES = len(valid_full_files)

    print 'Starting training...'

    train_loss = []

    if args.reload is not None:
        discriminator, generator = model
        file_discr = 'discrminator_epoch_%s.pkl' % RELOAD_ID
        file_gen = 'generator_epoch_%s.pkl' % RELOAD_ID
        loaded_discr = utils.reload_model(args, discriminator, file_discr,
        loaded_gen = utils.reload_model(args, generator, file_gen, RELOAD_SRC)

    for i in xrange(NB_EPOCHS):

        print 'Epoch #%s of %s' % ((i + 1), NB_EPOCHS)

        epoch_acc = 0
        epoch_loss = 0
        num_batch = 0
        t_epoch = time.time()
        d_batch_loss = 0
        g_batch_loss = 0
        steps_loss_g = []  # will store every loss of generator
        steps_loss_d = []  # will store every loss of discriminator
        d_train_step = 0

        # iterate of split datasets
        for file_id in np.random.choice(NB_TRAIN_FILES,

            t_load = time.time()

            # load file with full image
            with open(train_full_files[file_id], 'r') as f:
                train_full = np.load(f).astype(theano.config.floatX)

            if args.captions:
                # load file with the captions
                with open(train_capt_files[file_id], 'rb') as f:
                    train_capt = pkl.load(f)

            if args.verbose:
                print 'file %s loaded in %s sec' % (
                    train_full_files[file_id], round(time.time() - t_load, 0))

            # iterate over minibatches for training
            schemes_train = ShuffledScheme(examples=len(train_full),

            for batch_idx in schemes_train.get_request_iterator():

                d_train_step += 1

                t_batch = time.time()
                # generate batch of uniform samples
                rdm_d = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., size=(len(batch_idx), 100))
                rdm_d = rdm_d.astype(theano.config.floatX)

                # train with a minibatch on discriminator
                if args.captions:
                    # generate embeddings for the batch
                    d_capts_batch = utils.captions_to_embedded_matrix(
                        embedding_model, batch_idx, train_capt)

                    d_batch_loss = train_discr(train_full[batch_idx], rdm_d,

                    d_batch_loss = train_discr(train_full[batch_idx], rdm_d)


                if num_batch % BATCH_PRINT_DELAY == 0:
                    print '- train discr batch %s, loss %s in %s sec' % (
                        num_batch, np.round(d_batch_loss, 4),
                        np.round(time.time() - t_batch, 2))

                # check if it is time to train the generator
                if d_train_step >= TRAIN_STEPS_DISCR:

                    # reset discriminator step counter
                    d_train_step = 0

                    # train the generator for given number of steps
                    for _ in xrange(TRAIN_STEPS_GEN):

                        # generate batch of uniform samples
                        rdm_g = np.random.uniform(-1.,
                                                  size=(BATCH_SIZE, 100))
                        rdm_g = rdm_g.astype(theano.config.floatX)

                        # train with a minibatch on generator
                        if args.captions:
                            # sample a random set of captions from current training file
                            g_batch_idx = np.random.choice(len(train_full),
                            g_capts_batch = utils.captions_to_embedded_matrix(
                                embedding_model, g_batch_idx, train_capt)

                            g_batch_loss = train_gen(rdm_g, g_capts_batch)
                            g_batch_loss = train_gen(rdm_g)


                        if num_batch % BATCH_PRINT_DELAY == 0:
                            print '- train gen step %s, loss %s' % (
                                _ + 1, np.round(g_batch_loss, 4))

                epoch_loss += d_batch_loss + g_batch_loss
                num_batch += 1

        train_loss.append(np.round(epoch_loss, 4))

        if args.save > 0 and i % args.save == 0:
            discriminator, generator = model
            utils.save_model(args, discriminator,
                             'discrminator_epoch_%s.pkl' % i)
            utils.save_model(args, generator, 'generator_epoch_%s.pkl' % i)

        print '- Epoch train (loss %s) in %s sec' % (
            train_loss[i], round(time.time() - t_epoch))

        # save losses at each step
        utils.dump_objects_output(args, (steps_loss_d, steps_loss_g),
                                  'steps_loss_epoch_%s.pkl' % i)

    print 'Training completed.'

    # Generate images out of pure noise with random captions (if applicable from valid)
    if NB_GEN > 0:

        if args.reload is not None:
            assert loaded_gen and loaded_discr, 'An error occured during loading, cannot generate.'
            save_code = 'rload_%s_%s' % (RELOAD_SRC, RELOAD_ID)
            save_code = 'no_reload'

        rdm_noise = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., size=(NB_GEN, 100))
        rdm_noise = rdm_noise.astype(theano.config.floatX)

        # choose random valid file
        file_id = np.random.choice(NB_VALID_FILES, 1)

        # load file
        with open(valid_full_files[file_id], 'r') as f:
            valid_full = np.load(f).astype(theano.config.floatX)

        if args.captions:

            # load file with the captions
            with open(valid_capt_files[file_id], 'rb') as f:
                valid_capt = pkl.load(f)

            # pick a given number of images from that file
            batch_valid = np.random.choice(len(valid_capt),
            captions = utils.captions_to_embedded_matrix(
                embedding_model, batch_valid, valid_capt)
            # captions = np.empty((NB_GEN, 300), dtype=theano.config.floatX)  # used for debugging

            # make predictions
            imgs_noise, probs_noise = predict(rdm_noise, captions)
            # make predictions
            imgs_noise, probs_noise = predict(rdm_noise)

        if args.verbose:
            print probs_noise

        # save images
        true_imgs = valid_full[batch_valid]

                            'noise_caption_%s' % args.captions + save_code,
                            'true_caption_%s' % args.captions + save_code,

        if args.captions:
            utils.save_captions(args, save_code, valid_capt, batch_valid)

    if args.mila:
    # if running on server (MILA), copy dataset locally
    dataset_path = utils.init_dataset(args, 'mscoco_inpainting')
    train_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'preprocessed/train2014')
    valid_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'preprocessed/val2014')

    NB_TRAIN = 82782
    NB_VALID = 40504
    MAX_IMGS = 15000

    train_count = 0
    valid_count = 0

    # process for training dataset
    schemes_train = ShuffledScheme(examples=NB_TRAIN, batch_size=MAX_IMGS)

    for i, batch_idx in enumerate(schemes_train.get_request_iterator()):

        print 'train file %s in progress...' % i

        file_name_full_img = os.path.join(train_path, 'train_%s_full.npy' % i)
        file_name_cter_img = os.path.join(train_path, 'train_%s_cter.npy' % i)
        file_name_capt_dic = os.path.join(train_path, 'train_%s_capt.pkl' % i)

        t = time.time()
        # get large 'batch' of data for saving in file
        full_img, targts, capts, color_count = utils.get_batch_data(
            batch_idx, mscoco=dataset_path, split="train2014", crop=False)

        train_count += color_count
        print 'train file %s in completed.' % i
        print '%s imgs saved, training total is now %s' % (color_count,