def test_holistic(self):
        n = int(1e4)
        N = int(2e4)
        T = 3
        print "ScalingTimingBloom with capacity %e and expiration time %ds" % (n, T)

        with TimingBlock("Initialization"):
            stbf = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(n, decay_time=T, ioloop=self.io_loop)

        orig_decay = stbf.decay
        def new_decay(*args, **kwargs):
            with TimingBlock("Decaying"):
                val = orig_decay(*args, **kwargs)
            return val
        setattr(stbf, "decay", new_decay)

        print "State of blooms: %d blooms with expected error %.2f%%" % (len(stbf.blooms), stbf.expected_error()*100.)

        with TimingBlock("Adding %d values" % N, N):
            for i in xrange(N):
        last_insert = time.time()

        print "State of blooms: %d blooms with expected error %.2f%%" % (len(stbf.blooms), stbf.expected_error()*100.)

        with TimingBlock("Testing %d positive values" % N, N):
            for i in xrange(N):
                assert str(i) in stbf

        with TimingBlock("Testing %d negative values" % N, N):
            err = 0
            for i in xrange(N, 2*N):
                if str(i) in stbf:
                    err += 1
            tot_err = err / float(N)
            assert tot_err <= stbf.error, "Error is too high: %f > %f" % (tot_err, stbf.error)

            t = T - (time.time() - last_insert) + 1
            if t > 0:
                self.wait(timeout = t)

        print "State of blooms: %d blooms with expected error %.2f%%" % (len(stbf.blooms), stbf.expected_error()*100.)

        with TimingBlock("Testing %d expired values" % N, N):
            err = 0
            for i in xrange(N):
                if str(i) in stbf:
                    err += 1
            tot_err = err / float(N)
            assert tot_err <= stbf.error, "Error is too high: %f > %f" % (tot_err, stbf.error)

        assert len(stbf.blooms) == 1, "Decay should have pruned all but one bloom filters: %d blooms left" % len(stbf.blooms)