def second(): df = dfinput.copy() df['weekday'] = df['riqi'].dt.weekday df.set_index('riqi', inplace=True) df['workday'] = isworkday(df.index).set_index('date')['work'] return df
def first(): df = dfinput.copy() df['weekday'] = df['riqi'].dt.weekday df['workday'] = df['riqi'].apply(lambda x: isworkday([x])['work']) df.set_index('riqi', inplace=True) print(df)
def showdutyonfunc(dtlist: list = None, zglist: list = None): cnxwp = lite.connect(dbpathworkplan) dfduty = pd.read_sql('select * from dutyon', cnxwp, parse_dates=['ruzhi', 'lizhi']) # print(dfduty) if dfduty is None: return # 处理参数:空则从本月1日到今天;一个则默认是起始日期,到今天;数组则判断大小 if len(dtlist) == 0: dtto = pd.to_datetime( dtfrom = pd.to_datetime(dtto.strftime('%Y-%m-01')) elif len(dtlist) == 1: dtto = pd.to_datetime( dtshuru = pd.to_datetime(dtlist[0]) dtfrom = dtshuru else: dtto = max(dtlist) dtfrom = min(dtlist) # 首尾界限处理,最早公司创立日,最晚是今天 if dtfrom < pd.to_datetime('2010-10-22'): dtfrom = pd.to_datetime('2010-10-22') if dtto > pd.to_datetime( dtto = pd.to_datetime( dtlistinner = pd.date_range(dtfrom, dtto, freq='D') # print(dtfrom, type(dtfrom), dtto, type(dtto)) if zglist: dfdutytarget = dfduty zaizhi = zglist else: dfdutytarget = dfduty[((pd.isnull(dfduty.lizhi)) | (dfduty.lizhi >= dtfrom))] # print(dfdutytarget) dfdutytarget = dfdutytarget[dfdutytarget.ruzhi <= dtto] # print(dfdutytarget) zaizhi = list(dfdutytarget.groupby('name').count().index) print(f'{len(zaizhi)}\t{zaizhi}') dfquanti = isworkday(list(dtlistinner)) dtquanti = dfquanti.groupby('xingzhi').count()['date'].rename('公司') dtquanti['起始日期'] = dtfrom.strftime('%F') dtquanti['截止日期'] = dtto.strftime('%F') # print(list(dtquanti)) # 挂接高温记录统计 dfhot = pd.read_sql('select * from hot', cnxwp, parse_dates=['date']) # print(dfhot) dfhotgrp = dfhot.groupby('date', as_index=False).count()[['date', 'mingmu']] # print(dfhotgrp) dfhotworkday = isworkday(list(dfhotgrp['date'])) dfhotworkday = dfhotworkday[] dfhotdone = dfhotworkday[( >= dtfrom) & ( <= dtto)] dtquanti['高温'] = dfhotdone.shape[0] # 挂接雨天记录统计 dfrain = pd.read_sql('select * from rain', cnxwp, parse_dates=['date']) # print(dfhot) dfraingrp = dfrain.groupby('date', as_index=False).count()[['date', 'mingmu']] # print(dfhotgrp) dfrainworkday = isworkday(list(dfraingrp['date'])) dfrainworkday = dfrainworkday[] dfraindone = dfrainworkday[( >= dtfrom) & ( <= dtto)] dtquanti['下雨'] = dfraindone.shape[0] dslist = [dtquanti] for zg in zaizhi: # print(zg) zgruzhimax = dfdutytarget[ == zg]['ruzhi'].max() dtfrom4 = dtfrom if dtfrom4 < pd.to_datetime(zgruzhimax): dtfrom4 = pd.to_datetime(zgruzhimax) dfgzmaxruizhi = dfdutytarget[( == zg) & (dfdutytarget.ruzhi == zgruzhimax)] # print(dfgzmaxruizhi) zgruzhi, zglizhi = dfdutytarget.loc[dfgzmaxruizhi.index, ['ruzhi', 'lizhi']].values[0] # print(zgruzhi, type(zgruzhi), zglizhi, type(zglizhi)) dfzgwork = isworkday(list(dtlistinner), zg, fromthen=True) # print(dfzgwork) dfzgwork = dfzgwork[ >= zgruzhi] dtto4 = dtto if pd.notnull(zglizhi): if dtto4 > pd.to_datetime(zglizhi): dtto4 = pd.to_datetime(zglizhi) dfzgwork = dfzgwork[ <= zglizhi] dszg = dfzgwork.groupby('xingzhi').sum()['tianshu'] # print( dszg = pd.Series(dszg) dszg = dszg.rename(zg) dszg['起始日期'] = dtfrom4.strftime('%F') dszg['截止日期'] = dtto4.strftime('%F') # 挂接高温记录统计 dfhotworkday = isworkday(list(dfhotgrp['date']), zg, fromthen=True) dfhotworkday = dfhotworkday[] dfhotdone = dfhotworkday[( >= dtfrom4) & ( <= dtto4)] # 修正上了半天班的情况 xiuzheng = dfhotdone[(dfhotdone.xingzhi == '上班') & (dfhotdone.tianshu < 1)].shape[0] # print(xiuzheng) dszg['高温'] = dfhotdone.shape[0] - xiuzheng # 挂接高温记录统计 dfrainworkday = isworkday(list(dfraingrp['date']), zg, fromthen=True) dfrainworkday = dfrainworkday[] dfraindone = dfrainworkday[( >= dtfrom4) & ( <= dtto4)] # 修正上了半天班的情况 xiuzheng = dfraindone[(dfraindone.xingzhi == '上班') & (dfraindone.tianshu < 1)].shape[0] # print(xiuzheng) dszg['下雨'] = dfraindone.shape[0] - xiuzheng # print(f'{}:{list(dszg)}') dslist.append(dszg) dfgzduty = pd.DataFrame(dslist) dfgzduty.fillna(0, inplace=True) # print(dfgzduty) # return dfgzduty, dtquanti, zaizhi if '上班' in list(dfgzduty.columns): dfshangban = pd.DataFrame(dfgzduty['上班'].rename('出勤')) else: dfshangban = pd.DataFrame() # print(dfout) clsnames = list(dfgzduty.columns) # print(clsnames) clsjiaxiu = [ x for x in clsnames if (x.find('上班') < 0) & (x.find('请假') < 0) & (x.find('旷') < 0) & (x.find('日期') < 0) & (x.find('高温') < 0) & (x.find('下雨') < 0) ] # print(clsjiaxiu) # print(dfgzduty.loc[:, clsjiaxiu]) dfjiaxiusum = dfgzduty.loc[:, clsjiaxiu].apply(lambda x: sum(x), axis=1).rename('放休年') # dfout.append(dfjiaxiusum) # clsqingjia = [x for x in clsnames if x.find('假') > 0] # dfqingjia = dfgzduty.loc[:, clsqingjia].apply(lambda x: sum(x), axis=1).rename('事年') # dfout.append(dfqingjia) # dfout = pd.concat([dfshangban, dfjiaxiusum, dfqingjia], axis=1) dfout = pd.concat([dfshangban, dfjiaxiusum], axis=1) if len([x for x in clsnames if x.find('旷工') >= 0]) > 0: dfkuangong = pd.DataFrame(dfgzduty['旷工']) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, dfkuangong], axis=1) if len([x for x in clsnames if x.find('请假') >= 0]) > 0: dfqingjia = pd.DataFrame(dfgzduty['请假']) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, dfqingjia], axis=1) dfout = pd.DataFrame(dfout) dfout.fillna(0, inplace=True) dfout['在职天数'] = dfout.apply(lambda x: sum(x), axis=1) # print(dfout) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, dfgzduty.loc[:, ['起始日期', '截止日期']]], axis=1) dfout = pd.DataFrame(dfout) # print(dfout) # dfout.sort_values(['截止日期', '出勤'], ascending=[False, False], inplace=True) clsout = list(dfout.columns) # print(clsout) clsnew = clsout[-2:] + [clsout[-3]] + clsout[:-3] # print(clsnew) dfout = dfout.loc[:, clsnew] # 挂接打卡记录统计 dfcheckin = pd.read_sql_query('select * from checkin', cnxwp, parse_dates=['date']) # dfcheckin.columns = ['date', 'name', 'mingmu', 'shenpi'] cnxwp.close() dfcheckin = dfcheckin[( >= dtfrom) & ( <= dtto)] dfcheckinout = dfcheckin[dfcheckin['shenpi'] == ''].groupby( ['name', 'mingmu']).count()['shenpi'].unstack() if dfcheckinout.shape[0] > 0: print(dfcheckinout) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, dfcheckinout], axis=1) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, pd.DataFrame(dfgzduty['高温'])], axis=1) dfout = pd.concat([dfout, pd.DataFrame(dfgzduty['下雨'])], axis=1) dfout = pd.DataFrame(dfout) # print(dfout.columns) dfout.fillna(0, inplace=True) dfout.index.names = [f'{dfout.shape[0] - 1}'] return dfout, dtfrom, dtto
with pathmagic.context(): from life.noteweather import getrainfromgoogledrive dfinput = getrainfromgoogledrive() print(dfinput) # + with pathmagic.context(): from work.dutyon import showdutyonfunc from func.pdtools import isworkday from func.wrapfuncs import timethis from func.first import dbpathworkplan df = dfinput.copy() # dfworkday = showdutyonfunc(['2019-01-01']) print(isworkday(df['riqi']).set_index('date')) df['weekday'] = df['riqi'].dt.weekday @timethis def first(): df = dfinput.copy() df['weekday'] = df['riqi'].dt.weekday df['workday'] = df['riqi'].apply(lambda x: isworkday([x])['work']) df.set_index('riqi', inplace=True) print(df) @timethis def second(): df = dfinput.copy()
def planfenxifunc(): # global dbpathworkplan cnxp = lite.connect(dbpathworkplan) tablename_updated = 'planupdated' errorshowstr = '更新业务日志汇总笔记时出现错误。' try: # fetchattendance_from_evernote() note_store = get_notestore() # 从印象笔记中取得在职业务列表 persons = BeautifulSoup( note_store.getNoteContent('992afcfb-3afb-437b-9eb1-7164d5207564'), 'html.parser') # print(persons) pslist = list() patn = re.compile('\s*[,,]\s*') for ddiv in persons.find_all('div'): psitem = re.split(patn, ddiv.get_text()) if len(psitem) == 3: atom = list() atom.append(psitem[0]) atom.append(pd.to_datetime(psitem[1])) atom.append(pd.to_datetime(psitem[2])) pslist.append(atom) personsdf = pd.DataFrame(pslist, columns=['name', 'shanggang', 'ligang']) personsdfzaigang = personsdf[pd.isnull(personsdf['ligang'])] # print(personsdfzaigang) persons = list(personsdfzaigang['name']) print(persons) evernoteapijiayi() # 更新相应数据表内容 updatedb_workplan(note_store, persons) # 从数据表中查询日志更新记录,只针对在职业务人员 # 组装sql语句使用的set,形如('梅富忠','陈益','周莉') personsetstr = '(' for pr in ['\'' + x + '\'' for x in persons]: personsetstr += pr + ',' personsetstr = personsetstr[:-1] + ')' # print(personsetstr) sqlstr = f'select distinct * from {tablename_updated} where name in {personsetstr} ' \ f'order by date desc, name, updatedtime desc' dfsource = pd.read_sql(sqlstr, cnxp, parse_dates=['date', 'updatedtime']) # 通过ini中记录的有效日志条目(以日期为单位)数量判断是否有有效的日志更新条目 updatablelist = [] for person in persons: planitemscount = dfsource.loc[ == person].shape[0] print(f'{person}日志更新记录有{planitemscount}条') if cfpworkplan.has_option('业务计划总结itemscount', person): updatable = planitemscount > cfpworkplan.getint( '业务计划总结itemscount', person) else: updatable = True updatablelist.append(updatable) print(f'{persons},{updatablelist}') updatableall = False for i in range(len(updatablelist)): updatableall |= updatablelist[i] if updatableall: break if updatableall: # or True: dayscount = cfpworkplan.getint('业务计划总结dayscount', 'count') today = pd.to_datetime('%F')) workdays = isworkday([today - datetime.timedelta(days=60)], '全体', fromthen=True) # print(workdays) dtqishi = workdays[].groupby( 'date').count().sort_index(ascending=False).index[dayscount - 1] print(f'最近{dayscount}个工作日(公司)的起始日期:{dtqishi}') # dtqishi = today - datetime.timedelta(days=dayscount) dtqujian = pd.date_range(dtqishi, today, freq='D').values dfqujian = pd.DataFrame() for person in persons: resultlist = isworkday(dtqujian, person) dftmp = pd.DataFrame( resultlist, columns=['date', 'name', 'work', 'xingzhi', 'tianshu']) shanggangdate = personsdf[ == person]['shanggang'].values[0] dftmp = dftmp[ >= shanggangdate] if dfqujian.shape[0] == 0: dfqujian = dftmp else: dfqujian = dfqujian.append(dftmp) dfsourcequjian = dfsource[ >= dtqishi] # print(dfqujian) # print(dfsourcequjian) dfresult = pd.merge(dfqujian, dfsourcequjian, on=['date', 'name'], how='outer') # dflast = dfresult[ == True].sort_values(['date', 'name'], ascending=[False, True]) dflast = dfresult.sort_values(['date', 'name'], ascending=[False, True]) df = dflast.loc[:, [ 'name', 'date', 'contentlength', 'updatedtime', 'xingzhi', 'tianshu' ]] df2show = df.drop_duplicates(['name', 'date'], keep='last') print(f'去重前记录数为:{df.shape[0]},去重后记录是:{df2show.shape[0]}') df2show.columns = ['业务人员', '计划日期', '内容字数', '日志更新时间', '出勤', '天数'] # print(df2show) def hege(a, b, c): freelist = ['请假'] if c in freelist: return f'{c}' if pd.isnull(b): # print(f'{a}\t{b}') return '未交' if pd.to_datetime(a) > pd.to_datetime(b): return '准时' else: return '延迟' col_names = list(df2show.columns) col_names.append('提交') df2show = df2show.reindex(columns=col_names) df2show.loc[:, ['提交']] = df2show.apply( lambda x: hege(x.计划日期, x.日志更新时间, x.出勤), axis=1) print(df2show[pd.isnull(df2show.日志更新时间)]) df2show['计划日期'] = df2show['计划日期'].apply( lambda x: x.strftime('%m-%d')) df2show['日志更新时间'] = df2show['日志更新时间'].apply( lambda x: x.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M') if pd.notnull(x) else '') df2show['内容字数'] = df2show['内容字数'].apply(lambda x: str(int(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else '') df2show = df2show.loc[:, [ '业务人员', '计划日期', '内容字数', '日志更新时间', '提交', '出勤' ]] freeday = ['周日'] df2show = df2show[df2show['出勤'].map(lambda x: x not in freeday)] # print(df2show) for ix in df2show.index: yanchiweitijiao = ['延迟', '未交'] queqin = ['请假'] if df2show.loc[ix]['出勤'] in queqin: for clname in df2show.columns: df2show.loc[ix, clname] = df2show.loc[ix, clname].join( ['<span style=\"color:gray\">', '</span>']) elif df2show.loc[ix]['提交'] in yanchiweitijiao: for clname in df2show.columns: df2show.loc[ix, clname] = df2show.loc[ix, clname] \ .join(['<span style=\"color:red\">', '</span>']) df2show = df2show.loc[:, ['业务人员', '计划日期', '内容字数', '日志更新时间', '提交']] # descdb(df2show) neirong = tablehtml2evernote(df2show, '业务工作日志提交情况汇总(最近%d工作日)' % dayscount, withindex=False) neirong = html.unescape(neirong) # print(neirong) guid = cfpworkplan.get('业务计划总结guid', '汇总') huizongnoteupdatedtime ='%F %T') imglist2note(note_store, [], guid, '业务工作日志提交情况汇总(%s)' % huizongnoteupdatedtime, neirong) for person in persons: dfperson = dfsource.loc[ == person] planitemscount = dfperson.shape[0] if cfpworkplan.has_option('业务计划总结itemscount', person): updatable = planitemscount > cfpworkplan.getint( '业务计划总结itemscount', person) else: updatable = True if updatable: if dfperson.shape[0] == 0: continue'%s的业务日志条目数增加至%d,日志更新表中最新日期为:%s。' % (person, planitemscount, str(dfperson.iloc[0]['nianyueri']))) cfpworkplan.set('业务计划总结itemscount', person, '%d' % planitemscount) cfpworkplan.write(open(iniworkplanpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')) except OSError as ose: if ose.errno == 10054: log.critical(f'远程主机发脾气了,强行断线。') log.critical(f'{errorshowstr}Windows错误:{ose}') except AttributeError as ae: log.critical(f'{errorshowstr}属性错误:{ae}') except Exception as eee: log.critical(f'{errorshowstr}{eee}') # raise eee finally: cnxp.close()