def coh_palm(p0_ind, p1_ind, t_para, tSeq, varSeq, tL):
    t_start = t_para[0]
    t_end = t_para[1]
    t_delta = t_para[2]
    fs = 1 / t_delta  # sampling frequency
    t_num = int((t_end - t_start) / t_delta + 1)
    t_seq = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, t_num)

    u0 = varSeq[:, p0_ind[2], p0_ind[1], p0_ind[0]]
    u1 = varSeq[:, p1_ind[2], p1_ind[1], p1_ind[0]]
    f0 = interp1d(tSeq, u0, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    f1 = interp1d(tSeq, u1, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    u0_ = f0(t_seq)
    u1_ = f1(t_seq)

    segNum = tL * fs
    freq, coh, co_coh, phase = funcs.coherence(u0_, u1_, fs, segNum)
    return t_seq, u0_, u1_, freq, coh, co_coh, phase
def coh_sowfa(p0_ind, p1_ind, xNum, yNum, t_para, tSeq, varSeq, tL):
    Calculate coherence, co-coherence, phase based on interpolated data
        p0_ind: indice of the probe0
        p1_ind: indice of the probe1
        xNum: length of xSeq
        yNum: length of ySeq
        t_para: parameters of the interpolated time array, tuple, (start time, end time, time step)
        tSeq: original time array
        varSeq: variable array
        tL: length of subsegment (s)
        t_seq: interpolated time array
        u0_: 1st velocity array
        u1_: 2nd velocity array
        freq: frequency array
        coh: coherence array
        co_coh: co-coh array
        quad_coh: quad-coh array
        phase: phase array
    p0_id = p0_ind[2] * xNum * yNum + p0_ind[1] * xNum + p0_ind[0]
    p1_id = p1_ind[2] * xNum * yNum + p1_ind[1] * xNum + p1_ind[0]

    t_start = t_para[0]
    t_end = t_para[1]
    t_delta = t_para[2]
    fs = 1 / t_delta  # sampling frequency
    t_num = int((t_end - t_start) / t_delta + 1)
    t_seq = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, t_num)

    u0 = varSeq[p0_id]
    u1 = varSeq[p1_id]
    f0 = interp1d(tSeq, u0, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    f1 = interp1d(tSeq, u1, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    u0_ = f0(t_seq)
    u1_ = f1(t_seq)

    segNum = tL * fs
    freq, coh, co_coh, quad_coh, phase = funcs.coherence(u0_, u1_, fs, segNum)
    return t_seq, u0_, u1_, freq, coh, co_coh, quad_coh, phase
def coh_sowfa(p0_ind, p1_ind, xNum, yNum, t_para, tSeq, varSeq, tL):
    p0_id = p0_ind[2] * xNum * yNum + p0_ind[1] * xNum + p0_ind[0]
    p1_id = p1_ind[2] * xNum * yNum + p1_ind[1] * xNum + p1_ind[0]

    t_start = t_para[0]
    t_end = t_para[1]
    t_delta = t_para[2]
    fs = 1 / t_delta  # sampling frequency
    t_num = int((t_end - t_start) / t_delta + 1)
    t_seq = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, t_num)

    u0 = varSeq[p0_id]
    u1 = varSeq[p1_id]
    f0 = interp1d(tSeq, u0, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    f1 = interp1d(tSeq, u1, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
    u0_ = f0(t_seq)
    u1_ = f1(t_seq)

    segNum = tL * fs
    # freq, coh, co_coh, phase = funcs.coherence(u0_, u1_, fs, segNum)
    tmp = funcs.coherence(u0_, u1_, fs, segNum)
    return t_seq, u0_, u1_, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[4]
Exemple #4
        coh = []
        yInd = yInd_start
        while yInd <= yInd_end:
            coh_temp = []
            xInd0 = xInd_start
            xInd1 = xInd0 + dInd
            while xInd1 < xNum:
                u0 = data_org['u'][:, yInd, xInd0]
                u1 = data_org['u'][:, yInd, xInd1]
                # time interpolation
                f0 = interp1d(tSeq, u0, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')
                f1 = interp1d(tSeq, u1, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')
                u0 = f0(t_seq)
                u1 = f1(t_seq)
                # calculate coherence and phase
                freq, coh_, phase_ = funcs.coherence(u0, u1, fs, segNum)


                xInd0 += 1
                xInd1 += 1

            coh_temp = sum(coh_temp) / len(coh_temp)


            yInd += 1

        coh = sum(coh) / len(coh)
Exemple #5
        'dx = ' + str(np.round(dx, 1)) + 'm' + ', ' + 'h = ' +
        str(np.round(p0_coor[2])) + 'm',
saveName = 'u_ts_120' + '_dx_' + str(np.round(dx, 1)) + '_h_' + str(
    np.round(p0_coor[2])) + '_pr.png'
plt.savefig(ppDir + '/' + saveName)

# calculate coherence and phase_
freq, coh, co_coh, phase = funcs.coherence(u0, u1, fs, segNum)

def fitting_func(x, a, alpha):
    return a * np.exp(-alpha * x)

""" plot coherence """
f_out = 0.15
tmp = abs(freq - f_out)
ind_in, ind_out = 1, np.where(tmp == tmp.min())[0][0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
ax.plot(freq, coh, linestyle='', marker='x', markersize=3, color='k')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(fitting_func,
        'dx = ' + str(np.round(dx, 1)) + 'm' + ', ' + 'h = ' +
        str(np.round(p0_coor[2])) + 'm',
saveName = 'u_ts_120' + '_dx_' + str(np.round(dx, 1)) + '_h_' + str(
    np.round(p0_coor[2])) + '_pr.png'
plt.savefig(ppDir + '/' + saveName)

segNum = 120 * fs
# calculate coherence and phase
freq, coh01, co_coh01, phase01 = funcs.coherence(u0, u1, fs, segNum)
freq, coh02, co_coh02, phase02 = funcs.coherence(u0, u2, fs, segNum)
freq, coh03, co_coh03, phase03 = funcs.coherence(u0, u3, fs, segNum)
""" plot coherence and fitting curve """

def fitting_func(x, a, alpha):
    return a * np.exp(-alpha * x)

f_out = 1
tmp = abs(freq - f_out)
ind_in, ind_out = 1, np.where(tmp == tmp.min())[0][0]

# dx = 40m
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))