Exemple #1
def main():
   pounds=float(input("How much do you weigh (pounds)? "))
   distance=float(input("How far away your profesor is (meters)? "))
   object=(input("Will you throw a rotten (t)omato,banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? "))
   massObject=funcs.getMassObject(object)                                  # Get the mass of the object
   massSkater=funcs.poundsToKG(pounds)                                     # Convert pounds to kg for skater
   velObj=funcs.getVelocityObject(distance)                                # Get velocity of obj
   velocitySkater=funcs.getVelocitySkater(massSkater,massObject,velObj)    # Get velocity of obj   
  # Display comment based on the mass of thrown obj and distance thrown

   if (massObject<=.1):
       print("Nice throw! You're going to get an F!")
   elif((massObject>.1) and (massObject<=1.0)):
       print("Nice throw! Make sure your professor is OK.")
   elif (massObject>1.0):
       if (distance<20):
           print("Nice throw! How far away is the hospital?")
       elif (distance>=20):
           print("Nice throw! RIP professor.")
  # Print velcoity of skater 
   print("Velocity of Skater:",velocitySkater,"m/s") 
# Display comment based on velocity
   if (velocitySkater<.2):
       print("My grandmother skate faster than you!")
   elif (velocitySkater>=.2)and (velocitySkater<1.0):
   elif (velocitySkater>=1.0):
       print("Look out for that railing!!!")
def main():
    pounds = int(input('How much do you weigh (pounds)? '))
    massSkater = poundsToKG(pounds)
    distance = int(input('How far away is your professor (meters)? '))
    massObject = input(
        'Will you throw a rotten (t)omato, banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? '
    mass = getMassObject(massObject)
    velObject = getVelocityObject(distance)
    SkaterVelocity = getVelocitySkater(massSkater, mass, velObject)

    if mass <= 0.1:
        print(x, "You're going to get an F!")
    elif mass > 0.1 and mass <= 1.0:
        print(x, "Make sure your professor is OK.")
    elif mass > 1.0:
        if distance < 20:
            print(x, "How far away is the hospital?")
            print(x, "RIP professor.")
    print('Velocity of skater: %.3f m/s' % SkaterVelocity)

    if SkaterVelocity < 0.2:
        print("My grandmother skates faster than you!")
    elif SkaterVelocity >= 1.0:
        print("Look out for that railing!!!")
        SkaterVelocity = 0
Exemple #3
def main():
    pounds = float(raw_input('How much do you weigh (pounds)? '))
    distance = float(raw_input('How far away is your professor (meters)? '))
    object = raw_input(
        'Will you throw a rotten (t)omato, banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? '

    massSkater = funcs.poundsToKG(pounds)
    massObject = funcs.getMassObject(object)
    velObject = funcs.getVelocityObject(distance)
    velSkater = funcs.getVelocitySkater(massSkater, massObject, velObject)

    if massObject <= 0.1:
        statement1 = "You're going to get an F!"
    elif massObject <= 1.0:
        statement1 = "Make sure your professor is OK."
        if distance < 20:
            statement1 = "How far away is the hospital?"
            statement1 = "RIP professor."

    if velSkater < 0.2:
        statement2 = "My grandmother skates faster than you!"
    elif velSkater >= 1.0:
        statement2 = "Look out for that railing!!!"
        statement2 = ""

    print "\nNice throw! " + statement1
    print "Velocity of skater: %.3f m/s" % velSkater
    if statement2:
        print statement2
def main():
    pounds = float(input("How much do you weigh (pounds)? "))
    distance = float(input("How far away is your professor (meters)? "))
    object = input(
        "Will you throw a rotten (t)omato, banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? "

    massSkater = float(funcs.poundsToKG(pounds))
    massObject = float(funcs.getMassObject(object))
    velocityObject = float(funcs.getVelocityObject(distance))
    velocitySkater = float(
        funcs.getVelocitySkater(massSkater, massObject, velocityObject))
    velocitySkater = round(velocitySkater, 3)


    if massObject <= 0.1:
        print("Nice throw!", "You're going to get an F!")
    elif 0.1 < massObject <= 1.0:
        print("Nice throw!", "Make sure your professor is OK.")
    elif massObject > 1.0:
        if distance < 20:
            print("Nice throw!", "How far away is the hospital?")
        elif distance >= 20:
            print("Nice throw!", "RIP professor.")
    print("Velocity of skater:", format(velocitySkater, ".3f"), "m/s")
    if velocitySkater < 0.2:
        print("My grandmother skates faster than you!")
    if velocitySkater >= 1.0:
        print("Look out for that railing!!!")
Exemple #5
 def test_getMassObject(self):
     answer3 = funcs.getMassObject('t')
     self.assertEqual(answer3, 0.1)
     answer4 = funcs.getMassObject('p')
     self.assertEqual(answer4, 1.0)
     answer5 = funcs.getMassObject('r')
     self.assertEqual(answer5, 3.0)
     answer6 = funcs.getMassObject('l')
     self.assertEqual(answer6, 9.07)
     answer7 = funcs.getMassObject('g')
     self.assertEqual(answer7, 5.3)
     answer8 = funcs.getMassObject('a')
     self.assertEqual(answer8, 0)
     answer9 = funcs.getMassObject(10)
     self.assertEqual(answer9, 0)
     answer10 = funcs.getMassObject(-10.0)
     self.assertEqual(answer10, 0)
Exemple #6
def main():
    #Ask how much skater weighs to get massSkater
    massSkater = int(input("How much do you weigh (pounds)? "))
    #use poundsToKG function to get their weight in kilograms
    mass = funcs.poundsToKG(massSkater)

    #Ask how far skater is from professor to get distance
    distance = int(input("How far away is your professor (meters)? "))
    #use distance in function  getvelocityObject
    velObject = funcs.getVelocityObject(distance)
    object = str(
            "Will you throw a rotten (t)omato, banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? "
    massObject = funcs.getMassObject(object)
    #I have the massObject
    skatervelocity = funcs.getVelocitySkater(mass, massObject, velObject)

    #now I have all the variables... print the ending!
    print("\nNice throw! ", end="")

    if massObject <= 0.1:
        print("You're going to get an F!")
    elif massObject > 0.1 and massObject <= 1.0:
        print("Make sure your professor is OK.")
    elif massObject > 1.0 and distance < 20:
        print("How far away is the hospital?")
    elif massObject > 1.0 and distance > 20:
        print("RIP professor.")

    #this is the first line of the comments
    if skatervelocity == "-nan":
        print("Velocity of skater: -nan m/s")
    elif skatervelocity != "-nan":
        print("Velocity of skater:", "%.3f" % skatervelocity, "m/s")
        if skatervelocity < 0.2:
            print("My grandmother skates faster than you!")
        elif skatervelocity >= 0.2 and skatervelocity < 1.0:
            return ""
        elif skatervelocity >= 1.0:
            print("Look out for that railing!!!")
Exemple #7
def main():

    weight = float(input("How much do you weigh (pounds)? "))
    distance = float(input("How far away is your professor (meters)?"))
    item = input(
        " Will you throw a rotten (t)omato, banana cream (p)ie, (r)ock, (l)ight saber, or lawn (g)nome? "

    skatermass = funcs.poundsToKG(weight)
    massObj = funcs.getMassObject(item)
    velocityObj = funcs.getVelocityObject(distance)
    velocitySkaterraw = funcs.getVelocitySkater(skatermass, massObj,

    #determining the response based on the returned mass
    massresponse = ""
    if (massObj <= 0.1):
        massresponse = "You're going to get an F!"
    elif (massObj > 0.1 and massObj <= 1.0):
        massresponse = "Make sure your professor is OK"
    elif (massObj > 1.0 and distance < 20):
        massresponse = "How far away is the hospital?"
    elif (massObj > 1.0 and distance >= 20):
        massresponse = "RIP professor."

    #converting skater velocity to 3 decimal places
    velocitySkater = round(velocitySkaterraw, 3)
    #determining the response based on the returned velocity
    skaterresponse = ""
    if (velocitySkater < 0.2):
        skaterresponse = "My grandmother skates faster than you!"
    elif (velocitySkater >= 0.2 and velocitySkater < 1.0):
        skaterresponse = ""
    elif (velocitySkater >= 1.0):
        skaterresponse = "Look out for that railing!!!"

    #printing the outputs
    print("Nice throw!", massresponse)
    print("Velocity of skater:", velocitySkater, "m/s")
Exemple #8
 def test_mo_1(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("t"), 0.1)
Exemple #9
 def test_getMassObject(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject('t'), 0.1)
Exemple #10
 def test_mo_6(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("e"), 0)
Exemple #11
 def test_getMassObject_2(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject('p'), 1.0)
Exemple #12
 def test_mo_4(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("g"), 5.3)
Exemple #13
 def test_mo_5(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("l"), 9.07)
Exemple #14
 def test_mo_2(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("p"), 1.0)
Exemple #15
 def test_mo_3(self):
    self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject("r"), 3.0)
Exemple #16
 def test_getMassObject(self):
     self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject('t'), .1)
     self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject('p'), 1.0)
     self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject('r'), 3.0)
     self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject('g'), 5.3)
     self.assertEqual(funcs.getMassObject('l'), 9.07)
Exemple #17
 def test_getMassObject_3(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject('r'), 3.0)
Exemple #18
 def test_getMassObject_7(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject(3), 0.0)
Exemple #19
 def test_getMassObject_5(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject('l'), 9.07)
Exemple #20
 def test_getMassObject_4(self):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(funcs.getMassObject('g'), 5.3)