Exemple #1
    async def defense(self, ctx):
        Command that upgrades the user's bank defense,
        increasing chance of failed robs by others.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        response = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
        defense = int(response[6])
        defenseLevelPrice = math.floor(
            math.pow(1.4, defense) *
            365) if defense < 38 else 5 * calcCapacity(defense - 6)

        # Check if user has enough Didier Dinks to do this
        if float(response[1]) >= defenseLevelPrice:
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                            float(response[1]) - defenseLevelPrice)
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "defense", int(response[6]) + 1)
            await ctx.send(
                "**{}** heeft de security van zijn bank geüpgradet naar level **{}**!"
                        int(response[6]) + 1))
            await ctx.send(
                "Je hebt niet genoeg Didier Dinks om dit te doen, **{}**.".
Exemple #2
    async def invest(self, ctx, *amount: Abbreviated):
        Command that invests Didier Dinks into the user's bank.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param amount: the amount of Didier Dinks to invest
        # Tuples don't support assignment
        amount = list(amount)

        if len(amount) != 1:
            await ctx.send("Geef een geldig bedrag op.")
        elif not checks.isValidAmount(ctx, amount[0])[0]:
            await ctx.send(checks.isValidAmount(ctx, amount[0])[1])
            user = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
            if str(amount[0]).lower() == "all":
                amount[0] = user[1]

            amount[0] = float(amount[0])
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "investedamount",
                            float(user[3]) + amount[0])
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks", float(user[1]) - amount[0])
            await ctx.send(
                "**{}** heeft **{:,}** Didier Dink{} geïnvesteerd!".format(
                    ctx.author.display_name, math.floor(amount[0]),
Exemple #3
    async def stats(self, ctx):
        Command that shows the user's bank stats.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        response = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)

        # Calculate the prices to level stats up
        defense = int(response[6])
        defenseLevelPrice = math.floor(
            math.pow(1.4, defense) *
            365) if defense < 38 else 5 * calcCapacity(defense - 6)
        offense = int(response[7])
        capacity = calcCapacity(offense)
        offenseLevelPrice = math.floor(math.pow(1.5, offense) *
                                       369) if offense < 32 else 5 * capacity

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue())
        embed.set_author(name="Bank van {}".format(ctx.author.display_name))
        embed.add_field(name="Offense:", value=str(offense), inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name="Prijs voor volgend level:",
        embed.add_field(name="Security:", value=str(defense), inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name="Prijs voor volgend level:",
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemple #4
    async def offense(self, ctx):
        Command that upgrades the user's bank offense,
        increasing capacity & rob chances.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        response = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)

        offense = int(response[7])
        capacity = calcCapacity(offense)
        offenseLevelPrice = math.floor(math.pow(1.5, offense) *
                                       369) if offense < 32 else 5 * capacity

        # Check if user has enough Didier Dinks to do this
        if float(response[1]) >= offenseLevelPrice:
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                            float(response[1]) - offenseLevelPrice)
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "offense", int(response[7]) + 1)
            await ctx.send(
                "**{}** heeft de offense van zijn bank geüpgradet naar level **{}**!"
                        int(response[7]) + 1))
            await ctx.send(
                "Je hebt niet genoeg Didier Dinks om dit te doen, **{}**.".
Exemple #5
    async def bank(self, ctx):
        Command that shows the user's Didier Bank.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        # 0  1     2     3              4            5      6       7       8  9       10
        # ID dinks level investedamount investeddays profit defense offense bc nightly streak
        response = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)

        # Calculate the cost to level your bank
        interestLevelPrice = round(math.pow(1.28, int(response[2])) * 300)
        ratio = round(float(1 * (1 + (int(response[2]) * 0.01))), 4)

        # Calculate the amount of levels the user can purchase
        counter = 0
        sumPrice = float(math.pow(1.28, int(response[2])) * 300)
        while float(response[1]) + float(response[3]) + float(response[5]) > sumPrice:
            counter += 1
            sumPrice += round(float(math.pow(1.28, int(response[2]) + counter) * 300), 4)
        maxLevels = "" if counter == 0 else " (+{})".format(str(counter))

        embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue())
        embed.set_author(name="Bank van {}".format(ctx.author.display_name))
        embed.add_field(name="Level:", value=str(response[2]) + maxLevels, inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name="Ratio:", value=str(ratio), inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name="Prijs voor volgend level:", value="{:,}".format(interestLevelPrice), inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name="Momenteel geïnvesteerd:", value="{:,}".format(math.floor(float(response[3]))), inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name="Aantal dagen geïnvesteerd:", value=str(response[4]), inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name="Huidige winst na claim:", value="{:,}".format(math.floor(response[5])), inline=False)
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Exemple #6
    async def buy(self, ctx, amount: Abbreviated):
        Command to buy Bitcoins.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param amount: the amount of Bitcoins the user wants to buy

        resp = checks.isValidAmount(ctx, amount)

        # Not a valid amount: send the appropriate error message
        if not resp[0]:
            return await ctx.send(resp[1])

        if amount == "all":
            amount = resp[1]

        # Calculate the amount of Bitcoins the user can buy with [amount] of Didier Dinks
        price = self.getPrice()
        purchased = round(float(amount) / price, 8)

        # Update the db
        currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                        float(currency.dinks(ctx.author.id)) - float(amount))
            ctx.author.id, "bitcoins",
            float(currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)[8]) + float(purchased))

        await ctx.send(
            "**{}** heeft **{:,}** Bitcoin{} gekocht voor **{:,}** Didier Dink{}!"
            .format(ctx.author.display_name, purchased,
                    checks.pluralS(purchased), round(float(amount)),
Exemple #7
    async def bc(self, ctx):
        Command that shows your Bitcoin bank.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        price = self.getPrice()
        bc = float(currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)[8])

        currentTime = timeFormatters.dateTimeNow()
        currentTimeFormatted = currentTime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y om %H:%M:%S')

        # Create the embed
        embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.gold())
            name="Bitcoin Bank van {}".format(ctx.author.display_name))
        embed.add_field(name="Aantal Bitcoins:",
                        value="{:,}".format(round(bc, 8)),
        embed.add_field(name="Huidige waarde:",
                        value="{:,} Didier Dink{}".format(
                            round(bc * price, 8), checks.pluralS(bc * price)),
        embed.set_footer(text="Huidige Bitcoin prijs: €{:,} ({})".format(
            price, str(currentTimeFormatted)))

        # Add the Bitcoin icon to the embed
        file = discord.File("files/images/bitcoin.png", filename="icon.png")

        await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=file)
Exemple #8
    async def canRob(self, ctx, target):
        Function that performs checks to see if a user can rob another user.
        In case the rob is not possible, it already sends an error message to show this.
        Returns the database dictionaries corresponding to these two users as they are
        needed in this function anyways, so it prevents an unnecessary database call
        in the rob command.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param target: the target victim to be robbed
        :return: success: boolean, user1 ("Caller"): tuple, user2 ("Target"): tuple
        # Can't rob in DM's
        if str(ctx.channel.type) == "private":
            await ctx.send("Dat doe je niet, {}.".format(
            return False, None, None

        # Can't rob bots
        if str(ctx.author.id) in constants.botIDs:
            await ctx.send("Nee.")

        # Can't rob in prison
        if len(prison.getUser(ctx.author.id)) != 0:
            await ctx.send(
                "Je kan niemand bestelen als je in de gevangenis zit.")
            return False, None, None

        # Check the database for these users
        user1 = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
        user2 = currency.getOrAddUser(target.id)

        # Can't rob without Didier Dinks
        if float(user1[1]) < 1.0:
            await ctx.send("Mensen zonder Didier Dinks kunnen niet stelen.")
            return False, None, None

        # Target has no Didier Dinks to rob
        if float(user2[1]) < 1.0 and float(user2[3]) < 1.0:
            await ctx.send("Deze persoon heeft geen Didier Dinks om te stelen."
            return False, None, None

        # Passed all tests
        return True, user1, user2
Exemple #9
    async def claim(self, ctx, *args):
        Command that claims profit out of the user's Didier Bank.
        :param ctx:
        :param args:
        user = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
        args = list(args)
        claimAll = False

        if len(args) == 0:
        if args[0] == "all":
            args[0] = float(user[5])
            claimAll = True

        if not claimAll:
            args[0] = abbreviated(str(args[0]))
            if args[0] is None:
                return await ctx.send("Dit is geen geldig bedrag.")

            # Checks if it can be parsed to int
            _ = int(args[0])
            args[0] = float(args[0])
            # Can't claim more than you have (or negative amounts)
            if args[0] < 0 or args[0] > float(user[5]):
                raise ValueError

            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "profit", float(user[5]) - args[0])
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks", float(user[1]) + args[0])
            s = stats.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
            stats.update(ctx.author.id, "profit", float(s[7]) + args[0])

            # If you claim everything, you get your invest back as well & your days reset
            if claimAll:
                    ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                    float(user[1]) + float(user[3]) + float(user[5]))
                currency.update(ctx.author.id, "investedamount", 0.0)
                currency.update(ctx.author.id, "investeddays", 0)
                await ctx.send(
                    "**{}** heeft **{:,}** Didier Dink{} geclaimt!".format(
                        math.floor(args[0] + float(user[3])),
                        checks.pluralS(math.floor(args[0] + float(user[3])))))
                await ctx.send(
                    "**{}** heeft **{:,}** Didier Dink{} geclaimt!".format(
                        ctx.author.display_name, math.floor(args[0]),

        except ValueError:
            await ctx.send("Geef een geldig bedrag op.")
Exemple #10
    async def sell(self, ctx, amount: Abbreviated):
        Command to sell Bitcoins.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        :param amount: the amount of Bitcoins the user wants to sell
        if amount == "all":
            amount = float(currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)[8])

            amount = float(amount)
            if amount <= 0:
                raise ValueError

            bc = float(currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)[8])

            if bc == 0.0:
                # User has no Bitcoins
                await ctx.send("Je hebt geen Bitcoins, **{}**".format(
            elif amount > bc:
                # User is trying to sell more Bitcoins that he has
                await ctx.send(
                    "Je hebt niet genoeg Bitcoins om dit te doen, **{}**".
                price = self.getPrice()
                dinks = float(currency.dinks(ctx.author.id))

                currency.update(ctx.author.id, "bitcoins", bc - amount)
                currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks",
                                dinks + (price * amount))

                await ctx.send(
                    "**{}** heeft **{:,}** Bitcoin{} verkocht voor **{:,}** Didier Dink{}!"
                    .format(ctx.author.display_name, round(amount, 8),
                            checks.pluralS(amount), round((price * amount), 8),
                            checks.pluralS(price * amount)))
        except ValueError:
            # Can't be parsed to float -> random string OR smaller than 0
            await ctx.send("Geef een geldig bedrag op.")
Exemple #11
    async def level(self, ctx):
        Command that upgrades the user's bank level,
        increasing interest.
        :param ctx: Discord Context
        response = currency.getOrAddUser(ctx.author.id)
        interestLevelPrice = float(math.pow(1.28, int(response[2])) * 300)

        # Check if user has enough Didier Dinks to do this
        if float(response[1]) >= interestLevelPrice:
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "dinks", float(response[1]) - interestLevelPrice)
            currency.update(ctx.author.id, "banklevel", int(response[2]) + 1)
            await ctx.send("**{}** heeft zijn bank geüpgradet naar level **{}**!"
                           .format(ctx.author.display_name, str(int(response[2]) + 1)))
            await ctx.send("Je hebt niet genoeg Didier Dinks om dit te doen, **{}**."