Exemple #1
    m = MessageReader(preload_conversations=preload)
    p = m.quick_stats
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3702675/how-to-print-the-full-traceback-without-halting-the-program

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2356399/tell-if-python-is-in-interactive-mode
if not sys.flags.interactive:
        "Are you sure you ran this program interactively, with the `-i` flag?")
    input("If not the program will exit. Press enter to continue: ")

console_width = min(shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, 150)

print("\nWelcome to the python3 terminal version of fb-msg-mining!\n\n")
intro_text = (
    "If you are unfamiliar with python syntax... then you might be better off using the GUI version of this "
    "program. You can exit this interactive session by typing the command `exit()` without the back tics, "
    "and clicking enter. If you're still set on using this version, then consider getting up to speed on "
    "syntax by executing the command `help()`")
formatted_text = fit_colored_text_to_console(intro_text, "help()", "exit()")

intro_text2 = (
    'Once you feel comfortable with basic python syntax, get ready to analyze your conversations with the '
    'command `m.help()`')
Exemple #2
    m = MessageReader(preload_conversations=preload)
    p = m.quick_stats
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3702675/how-to-print-the-full-traceback-without-halting-the-program

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2356399/tell-if-python-is-in-interactive-mode
if not sys.flags.interactive:
    print("Are you sure you ran this program interactively, with the `-i` flag?")
    input("If not the program will exit. Press enter to continue: ")

console_width = min(shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, 150)

print("\nWelcome to the python3 terminal version of fb-msg-mining!\n\n")
intro_text = ("If you are unfamiliar with python syntax... then you might be better off using the GUI version of this "
              "program. You can exit this interactive session by typing the command `exit()` without the back tics, "
              "and clicking enter. If you're still set on using this version, then consider getting up to speed on "
              "syntax by executing the command `help()`")
formatted_text = fit_colored_text_to_console(intro_text, "help()", "exit()")

intro_text2 = ('Once you feel comfortable with basic python syntax, get ready to analyze your conversations with the '
               'command `m.help()`')
print(fit_colored_text_to_console(intro_text2, "m.help()"))
Exemple #3
if os.path.isfile('data/data.txt'):
    print("Are you sure you want to override the data currently saved?\n"
          "This might require resetting preferences. [Y/n]")
    choice = input("> ")
    while choice.lower() not in ['y', 'yes', 'no', 'n']:
        choice = input("> ")
    if choice.lower() in ['n', 'no']:
# ------------------------------------------  CHECKING FOR PREVIOUS SETUP  ------------------------------------------- #


# ------------------------------------  BACKGROUND SETUP AND INFORMATION FOR USER  ---------------------------------- #
times = [time.time()]

console_width = min(shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, 150)

print('Setup information\n' + setup_functions.one_line() + '\n')

# Background information
print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + Back.BLACK + 'Background:' + Style.RESET_ALL)
background = ("All of your message data (that hasn't been deleted) can be found in the file `messages.htm`. "
              "But since this file is written in raw html, and can get quite large, it isn't very fun to "
              "read through. What setup does is parse this html into a form more amenable to analysis.")
print(textwrap.fill(background, width=console_width))

# User prompting information
Exemple #4
# ------------------------------------------  CHECKING FOR PREVIOUS SETUP  ------------------------------------------- #
if os.path.isfile('data/data.json'):
    print("Are you sure you want to override the data currently saved?\n"
          "This might require resetting preferences. [Y/n]")
    choice = input("> ")
    while choice.lower() not in ['y', 'yes', 'no', 'n']:
        choice = input("> ")
    if choice.lower() in ['n', 'no']:
# ------------------------------------------  CHECKING FOR PREVIOUS SETUP  ------------------------------------------- #


# ------------------------------------  BACKGROUND SETUP AND INFORMATION FOR USER  ---------------------------------- #
times = [time.time()]

console_width = min(shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, 150)

intro_text1 = (
    "Beginning setup. During setup you might be prompted to answer whether two sets of messages are from the same "
    "chat. In this case, setup prints the last 10 messages from the first conversation, as well as the first 10 "
    "from the second conversation. You will then be asked whether the 20 messages are from the same chat, or two "
    "different chats.")
intro_text2 = (
    "A good way to do this is to go to www.facebook.com/messages and search for one of the longer messages that "
    "appear. When you find the conversation that has this messages, see if all 20 messages can be found "
    "consecutively. Only if you find them all should you specify \"yes\", that the two conversations are the same. "
    "Otherwise specify no.")