def info(self): while True: functions.clear_screen() functions.pyramid_logo() functions.greeting() selection_menu = functions.list_items(self.description, answer = functions.prompt() if answer in selection_menu: selection_menu.get(answer).info() #check answer against the exit tuple and runs a shutdown sequence if true. if answer in functions.exit_tuple: functions.countdown("\nSHUTTING DOWN APPLICATION.\n","",4) sys.exit("\nUSER TERMINATED APPLICATION.\n") #checks answer for reboot sequence. if answer == "reboot": functions.countdown("USER INITIALIZED REBOOT","REBOOTING",4) functions.greeting(.09) if answer == "return": break else: print("response invalid.") continue
def main(): countdown(4) PAUSED = False training_data = [] while True: if not PAUSED: start_time = time.time() screen = get_screen() #show_screen(screen) keys = key_check() output = keys_to_output(keys) training_data.append([screen, output]) length = len(training_data) if length == 1000: save(length, training_data) training_data = [] print( "Not Paused Loop took: {}{:.3f}{} seconds || training_data length: {}" .format('{', time.time() - start_time, '}', length)) keys = key_check() if P in keys: if not PAUSED: PAUSED = True print("Paused training") time.sleep(3) else: PAUSED = False print("Unpausing training")
def verify_user(message): chat_id = user_id = print(message.from_user.username + " entered " + captcha = types.InlineKeyboardButton("I'm not a robot", callback_data="ok") markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() markup.add(captcha) captcha_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, "@" + message.from_user.username + " verify you're not a robot", reply_markup=markup) message_id = captcha_message.message_id functions.stop_countdown = False if (functions.countdown(wait_time) == True): bot.delete_message(chat_id, message_id) if (bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id).status != "creator" and bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id).status != "administrator"): print(message.from_user.username + " who entered in " + + " didn't answered the captcha and was kicked.") bot.kick_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) else: print(message.from_user.username + " who entered in " + + " didn't answered the captcha but it's an admin.")
def info(self): while True: """method to print info about the region.""" functions.clear_screen() functions.pyramid_logo() #prints information from object. print( "=" * 80 +"\nGalactic power: \n" + self.title + "\n" + "=" * 80 +"\n\n SYNOPSIS: \n\n" + self.synopsis + "\n\n HISTORY: \n\n" + self.history +"\n\n" ) if self.sectors: selection_menu = functions.list_items(str( + " sectors"),self.sectors.items()) answer = input("Select Index number for more information: ") if answer in selection_menu: selection_menu.get(answer).info() elif answer in functions.exit_tuple: functions.countdown("\nSHUTTING DOWN APPLICATION.\n","",4) sys.exit("\nUSER TERMINATED APPLICATION.\n") #checks answer for reboot sequence. elif answer == "reboot": functions.countdown("USER INITIALIZED REBOOT","REBOOTING",4) functions.greeting(.09) else: return answer else: print("=" * 80 + "\n" + "This OBJECT contain \"NULL VALUE\"" + "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n") answer = input("enter RETURN to go back: ") if answer in functions.exit_tuple: functions.countdown("\nSHUTTING DOWN APPLICATION.\n","",4) sys.exit("\nUSER TERMINATED APPLICATION.\n") #checks answer for reboot sequence. elif answer == "reboot": functions.countdown("USER INITIALIZED REBOOT","REBOOTING",4) functions.greeting(.09) else: return answer
from functions import computer, check_input, user, countdown, winner # Get user action user_action = check_input(user()) # Initiate countdown countdown() # Get winner/draw winner(user_action, computer())
import functions as f k=0 totalup=0. totaldown=0. #ranging through odd integers for i in range(1,500000000): k+=1 m=2*i-1 sizen = f.count(m) j=3*m+1 sizeup = f.count(j) sizedown = f.countdown(j) totalup+=(sizeup-sizen) totaldown+=sizedown print(m) print("Total up: ") #average binary digits up print(totalup/k) print("\nTotal down: ") #average binary digits down print(totaldown/k) print("\nTotal net: ") #average net change print((totalup-totaldown)/k)
def info(self,line_cap = 82): """method to print statistics on planet.""" name = str(" Name: " + region = str(" Region: " + self.region + " ") s_hex = str(" System Hex: " + self.s_hex + " ") atmo = str(" Atmosphere: " + self.atmo + " ") temp = str(" Temperature: " + self.temp + " ") biosphere = str(" Biosphere: " + self.biosphere + " ") population = str(" Population: " + self.population + " ") tech_level = str(" Tech Level: " + self.tech_level + " ") title_bar = ("=" * line_cap) while True: functions.clear_screen() functions.pyramid_logo() #creates title bar print(title_bar) print(name + " " * (line_cap - (len(name) + len(region))) + region) print(title_bar + "\n") #format information for atmo and system Hex. print( " " + "*" * (len(atmo) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(atmo) + len(s_hex) + 3)) + "*" * (len(s_hex) + 2) ) print( " *" + atmo + "*" + " " * (line_cap - (len(atmo) + 3 + len(s_hex))) + "*" + s_hex + "*" ) print( " " + "*" * (len(atmo) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(atmo) + len(s_hex) + 3)) + "*" * (len(s_hex) + 2) ) print("\n") #formats Temperature and Biosphere information. print(" " + "*" * (len(temp) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(temp) + len(biosphere) + 3)) + "*" * (len(biosphere) + 2) ) print( " *" + temp + "*" + " " * (line_cap - (len(temp) + 3 + len(biosphere))) + "*" + biosphere + "*" ) print( " " + "*" * (len(temp) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(temp) + len(biosphere) + 3)) + "*" * (len(biosphere) + 2) ) print("\n") #format populaiton and Tech_level print( " " + "*" * (len(population) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(population) + len(tech_level) + 3)) + "*" * (len(tech_level) + 2) ) print( " *" + population + "*" + " " * (line_cap - (len(population) + 3 + len(tech_level))) + "*" + tech_level + "*" ) print( " " + "*" * (len(population) + 2) + " " * (line_cap - (len(population) + len(tech_level) + 3)) + "*" * (len(tech_level) + 2) ) print("\n") print( "=" * line_cap + "\n" + "Enter Overview for more detailed information if available.\nEnter More for a list of available resources." + "\n" + "=" * line_cap ) answer = functions.prompt("\n: ") #check answer against the exit tuple and runs a shutdown sequence if true. if answer in functions.exit_tuple: functions.countdown("\nSHUTTING DOWN APPLICATION.\n","",4) sys.exit("\nUSER TERMINATED APPLICATION.\n") #checks answer for reboot sequence. if answer == "reboot": functions.countdown("USER INITIALIZED REBOOT","REBOOTING",4) functions.greeting(.09) if answer == "overview": self.print_overview() if answer == "more": self.print_more() if answer == "return": break else: print("response invalid.") continue #end of system class
All of the code lives in and is called from This was done as a way to practice importing libraries and passing in variable values. """ # Clears the console functions.clear() # Gets tags for reading tags = functions.tags() # Gathers first blood pressure reading bp1 = functions.reading("first") # Delays 30 seconds functions.countdown() # Gathers second blood pressure reading bp2 = functions.reading("second") # Delays 30 seconds functions.countdown() # Gathers third blood pressure reading bp3 = functions.reading("third") # Averages the 3 blood pressure reading avg_bp = functions.avgbp(bp1, bp2, bp3) # returns diagnoses from the calculated average blood pressure diagnosis = functions.diagnosis_output(avg_bp)