Exemple #1
def run_game():
    ai_settings = Settings()
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
        (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height))
    scores = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen)

    g_blocks = Group()
    bg_blocks = Group()
    enemies = Group()
    chunks = Group()
    items = Group()

    monitor = Monitor(ai_settings, screen, g_blocks, bg_blocks, chunks,
                      enemies, items)
    mario = Mario(ai_settings, screen, g_blocks, bg_blocks, enemies, monitor,
                  chunks, items)

    #gf.create_enemy(ai_settings, screen, g_blocks, bg_blocks, mario, enemies, "reg", 500, 100, 500)
    gf.create_enemy(ai_settings, screen, g_blocks, bg_blocks, mario, enemies,
                    "koopa", 620, 400, 500, items)

    gf.create_item(ai_settings, screen, g_blocks, bg_blocks, mario, items,
                   "star", 500, 400, 500, True, False)

    while True:
        gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, mario, g_blocks, bg_blocks,
                        monitor, items)
        gf.check_time(ai_settings, scores)

        gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, mario, g_blocks, bg_blocks,
                         enemies, monitor, chunks, items, scores)

Exemple #2
    def gen(self, left, chunk_type, scores):
        x = left
        y = 0
        if chunk_type == "g":
            for row in self.map:
                for col in row:
                    if col == "1":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "2":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "3":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "4":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "5":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "6":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "7":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "8":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "bricks")
                    if col == "9":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "a":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "b":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "c":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "d":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "e":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "f":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "g":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "h":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "i":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "j":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "k":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "l":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "m":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "n":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "o":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "p":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "q":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "r":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "s":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    if col == "t":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "bricks")
                        # change type?
                    if col == "u":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "qcoin")
                        # change type?
                    if col == "v":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                        # change type?
                    if col == "y":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "pup")
                        # change type?  QBLOCK WITH P-UP
                    if col == "z":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "bcoin")
                        # change type?  BRICK WITH COIN
                    if col == ".":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "star")
                        # change type?  BRICK WITH STAR
                    if col == "|":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "invs")
                    if col == "?":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "hidden")
                    if col == "!":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "hidden")
                    if col == "@":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "goomba", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)

                    if col == "#":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "koopa", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "[":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "plant", x, y + 30, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "}":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "plant2", x, y + 30, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "]":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "bgoomba", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "{":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "bkoopa", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == ">":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "rkoopa", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "<":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "pkoopa", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "*":
                        create_enemy(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                     self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, mario,
                                     self.enemies, "bowser", x, y, 400,
                                     self.items, scores)
                    if col == "=":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "winner")
                    if col == "~":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "qcoin2")
                    if col == "`":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "pup2")
                    if col == "+":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "bcoin2")
                    if col == "-":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "star2")
                    if col == "_":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "3bar")
                    if col == ")":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "pup3")
                    if col == "(":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "1up2")
                    if col == ":":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "coin1", x + 21, y + 48, x,
                                    False, False)
                    if col == ";":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "coin2", x + 21, y + 48, x,
                                    False, False)
                    if col == "'":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "blank")
                    if col == "/":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "cbrick")
                    if col == ",":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "v")
                    if col == "%":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "bridge")
                    if col == "^":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y, 400, "2bar")
                    if col == "&":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "ax", x + 21, y + 48, x, False,
                    if col == "$":
                        create_g_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                        self.g_blocks, x, y + 25, 400, "v")
                    x += 48
                y += 48
                x = left

        elif chunk_type == "bg":
            for row in self.map:
                for col in row:
                    if col == "b":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "g":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "h":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "i":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "j":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "k":
                            self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                            self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "l":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "m":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "n":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "o":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "p":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "q":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "r":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "s":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "t":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "u":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "v":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "w":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "x":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "y":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "z":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "1":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "2":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "3":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "4":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                        # change type?
                    elif col == "5":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                        # change type?
                    elif col == "6":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                        # change type?
                    elif col == "7":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "8":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "9":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "%":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    elif col == "^":
                        create_bg_blocks(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                         self.bg_blocks, x, y, 400, "reg")
                    x += 48
                y += 48
                x = left
Exemple #3
    def cur_item(self, block, music, mario):
        if (block.type_ == "pup" or block.type_ == "pup2" or block.type_ == "pup3") \
                and self.state == "reg":
            if self.dir_face == "right":
                left = False
                right = True
                left = True
                right = False
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                        self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "mushroom",
                        float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 60,
                        float(block.rect.x), left, right)
        if (block.type_ == "pup" or block.type_ == "pup2" or block.type_ == "pup3") \
                and (self.state == "super" or self.state == "fire"):
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                        self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "fireflower",
                        float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "qcoin" or block.type_ == "qcoin2":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                        self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "coin",
                        float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "hidden" or block.type_ == "1up2":
            if block.image_ == 'assets/interactible/qblock_used_2.bmp':
                create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                            self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "coin",
                            float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 30,
                            float(block.rect.x), False, True)
                create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                            self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "1upshroom",
                            float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 30,
                            float(block.rect.x), False, True)

        if block.type_ == "bcoin" or block.type_ == "bcoin2":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                        self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "coin",
                        float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "star" or block.type_ == "star2":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks,
                        self.bg_blocks, self, self.items, "star",
                        float(block.rect.x) + 25, block.rect.bottom - 60,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, True)

        block.blipup(music, mario)
Exemple #4
    def update(self, music, mario):
        self.image = pygame.image.load(self.timer.imagerect())

        if self.state == "goright":
            if self.temp_go == 0:
                self.temp_go = 1

        if self.temp_go == 1:
            if self.walk_an == "r":
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.walk_an == "f":
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.walk_an == "s":
                self.frames_ = [
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            self.temp_go = 2

        if self.jumping and self.change_y == 0:
            self.change_y = -20
            self.jumping = False
            if self.state == "super" or self.state == "fire":
        if self.jumping_press and self.jump_scaler == 0:
            if self.jump_scaler < 20:
                self.jump_scaler += 2
                self.jumping_press = False
            self.change_y -= self.jump_scaler
            self.jump_scaler = 0

        ff = 1
        ma = 12
        if self.mov_right and self.fric < ma and not self.died and not self.flag:
            self.fric += ff
        elif self.fric > 0:
            self.fric -= ff
        if self.mov_left and self.fric > -ma and not self.died and not self.flag:
            self.fric -= ff
        elif self.fric < 0:
            self.fric += ff

        if self.change_x == 0 and self.change_y == 0 and not self.flag and not self.died and self.state != "dead":
            if self.dir_face == "right":
                self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rmario_stand.bmp']
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.dir_face == "left":
                self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Lmario_stand.bmp']
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super":
                if self.dir_face == "right":
                    self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rsmario_stand.bmp']
                    if self.star_power is True:
                        self.frames_ = [
                if self.dir_face == "left":
                    self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Lsmario_stand.bmp']
                    if self.star_power is True:
                        self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire":
                if self.dir_face == "right":
                    self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rfmario_stand.bmp']
                    if self.star_power is True:
                        self.frames_ = [
                if self.dir_face == "left":
                    self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Lfmario_stand.bmp']
                    if self.star_power is True:
                        self.frames_ = [
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_

        if self.mov_left and not self.mov_right and not self.flag and self.state != "dead":
            self.rect.x += self.change_x
            self.dir_face = "left"
            self.frames_ = [
            if self.star_power is True:
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [

            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            # self.timer.reset()

        if self.mov_right and not self.mov_left and self.state != "dead" and not self.flag:
            self.rect.x += self.change_x
            self.dir_face = "right"
            self.frames_ = [
            if self.star_power is True:
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            # self.timer.reset()

        if self.mov_right and self.fric < 0 and self.state != "dead" and not self.flag:
            self.frames_ = [
            if self.star_power is True:
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [

            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
        if self.mov_left and self.fric > 0 and self.state != "dead" and not self.flag:
            self.frames_ = [
            if self.star_power is True:
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.star_power is True:
                    self.frames_ = [
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_

        if self.inair and not self.died and not self.flag:
            if not self.landed and self.dir_face == "right":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.state == "super":
                    self.frames_ = [
                if self.state == "fire":
                    self.frames_ = [
                self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            if not self.landed and self.dir_face == "left":
                self.frames_ = [
                if self.state == "super":
                    self.frames_ = [
                if self.state == "fire":
                    self.frames_ = [
                self.timer.frames = self.frames_

        if self.crouch and not self.flag and not self.died:
            if self.state == "fire" and self.dir_face == "right":
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "fire" and self.dir_face == "left":
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super" and self.dir_face == "right":
                self.frames_ = [
            if self.state == "super" and self.dir_face == "left":
                self.frames_ = [
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            # self.timer.reset()

        # self.change_x = self.fric
        if self.rect.centerx < round(self.ai_settings.screen_width / 2) \
                and self.mov_right and not self.mov_left and not self.died and not self.flag:
        elif self.rect.centerx > round(self.ai_settings.screen_width / 2) and self.mov_right \
                and not self.mov_left and not self.died and not self.flag:
            for blocks in self.g_blocks:
                blocks.rect.x -= self.change_x
            for blocks in self.bg_blocks:
                blocks.rect.x -= self.change_x
            for item in self.items:
                item.rect.x -= self.change_x
            for enemy in self.enemies:
                enemy.rect.x -= self.change_x
            for chunk in self.chunks:
                chunk.check_edge -= self.change_x
            self.rect.x -= self.change_x

        for block in self.g_blocks:
            if self.rect.colliderect(block.rect):
                if block.type_ == "winner":
                    self.state = "next!"
            if self.rect.colliderect(block.rect) and not self.flag and not self.death and block.type_ != "hidden"\
                    and block.type_ != "blank":
                if self.change_x > 0 and block.type_ != "hidden":  # and self.rect.bottom != block.rect.top:
                    self.rect.right = block.rect.left
                elif self.change_x < 0 and block.type_ != "hidden":  # and self.rect.bottom != block.rect.top:
                    self.rect.left = block.rect.right
                if block.type_ == "winner":
                    self.state = "next!"

                if block.type_ == "invs":
                    self.next_level = self.state
                    if self.state == "fire":
                        self.state = "flagf"
                    if self.state == "super":
                        self.state = "flags"
                    if self.state == "reg":
                        self.state = "flagr"

        if self.state == "flagf" or self.state == "flags" or self.state == "flagr" and not self.flag:
            self.flag = True
            if self.state == "flagf":
                self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rfmario_pole_1.bmp']
                self.walk_an = "f"
            if self.state == "flags":
                self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rsmario_pole_1.bmp']
                self.walk_an = "s"
            if self.state == "flagr":
                self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/Rmario_pole_1.bmp']
                self.walk_an = "r"
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            self.rect.x += 20
            self.state = "nextlevel"

        if not self.died and self.state != "dead" and self.rect.left > 0:
            self.change_x = self.fric
        if self.rect.left < 0:
            self.rect.left = 0

        self.rect.y += self.change_y
        for block in self.g_blocks:
            if self.rect.colliderect(
            ) and not self.death and not self.flag and block.type_ != "blank":
                if self.change_y > 0 and block.type_ != "hidden":
                    self.rect.bottom = block.rect.top
                    self.landed = True
                elif self.change_y < 0:
                    self.rect.top = block.rect.bottom
                    self.jumping_press = False
                    self.cur_item(block, music, mario)
                    if block.type_ == "bricks" and (self.state == "super"
                                                    or self.state == "fire"):
                        block.dead = 1
                self.change_y = 0
            if (block.type_ == "3bar" or block.type_ == "2bar") and self.rect.bottom == block.rect.top and\
                    block.rect.x <= self.rect.x <= block.rect.x + 144:
                block.rect.y += 1

        if self.invinc > 0:
            self.invinc -= 1
        if self.invinc == 0 and self.star_power is True:
            self.star_power = False

        for enemy in self.enemies:
            if self.rect.right + 900 > enemy.rect.left:
                enemy.state = "active"
            if self.rect.colliderect(enemy.rect) and self.star_power is True:

            if self.rect.colliderect(
                    enemy.rect) and self.death is False and self.invinc == 0:
                if self.change_y > 0 and enemy.type != "plant" and enemy.type != "plant2"\
                        and enemy.type != "bowser":
                    self.rect.bottom = enemy.rect.top
                    self.change_y = -5
                    self.jumping = True
                    self.change_y = 0
                    if enemy.state != "dead":
                elif enemy.type == "shell":
                    if self.dir_face == "right":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "shell_mov", enemy.rect.right,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center,
                                    False, True)
                    elif self.dir_face == "left":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "shell_mov", enemy.rect.left,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center, True,
                elif enemy.type == "bshell":
                    if self.dir_face == "right":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "bshell_mov", enemy.rect.right,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center,
                                    False, True)
                    elif self.dir_face == "left":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "bshell_mov", enemy.rect.left,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center, True,
                elif enemy.type == "rshell":
                    if self.dir_face == "right":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "rshell_mov", enemy.rect.right,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center,
                                    False, True)
                    elif self.dir_face == "left":
                        create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen,
                                    self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self,
                                    self.items, "rshell_mov", enemy.rect.left,
                                    enemy.rect.bottom, enemy.rect.center, True,

                elif enemy.type != "shell" and enemy.type != "bshell" and enemy.type != "rshell":
                    if self.state == "reg":
                        self.death_blow = True
                    elif self.state == "fire":
                        self.invinc = 60
                        self.state = "super"
                        self.invinc = 60
                        self.state = "reg"
                self.change_y = 0

        for item in self.items:
            if self.rect.colliderect(
            ) and self.death is False and item.type != "fireball":
                if item.type == "mushroom":
                    self.state = "super"
                if item.type == "coin" or item.type == "coin1" or item.type == "coin2":
                    self.ai_settings.coins += 1
                    self.ai_settings.high_score -= 800
                if item.type == "star":
                    self.invinc = 300
                    self.star_power = True
                if item.type == "1upshroom":
                    self.ai_settings.mario_lives += 1
                if self.state == "super" and item.type == "fireflower":
                    self.state = "fire"
                if self.state != "super" and item.type == "fireflower":
                    self.state = "fire"
                if item.type != "shell_mov" and item.type != "bshell_mov" and item.type != "rshell_mov":
                if item.type == "ax":
                    self.win = True
                    for block in self.g_blocks:
                        if block.type_ == "bridge":
                self.ai_settings.high_score += 1000

        if self.rect.y >= 720 - self.rect.height and self.change_y >= 0 and not self.died or self.death_blow:
            self.change_y = -26
            self.jumping = False
            self.death = True
            self.died = True
            self.win = False
            self.state = "dead"
            self.death_blow = False
            self.frames_ = ['assets/mario/mario_dead.bmp']
            self.timer.frames = self.frames_
            self.fric = 0
            self.change_x = 0
Exemple #5
    def cur_item(self, block, music, mario):
        if block.type_ == "pup" and self.state == "reg":
            if self.dir_face == "right":
                left = False
                right = True
                left = True
                right = False
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "mushroom", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 60,
                        float(block.rect.x), left, right)
        if block.type_ == "pup" and (self.state == "super" or self.state == "fire"):
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "fireflower", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "qcoin":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "coin", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "hidden":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "1upshroom", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, True)

        if block.type_ == "bcoin":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "coin", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 30,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, False)

        if block.type_ == "star":
            create_item(self.ai_settings, self.screen, self.g_blocks, self.bg_blocks, self, self.items,
                        "star", float(block.rect.x) + 25,
                        block.rect.bottom - 60,
                        float(block.rect.x), False, True)

        block.blipup(music, mario)