Exemple #1
def DetermineOutcomes(action) :
	global adv
	global char
	effects = {}
	if action == 0 : return effects
	action_data = adv.f['actions'][str(action)]
	all_outcomes = StripNonStates(action_data.keys())
	try :
	except KeyError : pass #effects are optional
	if len(all_outcomes) == 1 :
		outcomes = all_outcomes
	else :
		evaluators = [argsolve.Solve(each) for each in action_data['evaluators']]
		outcomes = [x for x in all_outcomes if TestState(action_data[str(x)],evaluators)]
	if not outcomes :
		print "Nothing Happens\n" #This occurs if no outcomes match
	else :
		for outcome in outcomes :
			try : effects.update(adv.f['actions'][str(action)][outcome]['effects'])
			except KeyError : pass #effects are optional
			try : nonemptyprint(adv.f['actions'][action][outcome])
			except KeyError : pass #text is optional
			try : char['Beats'] += adv.f['actions'][action][outcome]['duration']
			except KeyError : pass #duration is optional
	return effects
Exemple #2
def PrintAttributes(arguments) :
	global char
	global adv
	for attribute in char['Attributes'].keys() :
		firststate = (sorted(char['Attributes'][attribute][0][0] + char['Attributes'][attribute][0][1]))[0] #Merges the two state lists into 1, sorts them and takes the first numerically
Exemple #3
def TakeAction(arguments) :
	action = arguments[0]
	nonemptyprint(adv.f['actions'][action]['outcomes'][outcome]) #Action text will be printed if it exists
	for effect in adv.f['actions'][action]['outcomes'][outcome]['effects'].keys() : #The line below runs the function requested by each effect of the chosen action and passes it any arguments from the Action.
		arguments = argparser.PrsArg(adv.f['actions'][action]['outcomes'][outcome]['effects'][effect]['variables'])
Exemple #4
	for set in effects :
		for effect in set.keys() :
			effecthappened = True
			arguments = argsolve.Solve(set[effect])
	if effecthappened or firstrun :
		firstrun = False
		continue #Restarts the primary loop early if an effect happens
	wlist = scenelist['white'] + encounterlist['white'] + abilitylist['white'] + itemlist['white'] + vitallist['white'] + attributelist['white']
	blist = scenelist['black'] + encounterlist['black'] + abilitylist['black'] + itemlist['black'] + vitallist['black'] + attributelist['black']
	glist = [act for act in dupremove(wlist) if act not in blist] #Creates a list which contains Whitelisted Actions (wlist) that are not Blacklisted (present in blist). These are the actions available to the player.
	while True : #Secondary loop. Below is run when anything is put into the prompt regardless of validity.
		nonemptyprint(a.f['scenes'][str(statecheck.scene)]) #Scene description will be printed if there is one
		for state in sorted(c['SceneStates'][str(statecheck.scene)][0] + c['SceneStates'][str(statecheck.scene)][1]) :
		nonemptyprint(a.f['encounters'][str(c['Encounters'][str(statecheck.scene)][0])]) #Encounter description will be printed if there is one
		for state in sorted(c['Encounters'][str(statecheck.scene)][1][0] + c['Encounters'][str(statecheck.scene)][1][1]) :
		for vital in c['Vitals'].keys() :
			for state in sorted(c['Vitals'][vital][0][0] + c['Vitals'][vital][0][1]) :
		prompt = raw_input(">").strip() #The main prompt
		action = 0
		try : #Effectively 'if input is a whole number'
			prompt = int(prompt)
			if prompt in glist : 
				action = str(prompt) #If the input matches the UID of a valid action then take note of it's UID
		except ValueError : #Effectively 'if input isn't a whole number'