def minimize_time_delay(dt):
            Get experiment data
            ap = pd.read_csv(fname, index_col=0, names=['MAC', 'Time', 'RSSIs', 'channel'])
            ap = ap.loc[ap.index == cfg_exp.mac]
            ap['Time'] += dt
            # ap = ap.loc[ap['Time'] >= track.track_time[i][0]]
            # ap = ap.loc[ap['Time'] <= track.track_time[i][-1]]
            ap_rssis = list(ap['RSSIs'])

            for k in range(len(ap_rssis)):
                ap_rssis[k] = parse_rssi(ap_rssis[k])

            del ap['RSSIs']
            if ap_rssis:
                ap_rssis = pd.DataFrame(ap_rssis, columns=['V0', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'H0', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3'],
                ap = pd.concat([ap, ap_rssis], axis=1)

                ap_rssis = np.array(ap_rssis)
                ap_arranged = fn.arrange_data(ap_rssis)

                # Arranging model data
                ap_max = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 1, ap_rssis)

                # conditions
                not_sat_power = ap_max <= config.max_rssi
                not_low_power = ap_max >= config.min_rssi
                not_erroneous = ap_arranged[:, 8] > -10

                ap_arranged = pd.DataFrame(ap_arranged, columns=['V0', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'H0', 'H1', 'H2',
                                                                                   'H3', 'VmH'], index=ap.index)
                ap_arranged_filtered = ap_arranged.loc[not_sat_power & not_low_power & not_erroneous]
                ap_arranged_filtered = np.array(ap_arranged_filtered)

                ap_arranged_filtered = fn.noise_filter(ap_arranged_filtered)

                # Filtered
                ap_pred_times[i][j] = np.array(ap['Time'].loc[not_sat_power & not_low_power & not_erroneous])
                # Predicting basic model result
                if ap_arranged_filtered.shape[0]:
                    ap_pred[i][j] = cal.rfc[cur_ap_i].predict(ap_arranged_filtered)
                    ap_pred[i][j] = ap_pred[i][j].reshape((ap_pred[i][j].shape[0], 1))

                # # plot predictions
                # plt.plot(ap_pred_times[i][j], ap_pred[i][j], 'go')

            amalgamating predictions for each time frame

            # not valid prediction are saved as 100
            ap_timed_pred, ap_timed_sd = timed_predictions(ap_pred[i][j], ap_pred_times[i][j],
            # remove NaNs
            ap_timed_pred = fn.remove_nan(ap_timed_pred)
            # plt.plot(track.track_time_int[i], track.doa_true[0][:, j], 'r',
            # track.track_time_int[i], ap_timed_pred, 'go')

            rsme = np.sqrt(np.sum((track.doa_true[0][:, j].reshape(ap_timed_pred.shape) - ap_timed_pred) ** 2) /
            # print 'AP: ', j, 'RSME is: ', rsme
            return rsme
Exemple #2
            # # plot predictions
            # plt.plot(ap_pred_times[i][j], ap_pred[i][j], 'go')

    amalgamating predictions for each time frame
    # Building time frames
    time_frames.append(range(int(track.track_time[i][0]), int(track.track_time[i][-1] + cfg_exp.time_step),

    # not valid prediction are saved as 100
    ap_timed_pred[i], ap_timed_sd[i] = fn_exp.timed_predictions(ap_pred[i], ap_pred_times[i], time_frames[i])

    # remove NaNs
    ap_timed_pred[i] = fn.remove_nan(ap_timed_pred[i])

    # Holt's filtering algorithm
    holt = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
    holt[0, :] = ap_timed_pred[i][0, :]
    holt_trend = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)

    for j in range(1, ap_timed_pred[i].shape[0]):
        holt[j, :] = (1 - cfg_exp.alpha) * (holt[j-1, :] + holt_trend[j-1, :]) + cfg_exp.alpha * ap_timed_pred[i][j, :]
        holt_trend[j, :] = cfg_exp.trend * (holt[j, :] - holt[j-1, :]) + (1 - cfg_exp.trend) * holt_trend[j-1, :]

    ap_timed_holt[i] = holt

    # Kalman's filtering algorithm
    kalman_x_p = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
    kalman_x_m = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
                # Calculate total SD
                sdmax, sdmin = fn_exp.add_sd(angle0, angle1, dist0, dist1)


            # Calculate position_error(crossing) in order to find optimal weights
            # [x, y]
            prelim_pos = np.array(prelim_pos)
            weights = np.array(weights)
            prelim_pos_x = prelim_pos[:, 0]
            prelim_pos_y = prelim_pos[:, 1]
            pos[j] = fn_exp.estimate_xy(prelim_pos_x, prelim_pos_y, weights)

    # Change NaN to last known position
    pos = fn.remove_nan(pos)

    # Remove points from outside
    # pos = fn.remove_outside(pos)

    # Holt's filtering algorithm
    holt = np.zeros(pos.shape)
    holt[0, :] = pos[0, :]
    holt_trend = np.zeros(pos.shape)
    for j in range(1, pos.shape[0]):
        holt[j, :] = (1 - cfg_exp.alpha) * (holt[j-1, :] + holt_trend[j-1, :]) + cfg_exp.alpha * pos[j, :]
        holt_trend[j, :] = cfg_exp.trend * (holt[j, :] - holt[j-1, :]) + (1 - cfg_exp.trend) * holt_trend[j-1, :]

# # 1D plot
Exemple #4
                ap_pred[i][j] = cal.rfc[cur_ap_i].predict(ap_arranged_filtered)
                ap_pred[i][j] = ap_pred[i][j].reshape((ap_pred[i][j].shape[0], 1))

            # # plot predictions
            # plt.plot(ap_pred_times[i][j], ap_pred[i][j], 'go')

    amalgamating predictions for each time frame

    # not valid prediction are saved as 100
    ap_timed_pred[i], ap_timed_sd[i] = fn_exp.timed_predictions(ap_pred[i], ap_pred_times[i], track.track_time_int[i])

    # remove NaNs
    ap_timed_pred[i] = fn.remove_nan(ap_timed_pred[i])

    # Kalman's filtering algorithm
    kalman_x_p = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
    kalman_x_p[0, :] = ap_timed_pred[i][0, :]
    kalman_p_m = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
    kalman_p_p = np.zeros(ap_timed_pred[i].shape)
    kalman_p_p[0, :] = np.ones((1, 4)) * cfg_exp.kalman_q

    for j in range(1, ap_timed_pred[i].shape[0]):
        kalman_p_m[j, :] = kalman_p_p[j-1, :] + cfg_exp.kalman_q
        kalman_k_j = kalman_p_m[j, :] / (kalman_p_m[j, :] + cfg_exp.kalman_r)
        kalman_p_p[j, :] = (1 - kalman_k_j) * kalman_p_m[j, :]
        kalman_x_p[j, :] = kalman_x_p[j-1, :] + kalman_k_j * (ap_timed_pred[i][j, :] - kalman_x_p[j-1, :])

    ap_timed_kaplan[i] = kalman_x_p