def simulate(seed, na=2, rate=100, predict=False): net = NetPopPredict() if predict else NetPop(na) W = np.copy(net.W) W[:-1, :-1] *= gamma W -= (1 - gamma) * net.competition u0 = np.linspace(-2, .04, len(W)) np.random.seed(seed) s, u = runpopU(W * 1. / popsize, u0, step, popsize, rate) pre = np.zeros((int(250 / step), len(W))) for t in [-40]: pre[int(t / step), range(-2, -2 - na, -1)] = 1 for t in [-240, -200, -160, -120, -80, -10, -2, -1]: pre[int(t / step), range(-2 - na, -2 - 2 * na, -1)] = .1 pres = np.vstack((pre, s)) tmp = np.array([ np.mean(np.array([ smooth_spikes(pres[:, j * popsize + i], 40, .2) for i in range(popsize) ]), axis=0) for j in range(len(W) - na, len(W) - 8 * na - 1, -na) ])[:, 250 / step:750 / step] tmp2 = np.array([ np.mean(np.array([ smooth_spikes(pres[:, j * popsize + i], 40, .2) for i in range(popsize) ]), axis=0) for j in range(len(W) - na - 1, len(W) - 8 * na - 2, -na) ])[:, 250 / step:750 / step] return [np.array(map(np.argmax, tmp)) * step, tmp, tmp2, s]
def sim(u0, rate, reset, tm, th, rb, r0, r1, r2, rp, tmean, tsigma, ir, runs): step = .2 net = NetPop(1) np.random.seed(0) tmp = u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)) tmp[-1] = .5 s = np.array([ run(net.W, u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)), step, 1, rate=rate, T=1700, tm=tm, reset=reset, seed=i, th=th, rbase=rb, r0=r0, r1=r1, rp=rp, tmean=tmean, tsigma=tsigma) for i in range(runs) ]) s3 = np.array([ run(net.W, u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)), step, 1, rate=rate, T=1700, tm=tm, reset=reset, seed=i, th=th, rbase=rb, r0=r0, r1=r2, rp=rp, tmean=tmean, tsigma=tsigma) for i in range(runs) ]) pre = np.ones((int(250 / step), len(net.W))) * step * ir * 100 / 1000. pre[:, -1] = 0 return np.array([ smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s3, axis=0)))[:, 1], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s3, axis=0)))[:, 0], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 1], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 0], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 2], 40, step) ])
def simulate(seed, na=2, rate=100, predict=False): net = NetPopPredict() if predict else NetPop(na) W = np.copy(net.W) W[:-1, :-1] *= gamma W -= (1 - gamma) * net.competition u0 = np.linspace(-2, .04, len(W)) np.random.seed(seed) s, u = runpopU(W * 1. / popsize, u0, step, popsize, rate) pre = np.zeros((int(250 / step), len(W))) for t in [-40]: pre[int(t / step), range(-2, -2 - na, -1)] = 1 for t in [-240, -200, -160, -120, -80, -10, -2, -1]: pre[int(t / step), range(-2 - na, -2 - 2 * na, -1)] = .1 pres = np.vstack((pre, s)) tmp = np.array([np.mean(np.array([smooth_spikes(pres[:, j * popsize + i], 40, .2) for i in range(popsize)]), axis=0) for j in range(len(W) - na, len(W) - 8 * na - 1, -na)])[:, 250 / step:750 / step] tmp2 = np.array([np.mean(np.array([smooth_spikes(pres[:, j * popsize + i], 40, .2) for i in range(popsize)]), axis=0) for j in range(len(W) - na - 1, len(W) - 8 * na - 2, -na)])[:, 250 / step:750 / step] return [np.array(map(np.argmax, tmp)) * step, tmp, tmp2, s]
def sim(u0, rate, reset, tm, th, rb, r0, r1, r2, rp, tmean, tsigma, ir, runs): step = .2 net = NetPop(1) np.random.seed(0) tmp = u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)) tmp[-1] = .5 s = np.array([run(net.W, u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)), step, 1, rate=rate, T=1700, tm=tm, reset=reset, seed=i, th=th, rbase=rb, r0=r0, r1=r1, rp=rp, tmean=tmean, tsigma=tsigma) for i in range(runs)]) s3 = np.array([run(net.W, u0 * np.ones(len(net.W)), step, 1, rate=rate, T=1700, tm=tm, reset=reset, seed=i, th=th, rbase=rb, r0=r0, r1=r2, rp=rp, tmean=tmean, tsigma=tsigma) for i in range(runs)]) pre = np.ones((int(250 / step), len(net.W))) * step * ir * 100 / 1000. pre[:, -1] = 0 return np.array( [smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s3, axis=0)))[:, 1], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s3, axis=0)))[:, 0], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 1], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 0], 40, step), smooth_spikes(np.vstack((pre, np.mean(s, axis=0)))[:, 2], 40, step)])
Ratels4 = np.array(map(lambda a: a[1], res4)) ### plot neural activities from simulation ### pl.figure() for c in range(8): pl.plot(Ratels.mean(axis=0)[c], color=col[c]) pl.xlabel('Time from target [ms]', labelpad=0) pl.ylabel('Firing rate [Hz]', labelpad=10) pl.xticks([0, 250 / step, 500 / step], [0, 250, 500]) pl.yticks([0, 20, 40, 60, 80], [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]) pl.xlim(0, 500 / step) pl.ylim(0, 64) pl.plot(smooth_spikes([step * 100 / 1000. * (.1 + .65 * np.exp(-(t * step - 500) ** 2 / tau_r ** 2)) for t in range(int(1000 / step))], 40, .2)[250 / step:750 / step], color='black', zorder=-1, lw=2) pl.subplots_adjust(.18, .21, .945, .99) simpleaxis(pl.gca()) if savefig: pl.savefig('Sohn.pdf', dpi=600) else: pl.figure() pl.plot(Ratels.mean(axis=0)[3], color=col[3]) l, = pl.plot(Ratels3.mean(axis=0)[3], '--', color=col[3]) l.set_dashes([10, 10]) l, = pl.plot(Ratels4.mean(axis=0)[3], ':', color=col[3])
pl.subplots_adjust(.17, .22, .99, .99) if savefig: pl.savefig('Delta(t).pdf', dpi=600) else: ### activity profiles ### errx = -5.2 fac = .022 res = sim(.3, 1000, 0., 25., np.array([[.97, 1], [1.07, 1], [1.3, 1]]), 1, tdec, trise, tdly, 30).mean(1) pre = np.zeros((int(250 / step), len(net.W))) res = np.array([map(lambda x: smooth_spikes(x, 40, step), np.vstack((pre, res[j])).T) for j in range(3)]) res2 = res[:, 0, 250 * 5:1250 * 5] fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p3, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[0], color=col[6]) p2, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[1], color=col[1]) p1, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[2], color=col[2]) # labels & layout pl.xlabel('Time from offer [s]') pl.ylabel('Relative firing rate [Hz]', labelpad=15, y=.38) pl.xticks([0, 500], [0, 0.5]) pl.xlim(0, 1000) pl.yticks([0, 5], [0, 5]) pl.ylim(-1.5, 9.5)
pl.subplots_adjust(.17, .22, .99, .99) if savefig: pl.savefig('Delta(t).pdf', dpi=600) else: ### activity profiles ### errx = -5.2 fac = .022 res = sim(.3, 1000, 0., 25., np.array([[.97, 1], [1.07, 1], [1.3, 1]]), 1, tdec, trise, tdly, 30).mean(1) pre = np.zeros((int(250 / step), len(net.W))) res = np.array([ map(lambda x: smooth_spikes(x, 40, step), np.vstack((pre, res[j])).T) for j in range(3) ]) res2 = res[:, 0, 250 * 5:1250 * 5] fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) p3, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[0], color=col[6]) p2, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[1], color=col[1]) p1, = ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1000, step), fac * res2[2], color=col[2]) # labels & layout pl.xlabel('Time from offer [s]') pl.ylabel('Relative firing rate [Hz]', labelpad=15, y=.38) pl.xticks([0, 500], [0, 0.5]) pl.xlim(0, 1000) pl.yticks([0, 5], [0, 5])
res4 = map(lambda a: simulate(a, 4), range(30)) Ratels4 = np.array(map(lambda a: a[1], res4)) ### plot neural activities from simulation ### pl.figure() for c in range(8): pl.plot(Ratels.mean(axis=0)[c], color=col[c]) pl.xlabel('Time from target [ms]', labelpad=0) pl.ylabel('Firing rate [Hz]', labelpad=10) pl.xticks([0, 250 / step, 500 / step], [0, 250, 500]) pl.yticks([0, 20, 40, 60, 80], [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]) pl.xlim(0, 500 / step) pl.ylim(0, 64) pl.plot(smooth_spikes([ step * 100 / 1000. * (.1 + .65 * np.exp(-(t * step - 500)**2 / tau_r**2)) for t in range(int(1000 / step)) ], 40, .2)[250 / step:750 / step], color='black', zorder=-1, lw=2) pl.subplots_adjust(.18, .21, .945, .99) simpleaxis(pl.gca()) if savefig: pl.savefig('Sohn.pdf', dpi=600) else: pl.figure() pl.plot(Ratels.mean(axis=0)[3], color=col[3]) l, = pl.plot(Ratels3.mean(axis=0)[3], '--', color=col[3]) l.set_dashes([10, 10])
### simulation ### net = NetPop() W = np.copy(net.W) W[:-1, :-1] *= gamma W -= (1 - gamma) * net.competition if deval: W[2, -1] /= 2. s = [] for seed in range(30): u0 = np.zeros(len(W)) np.random.seed(seed) s += [runU(W, u0, step, rate)] s = np.array(s) pre = np.zeros((int(250 / step), len(W))) pres = np.array([np.vstack((pre, ss)) for ss in s]) Ratels = [np.array([np.mean(np.array([smooth_spikes(p[:, j * popsize + i], 40, .2) for i in range(popsize)]), axis=0) for j in range(len(W))])[:, 250 / step:750 / step] for p in pres] # plot neural activities: pl.figure() for c in range(6): pl.plot(np.array(Ratels).mean(axis=0)[c], color=col[c], zorder=5) pl.xlabel('Time [ms]', labelpad=0) pl.ylabel('Firing rate [Hz]', labelpad=10) pl.xticks([0, 250 / step, 500 / step], [0, 250, 500]) pl.yticks(*[[0, 20, 40, 60, 80]] * 2) pl.xlim(0, 500 / step) pl.ylim(0, 64) pl.plot(smooth_spikes([step * 100 / 1000. *
pl.yticks([15, 20, 25], [15, 20, 25]) pl.ylim(15, 25.8) simpleaxis(pl.gca()) # reward neuron ax2 = ax.twinx() # fake outside plotrange for legend p3, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c='grey', lw=6, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p4, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c='grey', lw=2, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p5, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c=col[1], lw=4, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p6, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c=col[6], lw=4, zorder=-5) rp, tmean, tsigma = 5.2, 95, 30 ax2.plot(np.arange(0, 1500, .2), smooth_spikes( [.2 * 450 / 1000. / 100 * (1 + rp * np.exp(-(t * .2 - tmean)**2 / tsigma**2)) for t in range(int(1750 / .2))], 40, .2)[:1500 * 5], c='black', lw=2, zorder=-5) ax2.set_ylim(2, 60) ax2.set_yticks([0, 10]) ax2.set_yticklabels([0, 10]) ax.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder() + 1) # put ax in front of ax2 ax.patch.set_visible(False) # hide the 'canvas' # right axis & layout pl.plot([1500, 1500], [0, 15], c='black', lw=2, clip_on=False) ax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['right'].set_visible(False) fig.subplots_adjust(.17, .22, .92, .95) lg2 = pl.legend([p3, p4, p5, p6], [r'$r_A = 3$', r'$r_A = 1$', 'A', 'B'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.07, 1.14), labelspacing=.23, handletextpad=.15, handlelength=1.6) lg2.draw_frame(False)
simpleaxis(pl.gca()) # reward neuron ax2 = ax.twinx() # fake outside plotrange for legend p3, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c='grey', lw=6, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p4, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c='grey', lw=2, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p5, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c=col[1], lw=4, zorder=-5) # fake outside plotrange for legend p6, = ax2.plot([0, 100], [-10, -10], c=col[6], lw=4, zorder=-5) rp, tmean, tsigma = 5.2, 95, 30 ax2.plot(np.arange(0, 1500, .2), smooth_spikes([ .2 * 450 / 1000. / 100 * (1 + rp * np.exp(-(t * .2 - tmean)**2 / tsigma**2)) for t in range(int(1750 / .2)) ], 40, .2)[:1500 * 5], c='black', lw=2, zorder=-5) ax2.set_ylim(2, 60) ax2.set_yticks([0, 10]) ax2.set_yticklabels([0, 10]) ax.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder() + 1) # put ax in front of ax2 ax.patch.set_visible(False) # hide the 'canvas' # right axis & layout pl.plot([1500, 1500], [0, 15], c='black', lw=2, clip_on=False) ax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['right'].set_visible(False) fig.subplots_adjust(.17, .22, .92, .95)