def check_type(part): nessery_keys = ['sound', 'end time'] if not isinstance(part, dict): msg = '''Video.get_nextsound must return 'dict' argument, type({}) = {} were given'''.format(part, type(part)) raise TypeError(str_to_error_message(msg)) for key in nessery_keys: if not key in part: msg = '''VideoStream.get_nextsound argument must contain {}, {} were given'''.format(key, part) raise TypeError(str_to_error_message(msg)) return True
def wrapper(self, time): if time > self.get_duration(): err = f'''You ask about {time} but {self.short_str()}.get_duration() is {self.get_duration()}''' raise OSError(str_to_error_message(err)) return func(self, time)
def short_str(self): if self.need_copy: rt = "(" rt += " + ".join([v.short_str() for v in self.videos_list]) rt += ")" return rt rt = f'''{__class__.__name__}([v.short_str() for v in self.videos_list], need_copy=False)''' return str_to_error_message(rt)
def get_duration(self): # Use 'Ani5kkF30f' for search """ Function that return duration of video. You need overload it if you use SumOfVideo for your type You no need overload it if you use SumOfVideo for PartOfVideo of your type. (PartOfVideo have get_duration method)""" msg = '''You call {}.get_duration() (may be in SumOfVideo(v1, v2) or v1 + v2) method but not overload it''' AttributeError(str_to_error_message(msg.format(self)))
def get_frame(self, *args, **kwargs): # Use '0t1SPHSW8B' for search """ Overloaded 'get_frame' method must takes time in arg and return frame in that time. """ msg = '''All classes inherited of {} must overload '{}' method; # Use '0t1SPHSW8B' for search''' msg = str_to_error_message(msg.format(__class__, "get_frame")) raise Exception(msg)
def get_duration(self): # print("get_duration calling") if self.duration == -1: msg = ''' .But you don't point out duration in {}.__init__({}, {}). It trror may be raised if int SumOfVideo previos video have small duration and this video didn't have time to download. '''.format(__class__, self, self.video_id) raise AttributeError(str_to_error_message(msg)) return self.duration
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create SmartAcceleratedVideo(self, Settings(**dict)) where 'dict' is if not args: dict = kwargs if args is (settings_obj): dict = settings_obj.to_dict().update(kwargs) """ if not args: settings_dict = kwargs elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Settings): settings_dict = args[0].to_dict() settings_dict.update(kwargs) elif len(args) == 1: msg = '''arg in Video(arg, **kwargs) must be <class Settings> type type({}) = {} were given'''.format(arg, type(arg)) raise TypeError(str_to_error_message(msg)) else: msg = '''Video(*args, **kwargs) takes 0 or 1 arguments in *args Video(*{}, **{}) were given'''.format(args, kwargs) raise TypeError(str_to_error_message(msg)) return SmartAcceleratedVideo(self, Settings(**settings_dict))
def long_str(self): rt = f'''{__class__.__name__}({}, {self.start_time}, {self.end_time})''' return str_to_error_message(rt)