def testSingleSubjectMultipleTimes(signal, times): print("Testing single subject, multiple {} times...".format(times)) results = [] for t in range(times): neuro_act = simulateFCD.computeSubjectSimulation(C, N) bds = simulateFCD.computeSubjectBOLD(neuro_act) bdsT = bds.T sim_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(bdsT, 0) sim_filt /= np.std(sim_filt) error = errorMetrics.l2(signal, sim_filt) print("Trial: {} ({}) of {}".format(t+1, t, times), "Error:", error) results.append([error]) avg = np.average(results) std = np.std(results) print("Average:", avg, "std:", std) # the histogram of the data n, bins, patches = plt.hist(results/avg*10, bins=10, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75) plt.xlabel('error') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.title('Histogram of errors') plt.text(60, .025, '$\mu$={}, $\sigma$={}'.format(avg, std)) #plt.xlim(40, 160) #plt.ylim(0, 0.03) #plt.grid(True)
def from_fMRI(signal, applyFilters = True): # Compute the FCD of an input BOLD signal (N, Tmax) = signal.shape lastWindow = Tmax - windowSize # 190 = 220 - 30 N_windows = calc_length(0, lastWindow, windowStep) # N_windows = len(np.arange(0, lastWindow, windowStep)) if not np.isnan(signal).any(): # No problems, go ahead!!! signal_filt = BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter(signal) # Filters seem to be always applied... Isubdiag = np.tril_indices(N, k=-1) # Indices of triangular lower part of matrix # For each pair of sliding windows calculate the FC at t and t2 and # compute the correlation between the two. cotsampling = np.zeros((int(N_windows*(N_windows-1)/2))) kk = 0 ii2 = 0 for t in range(0, lastWindow, windowStep): jj2 = 0 sfilt = (signal_filt[:, t:t+windowSize+1]).T # Extracts a (sliding) window between t and t+windowSize (included) cc = np.corrcoef(sfilt, rowvar=False) # Pearson correlation coefficients for t2 in range(0, lastWindow, windowStep): sfilt2 = (signal_filt[:, t2:t2+windowSize+1]).T # Extracts a (sliding) window between t2 and t2+windowSize (included) cc2 = np.corrcoef(sfilt2, rowvar=False) # Pearson correlation coefficients ca = pearson_r(cc[Isubdiag],cc2[Isubdiag]) # Correlation between both FC if jj2 > ii2: # Only keep the upper triangular part cotsampling[kk] = ca kk = kk+1 jj2 = jj2+1 ii2 = ii2+1 return cotsampling else: warnings.warn('############ Warning!!! swFCD.from_fMRI: NAN found ############') return np.nan
def filtPowSpetra(signal, TR): nNodes, Tmax = signal.shape # Here we are assuming we receive only ONE subject... # idxMinFreq = np.argmin(np.abs(freqs-0.04)) # idxMaxFreq = np.argmin(np.abs(freqs-0.07)) # nFreqs = freqs.size # delt = 2 # sampling interval # fnq = 1/(2*delt) # Nyquist frequency # k = 2 # 2nd order butterworth filter # =================== WIDE BANDPASS # flp = .04 # lowpass frequency of filter # fhi = fnq-0.001 #.249 # highpass needs to be limited by Nyquist frequency, which in turn depends on TR # ts_filt_wide =zscore(filtfilt(bfilt_wide,afilt_wide,x)) # pw_filt_wide = abs(fft(ts_filt_wide)) # PowSpect_filt_wide(:,seed) = pw_filt_wide[1:np.floor(TT/2)] ** 2 / (TT/2) # =================== NARROW LOW BANDPASS # print(f'BOLD Filters: low={BOLDFilters.flp}, hi={BOLDFilters.fhi}') # ts_filt_narrow = zscore(BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter(signal, removeStrongArtefacts=False), axis=0) # Here we used the zscore to "normalize" the values... not really needed, but makes things easier to follow! ;-) ts_filt_narrow = BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter(signal, removeStrongArtefacts=False) pw_filt_narrow = np.abs(np.fft.fft(ts_filt_narrow, axis=1)) PowSpect_filt_narrow = pw_filt_narrow[:, 0:int(np.floor(Tmax/2))].T**2 / (Tmax/TR) # Power_Areas_filt_narrow_unsmoothed = PowSpect_filt_narrow # By now, do nothing... return PowSpect_filt_narrow
def fitBOLDBrainArea(neuronal_act, BOLDSignal, area, lowerBounds = initialLowerBounds): def errorFunc(neuro_act, epsilon, alpha, tau, gamma, kappa): if Verbose: global evalCounter evalCounter += 1 print("Test:", evalCounter) BOLDModel.epsilon = epsilon BOLDModel.alpha = alpha BOLDModel.tau = tau BOLDModel.gamma = gamma BOLDModel.kappa = kappa bds = simulateFCD.computeSubjectBOLD(neuro_act, areasToSimulate=[area]) bdsT = bds.T sim_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(bdsT, 0) sim_filt /= np.std(sim_filt) return sim_filt # init... from scipy.optimize import curve_fit emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) # Now, fit it !!! # Note: Be careful with max_nfev, evaluations include numerical derivatives, so the actual number will be around 4.6 (or more) * this number before stopping!!! if numMethod == 'trf': popt, pcov = curve_fit(errorFunc, neuronal_act, emp_filt, method='trf', bounds=(lowerBounds, 3.0), p0 = initialValues, max_nfev = 100) else: # use 'lm' popt, pcov = curve_fit(errorFunc, neuronal_act, emp_filt, method='lm', p0 = initialValues) final_values = errorFunc(neuronal_act, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4]) finalError = errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, final_values) return popt, pcov, finalError
def from_fMRI(ts_emp, applyFilters=True ): # Compute the Metastability of an input BOLD signal # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for isub=1:nsub # for inode=1:nnodes # ts_emp_sub(inode,:)=detrend(ts_emp(inode,:,isub)-mean(ts_emp(inode,:,isub))); # ts_emp_filt(inode,:,isub)=filtfilt(bfilt,afilt,ts_emp_sub(inode,:)); # % pw = abs(fft(ts_emp_filt(inode,:,isub))); # % PowSpect(:,inode,isub) = pw(1:floor(Tmax/2)).^2/(Tmax/Cfg.TRsec); # Xanalytic(inode,:) = hilbert(demean(ts_emp_filt(inode,:,isub))); # phases_emp(inode,:,isub) = angle(Xanalytic(inode,:)); % <-- # end # # T=10:Tmax-10; # sync = zeros(1, numel(T)); # for t=T # ku=sum(complex(cos(phases_emp(:,t,isub)),sin(phases_emp(:,t,isub))))/nnodes; # sync(t-9)=abs(ku); # end # % empirical metastability # meta_emp_all(isub)=std(sync(:)); # % fc_emp_all(:,:,isub) = corrcoef(ts_emp_filt(:,:,isub)'); # % phfcd_emp_all(:,isub)=patternCons(phases_emp(:,:,isub),nnodes,Tmax); # end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (N, Tmax) = ts_emp.shape npattmax = Tmax - 19 # calculates the size of phfcd vector # size_kk3 = int((npattmax - 3) * (npattmax - 2) / 2) # The int() is not needed because N*(N-1) is always even, but "it will produce an error in the future"... if not np.isnan(ts_emp).any(): # No problems, go ahead!!! # Data structures we are going to need... phases_emp = np.zeros([N, Tmax]) # sync = np.zeros(npattmax) # Filters seem to be always applied... ts_emp_filt = BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter( ts_emp) # zero phase filter the data for n in range(N): Xanalytic = signal.hilbert(demean.demean(ts_emp_filt[n, :])) phases_emp[n, :] = np.angle(Xanalytic) T = np.arange(10, Tmax - 10 + 1) sync = np.zeros(T.size) for t in T: ku = np.sum( np.cos(phases_emp[:, t - 1]) + 1j * np.sin(phases_emp[:, t - 1])) / N sync[t - 10] = abs(ku) # empirical metastability meta_emp_all = np.std(sync) else: warnings.warn( f'############ Warning!!! Metastability.from_fMRI: NAN found ############' ) meta_emp_all = np.nan return meta_emp_all
def simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, keysAndValues): global neuro_act simulateActivitySubject(C, N, we) for key, value in keysAndValues.items(): exec('BOLDHemModel2.'+key+' = '+str(value)) bds = simulateFCD.computeSubjectBOLD(neuro_act, areasToSimulate=[area]) bdsT = bds.T sim_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(bdsT, 0) sim_filt /= np.std(sim_filt) return sim_filt
def from_fMRI(signal, applyFilters=True): if not np.isnan(signal).any(): # No problems, go ahead!!! if applyFilters: signal_filt = BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter(signal) sfiltT = signal_filt.T else: sfiltT = signal.T cc = np.corrcoef(sfiltT, rowvar=False) # Pearson correlation coefficients return cc else: n = signal.shape[0] return np.nan
def errorFunc(neuro_act, epsilon, alpha, tau, gamma, kappa): if Verbose: global evalCounter evalCounter += 1 print("Test:", evalCounter) BOLDModel.epsilon = epsilon BOLDModel.alpha = alpha BOLDModel.tau = tau BOLDModel.gamma = gamma BOLDModel.kappa = kappa bds = simulateFCD.computeSubjectBOLD(neuro_act, areasToSimulate=[area]) bdsT = bds.T sim_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(bdsT, 0) sim_filt /= np.std(sim_filt) return sim_filt
def fitPltErrorForBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area): N,T = BOLDSignal.shape simulateActivitySubject(C, N, we) # popt, pcov, finalError = optimBOLD.fitBOLDBrainAreaCatchingErrors(neuro_act, BOLDSignal, area) # perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) # print("Computed minimum:", popt, "value:", finalError, "Std Dev:", perr) interval=range(T) emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) empSignal, = plt.plot(interval, emp_filt, 'r--', label='empirical') sim_filtOptim = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {'epsilon': 0.5}) # popt[0]) simSignalOptim, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filtOptim, 'b-', label='simulated(epsilon={})'.format(0.5)) #popt[0])) plt.suptitle('Optimal Sim and Empirical BOLD for area {}'.format(area)) plt.legend(handles=[empSignal, simSignalOptim])
def pltSimAndEmpiricalBrainAreaForVariousVariableValues(BOLDSignal, area, varKey, subplot=False): N,T = BOLDSignal.shape interval=range(T) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) if subplot: plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.title("Empirical BOLD for area {}".format(area)) emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) empSignal, = plt.plot(interval, emp_filt, 'r--', label='empirical') if subplot: plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.title("Simulated BOLD for area {}".format(area)) sim_filt00 = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {varKey: 0.05}) # Some vars cannot be just 0.0... simSignal00, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filt00, 'b-', label='simulated('+varKey+'=0.05)') sim_filt05 = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {varKey: 0.5}) simSignal05, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filt05, 'g-', label='simulated('+varKey+'=0.5)') sim_filt10 = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {varKey: 1.0}) simSignal10, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filt10, 'c-', label='simulated('+varKey+'=1.0)') sim_filt15 = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {varKey: 1.5}) simSignal15, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filt15, 'm-', label='simulated('+varKey+'=1.5)') plt.suptitle('Sim and Empirical BOLD for single area, '+varKey) if not subplot: plt.legend(handles=[empSignal, simSignal00, simSignal05, simSignal10, simSignal15]) else: plt.legend(handles=[simSignal00, simSignal05, simSignal10, simSignal15]) plt.tight_layout() # plt.legend(handles=[simSignal00, simSignal05, simSignal10, simSignal15]) # plt.legend(handles=[empSignal, simSignal05]) # just some computations to know a little bit better this stuff print("l^2 Error (0.05):", errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filt00)) print("l^2 Error (0.5):", errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filt05)) print("l^2 Error (1.0):", errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filt10)) print("l^2 Error (1.5):", errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filt15)) from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr print("Pearson.r (0.05):", pearsonr(emp_filt, sim_filt00)) print("Pearson.r (0.5):", pearsonr(emp_filt, sim_filt05)) print("Pearson.r (1.0):", pearsonr(emp_filt, sim_filt10)) print("Pearson.r (1.5):", pearsonr(emp_filt, sim_filt15))
def checkAveragedValuesOverSubjects(tc_aal, area, condition): print("function checkAveragedValuesOverSubjects ({} Subjects)".format(Subjects)) print("======================================================") allErrors = np.zeros([Subjects]) avgResult, avgError = averageSingleBrainAreaForAllSubjects(tc_aal, area, condition) print("Average error (area by area):", avgError) for subject in range(Subjects): print("Checking area {} from subject {} !!!".format(area,subject)) BOLDData = tc_aal[subject, condition] emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDData, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) sim_filtOptim = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, optimBOLD.pairVarsAndValues(avgResult)) error = errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filtOptim) print("Error computed:", error) allErrors[subject] = error finalAvgError = np.mean(allErrors) print("Final avg error (all areas same parms):", finalAvgError)
def pltErrorForBrainAreaFitOptimVariable(BOLDSignal, area, key, minValue = -0.5, maxValue=2.6, stepValue=0.1): from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) N,T = BOLDSignal.shape global neuro_act simulateActivitySubject(C, N, we) values = np.arange(minValue,maxValue,stepValue) results = [] #np.zeros([len(epsilons), len(areas)]) resultsPearson = [] minVar=-1 minValue=1e99 for value in values: print("Var value:", value, end=' ') sim_filt = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {key: value}) # simSignal, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filt, label='simulated(epsilon={}})'.format(epsilon)) error = errorMetrics.l2(emp_filt, sim_filt) errorPearson = (1-pearsonr(emp_filt, sim_filt)[0])*20 if error < minValue: minVar = value minValue = error results.append([error]) resultsPearson.append([errorPearson]) print("Error:", error, "Pearson.r:", errorPearson) print("'Manual' minimum:", minValue, "at:", minVar,) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.suptitle('BOLD Error for '+ key +', area ({})'.format(area)) plt.plot(values, results, 'r-') plt.plot(values, resultsPearson, 'b-') #popt, pcov, finalError = optimBOLD.fitBOLDBrainAreaCatchingErrors(neuro_act, BOLDSignal, area) #perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) #print("Computed minimum:", popt, "value:", finalError,"Std Dev:", perr) lineAt = minVar # popt[0] or minVar plt.axvline(x=lineAt, color='g', linestyle='--') interval=range(T) empSignal, = plt.plot(interval, emp_filt, 'r--', label='empirical') sim_filtOptim = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, {key: lineAt}) simSignalOptim, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filtOptim, 'b-', label='simulated(epsilon={})'.format(lineAt)) plt.suptitle('Optimal Sim and Empirical ('+key+') BOLD for area {}'.format(area)) plt.legend(handles=[empSignal, simSignalOptim])
def fitAndPltBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area): # init... N,T = BOLDSignal.shape simulateActivitySubject(C, N, we) # fit !!! t = time.time() popt, perr, finalError = fitBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) print(np.round_(time.time() - t, 3), 'sec elapsed') # print("Area {} processed:".format(area)) # print("Computed minimum:", pairVarsAndValues(popt), "\n Std Dev:", pairVarsAndValues(perr, "\n value:", finalError)) # and plot. interval=range(T) emp_filt = BOLDFilters.filterBrainArea(BOLDSignal, area) emp_filt /= np.std(emp_filt) empSignal, = plt.plot(interval, emp_filt, 'r--', label='Empirical') sim_filtOptim = simBrainAreaForOptimVars(N, area, optimBOLD.pairVarsAndValues(popt)) simSignalOptim, = plt.plot(interval, sim_filtOptim, 'b-', label='Simulated') plt.suptitle('Optimal Sim and Empirical BOLD for area {}'.format(area)) plt.legend(handles=[empSignal, simSignalOptim])
def from_fMRI( ts, applyFilters=True ): # Compute the Phase-Interaction Matrix of an input BOLD signal (N, Tmax) = ts.shape npattmax = Tmax - (2 * discardOffset - 1 ) # calculates the size of phfcd matrix if not np.isnan(ts).any(): # No problems, go ahead!!! # Data structures we are going to need... phases = np.zeros((N, Tmax)) dFC = np.zeros((N, N)) # PhIntMatr = np.zeros((npattmax, int(N * (N - 1) / 2))) # The int() is not needed, but... (see above) PhIntMatr = np.zeros((npattmax, N, N)) # syncdata = np.zeros(npattmax) # Filters seem to be always applied... ts_filt = BOLDFilters.BandPassFilter(ts) # zero phase filter the data for n in range(N): Xanalytic = signal.hilbert(demean.demean(ts_filt[n, :])) phases[n, :] = np.angle(Xanalytic) # Isubdiag = tril_indices_column(N, k=-1) # Indices of triangular lower part of matrix T = np.arange(discardOffset, Tmax - discardOffset + 1) for t in T: # kudata = np.sum(np.cos(phases[:, t - 1]) + 1j * np.sin(phases[:, t - 1])) / N # syncdata[t - 10] = abs(kudata) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): # print(f'processing {t}: ({i}, {j})') dFC[i, j] = np.cos(adif(phases[i, t - 1], phases[j, t - 1])) PhIntMatr[t - discardOffset] = dFC else: warnings.warn( '############ Warning!!! PhaseInteractionMatrix.from_fMRI: NAN found ############' ) PhIntMatr = np.array([np.nan]) return PhIntMatr