Exemple #1
def pairwiseRasterToSave(array_input, lower_left_corner, dsc, spatial_ref, pairwise_output_folder, inputrastername1, inputrastername2, calculationtype, score, matrixinput, dictpairwiserastername, sum_of_all_cells, listpairwiserastername, tableOption3IsChecked, somePolygonsIsTrue, numbOfSome, tooloption):
    if (numbOfSome != 0): 
        pairwise_marine_use_array = np.copy(array_input)
        pairwise_marine_use_array = pairwise_marine_use_array.astype(int)
        pairwise_marine_use_array[pairwise_marine_use_array!=0.] = 1.
        pairwiseRaster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(pairwise_marine_use_array, lower_left_corner, dsc.meanCellWidth, dsc.meanCellHeight, 0)
        raster_outputname = gf.returnRasterFilename1(inputrastername1, inputrastername2, calculationtype)
        arcpy.DefineProjection_management(pairwise_output_folder+"\\"+raster_outputname, spatial_ref)
        # if it is chosen to only add polygons to map with highest and lowest scores:
        if ((tableOption3IsChecked == "true") and (somePolygonsIsTrue == "true") and (numbOfSome != "all")):
            if sum_of_all_cells in dictpairwiserastername: 
                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):

                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                    dictpairwiserastername[sum_of_all_cells] = [raster_outputname, score, matrixinput]
                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                    dictpairwiserastername[sum_of_all_cells] = [raster_outputname, matrixinput]
        # if it is chosen to add all polygons to map:
            if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
    return (dictpairwiserastername, listpairwiserastername)    
Exemple #2
def forTable1getTotalMatrixSumCountPerMarineUse(dicttable1, scoretypeToFocusOn, finalfoldername, table1name, tooloption):
    dftable1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dicttable1, orient='index')        
    if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
        columnA = "Sum of inputted synergy scores"
        columnB = "Count of inputted synergy scores"
        columnC = "Sum of inputted conflict scores"
        columnD = "Count of inputted conflict scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA, columnB, columnC, columnD] 
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):        
        columnA = "Count of all combinations including empty outputs"
        columnB = "Count of inputted synergy scores"
        columnC = "Count of inputted conflict scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA, columnB, columnC]        
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
        columnA = "Sum of inputted synergy scores"
        columnB = "Count of inputted synergy scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA, columnB] 
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        columnA = "Count of inputted synergy scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA] 
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
        columnA = "Sum of inputted conflict scores"
        columnB = "Count of inputted conflict scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA, columnB] 
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        columnA = "Count of inputted conflict scores"
        dftable1.columns = [columnA] 
    if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") or (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") or ((scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producecountmap")):
        dftable1 = dftable1.sort_values(by=[columnA], ascending=False)
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
        dftable1 = dftable1.sort_values(by=[columnA], ascending=True)
Exemple #3
def pairwiseRasterToPolygon(rastername, specific_score, matrixinput, pairwise_output_folder, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, tooloption):
    marineuseoutput_shp_excl_folder = rastername[:-4]+".shp"
    marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder = pairwise_output_folder+"\\"+marineuseoutput_shp_excl_folder
    arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(arcpy.sa.Raster(pairwise_output_folder+"\\"+rastername), marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "NO_SIMPLIFY","VALUE","MULTIPLE_OUTER_PART")             
    gf.addField(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "TEXT", fieldname = "finalvalue", precision = "", decimals = "", field_length = 20)
    if (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        gf.calculateField1(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "finalvalue", str(specific_score), expression_type="PYTHON")
    elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        gf.calculateField1(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "finalvalue", str(1), expression_type="PYTHON")
    if (type(matrixinput) == float) and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
    elif (type(matrixinput) == float) and (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
        matrixinput = str(matrixinput)
    if (len(matrixinput)%254 == 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        numberroundsneeded = ((len(matrixinput)/254)+1)
    elif (len(matrixinput)%254 == 0) and (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
        numberroundsneeded = int((len(matrixinput)/254)+1) 
    if (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        numberroundsneeded = ((len(matrixinput)/254)+2)
    elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
        numberroundsneeded = int((len(matrixinput)/254)+2) 
    if len(matrixinput) > 0: #if matrixinput is not an empty string
        for fieldcount in range(1,numberroundsneeded):
            gf.addField(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "TEXT", "full_desc"+str(fieldcount), precision = "", decimals = "", field_length = 254)
            gf.calculateField1(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "full_desc"+str(fieldcount), "'"+matrixinput[matrixstart:matrixend]+"'", expression_type="PYTHON")
            if matrixend > len(matrixinput):
                matrixend = len(matrixinput)
    arcpy.DeleteField_management(marineuseoutput_shp_incl_folder, "Id")
    return (listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname)
def calculateMonteCarloIterationRaster(
        dictactivities, matrixexcelfile, inputfolder, iteration_folder,
        lower_left_corner, dsc, spatial_ref, iteration_outputname,
        oceanrastername_with_path, iterations, starttime, starttimetobeupdated,
        countScoreRasterIsTrue, changeScoreInputs, changeRankingMethod):
    # preset parameters:
    outputrasterlist = []
    outputrasternamelist = []
    outputextrarasterlist = []
    outputextrarasternamelist = []
    dfdesc = pd.read_excel(matrixexcelfile)
    listOfLongActivityNames = dictactivities.keys()
    firstmontecarloraster = True
    # iterate through the Monte Carlo rounds:
    for iteration in range(iterations):
        starttimetobeupdated = gf.resetTime(starttimetobeupdated)
        # create random factors for test 2 (change scoring scale):
        if changeRankingMethod == "true":
            # factor for 2.75:
            factor_2_75 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 2.50:
            factor_2_50 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 2.00:
            factor_2_00 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 1.75:
            factor_1_75 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 1.50:
            factor_1_50 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 1.25:
            factor_1_25 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
            # factor for 1.00:
            factor_1_00 = gf.getRandomValueBetween0And1()
        firstpairwiserasterinround = True
        iterator1 = 0
        iterator2 = 1
        # get pairwise scores and turn them iteratively into total scores for the specific Monte Carlo round:
        for column in listOfLongActivityNames:
            inputrastername1 = dictactivities.get(
                column)  # get marine use raster 1
            while iterator2 in range((iterator1 + 1),
                alldesc_nparray = dfdesc.loc[
                    dfdesc['Idcolumn'] == listOfLongActivityNames[iterator2],
                # get scores:
                if len(alldesc_nparray) > 0:
                    alldesc = alldesc_nparray.item(0)
                    if len(str(alldesc)) >= 4:
                        if alldesc[:1] == "-":
                            spec_score = float(alldesc[:5].replace(",", "."))
                            spec_score = float(alldesc[:4].replace(",", "."))
                        inputrastername2 = dictactivities.get(
                        )  #get marine use raster 2
                        # create baseline total score raster where the score inputs stay unchanged and create an array that tracks the presence of conflicts/synergies:
                        if (firstmontecarloraster
                                == True) and (firstpairwiserasterinround
                                              == True):
                            score_baseline = scoresToRasters3(
                                inputfolder, inputrastername1,
                                inputrastername2, spec_score)
                            cells_with_score_array = np.copy(score_baseline)
                                cells_with_score_array >
                                0.] = 1  #1 is to count the presence of a conflict or synergy
                                cells_with_score_array <
                                0.] = 1  #1 is to count the presence of a conflict or synergy
                            cells_with_score_array = cells_with_score_array.astype(
                        elif (firstmontecarloraster == True):
                            score_baseline += scoresToRasters3(
                                inputfolder, inputrastername1,
                                inputrastername2, spec_score)
                            cells_with_score_array = gf.updateScoreCellCount(
                                score_baseline, cells_with_score_array,
                        # test 1: test score category input variability:
                        if changeScoreInputs == "true":
                            if spec_score == -3.00:
                                spec_score = (spec_score +
                                              np.random.choice([0.00, 1.00]))
                            elif spec_score == -2.00:
                                spec_score = (
                                    spec_score +
                                    np.random.choice([-1.00, 0.00, 1.00]))
                            elif spec_score == -1.00:
                                spec_score = (
                                    spec_score +
                                    np.random.choice([-1.00, 0.00, 2.00]))
                            elif spec_score == 1.00:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice(
                                    [-2.00, 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00]))
                            elif spec_score == 1.25:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice(
                                    [-2.25, -0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75]))
                            elif spec_score == 1.50:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice([
                                    -0.50, -0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.25,
                            elif spec_score == 1.75:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice([
                                    -0.75, -0.50, -0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.75,
                                    1.00, 1.25
                            elif spec_score == 2.00:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice([
                                    -1.00, -0.75, -0.50, -0.25, 0.00, 0.50,
                                    0.75, 1.00
                            elif spec_score == 2.50:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice([
                                    -1.50, -1.25, -1.00, -0.75, -0.50, 0.00,
                                    0.25, 0.50
                            elif spec_score == 2.75:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice(
                                    [-0.75, -0.25, 0.00, 0.25]))
                            elif spec_score == 3.00:
                                spec_score = (spec_score + np.random.choice(
                                    [-1.00, -0.50, -0.25, 0.00]))
                        # test 2: test relative difference of scores (scoring scale):
                        if changeRankingMethod == "true":
                            if (spec_score == 2.75):
                                spec_score = 3.0 * factor_2_75
                            elif (spec_score == 2.50):
                                spec_score = (3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50
                            elif (spec_score == 2.00):
                                spec_score = ((3.0 * factor_2_75) *
                                              factor_2_50) * factor_2_00
                            elif (spec_score == 1.75):
                                spec_score = ((
                                    (3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50) *
                                              factor_2_00) * factor_1_75
                            elif (spec_score == 1.50):
                                spec_score = (
                                    (((3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50) *
                                     factor_2_00) * factor_1_75) * factor_1_50
                            elif (spec_score == 1.25):
                                spec_score = ((((
                                    (3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50) *
                                                factor_2_00) * factor_1_75) *
                                              factor_1_50) * factor_1_25
                            elif (spec_score == 1.00):
                                spec_score = (((
                                    (((3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50) *
                                     factor_2_00) * factor_1_75) * factor_1_50)
                                              * factor_1_25) * factor_1_00
                            elif (spec_score == -2.00):
                                spec_score = ((-3.0 * factor_2_75) *
                                              factor_2_50) * factor_2_00
                            elif (spec_score == -1.00):
                                spec_score = (((
                                    (((-3.0 * factor_2_75) * factor_2_50) *
                                     factor_2_00) * factor_1_75) * factor_1_50)
                                              * factor_1_25) * factor_1_00
                        # create/update total score raster (score_outras_array) where the score inputs have changed based on the selected test/tests:
                        if firstpairwiserasterinround == True:
                            score_outras_array = scoresToRasters3(
                                inputfolder, inputrastername1,
                                inputrastername2, spec_score)
                            firstpairwiserasterinround = False
                            score_outras_array += scoresToRasters3(
                                inputfolder, inputrastername1,
                                inputrastername2, spec_score)
                iterator2 += 1  #iterate through all rasters that are after raster1 (to iteratively be raster2)
            iterator1 += 1  #new raster1
            iterator2 = iterator1 + 1  #start again by iterating through rasters to be raster2 (now the number of following rasters has decreased by 1)
        # a Monte Carlo array is created if not existing already:
        if firstmontecarloraster == True:
            montecarlo_array = np.zeros_like(score_outras_array)
            montecarlo_array = montecarlo_array.astype(float)
            firstmontecarloraster = False
        # the total score raster where the inputs have changed is updated to track the presence of conflicts (value=-1) and the presence of synergies (value=1) in the specific Monte Carlo round:
        score_outras_array[score_outras_array > 0.] = 1
        score_outras_array[score_outras_array < 0.] = -1
        # The Monte Carlo array is counting the number of times in each Monte Carlo round that a raster returns with respectively synergies (value=1), conflicts (value=-1), or not any of the two (value=0):
        montecarlo_array = montecarlo_array + score_outras_array
         starttimetobeupdated) = gf.printTime(starttime, starttimetobeupdated)
        arcpy.AddMessage("iteration {} out of {} iterations, {}\n".format(
            iteration + 1, iterations, printline))
    # Some statistics numpy arrays are produced to adjust the final Monte Carlo raster:
    ocean_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(
        oceanrastername_with_path)  # read ocean raster
    ocean_array = ocean_array.astype(float)  # convert ocean raster to float
    if_land_in_ocean_array = ocean_array == 0  # get all zero values corresponding to land in the ocean raster
    if_no_score_exist_array = cells_with_score_array == 0  # get all raster cells that have no pairwise scores
    if_positive_baseline = score_baseline > 0.
    if_negative_baseline = score_baseline < 0.
    if_neutral_baseline = score_baseline == 0.
    if_mostly_positive_iterations = montecarlo_array > 0.
    if_average_neutral_iterations = montecarlo_array == 0.
    if_mostly_negative_iterations = montecarlo_array < 0.
    # Output raster 1: Make Monte Carlo main output raster counting the number of times each raster cell returns positive minus negative:
        montecarlo_array, if_land_in_ocean_array & if_no_score_exist_array,
    )  # replace all zero values that are both land and zero in the total binary output of all iterations with NoData
    scoreRasterOption1A = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(montecarlo_array,
    (outputrasterlist, outputrasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
        iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_montecarlo_all",
        scoreRasterOption1A, spatial_ref, outputrasterlist,
    # Output raster 2 (optional): Make basis score raster where inputs are unchanged
    if (countScoreRasterIsTrue == "true"):
                 if_land_in_ocean_array & if_no_score_exist_array, np.nan)
        basisScoreRaster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(score_baseline,
        (outputextrarasterlist, outputextrarasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
            iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_basis_score",
            basisScoreRaster, spatial_ref, outputextrarasterlist,
    # Output raster 3: Make Monte Carlo main output raster with robust ("correct") positive/negative/neutral trends:
    option1B_array = np.copy(montecarlo_array)
             ((if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
              (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
              (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
              (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
              (if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_neutral_baseline) |
              (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_neutral_baseline)),
             np.nan)  # set wrong values to NoData
    scoreRasterOption1B = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(option1B_array,
    (outputrasterlist, outputrasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
        iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_montecarlo_correct",
        scoreRasterOption1B, spatial_ref, outputrasterlist,
    # Output raster 4 (optional): Make basis score raster with robust ("correct") positive/negative/neutral trends:
    if (countScoreRasterIsTrue == "true"):
        option1Bscore_array = np.copy(score_baseline)
                 ((if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
                  (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
                  (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
                  (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
                  (if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_neutral_baseline) |
                  (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_neutral_baseline)),
                 np.nan)  # set wrong values to NoData
        scoreRasterOption1Bscore = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(
            option1Bscore_array, lower_left_corner, dsc.meanCellWidth,
        (outputextrarasterlist, outputextrarasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
            iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_score_correct",
            scoreRasterOption1Bscore, spatial_ref, outputextrarasterlist,
    # Output raster 5: Make Monte Carlo main output raster with sensitive ("wrong") positive/negative/neutral trends:
    option1C_array = np.copy(montecarlo_array)
             ((if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
              (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
              (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_neutral_baseline)),
             np.nan)  # set correct values to NoData
    scoreRasterOption1C = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(option1C_array,
    (outputrasterlist, outputrasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
        iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_montecarlo_wrong",
        scoreRasterOption1C, spatial_ref, outputrasterlist,
    # Output raster 6(optional): Make basis score raster with sensitive ("wrong") positive/negative/neutral trends:
    if (countScoreRasterIsTrue == "true"):
        option1Cscore_array = np.copy(score_baseline)
                 ((if_mostly_positive_iterations & if_positive_baseline) |
                  (if_mostly_negative_iterations & if_negative_baseline) |
                  (if_average_neutral_iterations & if_neutral_baseline)),
                 np.nan)  # set correct values to NoData
        scoreRasterOption1Cscore = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(
            option1Cscore_array, lower_left_corner, dsc.meanCellWidth,
        (outputextrarasterlist, outputextrarasternamelist) = gf.createRaster(
            iteration_folder, iteration_outputname, "_score_wrong",
            scoreRasterOption1Cscore, spatial_ref, outputextrarasterlist,
    return (outputrasterlist, outputrasternamelist, outputextrarasterlist,
Exemple #5
def forTable3getTotalMapSumPerPairwiseCombination(finalfoldername, dftable3, table3name):
    dftable3.to_excel(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),finalfoldername,table3name), index=False)  
Exemple #6
def forTable2getTotalMapSumCountAndAveragePerMarineUse(listOfLongMarineUseNames, dicttable2, finalfoldername, scoretypeToFocusOn, table2name, countChoice, tooloption):
    for longname in listOfLongMarineUseNames:
        if (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
            # calculate average score per pairwise overlap in map  
            if dicttable2[longname][1] != 0.:
                dicttable2[longname][2] = float(dicttable2[longname][0])/float(dicttable2[longname][1])
                dicttable2[longname][2] = 0
            # get sum of boolean array to get contributing cells  
            dicttable2[longname][3] = np.sum(dicttable2[longname][3])
            # calculate average score per contributing raster cell 
            if dicttable2[longname][3] == 0.:
                dicttable2[longname][4] = 0
                dicttable2[longname][4] = float(dicttable2[longname][0])/float(dicttable2[longname][3])
            # calculate percent score contribution area
            if dicttable2[longname][5] == 0.:
                dicttable2[longname][6] = 0
                dicttable2[longname][6] = float(dicttable2[longname][3])/float(dicttable2[longname][5])*100
        elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):    
            # get count of contributing marine use raster cells:
            dicttable2[longname][5] = np.sum(dicttable2[longname][5])
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dicttable2, orient='index')
    if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
        columnF = "Count of individual marine use raster cells for each marine use"
    elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):   
        columnA = "Count of individual marine use raster cells for each marine use"    
        columnB = "Count of ocean raster cells"  
        columnC = "Ocean coverage percentage of data"
        columnF = "Count of each marine use raster cells that contain at least one overlap (overlap as defined by the count setting)"            
        if (countChoice == "count all combinations with a specific marine use") or (countChoice == "count all"):       
            columnD = "Total count of spatial pairwise combinations in map for each marine use (including the combinations that do not have a synergy-conflict score)"
            columnE = "Average count of spatial pairwise combinations per raster cell in map for each marine use (including the combinations that do not have a synergy-conflict score)"
            columnG = "Average count of spatial pairwise combinations per raster cell with overlaps in map for each marine use (including the combinations that do not have a synergy-conflict score)"              
    if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        columnA = "Total score in map for each marine use"
        columnB = "Total count of spatial pairwise conflict-synergy combinations in map for each marine use"
        columnC = "Average score per pairwise conflict-synergy combination in map for each marine use"
        columnD = "Total count of raster cells that each marine use contribute conflict-synergy scores to in map"
        columnE = "Average score per raster cell that each marine use contribute conflict-synergy scores to in map"
        columnG = "Percent area with conflict-synergy scores out of the area for each marine use"      
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        columnD = "Total count of spatial pairwise combinations in map for each marine use (only the combinations that have a synergy-conflict score)"
        columnE = "Average count of spatial pairwise combinations per raster cell in map for each marine use (only the combinations that have a synergy-conflict score)"
        columnG = "Average count of spatial pairwise combinations per raster cell with conflict-synergy overlaps in map for each marine use (only the combinations that have a synergy-conflict score)"
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        columnA = "Total positive score in map for each marine use"
        columnB = "Total count of spatial positive pairwise conflict-synergy combinations in map for each marine use"
        columnC = "Average score per positive pairwise conflict-synergy combination in map for each marine use"
        columnD = "Total count of raster cells that each marine use contribute synergy scores to in map"
        columnE = "Average score per raster cell that each marine use contribute synergy scores to in map"
        columnG = "Percent area with synergy scores out of the area for each marine use"      
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        columnD = "Total count of spatial positive pairwise combinations in map for each marine use"
        columnE = "Average count of spatial positive pairwise combinations per raster cell in map for each marine use"
        columnG = "Average count of spatial positive pairwise combinations per raster cell with synergy overlaps in map for each marine use"
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        columnA = "Total negative score in map for each marine use"
        columnB = "Total count of spatial negative pairwise conflict-synergy combinations in map for each marine use"
        columnC = "Average score per negative pairwise conflict-synergy combination in map for each marine use"
        columnD = "Total count of raster cells that each marine use contribute conflict scores to in map"
        columnE = "Average score per raster cell that each marine use contribute conflict scores to in map"
        columnG = "Percent area with conflict scores out of the area for each marine use"      
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        columnD = "Total count of spatial negative pairwise combinations in map for each marine use"
        columnE = "Average count of spatial negative pairwise combinations per raster cell in map for each marine use"
        columnG = "Average count of spatial negative pairwise combinations per raster cell with conflict overlaps in map for each marine use"
    df.columns = [columnA, columnB, columnC, columnD, columnE, columnF, columnG]  
    if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") or (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive"):
        if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):    
            df = df.sort_values(by=[columnA], ascending=False)
        elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
            df = df.sort_values(by=[columnD], ascending=False)
    elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative"):
        if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):    
            df = df.sort_values(by=[columnA], ascending=True)
        elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
            df = df.sort_values(by=[columnD], ascending=True)
    if (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        # count coverage percentage:
        df[columnC] = df[columnA]/df[columnB]*100
        # count average count per marine use raster cell:
        df[columnE] = df[columnD]/df[columnA]
        # count average count per contributing marine use raster cell:
        df[columnG] = df[columnD]/df[columnF]   
Exemple #7
def calculatePairwiseAndTotalRasters(dictMarineUses, matrixexcelfile, scoretypeToFocusOn, inputfoldernamewithpath, pairwise_output_folder, finalfoldername, tableOption1IsChecked, table1name, tableOption2IsChecked, table2name, tableOption3IsChecked, table3name, somePolygonsIsTrue, numbOfSome, onlyOneMarineUseInFocusIsTrue, marineUseInFocus, includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue, lower_left_corner, dsc, spatial_ref, finaloutputname_only_covering_ocean, oceanrastername_with_path, calculationtype, countChoice, chosen_category, chosen_category_score, attribute_excelsheet, tooloption):
    # import ocean array: 
    ocean_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(oceanrastername_with_path)
    ocean_array = ocean_array.astype(float)
    # table 2 inputs:
    if (tooloption == "producecountmap") and (tableOption2IsChecked == "true"): 
        ocean_cell_number = np.count_nonzero(ocean_array)
    # preset parameters: 
    dfdesc = pd.read_excel(matrixexcelfile)    
    listOfLongMarineUseNames = dictMarineUses.keys()
    listpairwiserastername = []
    listpairwisepolygon = []
    listpairwisepolygonname = []
    dictpairwiserastername = {}
    dicttable1 = {}
    dicttable2 = {}
    dftable3 = "false" # false as default but might change
    if (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = "false" # false as default but might change
    for longname_marine_use in listOfLongMarineUseNames: 
        # table 1 inputs:
        if tableOption1IsChecked == "true":
            if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all"):
                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]*4 
                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]*3     
            elif scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive":
                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]*2 
                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]                 
            elif scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative":
                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]*2 
                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
                    dicttable1[longname_marine_use] = [0]              
        # table 2 inputs:
        if tableOption2IsChecked == "true":         
            if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                dicttable2[longname_marine_use][3]=np.zeros_like(ocean_array, dtype=bool)
            elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                dicttable2[longname_marine_use][1] = ocean_cell_number
                dicttable2[longname_marine_use][5]=np.zeros_like(ocean_array, dtype=bool)
    # table 3 inputs:
    if tableOption3IsChecked == "true":
        dftable3 = pd.DataFrame(columns=listOfLongMarineUseNames,index=listOfLongMarineUseNames)
        dftable3.index.name = 'Idcolumn'
        dftable3 = dftable3.reset_index()        
    # preset parameters:
    firstraster = True
    firstsynergyandconflictarray = True 
    firstbasicarray = True 
    iterator1 = 0
    iterator2 = 1
    # main code: create total scores or total counts:  
    for column in listOfLongMarineUseNames: 
        inputrastername1 = dictMarineUses.get(column) 
        while iterator2 in range((iterator1+1),len(listOfLongMarineUseNames)):       
            inputrastername2 = dictMarineUses.get(listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2]) #get raster for marine use 2
            # make pairwise rasters: set score=0 if score is never needed and get matrixinput:
            if (tooloption == "producecountmap") and (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and ((countChoice == "count all") or (countChoice == "count all combinations with a specific marine use")) and (tableOption1IsChecked == "false") and (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "false"):
                specific_score = 0 
                # set matrixinput = '' if no pairwise polygons should be created and added: 
                if ((somePolygonsIsTrue == "true") and (numbOfSome == 0)): 
                    matrixinput = ''
                    # get matrixinput if pairwise polygons should be created and added:
                        matrixinput_nparray = dfdesc.loc[dfdesc['Idcolumn'] == listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2], column].values
                        matrixinput = str(matrixinput_nparray.item(0))
                    # set matrixinput = '' if no description can be found in matrix: 
                        matrixinput = 'nan'
            # make pairwise rasters: get score if score is needed and get matrixinput:
                # get matrixinput:
                matrixinput_nparray = dfdesc.loc[dfdesc['Idcolumn'] == listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2], column].values
                if len(matrixinput_nparray) > 0:
                    matrixinput = matrixinput_nparray.item(0)
                    # get score if it exists:
                    if (len(str(matrixinput)) >= 4):                                                 
                        if str(matrixinput)[:1] == "-": 
                            specific_score = float(matrixinput[:5].replace(",",".")) #get the score
                            specific_score = float(matrixinput[:4].replace(",",".")) #get the score 
                    # if score do not exist, score is set to 0:
                        specific_score = 0
                    specific_score = 0
           # make pairwise rasters: get spatial and temporal attributes if that is needed for the count type:
            if (tooloption == "producecountmap"):                 
                if ((countChoice == "count vertically different overlaps") or (countChoice == "count vertically same overlaps") or (countChoice == "count pairwise overlaps where both marine uses are mobile")):
                    if attribute_excelsheet == "false": 
                            dfattributes = pd.read_excel(attribute_excelsheet)
                            arcpy.AddMessage("ERROR: Problems regarding reading excelfile with spatial and temporal attributes")
                    raster1long = dictMarineUses.keys()[dictMarineUses.values().index(inputrastername1)]
                    raster2long = dictMarineUses.keys()[dictMarineUses.values().index(inputrastername2)]
                    if ((countChoice == "count vertically different overlaps") or (countChoice == "count vertically same overlaps")):
                        act1_vertical = ((dfattributes[dfattributes["Idcolumn"] == raster1long]['Vertical information']).to_string(index=False)) #gather vertical attribute of pairwise marine use 1
                        act2_vertical = ((dfattributes[dfattributes["Idcolumn"] == raster2long]['Vertical information']).to_string(index=False)) #gather vertical attribute of pairwise marine use 2
                        if (act1_vertical == "BENTHIC" or act2_vertical == "BENTHIC") and (act1_vertical == "SURFACE" or act2_vertical == "SURFACE"):
                            notActualOverlapping = "true"
                        elif (act1_vertical == "BENTHIC" and act2_vertical == "BENTHIC") or (act1_vertical == "BENTHIC" and act2_vertical == "WHOLE WATER COLUMN") or (act1_vertical == "WHOLE WATER COLUMN" and act2_vertical == "BENTHIC") or (act1_vertical == "SURFACE" and act2_vertical == "SURFACE") or (act1_vertical == "SURFACE" and act2_vertical == "WHOLE WATER COLUMN") or (act1_vertical == "WHOLE WATER COLUMN" and act2_vertical == "SURFACE"): 
                            notActualOverlapping = "false"
                            notActualOverlapping = "" 
                        notActualOverlapping = "" 
                    if (countChoice == "count pairwise overlaps where both marine uses are mobile"):
                        act1_temporal = ((dfattributes[dfattributes["Idcolumn"] == raster1long]['Temporal information']).to_string(index=False)) # gather temporal attribute of pairwise marine use 1
                        act2_temporal = ((dfattributes[dfattributes["Idcolumn"] == raster2long]['Temporal information']).to_string(index=False)) # gather temporal attribute of pairwise marine use 2                    
                        if (act1_temporal == "MOBILE" and act2_temporal == "MOBILE"):
                            bothTemporal = "true"
                            bothTemporal = "" 
                        bothTemporal = "" 
                    notActualOverlapping = "" 
                    bothTemporal = "" 
            # make marine use pairwise rasters: 
            if ((tooloption == "producescoremap") and (len(str(matrixinput)) >= 4)) or (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                inputmarineuselongname1 = column
                inputmarineuselongname2 = listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2]
                # make pairwise score rasters for all, synergies (positive), or conflicts (negative) --->:
                if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") or ((scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (specific_score > 0)) or ((scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (specific_score < 0)):
                    # ---> for specified conditions: 
                    if ((onlyOneMarineUseInFocusIsTrue == "false") and (tooloption == "producescoremap")) or (
                        (onlyOneMarineUseInFocusIsTrue == "true") and (marineUseInFocus == "false") and (tooloption == "producescoremap")) or (
                        (onlyOneMarineUseInFocusIsTrue == "true") and ((column == marineUseInFocus) or (listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2] == marineUseInFocus)) and (tooloption == "producescoremap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count all") and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count all combinations with a specific marine use") and ((marineUseInFocus == listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2]) or (marineUseInFocus == column)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count combinations with a specific marine use where synergy-conflict inputs exist") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and ((marineUseInFocus == listOfLongMarineUseNames[iterator2]) or (marineUseInFocus == column)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count combinations where synergy-conflict inputs exist") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count combinations for a specific conflict-synergy category") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (specific_score == float(chosen_category_score)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count multiuse-options mentioned in the MUSES project") and ('MUSES' in str(matrixinput)) and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count vertically different overlaps") and (notActualOverlapping == "true") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count vertically same overlaps") and (notActualOverlapping == "false") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")) or (
                        (countChoice == "count pairwise overlaps where both marine uses are mobile") and (bothTemporal == "true") and ((specific_score > 0) or (specific_score < 0)) and (tooloption == "producecountmap")):                
                        (outras_array, array_pairwise_score, dicttable2, dftable3, dictpairwiserastername, listpairwiserastername) = scoresToRasters1(inputfoldernamewithpath, inputrastername1, inputrastername2, specific_score, lower_left_corner, dsc, matrixinput, pairwise_output_folder, dictpairwiserastername, calculationtype, tableOption2IsChecked, dicttable2, inputmarineuselongname1, inputmarineuselongname2, tableOption3IsChecked, dftable3, "true", listpairwiserastername, somePolygonsIsTrue, numbOfSome, spatial_ref, includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue, tooloption)
                        if firstraster == True:         
                            cummulated_score_outras_array = outras_array # set total score raster = first pairwise score raster to start accumulating scores
                            firstraster = False
                            # make synergy-and-conflict-at-once area polygon - part 1:
                            if (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "true") and (firstsynergyandconflictarray == True):
                                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):                               
                                    synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = np.copy(outras_array)
                                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                                    synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = np.copy(array_pairwise_score)
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array[synergies_and_or_conflicts_array>0.] = 2 #2 is code for synergies
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array[synergies_and_or_conflicts_array<0.] = 1 #1 is code for conflicts
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = synergies_and_or_conflicts_array.astype(int)
                                firstsynergyandconflictarray = False
                            # make basic raster with values=1 for conflict-synergy extent - part 1: 
                            elif (firstbasicarray == True):
                                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                                    cells_with_score_array = np.copy(outras_array)
                                    cells_with_score_array[cells_with_score_array>0.] = 1 #1 is to count cells with scores
                                    cells_with_score_array[cells_with_score_array<0.] = 1 #1 is to count cells with scores
                                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                                    cells_with_score_array = np.copy(outras_array)
                                cells_with_score_array = cells_with_score_array.astype(int)    
                                firstbasicarray = False
                            cummulated_score_outras_array += outras_array # update total score raster iteratively as the pairwise score rasters are created
                            # make synergy-and-conflict-at-once area polygon - part 2:
                            if (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "true"):
                                if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                                    synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = gf.updateSynergyAndConflictInCellKnowledge(outras_array, synergies_and_or_conflicts_array, specific_score)                                    
                                elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                                    synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = gf.updateSynergyAndConflictInCellKnowledge(array_pairwise_score, synergies_and_or_conflicts_array, specific_score)                                    
                            # make basic raster with values=1 for conflict-synergy extent - part 2: 
                                cells_with_score_array = gf.updateScoreCellCount(outras_array, cells_with_score_array, tooloption)
                    # table 1 inputs:
                    if (tableOption1IsChecked == "true"):
                        if ((scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (specific_score > 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap")) or (
                            (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive") and (specific_score > 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap"))  or (
                            (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative") and (specific_score < 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap")):
                            addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(0, column, dicttable1, specific_score, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                            addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(1, column, dicttable1, 1, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)                            
                        elif ((scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (specific_score < 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap")):
                            addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(2, column, dicttable1, specific_score, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                            addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(3, column, dicttable1, 1, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                        elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                            addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(0, column, dicttable1, 1, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                            if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (specific_score > 0):
                                addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(1, column, dicttable1, 1, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                            elif (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") and (specific_score < 0):
                                addScoreToDictPerMarineUseInMatrix(2, column, dicttable1, 1, listOfLongMarineUseNames, iterator2)
                if ((specific_score > 0) and (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative")) or ((specific_score < 0) and (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive")):
                    (outras_array, array_pairwise_score, dicttable2, dftable3, dictpairwiserastername, listpairwiserastername) = scoresToRasters1(inputfoldernamewithpath, inputrastername1, inputrastername2, specific_score, lower_left_corner, dsc, matrixinput, pairwise_output_folder, dictpairwiserastername, calculationtype, tableOption2IsChecked, dicttable2, inputmarineuselongname1, inputmarineuselongname2, tableOption3IsChecked, dftable3, "false", listpairwiserastername, somePolygonsIsTrue, numbOfSome, spatial_ref, includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue, tooloption)
                    # make synergy-and-conflict-at-once area polygon - part 3:
                    if (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "true"):
                        if (firstsynergyandconflictarray == True):
                            if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = np.copy(outras_array)
                            elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = np.copy(array_pairwise_score)
                            if ((specific_score > 0) and (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative")): 
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array[synergies_and_or_conflicts_array>0.] = 2 #2 is code for synergies
                            elif ((specific_score < 0) and (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive")):
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array[synergies_and_or_conflicts_array<0.] = 1 #1 is code for conflicts                           
                            synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = synergies_and_or_conflicts_array.astype(int)
                            firstsynergyandconflictarray = False
                            if (tooloption == "producescoremap"):
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = gf.updateSynergyAndConflictInCellKnowledge(outras_array, synergies_and_or_conflicts_array, specific_score)
                            elif (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
                                synergies_and_or_conflicts_array = gf.updateSynergyAndConflictInCellKnowledge(array_pairwise_score, synergies_and_or_conflicts_array, specific_score)
            iterator2 += 1 #iterate through all rasters that are after raster1 (to iteratively be raster2)
        iterator1 += 1 #new raster1
        iterator2 = iterator1+1 #start again by iterating through rasters to be raster2 (now the number of following rasters has decreased by 1)
    # make synergy-and-conflict-at-once area polygon - part 4:
    if (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "true"):
        cells_with_no_output = synergies_and_or_conflicts_array == 0
    # make basic raster with values=1 for conflict-synergy extent - part 4:
        cells_with_no_output = cells_with_score_array == 0
    # convert total score numpy array to total score raster with terrestrial/land area as NoData:
    ocean_array_land = ocean_array == 0    
    np.place(cummulated_score_outras_array, ocean_array_land & cells_with_no_output, np.nan)
    scoreRaster = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(cummulated_score_outras_array, lower_left_corner, dsc.meanCellWidth, dsc.meanCellHeight)
    output_tif_incl_folder = finalfoldername+"\\"+finaloutputname_only_covering_ocean
    arcpy.DefineProjection_management(output_tif_incl_folder, spatial_ref)
    # table 1 inputs:
    if tableOption1IsChecked == "true":
        forTable1getTotalMatrixSumCountPerMarineUse(dicttable1, scoretypeToFocusOn, finalfoldername, table1name, tooloption)
    # table 2 inputs:
    if tableOption2IsChecked == "true":
        forTable2getTotalMapSumCountAndAveragePerMarineUse(listOfLongMarineUseNames, dicttable2, finalfoldername, scoretypeToFocusOn, table2name, countChoice, tooloption)
    # table 3 inputs:
    if tableOption3IsChecked == "true":
        forTable3getTotalMapSumPerPairwiseCombination(finalfoldername, dftable3, table3name)
    # if is chosen to only add pairwise polygons to map with highest and lowest scores:
    if (tableOption3IsChecked == "true") and (somePolygonsIsTrue == "true") and (numbOfSome != "all") and (numbOfSome != 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        # add numbOfSome lowest negative pairwise score polygons - conflicst first:
        if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") or (scoretypeToFocusOn == "negative"):  
            dictpairwiserastername_new = OrderedDict(sorted(dictpairwiserastername.items()))
        # add numbOfSome highest positive pairwise score polygons - synergies first:
        if (scoretypeToFocusOn == "all") or (scoretypeToFocusOn == "positive"):
            dictpairwiserastername_new = OrderedDict(sorted(dictpairwiserastername.items(), reverse=True))
        (listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname) = gf.getNumbOfSomePolygonElementsFromOrderedDict(dictpairwiserastername_new, numbOfSome, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, pairwise_output_folder, 3, tooloption)        
    if (tableOption3IsChecked == "true") and (somePolygonsIsTrue == "true") and (numbOfSome != "all") and (tooloption == "producecountmap"):
        dictpairwiserastername_new = OrderedDict(sorted(dictpairwiserastername.items(), reverse=True))
        (listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname) = gf.getNumbOfSomePolygonElementsFromOrderedDict(dictpairwiserastername_new, numbOfSome, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, pairwise_output_folder, 2, tooloption)
    # add all pairwise score polygons to map (default setting unless numbOfSome is set) 
    elif (numbOfSome != 0) and (tooloption == "producescoremap"): 
        (listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname) = gf.getNumbOfAllPolygonElementsFromOrderedList(listpairwiserastername, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, pairwise_output_folder, 3, tooloption)
    elif (numbOfSome != 0) and (tooloption == "producecountmap"): 
        (listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname) = gf.getNumbOfAllPolygonElementsFromOrderedList(listpairwiserastername, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, pairwise_output_folder, 2, tooloption)
    # output total score raster, pairwise polygons to be added to the map and their names, and synergies-and-conflicts-at-once-array if requested:
    if (includeSynergyAndConflictAtOnceAreaIsTrue == "true"): 
        return (output_tif_incl_folder, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, synergies_and_or_conflicts_array)
        return (output_tif_incl_folder, listpairwisepolygon, listpairwisepolygonname, "redundant")